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特安瑞林(Treplorelin)的致突变与致畸作用的研究陆其明(上海医科大学公共卫生学院,200032)特安瑞林(Treplorelin,D-Trp-6-LHRH)是一种用于治疗子宫肌瘤的新药,其药理作用能促进性腺激素释放,使子宫内膜脱落和子宫肌瘤...  相似文献   
目的探讨长期摄入稀土Y3+对子代大鼠免疫功能的影响。方法40只Wistar大鼠,随机分为4组,分别喂饮钇浓度为0、0·534、53·4和5340mg/L的饮用水。6个月后,处死F1代大鼠,心脏取血,摘取胸腺、睥,称重;流式细胞仪测定T细胞亚群CD3、CD4、CD8百分率,计算CD4/CD8比值;ELISA试剂盒测定血清中IgG、IgM含量。结果饮水中稀土浓度为0·534mg/L时,IgM、IgG含量明显升高(P<0·05),其他指标无明显变化;浓度为53·4mg/L时,各指标无明显变化;浓度为5340mg/L时,大鼠的CD3、CD8、IgM、IgG含量显著降低(P<0·05),CD4/CD8比值显著提高(P<0·05),CD4无明显变化;各剂量组大鼠脏器指数亦无明显变化。结论长期喂饮钇对子代大鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫均有一定的影响。  相似文献   
目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称"新冠肺炎")在我国已经得到阶段性地控制,但在世界范围,患者仍不断增加,且仍有不少境外输入病例不断进入国内。因此,现阶段对新冠肺炎疫情防控仍处于关键时期。慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)是我国中老年人常见的呼吸系统疾病,患者常存在肺脾气虚的证候表现,加之免疫力、抵抗力较低,是新冠肺炎的易感人群。COPD与新冠肺炎同属呼吸系统疾病,二者在病因上具有一定的相似性,且具有相同的病变脏腑。二者在发病过程中,都会产生"湿、毒、热"的病理因素,影响肺、脾与大肠等脏腑的生理功能,致使其在病机上具有相关性,且贯穿疾病的始终。脾胃的盛衰是治疗新冠肺炎进退的关键。培土生金法有健脾益肺,化湿祛毒的含义,可以同时调节肺、脾、大肠三个脏腑,改善相关脏腑的功能,达到肺肠同治、肺脾同调的作用。因此培土生金法不仅是治疗COPD的常用方法,也可以作为本次新冠肺炎"湿、毒、热"病理因素的治疗方法。参苓白术散是培土生金法的代表方剂,有益气健脾化湿的功效,契合本次新冠肺炎"湿毒疫邪"的主要病机,对COPD患者具有扶正祛邪,增加免疫力的作用。同时也可以采用培土生金法选取相应穴位艾灸,加强对新冠肺炎的预防。因此,培土生金法可作为疫情期间COPD患者预防新冠肺炎的治疗方法。  相似文献   
Coal ash (CA) is not only one of the most solid wastes from combustion, easily resulting in a series of concerns, but it is also an artificial deposit with considerable metals, such as iron and rare earth. The variation in the coal ash characteristics due to the origins, combustion process, and even storage environment has been hindering the metal utilization from coal ash. In this study, three ash sample from lab muffle, circulating fluidized bed (CFB), and pulverized coal (PC) furnace was derived for the discrepancy study from the combustion furnace, including properties, iron, and rare earth recovery. The origins of the coal feed samples have more of an effect on their properties than combustion furnaces. Magnetic separation is suitable for coal ash from PC because of the magnetite product, and the iron content is 58% in the Mag-1 fraction, with a yield of 3%. The particles in CA from CFB appear irregular and fragmental, while those from PC appear spherical with a smooth surface. The results of sequential chemical extraction and observation both indicated that the aluminosilicate phase plays an essential role in rare earth occurrences. Rare earth in CA from muffling and CFB is facilely leached, with a recovery of approximately 50%, which is higher than that from PC ash. This paper aims to offer a reference to easily understand the difference in metal recovery from coal ash.  相似文献   
摘要:抗生素广泛应用于医疗和农业生产之中,由于传统的废水处理工艺不能够有效地去除废水中的抗生素,导致目前环 境中已经广泛检测到抗生素的存在。为了预防抗生素污染扩散带来的危害,人们投入了大量的资源研究抗生素的去除方法。本 文参考国内外文献总结了近几年稀土元素在光催化降解抗生素中的应用研究情况,深入揭示了稀土元素在光催化降解抗生素应 用中发挥的作用。主要内容包括:稀土元素掺杂、稀土元素参与构建异质结和稀土元素掺杂与异质结共用的光催化降解;稀土 元素应用在光催化降解抗生素中的3种方法的分析对比;对稀土元素应用于光催化降解抗生素的未来展望。  相似文献   
芦丁稀土配合物的合成及药效学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索芦丁与稀土元素配位前后药效学的变化。方法 采用小鼠扭体法和耳壳肿胀法对芦丁与稀土元素配位前后镇痛与抗炎作用进行比较。结果 与NS组比较,芦丁及其配合物可明显减少醋酸所致小鼠扭体次数( P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1);与芦丁组比较,其各配合物组的镇痛作用更强(P <0 0 1)。同样,与NS组比较,芦丁及其配合物对二甲苯引起的小鼠耳壳肿胀有明显的抗炎作用(P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1);而各配合物的抗炎作用又强于芦丁组(P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1)。结论 芦丁稀土配合物较芦丁的镇痛、抗炎作用明显增强。  相似文献   
A novel series of glass, consisting of B2O3, Bi2O3, TeO2, and TiO2 (BBTT) containing rare earth oxide RE2O3, where RE is La, Ce, Sm, Er, and Yb, was prepared. We investigated the structural, optical, and gamma attenuation properties of the resultant glass. The optical energy bands, the linear refractive indices, the molar refractions, the metallization criteria, and the optical basicity were all determined for the prepared glass. Furthermore, physical parameters such as the density, the molar volume, the oxygen molar volume, and the oxygen packing density of the prepared glass, were computed. Both the values of density and optical energy of the prepared glass increased in the order of La2O3, Ce2O3, Sm2O3, Er2O3, and then Yb2O3. In addition, the glass doped with Yb2O3 had the lowest refractive index, electronic polarizability, and optical basicity values compared with the other prepared glass. The structures of the prepared glass were investigated by the deconvolution of infrared spectroscopy, which determined that TeO4, TeO3, BO4, BO3, BiO6, and TiO4 units had formed. Furthermore, the structural changes in glass are related to the ratio of the intensity of TeO4/TeO3, depending on the type of rare earth. It is also clarified that the resultant glass samples are good attenuators against low-energy radiation, especially those that modified by Yb2O3, which exhibited superior shielding efficiency at energies of 622, 1170, and 1330 keV. The optical and gamma ray spectroscopy results of the prepared glass show that it is a good candidate for nonlinear optical fibers, laser solid material, and optical shielding protection.  相似文献   
In the present study, the extraction of rare earth elements (REEs) from waste neodymium magnets using phosphorus ionic liquid Cyphos IL 104 was investigated. The objective was to recover and separate the heavy REE (Dy) from light REEs (Nd and Pr). Therefore, the experimental parameters of ionic liquid extraction, including contacting time, the initial pH value, extractant concentration, and O/A ratio, have been optimized. The highest separation factor αDy/Nd of 45.18 and αDy/Pr of 47.93 has been achieved. Following the ionic liquid extraction, the comparison of different stripping agents and the stripping parameters (the concentration of stripping agent and A/O ratio) were also explored. In short terms, this research demonstrates the optimal parameters of Cyphos IL 104 for selectively extracting high REE (Dy) and reveals its potential for recovering and separating REEs in real waste.  相似文献   
以盆栽试验为主,结合大田生产试验来研究稀土微肥对甘蔗增产增糖的机理。研究结果表明,稀土能提高甘蔗叶片叶绿素含量,改善叶片的超微结构,增加叶肉细胞和维管束鞘细胞的叶绿体数,增加叶肉细胞叶绿体中的基粒数和基粒片层数,增大叶片光合膜面积,能促进根系生长,提高根系活力,促进根系对N、P、K等营养元素的吸收;能提高甘蔗体内K、Ca、Zn、Cu等元素的水平,而相对降低Mn、Na等元素的水平;能提高甘蔗伸长期叶片酸性转化酶活性,降低成熟期叶片酸性转化酶活性,提高伸长期及成熟期叶片中性转化酶活性,协调甘蔗的生长和蔗糖分的积累,能调节细胞的渗透压,维持细胞膜结构和功能的稳定性和完整性,增强细胞壁的伸缩性,提高甘蔗的抗旱性;能改善质膜的透性,提高其选择吸收能力,减轻高浓度Na~+的毒害,提高甘蔗的耐盐能力。  相似文献   
Tropical forests contribute a major sink for anthropogenic carbon emissions essential to slowing down the buildup of atmospheric CO2 and buffering climate change impacts. However, the response of tropical forests to more frequent weather extremes and long-recovery disturbances like fires remains uncertain. Analyses of field data and ecological theory raise concerns about the possibility of the Amazon crossing a tipping point leading to catastrophic tropical forest loss. In contrast, climate models consistently project an enhanced tropical sink. Here, we show a heterogeneous response of Amazonian carbon stocks in GFDL-ESM4.1, an Earth System Model (ESM) featuring dynamic disturbances and height-structured tree–grass competition. Enhanced productivity due to CO2 fertilization promotes increases in forest biomass that, under low emission scenarios, last until the end of the century. Under high emissions, positive trends reverse after 2060, when simulated fires prompt forest loss that results in a 40% decline in tropical forest biomass by 2100. Projected fires occur under dry conditions associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, a response observed under current climate conditions, but exacerbated by an overall decline in precipitation. Following the initial disturbance, grassland dominance promotes recurrent fires and tree competitive exclusion, which prevents forest recovery. EC-Earth3-Veg, an ESM with a dynamic vegetation model of similar complexity, projected comparable wildfire forest loss under high emissions but faster postfire recovery rates. Our results reveal the importance of complex nonlinear responses to assessing climate change impacts and the urgent need to research postfire recovery and its representation in ESMs.

Tropical forests are a major reservoir of biodiversity that contribute key ecosystem services to the regulation of Earth’s climate and carbon cycle. Recent studies raise concerns about the ability of tropical forests to sustain these services in the face of global change. For example, forest inventories provide direct evidence of a slowing sink in intact tropical forests (1, 2). This trend may be further aggravated in areas affected by land degradation, deforestation, and long-recovery disturbances associated with the increased frequency of weather extremes (3). The widespread and intense droughts observed in South America in recent years—2005, 2010, and 2015 to 2016—sparked severe, primarily intentional fires associated with land management (4) that burned millions of hectares of primary forests in the drier portions of the Amazon Basin and released vast amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere (5 7). It is unclear whether such extreme disturbances represent an actual threat to the resilience of tropical forests, but they add to growing concerns about the possibility of a tipping point for the Amazon system (8) beyond which the remaining forest would dry out, turning forest to savanna (9).The literature on Amazonian tipping points is in disagreement, with alternative bodies of evidence making opposite predictions. Empirical relationships between annual rainfall and vegetation type (forest vs. savanna vs. grassland) and simple models of tree–grass competition and fire suggest that tree vs. grass cover represents alternative stable states (10, 11). Savanna grasses favor the occurrence of fires by retaining highly flammable erect leaves and stems through the dry season (rather than their abscission) (12). Fire kills tree saplings that would eventually overtop the grasses and prevents competitive exclusion. Trees are much less flammable and decrease the likelihood of fires, granting saplings the time needed to replace trees that die and to fill gaps in the forest canopy. However, in an extremely dry year, forest patches can burn and rapidly convert to grassland, and a string of unusually wet years can allow saplings to overtop grasses and slowly convert savanna back to forest (13) (Fig. 1). These ecological mechanisms anticipate the possibility of a tipping point in the near future—a large loss of up to 20 to 40% of tropical forest (14) under rainfall regimes projected by climate models. Regional ecosystem–fire models further stress how drought-induced fires threaten the stability of Amazon forests (15), and how fragmentation and changes in land use might enhance the impact of fires under future drier conditions (16). However, these projections do not account for physiological factors such as CO2 fertilization that may benefit trees and prevent a tropical-forest tipping point.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Emergence of alternative states and hysteresis in the structure of tropical vegetation along a gradient of water availability. The schematic highlights key mechanisms implemented in the dynamic land model LM4.1 embedded in GFDL-ESM4.1. Low precipitation regimes favor the dominance of grasslands and savannas where seasonal fuel accumulation promotes recurrent fires that keep a state of arrested succession. High precipitation regimes converge toward a high tree cover state where the closed tree canopy inhibits grasses, reduces evaporative water loss, and increases transpiration to enhance moisture recycling at regional scales. Fire and humidity feedback mechanisms reinforce the resilience of each state and result in their coexistence at intermediate precipitation levels, where the dominant formation becomes contingent to past conditions. After a string of wet years, trees may be able to displace grasses, form a closed canopy, and reach a new alternative equilibrium. As conditions become drier, a closed forest canopy resiliently keeps humidity and prevents its own collapse until disturbances like fires prompt an abrupt transition to the low cover state.Modern Earth System Models (ESMs), which include CO2 fertilization and climate–vegetation feedbacks often missing from ecological models, come to the opposite conclusion. Although the first comprehensive ESM with dynamic vegetation projected large-scale dieback of the Amazon under rapid climate warming (17), recent ESMs consistently projected that tropical forests will thrive through the century (18, 19), maintaining both the “natural” tropical carbon sink and the viability of emission reduction initiatives based on reforestation [e.g., the Bonn Challenge (20)]. However, the computational burden of simulating coupled global climate and the carbon cycle often results in the adoption of a relatively simple representation of land vegetation (21). These ESMs do not include the ecological mechanisms responsible for the tipping point predicted by the ecological literature, but increasingly do project the drying that causes it, particularly in the Amazon (22 24).In this paper, we bring these two bodies of work together by analyzing an ESM that includes the mechanisms present in both the alarming ecological literature (e.g., height-structured plant competition, grass fire feedbacks, and tree shade–fire suppression) and the reassuring climatological literature (CO2 fertilization and large-scale climate–vegetation feedbacks; see also Fig. 1). Specifically, we analyze recent trends and future projections of tropical forest biomass and fire carbon emissions using GFDL-ESM4.1 (25), a fully coupled global climate and carbon cycle model contributing to Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) (26). The terrestrial biosphere component of GFDL-ESM4.1 (LM4.1) simulates vegetation dynamics by following the fate of individual demographic cohorts of multiple, competing vegetation types (27), including tropical trees and grasses. Realistic patch dynamics emerge through the simulation of multiple tiles within each ESM grid cell and subgrid scale disturbances like fires (28, 29). The outcome of height-structured competition among vegetation types and fires results in a mosaic of patches (tiles) with a varying degree of tree dominance, ranging from pure grasslands to forests through savanna landscapes. We focused on the response of tropical vegetation during global simulations for the 21st century under the low- and high-end emission forcing from the plausible Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (30) (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5, respectively) and briefly comment on results for intermediate emission scenarios. We first examined divergent responses in projected trends of tropical vegetation biomass across biogeographical realms. We analyzed the role of climate-induced fires as a driver of projected declines in the Amazon under high emissions. Finally, we used both the present-day observations and simulation results to assess the robustness of GFDL-ESM4.1 projections. We analyzed the subset of CMIP6 ESMs featuring dynamic vegetation and fires, conducting a more detailed comparison of ESM4.1 and EC-Earth3-Veg (31) projections, the two ESMs implementing complex vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   
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