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外感病是感受六淫、疫毒等外界因素引起的疾病,现代医学认为其主要致病因素为细菌或病毒。在以肉身体验为主要认知手段的古代,中医学家不可能发现细菌或病毒的存在,因而中医学家往往以天人相应的整体观来把握认知外感病。由于外感病的发病与传播受到外界气候环境和社会环境的影响,尤与人体的内环境密切相关。有鉴于此,本文从“环境隐喻”的立场出发,对外感病发病的因机证治进行分析。外界的气候环境和社会环境容易被人们感受,而对于古代无法观察人体的内环境,作者借助《论语·季氏将伐颛臾》中“祸起萧墙”的故事,对人体内环境为何与外感病的发病关系密切作以阐释,并通过人参败毒散、达原饮等方证的案例式说明,揭示清理人体内外环境而达治疗外感病的机理。  相似文献   
多模态隐喻是跨学科交叉研究的热点,在隐喻的构建与识别中发挥重要作用。声音作为非语言模态之一,其作用主要在于激活源域、识别从源域到目标域的映射关系。中医四诊之闻声法,即是通过声音获取信息用于诊治,古代学者运用象声词、比喻、设置发声场景等方式记录声音。从多模态隐喻的角度,对中医古籍中记载的声音进行举例分析,展示声音在隐喻构建中对中医临床思维的影响,为中医多模态隐喻研究提供一个新视角。  相似文献   
A large number of experimental findings from neuroscience and experimental psychology demonstrated interactions between spatial cognition and numerical cognition. In particular, many researchers posited a horizontal mental number line, where small numbers are thought of as being to the left of larger numbers. This review synthesizes work on the mental association between space and number, indicating the existence of multiple spatial mappings: recent research has found associations between number and vertical space, as well as associations between number and near/far space. We discuss number space in three dimensions with an eye on potential origins of the different number mappings, and how these number mappings fit in with our current knowledge of brain organization and brain-culture interactions. We derive novel predictions and show how this research fits into a general view of cognition as embodied, grounded and situated.  相似文献   
According to Bleuler (1911), language impairments were indicative of thought disorders, a fundamental feature of schizophrenia. The objectives of the present review are twofold: (1) to present the clinical interest of the use of the tests of proverbs and metaphors comprehension for the evaluation of the characteristics of thought disorders in schizophrenia, and to highlight the heterogeneity of the forms of their interpretations; (2) to present the results from neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies of metaphor comprehension in order to identify the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying metaphorical language comprehension of patients with schizophrenic disorders. Results from the reviewed clinical applications of proverbs tests showed that thought disorders in individuals with schizophrenia are illustrated by different forms of proverb interpretations: literal, concrete, idiosyncratic, over-inclusiveness and unconventional. Results from the reviewed brain imaging and neurophysiological studies showed that these different forms of figurative misinterpretations may be related to different neurocognitive mechanisms: concreteness appears to be related to the dysfunction of the left inferior frontal gyrus and inverted brain lateralization during metaphor processing in individuals with schizophrenia compared to healthy individuals. During novel metaphor comprehension, which is highly effortful, individuals with schizophrenia, relative to controls, demonstrate increased activation of the right precuneus, a region that mediates complex and highly integrated functions including retrieval of episodic memory and mental imagery. These results may suggest that individuals with schizophrenia use mental imagery to support comprehension of both literal and metaphoric language. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that over-inclusive thinking, which is exhibited by individuals with schizophrenia during figurative language comprehension, could be related to very early right hemispheric hyper-activation (when a left early activation is expected) and to reduced bilateral brain activity during semantic processing. Such as reversed brain activation may explain why the individuals with schizophrenia are relatively over reliant on early-stage coarse or large semantic processing and may be prone to form meanings that are idiosyncratic and highly unconventional.  相似文献   
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   
We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the time-course of processing metaphorical and literal sentences in the brain. ERPs were measured to sentence-final (Experiment 1) and mid-sentence (Experiment 2) critical words (CWs) as participants read and made plausibility judgments about familiar nominal metaphors (“A is a B”) as well as literal and semantically anomalous sentences of the same form. Unlike the anomalous words, which evoked a robust N400 effect (on the CW in experiments 1 and 2 as well as on the sentence-final word in experiment 2), CWs in the metaphorical, relative to the literal, sentences only evoked an early, localized N400 effect that was over by 400 ms after CW onset, suggesting that, by this time, their metaphorical meaning had been accessed. CWs in the metaphorical sentences also evoked a significantly larger LPC (Late Positive Component) than in the literal sentences. We suggest that this LPC reflected additional analysis that resolved a conflict between the implausibility of the literal sentence interpretation and the match between the metaphorical meaning of the CW, the context and stored information within semantic memory, resulting from early access to both literal and figurative meanings of the CWs.  相似文献   


This paper sets out to explore the unconscious meanings and functions of the “witch-child” aetiology appearing in the discourse of families from sub-Saharan Africa (in the present instance Bamileke), and its possible links with an “incestuel” (as opposed to incestuous) family dynamic. We have sought to show the possible points of transition between concepts that belong to different resisters, using a singular clinical situation which is nevertheless just one of the possible manifestations of the link between the witch-child and an “incestuel” family climate. From this particular issue, we also seek to show the permanent articulation between psyche and culture, and the way each casts light on the other. This dimension appeared to us to be particularly important for the reflection of the clinician, for a finer understanding of the clinical setting, and thus for the psychotherapeutic process enacted with these families.


In order to explore the potential of the “witch-child” representation to put certain “unspeakable” histories occurring in an “incestuel” climate into words and images, we looked for the presence of unconscious fantasies common to these two entities, clinical and anthropological. Alongside, using one main clinical situation, we sought to show how these two different registers can connect, or even overlay one another. The history of Leo and his mother seemed to us to be the best suited to demonstrate the subject's attempts at a metaphorisation process. The study of these two dimensions enabled us to form a few hypotheses on the recourse to this singular aetiology.


It can be seen that in certain situations reference to the witch-child can be seen as an attempt to put an “incestuel” experience fraught with numerous confusions into words. It can however be noted that the child thus pointed to as being a witch-child may not be the subject caught up in the “incestuel” atmosphere. Indeed, the two individuals concerned often belong to different generations. Reference to this cultural entity then serves as a means to put words on an unrepresented experience, and is in fact an attempt to find a psychic remedy. It should however be emphasised that this process of translation-figuration often fails, unless another person is there to receive the different languages in which it is expressed. Otherwise, the confusion that the subject is trying to escape merely increases. The careful study of these families thus shows that their relationship with the group from which they originate, the Bamileke, also reflects their pathological functioning, since a traditionally patrilinear structure is replaced by a family organisation centred on the rejection of otherness, placing the sole mother–daughter relationship at the centre of filiation, and thus taking on the mask of a matrilinear structure.


These various elements suggest the need to take account of the articulations between psyche and culture. It is clear that it is important to hear the subject on the multiplicity and the complexity of his/her different components, and that the understanding of psychopathological situations can be enhanced by the contributions of anthropology. Humans should be reduced neither to their unconscious functioning, nor to their particular culture. This also shows that in some instances the position of a subject in relation to the group can be an indicator of a pathological family functioning.


First of all, this work shows the impossibility of putting a name on an “incestuel” family functioning and the ensuing confusion. Resorting to the aetiology of the witch-child appears here as a metaphor of this type of functioning, on account of the equivalent unconscious fantasies that underpin the two dynamics. However, only the articulation of the two registers, culture and psyche, in the setting of work on meaning, will enable the subjects concerned to embark on an elaboration. It is here that, by way of metaphorisation, this work cane enable a process of translation, figuration and individuation to occur.  相似文献   
从隐喻认知的角度探究中医学生理之"火"和病理之"火"的概念内涵。古代中医学家在说明人体火的生理、病理以及治疗方法时,大量地借鉴了身边可感知的自然之火的性状特征,因而,对"人体之火"的感悟是以"自然之火"的体验为认知本源的。本文从现代科学的角度,对中医之"火"的概念和内涵进行阐述和分析。  相似文献   
目的:探讨禅宗"指月"之喻与《医古文》启发式教学的关系。方法:引述禅宗经典与启发式教学进行比较。结果与结论:禅宗"指月"之喻与《医古文》之启发式教学有异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   
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