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《Disease-a-month : DM》2018,64(7):321-332
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is a common cause of presentation to the emergency department and hospital admissions. The incidence of LGIB increases with age and the most common etiologies are diverticulosis, angiodysplasia, malignancy and anorectal diseases. Foremost modality for evaluation and treatment of LGIB is colonosopy. Other diagnostic tools such as nuclear scintigraphy, computed tomography, angiography and capsule endoscopy are also frequently used in the workup of LGIB. Choice of treatment modality depends on the hemodynamic status of the patient, rate of bleeding, expertise and available resources. We present a comprehensive review of the evaluation and management of LGIB.  相似文献   
Purpose Massive hematochezia from acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer can arise in patients with severe comorbid illness who are bedridden for long periods. If the bleeder is not found and treated immediately, the bleeding will cause deterioration of health and even threaten life. The results of the current study show how quickly and safely per anal suturing can treat acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer. Methods From January 2003 to December 2003, the records of 26 patients who underwent per anal suturing of acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer were retrospectively reviewed. The identification of acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer was confirmed by clinical and anoscopic examination. Results Most of these patients were elderly and bedridden (14 men; median age 69 years). Main comorbid illnesses existed in all patients and included liver cirrhosis (8 patients, 31 percent), sepsis (13 patients, 50 percent), cerebral vascular accident (15 patients, 58 percent), respiratory failure (13 patients, 50 percent), and malignancy (7 patients, 27 percent). Effective hemostasis was achieved in all patients by direct suture of bleeding ulcer. No complications developed relative to the per anal suturing procedure among any patients. Although 11 patients developed recurrent hematochezia, 9 patients responded to repeated therapy. The risk factors associated with recurrent bleeding were severity of disease and abnormal coagulation. Conclusions When massive hematochezia occurs in bedridden patients with severe comorbid illness, it is essential to investigate the lower rectum, which often is affected by acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer. Recognition of this clinical presentation will result in early identification and therapy. Per anal suturing of a bleeder at the bedside provides a quick, safe, and successful management of acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer.  相似文献   
目的探讨需住院的缺血性肠病患者病情严重性和病死率相关因素,并探讨复发的相关危险因素。方法回顾性分析2000年1月~2009年6月期间诊断为缺血性肠病的住院患者的临床资料,定性变量采用费希尔精准检验分析,参数变量采用斯氏t检验分析。具有统计学意义的变量纳入考克斯症状消退模型。结果研究期间,169例缺血性肠病住院患者,10例手术,8例死亡,13例重症。与病情严重程度独立相关的变量有:心血管疾病(OR:6.63,95%CI:1.59—27.61,P=0.009)、无便血(OR:4.43,95%CI:1.12~17.47,P=0.033)、腹胀(OR:6.39,95%CI:1.65~24.70,P=0.007)和肠梗阻(OR:8.76,95%CI:2.12~36.06,P=0.003)。仅弥漫性腹膜炎与病死率有关(OR:26.07,95%CI:5.67~119.93,P〈0.001)。出院后,7例(4.5%)患者复发,复发平均时间(5.31±3.67)个月,其中6例有狭窄。有缺血性肠病史(OR:13.21,95%CI:2.52~69.28,P=0.002)、服用阿司匹林(OR:6.41,95%CI:1.12~36.64,P=0.037)及降压药(OR:0.089,95%CI:0.01~0.754,P=0.027)与复发独立相关。结论合并便血、腹胀和肠梗阻的缺血性肠病患者预后较差,使用阿司匹林或降压药的患者出院后有较高的复发率,但二者之间是否存在因果关系有待进一步研究证实。  相似文献   
溃疡性结肠炎病因不明,西医治疗效果多不理想,采用中药内服,中药联合西药灌肠等多学科,内外结合治疗,疗效确切,副作用小,但临床机制有待于进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   
刘懿  王磊  张志军  钱立平  钟良 《上海医学》2007,30(10):751-753
目的探讨便血患者的常见病因及其与年龄的相关性。方法分析我院2001年1月至2005年10月诊治的1193例便血患者的肠镜或双气囊小肠镜检查结果。结果①便血患者的常见病因依次为结肠息肉(25.15%),直肠和结肠癌(13.75%),直肠和结肠炎症(10.65%),溃疡性结肠炎(5.11%),憩室病(2.51%),内痔(2.26%),血管发育不良(1.76%)。②结肠息肉(R=0.79,95%CI为0.02~0.06)、直肠和结肠癌(R=0.94,95%CI为0.03~0.05)、憩室(R=0.69,95%CI为0.00~0.02)、血管发育不良(R=0.65,95%CI为0.00~0.02)与年龄呈正相关(P值分别<0.05、0.01)。溃疡性结肠炎(R=0.90,95%CI为—0.03~0.01)与年龄呈负相关(P=0.00)。直肠和结肠炎症、内痔与年龄不相关(P值均>0.05)。结肠和直肠癌与息肉的发生率无显著关联(x~2=0.25,P=0.62)。结论结肠息肉、直肠和结肠癌、直肠和结肠炎症、溃疡性结肠炎、憩室病、内痔及血管发育不良均为便血的主要病因;随着年龄的增长,结肠息肉、直肠和结肠癌、憩室病及血管发育不良所致出血的发生率呈增长趋势,而溃疡性结肠炎所致出血的发生率随着年龄的增长呈下降趋势。结肠和直肠癌发生率与息肉发生率无显著关联。  相似文献   
目的 探讨结直肠子宫内膜异位症内镜征象、临床表现特征.方法 通过对12例周期性肠道出血病人,经手术及/结肠镜病理证实的结直肠粘膜子宫内膜异位症病例的诊断及治疗,进行分析.结果 本组病例中手术前肠镜活检做病理检查阳性率50%,其余病例肠镜下表现为肠腔狭窄,粘膜皱缩,表面小溃疡形成,结合手术后病理作出诊断.结论 手术前肠镜活检做病理检查阳性率为50%,对肠镜活检阴性病人,须依靠术后样本病理检查方可确诊.  相似文献   
目的 总结先天性肝外门腔静脉分流导致便血的病例,探讨对其的诊断和治疗方法.方法 回顾分析自1990年至2010年7例先天性肝外门腔静脉异常分流并下消化道出血患儿的临床资料.,并随访其治疗效果.结果 通过B超、CT扫描和结肠镜检可以明确诊断便血是由于先天性肝外门腔静脉异常分流引起,并且判断异常血管浸润的界限和范围,术中结扎侵入结肠直肠的异常血管,随访2~10年,便血基本停止,未再出现贫血.结论 由于先天性肝外门腔静脉分流引起便血比较罕见,B超、CT和结肠镜对诊断其病因和病变范围有很好帮助,结扎肛门、直肠、结肠局部异常血管的结扎术是最简单、可行和可靠的治疗方法.  相似文献   
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