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Patient contact shielding has been in use for many years in radiology departments in order to reduce the effects and risks of ionising radiation on certain organs. New technologies in projection imaging and CT scanning such as digital receptors and automatic exposure control (AEC) systems have reduced doses and improved image consistency. These changes and a greater understanding of both the benefits and the risks from the use of shielding have led to a review of shielding use in radiology. A number of professional bodies have already issued guidance in this regard. This paper represents the current consensus view of the main bodies involved in radiation safety and imaging in Europe: European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics, European Federation of Radiographer Societies, European Society of Radiology, European Society of Paediatric Radiology, EuroSafe Imaging, European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS), and European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology (EADMFR). It is based on the expert recommendations of the Gonad and Patient Shielding (GAPS) Group formed with the purpose of developing consensus in this area. The recommendations are intended to be clear and easy to use. They are intended as guidance, and they are developed using a multidisciplinary team approach. It is recognised that regulations, custom and practice vary widely on the use of patient shielding in Europe and it is hoped that these recommendations will inform a change management program that will benefit patients and staff.  相似文献   
经典名方地黄饮子现代临床应用广泛,治疗多科疾病,尤其是内科病中的神经系统疾病较多,临床疗效确切,但目前尚未转化成中成药制剂。故笔者采用文献计量学的方法,搜集记载地黄饮子的中医古籍文献,筛选、整理出有效数据254条,涉及中医古籍144部,系统梳理和分析研究了地黄饮子的历史发展源流、主治病证、制方原理、用药剂量、制剂方法、煎服方法等,以期为经典名方的研发和临床应用提供古代文献证据支持。研究发现,地黄饮子出自金代医家刘河间所著《宣明论方》,由熟地黄、巴戟天、山茱萸、肉苁蓉、石斛、附子、五味子、官桂、白茯苓、麦门冬、藏菖蒲、远志12味药物组成,主治喑痱。后世记载的地黄饮子多遵从《宣明论方》中的方剂组成和主治,且临床应用有所扩展,在有主治病证记载的199条文献中,喑痱最多,约占总病证的一半;其次为中风,约占五分之二;亦用于暴喑、痿证、眩晕、遗尿等病证。地黄饮子治疗病证范围较广,但病机总属"肾中水火俱亏"。其制方独特,上下并治,标本兼顾,尤以治下治本为主。在有药物用量记载的56条文献中,约有三分之一继承了《宣明论方》的记载:"等分,上为末,每服3钱。"药物用量总体偏轻。制剂多为汤剂、煮散,在煎服方法上主张"浊药轻投""数滚即服""不计时候"。  相似文献   
ObjectiveDiabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of death and disability of diabetes mellitus. However, there is still a lack of specific drugs for the treatment of DKD. The chief aim of this research is to investigate the role and mechanism of 2-Dodecyl-6-methoxycyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione (DMDD) for DKD.MethodsWild type and TLR4 knockout mice were induced to diabetes. After 4-week treatment with DMDD, blood sugar, renal function, blood lipid and pathological changes were assessed. Real-time PCR, western blotting, and immunohistochemistry were employed to detect the expressions of TLR4, TGFβ1 and Smad2/3 in the renal tissue.ResultsDMDD improved the serum lipid and decreased fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic mice. CysC and urinary albumin levels increased markedly in the diabetic group, and they were obviously decreased after 4 weeks of DMDD treatment. Compared with the WT diabetic mice, the urinary albumin and CysC in the TLR4-/- mice were expressed at lower levels. HE and Masson’s staining revealed that DMDD clearly ameliorated pathological changes and renal fibrosis. When TLR4 gene was knock out, the pathological was improved. Mechanistically, TLR4, TGF-β1 and Smad2/3 were obvious up-regulation in the renal tissues of diabetic mice. The expressions of these proteins were significantly down-regulated after DMDD treatment (p < 0.05). In the TLR4-/- mice, mRNA and protein levels of TGF-β1 and Smad2/3 were obviously lower than those in the WT mice. In addition, IHC revealed that a strong in situ expressions of TLR4, TGF-β1 and Smad2/3 were seen in the kidney tissues of diabetic mice, which were distinctly weakened in the DMDD-treated mice. In the TLR4-/- mice, however, expressions of TGF-β1 and Smad2/3 were not remarkable increase in the diabetic mice compared with normal mice.ConclusionsThese results strongly indicate that TLR4 is essential for DMDD protection against renal dysfunction in diabetic mice. Its hypoglycemic and anti-fibrosis effects were likely mediated by the TLR4/TGFβ signaling pathway.  相似文献   


The purpose of our research was to recommend the initial tacrolimus dosage for Chinese pediatric patients undergoing kidney transplantation based on population pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics.  相似文献   
通过对中医古籍中有关升降散论述的文献梳理,全面探讨其内涵。本方是在大黄、僵蚕为雏形的基础上增加蝉蜕、姜黄而成方,几经易名,终在杨璿《伤寒瘟疫条辨》中为后人所熟知。本方广泛用于治疗瘟疫,以丸剂、散剂为主,方便携带,便于服用;重用大黄旨在祛邪、逐秽;应用时视人之体质强弱和量其毒之轻重而判断用药多寡,并辅以米酒、生蜜等以顾护正气。杨璿将其由治疗“热疫”的专方扩展为治疗“表里三焦大热”的通用方剂,扩大了本方治疗疾病范围。  相似文献   
通过总结分析经典名方和现代医家运用土茯苓的临床配伍及用量,探讨得出其临床用量范围为9~240 g。依据疾病和证型的特点,选择土茯苓的不同配伍和用量,如配伍威灵仙等解毒除湿,治疗风湿免疫系统疾病,常用30~60 g;配伍败酱草利湿通淋,治疗泌尿系统疾病,常用15~60 g;配伍椿根白皮等解毒杀虫,治疗妇科疾病,常用10~60 g。若病情急重,或病程缠绵,可重用至120~240 g,但应用大剂量时需注意配伍防护,随病情变化及时加减,中病即止。  相似文献   
目的比较3%高渗盐水和20%甘露醇治疗重症动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血所致颅内压增高的疗效.方法25例动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者出现颅内压增高事件时, 随机交替接受等渗透剂量的160 mL 3%高渗盐水与150 mL 20%甘露醇进行降低颅内压治疗, 连续监测患者颅内压、平均动脉压、脑灌注压及中心静脉压.记录有效降低颅内压持续时间、颅内压最大降幅及其时间, 用药前及用药后1 h、3 h血钠水平及血浆渗透压.结果3%高渗盐水和20%甘露醇均可降低颅内压(均 P < 0.01), 两者的降低颅内压作用持续时间及颅内压降幅差异均无统计学意义(均 P >0.05).患者脑灌注压较用药前均上升(均 P < 0.01), 平均动脉压先上升后下降, 但差异无统计学意义( P >0.05).患者中心静脉压稍有波动, 但差异均无统计学意义(均 P >0.05).20%甘露醇治疗后患者血钠下降, 3%高渗盐水治疗后患者血钠值上升, 变化均有统计学意义(均 P < 0.05).20%甘露醇及3%高渗盐水治疗后患者血浆渗透压均先上升后下降, 变化均有统计学意义(均 P < 0.01). 结论3%高渗盐水可作为治疗动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血所致颅内压增高患者的一线治疗药物.  相似文献   
目的:分析不同朝代方剂中药剂量单位及其用量的历史演变规律,为中药临床用量提供参考。方法:对《中医方剂大辞典》中收载的九万余首方剂信息进行结构化和标准化处理,构建方剂数据库,并参考文献,对不同年代的用量单位按照现代单位进行了换算,采用断代史研究方法,分析方剂中药用量的演变规律。结果:筛选有中药组成的方剂8万4千余首,涉及用量单位375个,体积单位包括升、合等149种;数量单位86种;重量单位有两、钱等63种;长度单位包括寸、尺等7种,面积单位3种;历代使用频数最多的用量单位是“两”,达一半以上,其次是钱,以清代和民国时期使用频率最高。为了探究中药每日内服用量的规律,我们筛选了13,834首能代表每日服用剂量的内服方剂,有确切用量记载的药物频次81 830次,其中以长度为单位的中药平均长度为10.19 cm;以体积为单位的中药平均体积为753.24 mL;以重量为单位的中药频次是80 135次,平均重量为21.46 g。不同朝代内服方剂单味药一日平均用量唐朝最大,达到82.53 g,其后用量减少,至明以后用量与现代相差不大,多为10 g左右。结论:本研究首次基于大样本量的方剂数据,采用剂量换算和断代史研究方法,分析了不同历史时期中药用量的概貌和演变规律,发现了历代中药用量差异很大,是受诸多因素的影响。现代临床的中药用量,不应局限于古代文献记载,而应根据当前药物的特点,药材性效毒性的变化以及病人的病情、体质等灵活运用,方能达到药到病除,发挥中药的原创优势。  相似文献   
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