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目的:探究定坤丹结合激素治疗肾虚肝郁证月经过少患者的临床疗效及对子宫内膜厚度的影响。方法:选取2011年1月至2015年5月北京中医医院顺义医院妇科门诊收治的确诊为肾虚肝郁证月经过少女性患者300例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组150例。2组患者同时予雌孕激素周期治疗,观察组在此基础上予定坤丹治疗;连续治疗2个月经周期为1个疗程。共服2个疗程。结果:治疗后2组月经量、子宫内膜厚度、血清LH、E_2及P水平与治疗前相比显著增加,行经时间显著延长(P0.05);且观察组变化幅度均显著大于对照组(P0.05);治疗后观察组总有效率为90.43%,显著高于对照组的64.57%(P0.05)。结论:定坤丹结合激素与单纯应用激素相比治疗肾虚肝郁证月经过少患者可以获得更好的治疗效果,可以明显增加患者的月经量、行经时间、性激素水平、子宫内膜厚度。  相似文献   
目的 探讨主动脉夹层血肿的临床特点及诊治方法。方法 回顾性分析 3 6例主动脉夹层血肿的临床资料 ,分析其临床特点、误诊情况、影像学诊断及内科治疗。结果  86.1%的病例有高血压史和现症高血压 ,其中合并冠心病 7例、糖尿病 4例、高脂血症 17例 ;88.9的病例有胸、腰背或腹痛并呈游走性 ;经治疗病情缓解出院 2 8例 ,占 77.8% ;死亡 8例 ,病死率为 2 2 .2 %。结论 结合临床表现和影像学检查 ,发现内膜撕裂口、钙化的内膜内移或真假腔 ,是确诊主动脉夹层血肿的关键  相似文献   
Phosphoinositides (PIPs) are one kind of membrane components functioning in many intracellular processes, especially in signaling transduction and membrane transport. Phosphatidylinositide phosphatases (PIPases) are specifically important for the PIP homeostasis in cell. In our previous study, we have identified the actin-related protein CaSac1 in Candida albicans, while its functional mechanisms in regulating membrane homeostasis has not been identified. Here, we show that the PIPase CaSac1 is a main membrane-related protein and regulates hyphal polarization by governing phosphoinositide dynamic and plasma membrane (PM) electrostatic field. Deletion of CaSAC1 resulted in large-scale abnormal redistribution of phosphatidylinositide 4-phosphate (PI4P) from the endomembrane to the PM. This abnormality further led to disturbance of the PM's negative electrostatic field and abnormally spotted distribution of phosphatidylinositide 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). These changes led to a severe defect in polarized hyphal growth, which could be diminished with recovery of the PM's negative electrostatic field by the anionic polymer polyacrylic acid (PAA). This study revealed that the PIPase CaSac1 plays an essential role in regulating membrane homeostasis and membrane traffic, contributing to establishment of polarized hyphal growth.  相似文献   
目的通过在体实验研究川芎嗪对内皮祖细胞(EPCs)修复球囊损伤后的兔腹主动脉的影响,探讨更好的损伤性血管修复的方法。方法密度梯度离心法分离兔外周血单个核细胞,以EBM-2培养基培养7d,获得兔外周血内皮祖细胞,应用2.5F球囊导管造成兔腹主动脉去内皮损伤模型。将实验兔分为三组,每组6只,对照组使用生理盐水,EPCs组只使用EPCs,EPCs+川芎嗪组注射EPCs及川芎嗪,术后14d处死动物,并测量各组内膜损伤血管再生内皮覆盖率和新生内膜增生程度。结果EPCs+川芎嗪组新生内膜/中膜厚度明显低于EPCs组,新生内膜面积明显高于EPCs组,两组均与对照组相比差异有统计学意义。结论EPCs可促进受损血管内膜修复,川芎嗪具有增强EPCs修复血管内膜的作用。  相似文献   
目的 探讨白藜芦醇对AS兔血脂、斑块面积及内膜厚度的影响.方法 成熟健康雄性新西兰白兔70只,适应性喂养10天后随机分为5组(按序A、B、C、D、E).正常对照组给予普通饲料,病理对照组及白藜芦醇干预组给予高脂饲料,干预组同时每天分别给予4mg/kg、8mg/kg、16mg/kg的白藜芦醇.分别在第0周(实验开始前)和第12周末(实验结束时),用全自动生化仪测定血总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平.应用计算机图像分析系统(motic images advanced 3 0图像分析软件)测定斑块面积与内膜面积.结果 高脂喂养12周后,病理对照组血脂TC、TG、LDL-C、HDL-C较正常对照组升高(P<0.01);与病理对照组比较,白藜芦醇干预组可降低AS兔血清TG、LDL-C(P<0.01),随剂量的增长降低幅度更大(P<0.01);中、高剂量白藜芦醇干预组HDL-C升高,差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);3种剂量白藜芦醇干预组比较TC无明显变化(P>0.05);高脂喂养12周后,成功建立AS模型,病理对照组有严重的AS病理改变,正常对照组无AS斑块,白藜芦醇干预组AS病变明显减轻,斑块面积明显减少(P<0.05),内膜厚度明显降低(P<0.05),并呈一定的剂量依赖性.结论 白藜芦醇可改善脂质代谢紊乱,降低TG和LDL-C水平,升高HDL-C水平,继而抑制血管内膜的增生及斑块的形成,从而发挥抗动脉粥样硬化的作用.  相似文献   
Wei T  Shimizu T  Omura T 《Virology》2008,372(2):349-356
Rice dwarf virus (RDV) spreads, along actin-based filopodia, as one of the ways of its transport, from infected to non-infected cells of its vector insect via tubules that are composed of the viral nonstructural protein Pns10 and contain viral particles. An inhibitor that perturbs the endomembrane system, namely, brefeldin A, and butanedione monoxime, an inhibitor of myosin motor activity, abolished the formation of such tubules, preventing the direct cell-to-cell spread of RDV without any significant effects on the production of viral particles. The microtubule-depolymerizing drug NOC, which had a negligible effect on the formation and protrusion of such tubules from cells, did not inhibit the intercellular spread of RDV. Our observations suggest that the endomembrane system and myosin motors, but not microtubule, are required for the Pns10 tubule formation and are, therefore, involved in the secondary infection by RDV of adjacent cells.  相似文献   
目的观察血管腔内超声消融的效果及对血管壁的影响。方法用离体大隐静脉建立血栓血管模型,然后分2、4、6、8cm血管段行腔内超声消融,并留2cm未消融血管做对照。结果消融后血栓碎片直径7.2±2.5μm;与红细胞正常直径无显著性差异穴P>0.05雪鸦消融前后血管周径无显著性差异穴P>0.05雪;血栓长度与超声消融时间呈正相关穴r=0.937,P<0.01雪;消融时间在60s内,管壁各层组织结构与对照组无显著性差异,若能量发射60s以上,见内膜连续性呈点状损伤。结论超声消融术能安全、有效清除静脉内血栓,对血管壁无或轻微损伤。  相似文献   
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