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目的:观察加味黄芪桂枝五物汤联合醒脑开窍针刺法治疗脑卒中后肩手综合征(SHS)的临床疗效及对神经源性炎症介质和血液流变学指标的影响。方法:将148例患者随机按数字表法分为对照组和观察组各74例。两组口服双氯芬酸钠缓释片,75 min/次,1次/d,连续2~4周;肿胀明显,口服醋酸泼尼松片,10 min/次,1次/d,连续1~2周。并采用醒脑开窍针刺法,1次/d,6次/周;对照组口服脑心通胶囊,4粒/次,3次/d,观察组内服加味黄芪桂枝五物汤,1剂/d。两组疗程均为连续治疗4周。进行对治疗前后肩手综合征评估量表(SHSS)评分,记录疼痛、肿胀消失时间;进行治疗前后Fugl-Meyer功能量表上肢部分评分(U-FMA),日常生活活动能力(ADL)评分和气虚血瘀证评分;检测治疗前后降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP),P物质(SP),缓激肽(BK)水平和血液流变学指标。结果:观察组患者的临床疗效优于对照组(Z=2. 106,P0. 05);观察组SHSS量表的感觉、自主神经、运动3个维度评分和SHSS总分均低于对照组(P0. 01);观察组疼痛、肿胀消失时间均短于对照组(P0. 01);观察组患者U-FMA,ADL评分均高于对照组(P0. 01),气虚血瘀证评分低于对照组(P0. 01);观察组CGRP水平高于对照组(P0. 01),SP和BK水平均低于对照组(P0. 01);观察组的全血黏度(高切、低切)、血浆黏度、纤维蛋白原和血小板聚集率等均低于对照组(P0. 05)。结论:在西医常规治疗的基础上,内服加味黄芪桂枝五物汤配合醒脑开窍针刺疗法可减轻SHS严重程度和中医临床证候,缩短病程,改善上肢运动功能,并可抑制神经源性炎症反应,改善血液流性,提高患者的日常生活活动能力和临床疗效。  相似文献   
In addition to the respiratory system, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) strikes other systems, including the digestive, circulatory, urogenital, and even the central nervous system, as its receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is expressed in various organs, such as lungs, intestine, heart, esophagus, kidneys, bladder, testis, liver, and brain. Different mechanisms, in particular, massive virus replication, extensive apoptosis and necrosis of the lung-related epithelial and endothelial cells, vascular leakage, hyper-inflammatory responses, overproduction of pro-inflammatory mediators, cytokine storm, oxidative stress, downregulation of ACE2, and impairment of the renin-angiotensin system contribute to the COVID-19 pathogenesis. Currently, COVID-19 is a global pandemic with no specific anti-viral treatment. The favorable capabilities of the ginger were indicated in patients suffering from osteoarthritis, neurodegenerative disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, respiratory distress, liver diseases and primary dysmenorrheal. Ginger or its compounds exhibited strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative influences in numerous animal models. This review provides evidence regarding the potential effects of ginger against SARS-CoV-2 infection and highlights its antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and immunomodulatory impacts in an attempt to consider this plant as an alternative therapeutic agent for COVID-19 treatment.  相似文献   
目的:探讨桂枝芍药知母汤对类风湿性关节炎患者实验室指标和免疫功能的影响。方法:选取2014年12月至2016年12月南京中医药大学附属南京市中西医结合医院收治的类风湿关节炎患者110例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组55例。对照组采用常规西医治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上联合桂枝芍药知母汤治疗,2组均治疗1个月。比较2组临床效果、临床症状改善情况、实验室指标及免疫功能指标水平;统计2组不良反应发生率。结果:观察组总有效率为92.73%,高于对照组(78.18%,P<0.05)。与治疗前比,治疗1个月后,2组握力均增大,且观察组大于对照组(P<0.05);2组晨僵时间、20 m步行时间均缩短,且观察组短于对照组(P<0.05);2组关节压痛数、关节肿胀数、ESR、MPV、PDW及血清CRP、血浆IgA、IgG、IgM、RF水平均降低,且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05);2组血清C3水平均升高,且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗期间,观察组不良反应发生率为0.00%,低于对照组(10.91%,P<0.05)。结论:桂枝芍药知母汤治疗类风湿性关节炎,可改善患者实验室指标,增强免疫功能,提高疗效,安全性较高。  相似文献   
目的:基于Zelen's设计,探讨桂葛灵仙汤联合夹脊穴透灸法治疗神经根型颈椎病(CSR)风寒湿痹证临床疗效及作用机制。方法:将120例CSR风寒湿痹证患者随机分为中药组和联合组,均60例,拟入中药组直接进入中药组,拟入联合组知情同意则进入联合组,不同意则进入中药组。中药组给予桂葛灵仙汤150 m L/次,2次/d口服,联合组患者在中药组治疗基础上给予颈部夹脊穴透灸治疗,30 min/次,1次/d,两组患者均治疗8周。记录入组患者CSR 20分量表评分,SF-36量表评分及典型症状体征缓解时间,治疗结束后统计总有效率和治愈率;酶联免疫夹心法检测治疗前后患者血清白三烯B_4(LTB_4),白三烯C_4(LTC_4),白三烯D_4(LTD_4),甲壳质酶蛋白-40(YKL-40),白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)含量。结果:联合组总有效率为98.11%(52/53),治愈率为43.39%(23/52),优于中药组总有效率91.04%(61/69),治愈率20.89%(14/67)(P0.05);与中药组比较,联合组患者CSR 20分量表,SF-36量表评分升高(P0.05),典型症状体征缓解时间缩短(P0.05);血清中LTB_4,LTC_4,LTD_4,YKL-40,IL-1β及TNF-α含量降低(P0.05)。结论:Zelen's设计结果显示桂葛灵仙汤联合夹脊穴透灸法治疗CSR风寒湿痹证临床疗效确切,值得临床推广,其机制可能与抑制LT表达,减少IL-1β及TNF-α含量在血清中含量,从而促进颈椎软骨修复和提高疼痛阈值有关。  相似文献   
近年来,儿童偏头痛发病率逐年增高,多数医家从肝阳上扰、瘀血阻络等方面进行论治,张喜莲主任根据儿童"脾常不足、肝常有余"的生理特点,提出采用健脾燥湿豁痰、疏肝行气解郁等方法,辨证治疗儿童偏头痛效果满意。  相似文献   
目的:探究瓜蒌薤白桂枝汤对老年冠心病患者血脂及NT-proBNP、hs-CRP、Fib水平影响。方法:选取2014年4月至2018年4月西藏民族大学附属医院收治的老年冠心病患者78例作为研究对象,根据就诊顺序编号,按照随机数字表法随机分为对照组和观察组,每组39例。对照组常规西医治疗,观察组在对照组基础上加用瓜蒌薤白桂枝汤治疗,同时治疗4周。观察2组治疗前、完成治疗后血脂、NT-pro BNP、hs-CRP、Fib、WBC、HCY、血流流变学、心脏功能水平变化并比较;完成治疗后进行疗效评价。结果:观察组患者治疗后TC、TG、HDL-C、NT-proBNP、hs-CRP、Fib、WBC、HCY、全血高切黏度、全血低切黏度、血浆黏度、红细胞聚集指数下降较对照组患者幅度更低,LDL-C、EDD、NEDD、LVEF、LVPFR上升幅度及治疗后临床总有效率较对照组更高(P<0.05)。结论:瓜蒌薤白桂枝汤能降低老年冠心病患者血脂水平,抑制炎性反应,改善冠状动脉血循环,从而提高疗效,改善心功能。  相似文献   
The present systematic review and meta‐analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of ginger supplementation on markers of inflammatory and oxidative stress. PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science were systematically searched to identify relevant clinical trials evaluating the effects of ginger on serum CRP (C‐reactive protein), TNF‐α (tumor necrosis factor‐alpha), IL‐6 (interleukin‐6), PGE2 (prostaglandin E2), TAC (total antioxidant capacity), and MDA (malondialdehyde) from inception up to September 2019. Mean difference and 95% confidence intervals were pooled using a random‐effects model. Potential publication bias was assessed using visual inspection of funnel plot and Egger's weighted regression tests. After excluding irrelevant records, 20 full‐text articles that included 25 separate studies were included to the meta‐analysis. Pooled results of this study indicated a statistically significant effect of ginger on serum CRP, TNF‐α, IL‐6, TAC, and MDA levels following ginger supplementation in compared to the controls. Also, the effects of ginger on serum PGE2 was marginally significant. Moreover, the high heterogeneity was disappeared in subgroup analysis performed by age, duration, dosage, and quality. This current analysis indicates that ginger supplementation has a significant effects on serum inflammatory and oxidative stress markers.  相似文献   
目的探究桂枝茯苓胶囊联合促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)对卵巢巧克力囊肿腹腔镜剥除术后康复和卵巢功能的影响。方法选取2014年9月-2017年4月行卵巢巧克力囊肿腹腔镜剥除术患者123例,按照数字表法将其分为对照组61例和观察组62例。对照组术后给予常规消炎防感染治疗,观察组给予桂枝茯苓胶囊联合GnRHa治疗,对比分析两组的血清性激素水平、CA125水平、初始窦卵泡数、卵巢体积、VAS疼痛评分、术后1年囊肿复发及妊娠情况。结果观察组治疗后的LH(4.34±1.42)U/L、FSH(6.18±2.02)U/L、E2(52.72±14.25)pmol/L、CA125(27.62±4.38)U/mL、VAS(1.75±1.03)分及术后1年囊肿复发率8.06%(5/62)明显低于对照组的LH(6.25±2.03)U/L、FSH(7.63±2.51)U/L、E2(76.91±16.69)pmol/L、CA125(38.18±5.45)U/mL、VAS(2.34±1.32)分及术后1年囊肿复发率21.31%(13/61),初始窦卵泡数(8.78±1.71)个、卵巢体积(8.29±1.78)mL和术后1年成功妊娠率61.29%(38/62)明显高于对照组的初始窦卵泡数(7.97±1.56)个、卵巢体积(7.03±1.56)mL和术后1年成功妊娠率40.98%(25/61),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论桂枝茯苓胶囊联合GnRHa对卵巢巧克力囊肿腹腔镜剥除术后康复和卵巢功能的影响明显,可显著降低患者血清性激素水平、CA125水平及病症疼痛,促进患者卵巢功能的恢复。患者术后1年的复发率降低,成功妊娠率提高。  相似文献   
BackgroundDried blood spots (DBS) are a useful specimen collection tool in situations where venous access is problematic, however, detection of biomarkers from this specimen type is subject to variation depending on storage conditions and storage time.ObjectivesThe objective of this study is to assess the detection of HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HCV from DBS after storage.Study designDBS specimens were stored at −70 °C, −20 °C, 4 °C, 22 to 28 °C and 37 °C either with or without desiccant. Eluates were also prepared from DBS specimens and stored at −20 °C and −70 °C. DBS cards and eluates were tested for HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HCV at baseline on day 0 and thereafter at intervals of 14, 70 and 200 days.ResultsLoss of detection of both HBsAg and anti-HBc was evident by the first time point (14 days) in all storage conditions except for the samples (DBS and eluates) stored at −20 °C or −70 °C. Both HBsAg and anti-HBc stored under these conditions showed minimal variation up to the final time point (200 days) of storage. The detection of anti-HCV did not differ between the 22 to 28 °C, 4 °C, −20 °C and −70 °C DBS nor the −20 °C or the −70 °C stored eluates over the 200 day time period.ConclusionWe suggest that extended storage of DBS intended for downstream testing is best carried out by freezing either the DBS, or eluate, at −20 °C or −70 °C as soon as possible following collection for optimal detection of HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HCV.  相似文献   
目的:分析和研究黄芪桂枝汤对于风湿痹证患者的改善作用。方法:选择了56例患者进行研究主要对象,将所有参与研究的56例患者分成了对照组(28例)和观察组(28例),使用的分组方式为随机数字表法。对照组使用的治疗方式为西药,观察组则在西药治疗的基础之上增加了黄芪桂枝汤进行联合治疗。之后对比两个组别患者的治疗疗效以及疼痛积分值。结果:对照组之中有11例患者为治愈,11例患者为好转,剩余6例患者为未愈;观察组之中有15例患者为治愈,12例患者为好转,剩余1例患者为未愈,对照组之中患者的治疗疗效明显低于观察组之中的患者。在进行治疗之前,对照组与观察组患者之间的对比不具有统计学意义,对照组当中患者的疼痛积分值明显低于观察组患者,P <0.05说明数据的差异存在统计学意义。结论:在对风湿痹证患者进行治疗时,加用黄芪桂枝汤能够起到标本兼治以及扶正祛邪的作用,值得推广。  相似文献   
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