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BackgroundNational statistics suggest that up to 40% of new teachers will leave their school or the teaching profession within their first five years of teaching. Much of this attrition is associated with work-related burnout, some of which may be preventable with targeted worksite health interventions. Previous research suggests that mindfulness skills may be protective from burnout, ultimately reducing the likelihood of attrition from the profession.MethodsThis study compared the self-reported levels of burnout and secondary traumatic stress with participants’ levels of interpersonal and intrapersonal mindfulness. A total of 144 participants completed the Professional Quality of Life Inventory and the Mindfulness in Teaching Inventory. Study participants included K-12 teachers in Eastern Kentucky. Odds Ratios and Relative Risks were calculated using Epi Info. Pearson correlations, linear regression, and ANOVA analyses were completed using SPSS. Chronbach's alpha values were also calculated to evaluate score reliability of the five constructs.ResultsRelative Risks and Odds Ratios of having secondary traumatic stress scores of “average/high” were significantly lower for those with high intrapersonal mindfulness scores (OR = 0.12, CI: 0.05–0.30; RR = 0.21, CI: 0.10–0.44). Those who reported high intrapersonal mindfulness scores were up to 11 times more likely to report “low” burnout than those who reported low intrapersonal mindfulness scores (OR = 11.58, CI: 5.06–26.52). Burnout neg- atively correlated with intrapersonal mindfulness (r = -0.616, p < .05) suggesting that as intrapersonal mindfulness level decreases, burnout increases. ANOVA testing identified significant differences in burnout based on intrapersonal mindfulness level (F = 8.928, p <.05).ConclusionThose who reported high levels of intrapersonal mindfulness had significantly reduced risk of burnout. These results will inform further research in the region regarding mindfulness practice and the experience of burnout among teachers in the region. Thus, mindfulness may be protective from occupation-related burnout for this population. Interventions informed by additional research could reduce the burden of occupation-related burnout and may ultimately contribute toward reduced attrition in the teaching profession.  相似文献   
虫类药因其药性的猛烈,药物功效对症,成为治疗乳腺癌骨转移的常用药。相较于其他中药,虫类药对各类恶性肿瘤有较好的疗效,但在运用的同时还需注意,虫类药的毒性以及其对脏腑,尤其是肝脏的损伤,需动态关注患者各项生命体征变化,药用时间不宜过长,应严格遵守药物禁忌、配伍等规则,并要求临床医师辨证准确,密切观察患者病情变化。同时,虫类药的更多药物作用机制、临床方案的优化等,需进一步研究探讨。  相似文献   
目的 中医体质与人体健康状态密切相关。研究利用人工智能技术辨识中医体质,为中医体质辨识智能化及自动化发展提供新思路。方法 以江苏省中医院体检中心的中医体质数据作为初始数据样本,经过数据清洗、过滤及结构化最终纳入9844条数据作为研究对象,运用ML-kNN多标记k近邻算法构建中医体质辨识模型,使用10折交叉验证训练模型,并采用多标记学习评价指标评估模型效果。结果 中医体质辨识模型的平均汉明损失为0.096 1,平均1-错误率为0.126 1,平均排序损失为0.086 6,平均覆盖率为1.153 5,平均精度为88.57%。结论 基于体检中心中医体质辨识量表数据,利用ML-kNN多标记学习算法,构建体质辨识模型,能够有效实现中医体质辨识智能化。  相似文献   
目的建立UPLC-PDA法同时测定复方五凤草液(五凤草、白芨、猫爪草)中没食子酸、原儿茶酸、对羟基苯甲酸、咖啡酸、金丝桃苷、槲皮素、柚皮素的含有量。方法该药物80%甲醇提取液的分析采用Waters BEH C18色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm, 1.7μm);流动相乙腈-0.1%甲酸,梯度洗脱;体积流量0.3 mL/min;柱温40℃;检测波长266 nm。结果 7种成分在各自范围内线性关系良好(r≥0.999 5),平均加样回收率96.96%~102.26%,RSD 0.65%~2.10%。结论该方法稳定准确,重复性好,可用于复方五凤草液的质量控制。  相似文献   
目的:运用计算机网络药理学技术预测黄芪-莪术药对治疗大肠癌的作用靶点和信号通路,进一步分析其抗大肠癌物质基础和作用机制。方法:通过Therapetutic Target Database(TTD),Drugbank数据库收集大肠癌疾病作用靶点;从中药系统药理学分析平台(TCMSP)获得黄芪、莪术所含中药成分;运用Chem Mapper,Pharm Mapper数据库预测所选中药成分作用的疾病靶点;采用Cytoscape软件建立"化合物-疾病靶点"网络模型;利用Clue GO插件对靶点进行基因功能(GO)分析和基于京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析。结果:黄芪-莪术药对活性化合物-大肠癌疾病靶点网络包含56个化合物和54个靶点,关键靶点涉及AMP激活蛋白激酶α1(PRKAA1),前列腺素内过氧化物合酶1(PTGS1),环氧化酶2(PTGS2),胸苷酸合成酶(TYMS),肝羧酯酶1(CES1),血管内皮生长因子B(VEGFB),血管内皮生长因子A(VEGFA),谷胱甘肽S-转移酶P(GSTP1),丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶(gly A)等;靶点的基因功能偏向于肽基酪氨酸的磷酸化,调节细胞外调节蛋白激酶(ERK) 1和ERK2信号串联,内皮细胞凋亡过程的负调节等;重要的KEGG通路涉及癌症通路,Ras信号通路,Rap1信号通路,磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(Akt)信号通路等。结论:黄芪-莪术药对通过抑制肿瘤细胞增殖分化、促进肿瘤细胞凋亡、抗肿瘤新生血管生成以及增强机体免疫的多表型干预的网络模式产生抗大肠癌活性,其作用信号通路与Ras信号通路,Rap1信号通路,PI3K/Akt信号通路最为相关。  相似文献   
杨晓婷  刘文生  张稳 《河南中医》2020,40(3):351-353
胆结石的发病多与情志不疏有关,情志不疏,气机运行失畅,遂生郁滞,进而产生六郁之邪及其他变证。郁证贯穿胆结石的整个发病过程。七情作为外因而致郁,又可因郁而致内在因素如气血阴阳等物质的改变,进而产生六郁,即气郁、湿郁、痰郁、热郁、血郁及食郁,六郁证候各有不同,又相互影响,相互为病,故临床立法当以疏理气机为先,进而根据气郁所致之痰郁、血郁、热郁等不同辨证治疗,用药当以理气药为主,配合活血药、清热药、祛痰祛湿药等共奏标本兼治之效。笔者在辨证选方的基础上,灵活运用对药,如茵陈配金钱草,石菖蒲配远志,瓜蒌仁配瓜蒌皮,白茅根配芦根,柴胡配白芍,桔梗配枳壳,百合配生地黄、天花粉、煅牡蛎等,发挥药物相使或相须的配伍之效,增强了疗效。另外,应嘱患者注意调节情绪,在配合治疗同时放松心情,才有助于减少胆结石的复发。  相似文献   
Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are an important cause of tumorigenesis and tumor development. M2 macrophages can promote tumor growth while M1 macrophages kill tumor cells, therefore, polarizing macrophages to achieve a functional M1 phenotype could effectively play its anti-tumor role. In the current study, we synthesized a novel chrysin derivative which is termed as ChR-TD. And we found ChR-TD might be a ligand of TLR4 that polarized the TAMs towards M1 phenotype and played its anti-tumor role. Further study indicated that ChR-TD reprogrammed the macrophages into an M1 phenotype via TLR4 activation. Moreover, ChR-TD activated TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway and promoted the NF-κB/p65 translocated into the nuclear, leading to the activation of NF-κB and proinflammatory cytokines release. In addition, type I interferon signaling was also activated by ChR-TD, leading to the expressions of IFN-α and IFN-β and its targeted genes NOS2, MCP-1 and IP-10 were significantly increased in macrophages. Importantly, these effects were disturbed in TLR4−/− macrophages, which are constructed by using CRISPR/Cas9 system. And the molecule docking simulation further indicated that ChR-TD could bind to TLR4 and might be a ligand of TLR4. Hence, these findings suggested that ChR-TD might be a ligand of TLR4 and can be used as a potential lead compound for tumors treatment.  相似文献   
痛症是针灸治疗的主要病种之一,而针刺最重视调神,在治疗痛症疾病时离不开“神”这个重要概念,调神止痛理论是治疗痛症的重要理论,除了选取调神的穴位,在针刺时要求医者和患者守神。在针灸选穴中,因内关穴是心包经的络穴,且为八脉交会穴,常用来治疗心胸胃等疾病,故而内关穴是调神止痛的必选穴位,通过探讨调神止痛理论,分析针刺内关穴治疗痛症的理论基础,发现临床上单独或者配伍使用内关穴可用于治疗多种痛症,疗效确切,并初步分析了内关穴治疗痛症的现代机制。  相似文献   
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