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目的本文通过对420户居民中的424名6岁以下儿童的营养监测调查分析,结果被调查儿童出生体重低于2500克有13名,占3.07%;按年龄、性别低体重患病率为0.2%;按年龄、性别体重过重占9.0%;按年龄、性别发育迟缓患病率1.90%;身高和体重与1992年按年龄、性别组进行比较,身高平均增长4.3cm,体重平均增长1.2kg;被调查儿童,血色素平均值为12.4g,离均差为0.92;血色素低于11g的占8.7%;3岁以下儿童贫血患病率为11.0%,3~6岁儿童贫血患病率为1.9%(经χ2检验,P<0.05,具有显著性差异).  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo investigate the proteomic characteristics of overweight/obesity and related abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism caused by phlegm-dampness retention to identify related biomarkers.MethodsSeventy-one subjects were enrolled in the study. We assessed blood glucose, blood lipids, body mass index (BMI), and phlegm-dampness pattern, which was confirmed by a traditional Chinese medicine clinician. Of the participants, we included healthy participants with normal weight (NW, n = 23), overweight/obese participants with normal metabolism (ONM, n = 19), overweight/obese participants with pre-diabetes (OPD, n = 12), and overweight/obese participants with marginally-elevated blood lipids (OML, n = 17). Among them, the ONM, OPD, and OML groups were diagnosed with phlegm-dampness pattern. The data-independent acquisition (DIA) method was first used to analyze the plasma protein expression of each group, and the relevant differential proteins of each group were screened. The co-expressed proteins were evaluated by Venn analysis. The pathway analyses of the differential proteins were analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software. Parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) was used to verify the differential and common proteins in each group.ResultsAfter comparing ONM, OPD, and OML groups with NW group, we identified the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). Next, we determined the DEPs among OPD, OML, and ONM groups. Using Venn analysis of the DEPs in each group, 24 co-expressed proteins were screened. Two co-expressed proteins were verified by PRM. IPA analysis showed that pathways including LXR/RXR activation, acute phase response signaling, and FXR/RXR activation were common to all three groups of phlegm-damp overweight/obesity participants. However, the activation or inhibition of these pathways was different among the three groups.ConclusionParticipants with overweight/obesity have similar proteomic characteristics, though each type shows specific proteomic characteristics. Two co-expressed proteins, VTN and ORM1, are potential biomarkers for glucose and lipid metabolism diseases with overweight/obesity caused by phlegm-dampness retention.  相似文献   
刘君  黄辉  黄辞冬 《疾病监测》2007,22(8):540-542
目的 了解北京市东城区流行性腮腺炎(流腮)流行病学特征,为控制流行性腮腺炎提供科学依据.方法 利用流行性腮腺炎疫情资料,包括法定传染病报告系统和流腮监测系统流行病学个案调查及实验室监测资料,分析东城区流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征.结果 2005-2006年北京市东城区报告本地区流腮病例159例,年平均发病率11.28/10万.发病主要集中在5~15岁,占67.30%.学生发病占55.35%;3~5月发病占33.33%;有免疫史发病占50.31%.麻风腮疫苗免疫期限小于5年与免疫期限大于5年、无免疫史间差别显著.结论 提高麻风腮疫苗接种率的同时,适时地加强免疫是预防和控制流行性腮腺炎发生不可忽视的重要措施.  相似文献   
运用集中度和圆形分布分析传染病的季节性分布   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
王玉琴  余晓辉 《疾病监测》1997,12(7):264-268
本文运用向量合成表示法—集中度对北京市东城区38年间10种法定传染病的季节性分布进行分析。按全面实施计划免疫前(1958~1978)和全面实施计划免疫后(1979~1996)两个阶段分别计算集中度M值和圆形分布R值。结果表明:除麻疹的发病高峰在第二阶段向后推移一月余和季节性更趋明显外,其余传染病的季节性分布均未改变,即乙脑发病仍有严格的季节性;流脑和痢疾有较强的季节性;百日咳和伤寒有一定的季节性;肝炎、脊灰和猩红热的季节性较差。这为我们调整传染病防治对策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Septoplasty is widely used in the treatment of structural nasal obstructions, and it also has a good effect and a high degree of postoperative satisfaction. However, there a large number of structures demonstrate abnormalities related to structural nasal obstruction, including the external nose, maxilla, nasal cavity and paranasal sinus. Nasal septum deviation is only one signs of structural nasal obstruction and does not represent all possible structural abnormalities of the nasal cavity and its surrounding structure. Septoplasty is only performed to correct deviations of the nasal septum, which in many cases is obviously insufficient in restoring the symmetry of the nasal structure. Therefore, septoplasty alone is not suitable for the treatment of most structural nasal obstructions. Nasal ventilation expansion surgery, which typically covers more abnormal structural correction procedures than septoplasty, should be used when describing the treatment of structural nasal obstruction.  相似文献   
目的分析甲型H1N1疫苗AEFI监测结果,评价疫苗的安全性及AEFI监测系统敏感性,为建立规范化AEFI监测体系提供依据。方法将某区2009年甲型H1N1疫苗接种及AEFI监测资料分国庆节前后两个阶段进行描述性分析。结果 2009年某区共接种甲型H1N1疫苗100896人,接报29例AEFI,有一般反应、异常反应、偶合反应、心因性反应4种类型,总报告率28.74/10万(节前201.59/10万、节后9.89/10万);疫苗不良反应总报告率8.92/10万(节前80.64/10万明显高于节后1.10/10万),差异有统计学意义。国庆节前后反应类型、报告率、临床症状、出现反应时间及报告及时性等明显不同。结论甲型H1N1疫苗安全性良好,AEFI监测系统敏感性有待提高,新上市疫苗接种应严格掌握禁忌症。  相似文献   
转化医学(translational medicine)或称转化研究(translational research),是近几年国际医学领域出现的一个新概念。  相似文献   
目的分析农村贫困地区肺结核患者就诊延迟,及供需双方因素对就诊延迟的影响,为提高病人发现提供参考。方法福建、河南、辽宁和新疆4省各3个经济欠发达县,定量与定性方法结合,调查就诊延迟及其影响因素。对象包括病人、医务人员和管理人员。以首发症状到就医的时间在14 d以上为就诊延迟。结果肺结核病人就诊延迟比例高,有33.6%的病人存在就诊延迟。综合分析供需方的因素:(1)农民群众普遍存在结核病知识的缺乏。(2)医疗服务供给方健康促进工作不够。结论我国农村贫困地区还普遍存在结核病就诊延迟的现象,应该通过有针对性地健康促进工作提高结核病知晓率,并采用多种方式改变就医行为。  相似文献   
摘要:目的 了解北京市东城区男男性行为者(menwhohavesexwithmen,MSM)HIV 感染状况、相关
因素及流行趋势,为制定适合本地区的防治策略和干预措施提供依据。方法 对2010-2012年参加北京市
东城区艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntarycounselingandtest,VCT)门诊的MSM 人群进行问卷调查,内容
包括一般人口学信息、既往检测情况、高危性行为史,并采集静脉血进行人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV) 及梅
共调查402名MSM,小于30岁者占69.40% (279/402);未婚者占76.37% (307/402);高中及以下学历
者占67.91% (273/402);外省户籍占91.54% (368/402);近6 个月发生性行为时全程使用安全套者占
30.10% (121/402);既往HIV 检测率为58.96% (237/402);共检出HIV 抗体阳性52 例、梅毒阳性71
例,阳性检出率分别是12.94% (52/402) 和17.66% (71/402);高危性行为是主要求询原因;文化程度
越低HIV 和梅毒感染率越高,差异有统计学意义(χ
近年来,主动到北京市东城区VCT 门诊咨询检测的MSM 人群以年青人、未婚、流动人口、高中及以下学历
为主;梅毒感染率高,HIV 感染率呈上升趋势。应考虑在现有干预工作的基础上增加针对性有效干预措施。
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