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目的了解安亭地区已婚妇女健康状况,并进行分析,提出相应干预措施。方法2005年10月,按上海市妇女所制定的妇科病体检标准,开展普查普治工作,由区妇幼所承担普查任务。检查项目包括妇科、乳房、阴道分泌物、宫颈脱落细胞及B超检查等。结果妇科常见病主要为慢性宫颈炎,其次为阴道炎。慢性宫颈炎中宫颈糜烂占首位,宫颈脱落细胞检查发现50岁组巴氏Ⅱ级发生率占第1位。结论保障妇女身心健康,建议定期开展妇女病普查,普及防病知识,增强妇女自我保健意识,加强更年期保健,倡导健康生活方式。  相似文献   
目的:为更清晰地显示顽固性气胸的漏气部位和性质,为不能耐受手术者摸索一种新的治疗手段。方法:选择18例患者,先用76%泛影葡胺行胸膜腔造影,而后在局部注入少量粘连剂。结果:造影后发现多发性肺大泡8例,单发性肺大泡6例,肺大泡伴粘连带4例。病变分别位于左上肺,右上肺,中下肺野及叶间裂。注射粘连剂后,15例一次成功,3例第二次成功。随防6~18个月,未见复发。结论:该方法易掌握,无明显副作用。病变显示明显,易被患者接受,具有明显的临床效果和推广价值  相似文献   
目的:分析胃癌大肠转移的X线钡灌肠表现。方法:104例胃癌入院术前检查发现结肠转移或胃癌术后转移入院治疗的病例。分析钡灌肠初次发现大肠转移征象的年龄、发现胃癌原发病变距初次发现大肠转移的间隔时间、转移病变的发生部位和病变造成的X线钡灌肠图像上的肠管变形和粘膜面的改变。结果:104例胃癌结肠转移,男67例,女37例。胃癌术前检查中发现结肠转移者32例,术后发现的大肠转移中,多数转移发生在手术后3年内(占91.3%)。胃癌原发灶的肉眼形态BorrmannⅢ型(28例)和BorrmannⅣ型(65例)者占89.4%,组织学中以低分化腺癌和印戒细胞癌为主要成分者占91.3%。X线钡灌肠检查显示大肠转移的好发部位为横结肠(80),其次为直肠(50)。转移灶可累及多节段肠管,其中横结肠中1/3段(47),横结肠左1/3(44),横结肠右1/3(39)和直肠腹膜返折之上(39)。X线显示肠管单侧变形者227处,双侧变形者96处。黏膜面表现为梳齿状黏膜纹聚集改变253处,颗粒结节状改变23处,外压性改变20处,弥漫性改变62处。结论:胃癌大肠转移的好发部位为横结肠和直肠,结肠黏膜面的梳齿状黏膜纹聚集为胃癌大肠转移的主要X线钡剂灌肠表现。  相似文献   
目的:了解严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)死亡病例的临床特点,为SARS重症病例的诊断、治疗及预后判断提供帮助。方法:对我院2003年1月至4月底收治的102例确诊非典患者中的5例死亡病例的流行病学及实验室检查资料进行回顾性分析。结果:死亡病例均为男性,平均49岁,从发病到入院平均7.6d,从住院到确诊平均1.2d;从住院到死亡平均14.4d,从发病到死亡平均为22d。死亡病例粒细胞总数和百分比均明显升高,多数患者淋巴细胞计数和百分比降低(4/5),血红蛋白均呈进行性下降。死亡患者除已见报道的ALT、AST、LDH、CK升高及低钙血症外,GLU均明显高于正常而ALB均明显降低;大多数患者TP、PA等多项生化指标均出现明显下降而脱氧血红蛋白百分率(HHb)明显上升,同时伴有低磷、低镁血症。结论:SARS死亡病例多项实验室指标均会出现明显异常,动态监测这些指标有助于SARS患者的诊断、治疗及预后判断。  相似文献   
胰腺分裂与慢性胰腺炎的病因学关系及发病机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨胰腺分裂(PD)在慢性胰腺炎病因学中的作用及其发病机制。方法:将32只犬随机分为4组(每组8只)。Ⅰ组:部分结扎背-腹胰管间的交通支。Ⅱa组:切断并结扎交通支。Ⅱb组:在背胰管注入小乳头前2mm处将其切断并结扎断端。Ⅲ组:假手术对照组,除不结扎交通支外,其余操作同上。于手术前检测各组犬血清磷脂酶(PLA2)和淀粉酶(Ams)活性及背、腹胰管基础压并在胰泌素激发后15、30、45、60和90分钟各测压一次。于术后180天再行胰胆管测压和造影并观察背、腹胰和十二指肠乳头的病理改变。结果:⑴Ⅰ、Ⅱa组和Ⅱb组术后5-80天血清PLA2和Ams活性显著升高。⑵处死时Ⅰ、Ⅱa组腹胰管和Ⅱb组背、腹胰管压力在激发后30-60分钟显著高于注药前(P<0.01);在60分钟后,前两组压力恢复到术前水平(P>0.05),而Ⅱb组仍较高(P<0.05),该组压力在90分钟后恢复正常。⑶光镜:Ⅱb组犬背、腹胰小叶间或/和胰管周围显著纤维组织增生,腺细胞结构破坏和炎细胞浸润。Ⅰ和Ⅱa组腹胰见轻度上述改变。⑷电镜:Ⅰ、Ⅱa组腹胰和Ⅱb组背、腹胰腺细胞粗面内质网脱颗粒、融合和扩张。酶原颗粒减少,线粒体肿张。Ⅰ和Ⅱa组背胰及Ⅲ组背、腹胰未见异常。结论:PD是慢性胰腺炎的病因学因素之一,其引发胰腺炎的机制是在胰液分泌的高峰期副乳头功能性梗阻。  相似文献   
目的:探讨Gd-DTPA在MRI中的诊断作用。材料与方法:总结分析了被确诊的378例(402人次)患者应用Gd-DTPA增强检查后的效果。对肿瘤、感染、梗塞等病变的强化特点进行了讨论。结果:使用Gd-DTPA后,有23例平扫时误诊的病例得到了纠正,并发现了MRI平扫时未能发现的一些病变,诸如管内型听神经瘤、脑膜炎、脑(脊)膜的转移性病变等。但是,作者还同时发现即使在用了Gd-DTPA之后,仍有多种病变存在鉴别诊断上的困难。结论:合理使用增强检查,将有助于提高诊断的符合率。  相似文献   
In some patients with mental retardation, a Q-tip pap smear obtained blindly from the upper vagina may be the only cytologic smear obtainable without subjecting the patient to heavy sedation or to examination under anesthesia. The efficacy of blind Q-tip smears has not been previously determined. Of 31 Q-tip smears obtained from patients with CIN, the Q-tip smear identified the abnormality in 10 (32%) patients. For those patients who will not submit to examination without anesthesia or sedation, routine screening with multiple smears, obtained on an annual basis has the potential to identify many cases of CIN which otherwise would not be identified at all, and in certain patients, this method outweighs the risks of heavy sedation or general anesthesia. Because of the greatly reduced sensitivity of the Q-tip pap, every effort should be made to help the patient and/or her family or guardian to understand the implications and risks of this method. However, if an examination under anesthesia is performed for other indications, a complete gynecologic examination and a direct smear should be obtained at that time.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Recent hospital and cancer registry data show increasing prostate cancer incidence in Nigeria, which was previously regarded as a low incidence region. This study investigates the prevalence of prostate cancer risk in a previously unscreened cohort of rural Nigerians. METHODS: Rural Nigerian men, 40 years and older, were screened by serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE) and those with PSA >/= 4 ng/mL and/or abnormal DRE were referred for prostate biopsy. RESULTS: Of 200 consecutive men invited, 151 (75.5%) presented for screening, the mean age was 56.45 + 15.1 and 95 (61.6%) were >/= 50 years of age. Of the 140 who consented to a blood test, PSA correlated with age (r = 0.3, P < 0.01), 14 (10.0%) had abnormal PSA >/= 4 ng/mL, increasing from 3 (3.6%) in men < 60 years to 4 (50%) in men >/= 80 years. The rate was 13 (15.7%) for men >/= 50 years and there was no evidence of increased incidence of prostatitis in the community. Mean (median) PSA in ng/mL increased from 1.17 (0.60) in the youngest to 13.75 (4.45) in the oldest cohort. Of those who accepted DRE, 38 (29.0%) had an enlarged prostate, including two who had nodular prostate, one-third with symptoms, increasing from 4 (5.4%) in those < 50 years to 6 (75.0%) in men >/= 80 years. The proportion of men with PSA >/= 4 ng/mL among those with enlarged vs normal prostate is 27.0 to 3.4%, P < 0.001, and the pattern was similar for men >/= 60 years and those < 60 years of age. The 40 (32.0%) men referred for prostate biopsy defaulted mainly because they did not fully understand the need for further investigation because they were symptom free or afraid of the possible side-effects of the procedure or diagnosis of cancer. CONCLUSION: The proportion of men with PSA >/= 4 ng/mL is comparable to that of previously unscreened populations with high incidence of prostate cancer such as African-American men. A larger study is required to confirm these findings and intensify efforts to determine the prostate cancer detection rate by biopsy in this population. A prostate cancer awareness and education campaign will be useful in this community.  相似文献   
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