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笔者通过研究张锡纯的生活地域,行医地域,探究张锡纯镇肝熄风汤中茵陈这味药的来源。虽然仍然无法最终确定张锡纯镇肝熄风汤中所用茵陈的品种究竟为何,但至少可以确定:1张锡纯所用茵陈的分布范围应包括华北东北一带,所以主要在南方才被称作茵陈的品种,可判定其并非镇肝熄风汤中所用。2由于生长周期的差异,可以判定这里的茵陈并不是现代植物学意义上的青蒿,也即并非菊科植物黄蒿,张锡纯在《医学衷中参西录》里记载"青蒿之幼苗"等语当有其他原因,因此并不能用现代意义上的青蒿的嫩苗来代替茵陈。3从性状上对比,不论是在分布地域上与张氏生前活动地域有所重叠的玄参科植物阴行草,还是药典所载的菊科植物滨蒿和茵陈蒿,与张锡纯所载茵陈都有所出入。因此亦不能简单认为张锡纯镇肝熄风汤中所载茵陈便是现代植物学意义上的茵陈。  相似文献   
News and Notes     

The essential oil of nutmeg (600 or 900 mg/kg, IP) altered the young chicks' species-specific response to amphetamine (20 mg/kg, SQ). Nutmeg oil totally blocked the development of chirping and decreased the duration of wing droop and stereotyped behavior “b” (head and neck extended forward, parallel to but not touching floor), but increased the duration of stereotyped behavior “a” (head and neck drawn back with top of head almost touching back). Amphetamine caused a significant decrease in the duration of light and deep sleep in the group that received the higher dose level of nutmeg oil.  相似文献   
目的:建立筋骨草的显微鉴别方法。方法:采用石蜡切片、表面制片及数码显微成像等技术,研究筋骨草根、根茎、茎、叶和花等部位的显微特征。结果:确立了筋骨草根、根茎、茎、叶、花等部位的显微鉴别特征。结论:实验建立的显微鉴别特征可作为筋骨草鉴别的参考依据。  相似文献   
目的:优化淫羊霍中淫羊霍苷提取的工艺条件。方法:采用正交设计试验,以淫羊霍苷为指标,以乙醇体积分数、乙醇用量、提取时间、提取次数为影响因素,按L9(34)正交设计表安排试验。结果:淫羊霍的最佳提取工艺为50%乙醇回流提取3次,每次为药材量14倍,每次提取3h。结论:优选得到的工艺稳定可行。  相似文献   
类风湿性关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、膝骨关节炎等可以归属于中医"痹证"的范畴。目前这些疾病缺乏明确的病因和发病机制,因此尚无有效的治疗方法,对这类疾病的研究一直是个医学难题,中医在痹证的治疗方面积累了丰富的经验,传统中药在这方面的研究也具有一定优势。文章从近年来独活寄生汤在临床研究、名老中医经验等方面,综述其在痹证方面的研究概况,并提出一些展望。  相似文献   
目的:探讨桑寄生,雷公藤醇提取物对大鼠胃黏膜环氧化酶的影响。方法:观察桑寄生、雷公藤醇提物对正常大鼠和乙醇诱导胃黏膜损伤大鼠的胃黏膜溃疡指数的变化;测定给药前后大鼠胃壁组织6-酮-前列腺素F10t(6-ke—to-PGF1α)的含量。结果:正常大鼠胃黏膜6-keto-PGF1α的含量为(130.02±15.19)ng/g,胃黏膜溃疡指数为(2.00±2.00),灌胃给予桑寄生和雷公藤后,6-keto—PGF1α的含量分别为(100.56±12.78)nvCg和(124.30±19.41)n以,胃黏膜溃疡指数分别为(4.67±1.15)和(4.33±1.53),与给药前比较,差异无统计学意义(D0.05)O用乙醇诱导后,大鼠胃黏膜6-keto—PGF1α的含量为(210.09±29.05)nr4g,胃黏膜溃疡指数为(76.67±15.28),灌胃给予桑寄生和雷公藤后,6-keto-PGF1α的含量分别为(137.00±25.62)ng/g和(108.83±20.55)nr4g,含量显著减少,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);胃黏膜溃疡指数则分别为(171.33±42.72)和(173.33±41.63),溃疡指数显著增加,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:桑寄生、雷公藤醇提物能抑制乙醇诱导大鼠胃黏膜中环氧化酶的活性,但对正常大鼠胃黏膜的环氧化酶无影响。  相似文献   
Context: 2,7-Dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone (DDMN) is reported to have a remarkable anticancer activity against gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells.

Objective: The objective of this study is to study the anticancer effect and mechanism of DDMN on SGC-7901 cells.

Materials and methods: The MTT assay was used to determine the effect of DDMN on cell viability of SGC-7901 cells, and the cytotoxic effect was evaluated by the IC50 value. After treatment with different doses of DDMN (10, 20, and 40?μM) for 48?h, flow cytometry was used to investigate the apoptosis of SGC-7901 cells induced by DDMN. Further, western blotting was performed to study anticancer mechanism by assaying apoptosis-related proteins containing Mcl-1, Bcl-xl, Bcl-2, Bax, Bak, Bad, cytochrome c, caspase-3, and caspase-9. Finally, xenograft assay was used to further evaluate the effect of DDMN on SGC-7901 cells by determining body weight of nude mice, tumor volumes, and apoptosis-related proteins.

Results: These results suggest that DDMN can significantly inhibit (IC50 value?=?20.92?μM) the proliferation of SGC-7901 cells and induce apoptosis of SGC-7901 cells demonstrated by flow cytometry analysis. Additionally, the results of western blotting indicated that DDMN can suppress the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-xl and Bcl-2, increase the expression of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, Bad (40?μM), caspase-3 and caspase-9, and evidently promote the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm. The xenograft assay further confirmed that DDMN had significant anticancer effects on SGC-7901 cells.

Conclusion: DDMN had significant anticancer effect on SGC-7901 cells in vitro and in vivo related to mitochondria-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   
1Subjectandmethod1.1SubjectBurnrehabilitationgroup:Thewoundsurfaceofthe40patients(aged17~45,32maleand8female)inthegrouphadbeenhealedbysystemictherapy1~6monthsafterburn.Theburnarearangedfrom33%~97%,averaged54.59%~17.30%.Thepatientsremaineduntouchedinonesidetoeatleast.Normalcontrolgroup:50normaladults(aged18~36,30maleand20female)wereselectedinthegroup.1.2MethodsTheherbalcontentsinbathingfluidincluded100gwildchrysanthemumflower…  相似文献   
对张景岳《新方八阵》中的几味在中药材标准和权威药学典籍中没有明确记载的药物进行了引据考证,以便为其以后的研究提供文献依据;通过考证历代本草对"锡灰""、脑荷"的记载,并对其加以比较、分析后,认为《新方八阵》所记载的中药"锡灰"为铅灰,"脑荷"应该是指苏州龙脑薄荷。  相似文献   
目的:观察鱼腥草直流电离子导入治疗腹部术后炎性包块的疗效。方法:45例腹部术后炎性包块患者运用鱼腥草直流电离子导入治疗,观察临床疗效。结果:本组共治疗腹部术后炎性包块患者45例,痊愈24例,显效19例,无效2例。结论:鱼腥草直流电离子导入治疗腹部术后炎性包块是有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   
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