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目的 了解保定市小学生家长关于小学生近视知信行的相关现状及影响因素,制定有效干预措施,为预防儿童青少年近视提供有力依据。方法 运用分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取保定市某小学一年级至六年级766名学生家长进行问卷调查。结果 小学生家长用眼卫生相关知识总正确率为64.90%。家长年龄越大、文化程度越高以及自身近视的家长掌握小学生近视的相关知识越多。家长年龄越大,督导孩子健康用眼的行为越易发生(P=0.027,OR=0.169)。结论 应多渠道对学生家长进行健康教育,为控制和预防小学生近视的发生与发展构建以家庭为主的第一道防线。  相似文献   
AIM: To observe the characteristics of iridociliary cysts in myopic patients and evaluate the influences on the position and safety of implantable collamer lens (ICL) after surgery.METHODS: Totally 270 eyes of 135 patients who underwent ICL surgery for the correction of myopia were included in this study. We observed preoperative and postoperative morphology of iridociliary cysts in ultrasonic biomicroscopy (UBM) image.RESULTS: A total of 138 iridociliary cysts were found in 88 eyes of 50 patients among 270 eyes of 135 patients before surgery (37%). Twenty-five patients had cysts in one eye (50%) and 25 had cysts in both eyes (50%). The prevalence of iridociliary cysts was negatively correlated with age, but no gender difference (P>0.05). The incidence of iridociliary cysts was much less in eyes with myopia greater than -9.00 D (P<0.05). The diameter of the largest cyst was 1.96 mm and the smallest cyst was 0.24 mm, with a majority within the range of 0.5 to 1.0 mm. Most of the cysts were located in the inferior temporal quadrant. One year after ICL implantation, 51 iridociliary cysts (37%) remained unchanged, 47 cysts (34%) decreased in size, and 40 cysts (29%) disappeared. Most of cysts that changed after surgery were smaller than 1.0 mm (P<0.05) and located in the nasal and temporal sides around the haptics of implantable lens. All the implantable lens were in their original position.CONCLUSION: Iridociliary cysts are commonly seen in myopic eyes. The cysts have no impact on the safety of ICL surgery. Some cysts may decrease in size or disappear after ICL implantation.  相似文献   
目的:在病理性近视黄斑病变的手术治疗中评估术中光学相干断层扫描(iOCT)的可行性,并探讨其术中应用价值。方法:回顾性系列病例研究。收集2015年5月至2017年12月期间于温州医科大学附属眼视光医院杭州院区行玻璃体切除术的黄斑前膜、黄斑裂孔、黄斑劈裂及玻璃体黄斑牵拉综合征等病理性近视黄斑病变患者。所有患眼术中均行iOCT检查,定性评估术中视网膜变化,包括术中微损伤、手术技术准确性及裂孔边缘改变等,探讨其术中应用的价值。结果:本研究共纳入29例(29眼),男9例,女20例;年龄(58.8±10.3)岁;眼轴长度(28.9±2.0)mm。其中,黄斑前膜14眼,黄斑裂孔8眼,黄斑劈裂4眼及玻璃体黄斑牵拉综合征3眼。iOCT显示:7眼(7/29)确认术中存在微损伤或异常情况,其中神经纤维层异常6眼,内层视网膜抬高1眼;黄斑前膜患眼中4眼(4/14)确认剥膜后前膜残留;黄斑裂孔患眼中3眼(3/8)剥膜后观察到孔缘形态改变;黄斑劈裂患眼中均未观察到剥膜后全层黄斑裂孔的发生,其中1眼术前未明确的黄斑裂孔经iOCT确认;术中行保留中心凹内界膜或内界膜翻转覆盖术式的3眼在iOCT图像中均得到确认。结论:iOCT有助于术中实时评估剥膜的完整性、术中微损伤情况及手术技术的精确性,帮助主刀医师提高黄斑裂孔的诊出率,并可在术中观察到黄斑裂孔剥膜后孔缘形态的特殊改变,提示iOCT在病理性近视黄斑病变的手术治疗中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

方法:本研究为回顾性临床研究,共纳入行白内障超声乳化摘除联合人工晶状体植入的高度近视白内障患者70例70眼,于术后1wk; 1,3mo进行随访,记录最佳校正视力(BCVA),并根据术后1wk BCVA分为BCVA<0.3组和BCVA≥0.3组,两组患者于术后1,3mo行OCT检查,测量黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度。采用相关分析研究术后BCVA恢复情况及其与黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度的相关性。

结果:患者术前,术后1wk; 1,3mo的BCVA<0. 05的眼的比分别为30%,14%,11%,7%。BCVA<0.3组术后1,3mo的黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度均较BCVA≥0.3组明显增加,两组术后3mo黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度均较术后1mo明显降低(P<0.01)。术后3mo BCVA和OCT检查黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度之间存在统计学上显著相关(r=-0.716,P<0.05)。

结论:在本研究中,术后所有患者在3mo的随访时间内视力得到一定程度的提高,且术后OCT检查黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度与术后视力的恢复情况相关。  相似文献   

近视性黄斑病变致盲率高,常用治疗手段为玻璃体切割术,然而单纯玻璃体切割术对于已出现严重后巩膜葡萄肿的超高度近视患者疗效欠佳。近年来临床应用玻璃体切割术联合后巩膜加固术治疗高度近视继发眼底病变,特别在黄斑劈裂及黄斑裂孔病例中,疗效肯定,前景可期。我们针对近年来后巩膜加固术的材料与术式变迁作一全面综述,并进一步讨论其应用于眼底手术中的发展远景。  相似文献   
This article gives an overview of the way economists model the decision to consume addictive commodities and reviews some of the relevant literature testing aspects of the model. It aims to answer the question of how it is that economists can speak of the consumption of addictive harmful commodities as a rational decision. Health economics treats the consumption of commodities that have beneficial (or harmful) effects on health, and therefore on utility or well-being, as intertemporal decisions with regard to investment decisions. In investment in health, the payoff to an action comes appreciably later than the action itself. The decision to consume harmful, and even addictive, commodities fits into the investment in health framework, with the benefit comes now, in the form of the pleasure derived from consuming them, and the costs, in terms of damage to the individual's health, comes later. The value that a person places on the future vs. the present is called time preference or subjective rate of time discounting, which represents the weight he places on the future relative to the present when he makes decisions that have future consequences. The more they discount the future, the more myopic they are and the more likely to undertake risky behaviors, including smoking or using drugs such as amphetamines or heroin, as well as dropping out of school or taking on high risk jobs.  相似文献   
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