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The progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN) syndrome is a recently described clinical variant of necrotizing herpetic retinopathy in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is caused by varicellazoster virus infection of the retina. Its course and clinical features distinguish it from the acute retinal necrosis syndrome and CMV retinopathy. Early disease is characterized by multifocal deep retinal opacification. Lesions rapidly coalesce and progress to total retinal necrosis over a short period of time. Despite aggressive therapy with intravenous antivirial drugs, prognosis is poor; disease progression and/or recurrence is common, and the majority of patients develop no light perception vision. Total retinal detachments are common. Prophylaxis against retinal detachment using laser retinopexy has not been useful in most cases. PORN syndrome is an uncommon, but devastating complication of AIDS.  相似文献   
We describe the neurological evaluation and MRI analysis of 30 patients, belonging to 16 families with Usher syndrome (US) type I and type II (US1 and US2). In addition to the classic visual and audiological abnormalities seen in these patients, we observed abnormal gait in 88.9% of US1 and in 66.7% of US2 patients and abnormal coordination in 33.4% of US1, and in 58.3% of US2. Borderline mental retardation, depression or bipolar affective disorder were observed in 16.7% of US1 and 33.3% of US2 patients. MRI analysis showed cerebellar abnormalities in 50% of US 1 and 75% of US2 patients, but no clear correlation was observed between structural abnormalities and clinical findings. A pattern for the MRI classification of US patients is suggested.  相似文献   
The second case of virilism as a late manifestation of Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is described, with endocrine and histological evaluation. Both cases manifested ovulatory cycles and developed virilism in adulthood. Elevated plasma testosterone and 17-OH-progesterone were not suppressed by dexamethasone but were suppressed by medroxyprogesterone acetate. Peripheral and ovarian venous blood obtained at the time of surgery demonstrated a marked gradient for testosterone in both ovaries and for progesterone in the ovary bearing the corpus luteum. Histological evaluation of the ovaries demonstrated bilateral ovarian stromal hyperplasia with focal hyperthecosis. Bilateral ovariectomy resulted in complete correction of the endocrine abnormality, although the established hirsutism remains a mark of previous androgen excess.  相似文献   
Pigmentary degeneration of the retina was induced by a single intraperitoneal Injection of 75mgkg of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) In female Brown-Norway colored rats at 50 days of age, which were then observed at 24, 48 and 72 h and 7, 21,35 and 150 days after the treatment. MNU-treated rats showed selective destruction of the photoreceptor cells by an apoptotic mechanlsm 24 h after the treatment, and the destruction was completed by day 7. During the photoreceptor cell degeneration, proliferation of Miller cells and infiltratlon of macrophages was prominent 72h and 21 days aRttr the treatment, respectively. Müller cell proliferation and macrophage infiltratbn corresponded to degenerative photo-receptor cell phagocytosis, and prollferating Müller cell processes responded to stabilize the damaged retina. Pigment epithelial cell detachment from the Bruch's membrane was seen 72 h after the treatment, and migration within all layers of the retina was seen at day 7 when photoreceptor Cells were lost. At 21, 35 and 150 days after the treatment, lack of photoreceptor cells and deposition of pigment epithelial cells within the retina but not in contact to vascular endothe-lial cells were characteristic. MNU-induced photoreceptor apoptosis followed by Miiller cell and macrophage reaction then pigment epithellal cells deposition withln the retina partially resembles retinitis pigmentosa in humans.  相似文献   
A patient homozygous for the SCA6 gene with retinitis pigmentosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present authors studied a 55-year-old-patient homozygous for the SCA6 gene who experienced frequent attacks of positional vertigo at 37 years of age with subsequent staggering gait and night blindness. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), as well as cerebellar ataxia and vertical antidirectional nystagmus, were detected. The subject's parents were first cousins, and two of his three male cousins, whose parents were also first cousins, had RP without ataxia or nystagmus. The numbers of CAG repeats in the expanded alleles of the SCA6 gene found by molecular analysis were 21 and 21. The genetic results were negative for SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7 and dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy. The retinal degeneration in this patient is most likely to be secondary to a genetic disorder of autosomal or X-linked recessive inheritance rather than SCA6. Other reported cases of patients homozygous for the SCA6 gene are also reviewed.  相似文献   
Genotype-phenotype correlations highlighted the function of ABCA4 in retinitis pigmentosa (RP),cone-rod dystrophy (CRD) and Stargardt/Fundus Flavimaculatus disease (STGD/FFM). Initial screening of ABCA4 variants showed a correlation between the type of mutation and the severity of the disease. In the present study we have undertaken mutational and haplotype analysis of ABCA4 in three mixed pedigrees segregating different retinal dystrophies. In family I, we have shown cosegregation of different ABCA4 alleles with CRD (homozygosity for L1940P) and three subtypes of STGD/FFM. The first, a mild form, consisting on fundus flavimaculatus-like distribution of flecks, but good visual acuity and absence of dark choroid, was found to cosegregate with alleles R1097C and F553L; the second, a conventional Stargardt phenotype was associated to alleles L1940P/R1097C and the third, displaying severely reduced visual acuity and dark choroid (named FFM), was associated to L1940P/F553L. In family II, segregating STGD and RP phenotypes, while the involvement of ABCA4 in STGD seems clear this is not the case for RP. Finally, in family III, also segregating STGD and RP, ABCA4 fails to explain either phenotype. Our data highlight the wide allelic heterogeneity involving this gene and support the genetic variability (beyond ABCA4) of mixed STGD/RP pedigrees.  相似文献   
闪烁光ERG是反映视网膜锥体活动的客观指标。但在诸如视网膜色素变性等一些视锥功能处于高度受累的疾病,反应波形呈现非窦状,使用以往在分析中采用的峰-峰值测量法,则不能有效地反应出波形所代表的真切含义。本文根据病理状态下闪烁光反应的波形特点,特此提出一项测量闪烁光ERG振幅的改良方法,即闪烁指数(flickerindext.FI)分析法,并通过数学方法推导出一项闪烁指数测量公式以代替方格卡尺测量法。应用本法已在实践中获得良好的验证,从而认为应用此项方法可以准确、客观、迅速地测量得锥体闪烁光的反应状态,特别是在对锥体功能呈病理状态的一些视网膜疾病的观测。通过计算机程序化处理,FI分析法可为临床视觉电生理研究提供一种有效的手段。  相似文献   
Background: Cystoid macular edema (CME) in AIDS patients with inactive cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is an uncommon but potentially sight-threatening complication. The pathogenesis of CME in these patients is unclear. This study tries to identify possible risk factors by analyzing the charts of five patients. Methods: Ten eyes of 5 patients that finally developed CME were followed for an average of 18 months. The initial retinal lesions, their response to antiviral treatment, the development of CME, and the patients' immune status were prospectively monitored. Results: CMV retinitis was diagnosed at a median CD4+ count of 3 cells/mm3 (range 0–11). All eyes responded to the initial systemic anti-viral treatment. At the onset of CME, CMV retinitis was controlled by antiviral maintenance therapy in all patients [ganciclovir (n = 2), cidofovir (n = 2), foscarnet (n = 1)]. The median time between diagnosis of CMV retinitis and onset of CME was 11.5 months (range 5–24). Development of CME was associated with significant visual loss: acuity ranged from 0.05 to 0.7 when CME was first noticed, compared to 0.8–1.25 at diagnosis of CMV retinitis. Duration of inflammation, size or zone of retinal necrosis did not favor the development of CME, neither did the antiviral therapy. A weak correlation of CME development and immune status (expressed as increase of CD4+ cells) was found. Due to systemic corticosteroids CME resolved. Conclusions: CME is a new visual threat to AIDS-patients with CMV retinitis whose immune status improved under the latest combined antiretroviral therapy. Therapy with oral corticosteroids may positively influence this condition.   相似文献   
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