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148 patients with various forms of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) were studied by means of a multiparametric analysis ofin vitro platelet aggregation, based on the following six parameters: ADP and epinephrine primary and secondary aggregation thresholds and percent maximum aggregation induced by optimal concentrations of ADP and epinephrine. These patients were assigned to four study groups, according to clinical diagnosis supported by CT scan, of transient ischemic attack and reversible neurological deficit (TIA-RIND), or completed stroke, in the presence or absence respectively of antiplatelet medical treatment at the time of the study. A statistically significant increase of thein vitro platelet aggregation was found in 44.4% of the untreated TIA-RIND patients and in 33.9% of the untreated stroke patients. However this last group showed a higher percentage of very marked hyperaggregation. Differences between the two treated study groups and controls were not signicant. No difference was found in collagen-and ristocetin-induced aggregation between the patient groups and the controls.
Sommario 148 pazienti con varie forme di malattia cerebrovascolare, sono stati studiati con analisi multiparametriche dell'aggregazione piastrinica in vitro sulla base dei seguenti sei parametri: le soglie di aggregazione primaria e secondaria e l'aggregazione massima percentuale indotta da ADP ed Epinefrina. Questi pazienti sono stati suddivisi in 4 gruppi di studio in accordo con la diagnosi clinica confortata dai dati della TAC e cioè: TIA, RIND, o rammollimento in presenza o in assenza rispettivamente di un trattamento antiaggregante nel momento dello studio. è stato trovato un aumento statisticamente significativo dell'aggregazione in vitro delle piastrine nel 44.4% dei casi TIA, RIND non trattati e nel 33,9% dei casi di rammollimento non trattati. Quest'ultimo gruppo, però, ha dimostrato una più alta percentuale di iperaggregazione molto marcata. Le differenze tra i 2 gruppi di studio trattati con antiaggreganti e i controlli non erano significative. Inoltre nessuna differenza è stata riscontrata tra i gruppi e i controlli nell'aggregazione indotta da collageno e ristocetina.
Stroke-induced hemiballismus (HB) has been reported to improve motor function in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). We report on a patient who developed HB from a parietal infarct. The HB was improved by very low-dose clozapine but the HB did not improve the parkinsonism. This suggests that HB itself, whether from a lesion in the subthalamic nucleus or elsewhere, is not what improves motor function in PD; instead, the physiological function of the damaged structure is the determining factor.  相似文献   
We assessed predictors of spontaneous early neurological recovery after acute ischemic stroke by means of multivariate analysis in a cohort of 1,473 consecutive patients treated at one academic center. At hospital discharge, spontaneous neurological improvement or good outcome was defined as grades 0-2 of the Rankin scale, and poor outcome (no improvement or in-hospital death) as grades 3-5. Spontaneous recovery of neurological deficit at the time of discharge from the hospital was observed in 16% of patients with cerebral infarction (n = 238). Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome improved in 44% of patients and was the only variable significantly associated with in-hospital functional recovery in three logistic regression models that in addition to lacunar syndromes, included demographic variables, cardiovascular risk factors, and clinical variables [odds ratio (OR) 2.56], neuroimaging findings (OR 2.48), and outcome data (OR 2.39), respectively. Clinical factors related to severity of infarction available at stroke onset have a predominant influence upon in-hospital outcome and may help clinicians to assess prognosis more accurately. Our work gives a contribution into prognostic factors after acute ischemic stroke. With regard to patterns of stroke, dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome was a significant predictor of spontaneous in-hospital recovery in ischemic stroke patients.  相似文献   
Inflammatory biomarkers in blood of patients with acute brain ischemia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Although many failed surrogate markers are provided in the literature, inflammation may contribute to the outcome of ischemic stroke. In 50 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke, in the absence of symptoms and signs of concomitant infection, we evaluated a panel of biomarkers reported to be variably associated with brain ischemia, and correlate their serum level with the brain lesion volume and clinical outcome. Infarct size was calculated on computed tomography (CT) scans by means of the Cavalieri's method. Neurological impairment was scored by using the Glasgow Coma Scale, Glasgow Outcome Scale and National Institutes of Health (NIH) scales at stroke onset and 3-month follow-up. Some markers showed a direct significant correlation with both initial and final NIH scale and with infarct size, particularly tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) (P=0.002), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (P<0.01) and matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 (P=0.001). In contrast to previous reports, interleukin-6 (IL-6) serum level showed a significant inverse correlation with both final neurological impairment and infarct size (P<0.001). This novel finding allows us suggesting that IL-6, in the context of a complex pro-inflammatory network occurring during stroke, is associated with neuroprotection rather than neurotoxicity in patients with ischemic brain injury.  相似文献   
In all, 22 reports of 20 randomized, controlled rehabilitation studies were evaluated. In 18 of these, the design of the trial was parallel, with a cross-over format being employed in the remaining 2 instances. Seven studies related to intensive rehabilitation during the early post-acute period. In six others, specific techniques--sometimes associated with traditional physiotherapy procedures--were compared: biofeedback, perceptual retraining, and amphetamine treatment. Eight experiments evaluated speech therapy in aphasia. Frequently, methodological considerations limited the interpretation of the results. The review showed that: 1) as regards activities of daily life and motor function, differences as between rehabilitation in stroke units on the one hand and non-rehabilitation or rehabilitation in medical wards on the other, were detected in relatively few quality studies and remained particularly inconclusive insofar as life in the home environment was concerned; 2) rehabilitation for aphasia and perceptual dysfunction proved effective for at least several months after acute stroke; 3) in general, examination of the reports cited revealed no differences in the effects of biofeedback and perceptual retraining vs conventional physiotherapy; 4) rehabilitation, whether administered by specialists or amateur caregivers purpose-trained by specialists, proved equally effective for aphasia. These conclusions constitute a valuable basis for the development and evaluation of modern rehabilitation programs for stroke patients.  相似文献   
Data relating to motor loss and swallowing difficulties in a community sample of 976 patients who suffered an acute stroke have been analysed. About 17% of patients seen within one week had no paralysis; at 6 months 48% of survivors had no paralysis and 9% had severe paralysis. The Motricity Index used to study motor loss related to functional loss and walking ability; it seems to be a simple valid measure of motor loss. Severe paralysis was associated with a high fatality rate, and only 6%-10% of survivors of an initially severe paralysis made a full recovery by 6 months. If severe persisted at 3 weeks, full recovery was not observed. Loss of sitting balance was associated with a poor outcome. Of conscious patients seen within one week, 14% choked on attempting to swallow and a further 28% had abnormal swallowing: this 42% of patients had a high fatality rate.  相似文献   
The anisotropy of the water diffusion tensor inside brain causes contrast in diffusion images, which depends on the relative orientation of the diffusion gradients and the subject. Because the trace of a tensor is invariant upon rotation, measurement of this trace can reduce the orientation effect. A family of imaging pulse sequences is presented in which the signal intensity is weighted by the trace of the diffusion tensor in a single scan. The methods are demonstrated for chicken gizzard in several orientations with respect to the gradient frame of reference, and for ischemic injury in cat brain after middle cerebral artery occlusion. The sensitivity of the techniques to the presence of background gradients is measured and discussed in detail. As a result, pulse sequences are suggested that provide reliable diffusion constants in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The efficiency of the techniques for clinical application is also evaluated.  相似文献   
目的探讨脑卒中癫痫的,I岳床特点及发病机制。方法对1000例脑卒中患者中60例继发性癫痫患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果脑卒中癫痫的总发生率6.00%,卒中后早期癫痫的发生率为53.33%(32/60),晚期发生率为46.67%(28/60),以部分发作为最多占65.00%(39/60),卒中后癫痫的发生率与病灶部位有关,皮质病灶较易发生卒中后癫痫,皮质(10.65%)与皮层下(2.73%)比较差异有显著意义(P〈0.05),而不同卒中类型癫痫发生率差异无显著意义(P〉0.05)。结论脑卒中是老年人癫痫发作的最常见原因,皮层病灶较易发生癫痫。  相似文献   
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