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This study assessed the association between the timing of first epinephrine administration (EA) and the neurological outcomes following out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) with both initial shockable and non-shockable rhythms.


This was a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter prospective cohort study (SOS-KANTO 2012), which registered OHCA patients in the Kanto region of Japan from January 2012 to March 2013. We included consecutive adult OHCA patients who received epinephrine. The primary result included 1-month favorable neurological outcomes defined as cerebral performance category (CPC) 1 or 2. Secondary results included 1-month survival and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after arrival at the hospital. Multivariable logistic regression analysis determined the association between delay per minute of the time from call to first EA in both pre- or in-hospital settings and outcomes.


Of the 16,452 patients, 9344 were eligible for our analyses. In univariable analysis, the delay in EA was associated with decreased favorable neurological outcomes only when the initial rhythm was a non-shockable rhythm. In multivariable analyses, delay in EA was associated with decreased ROSC (adjusted odds ratio [OR] for one minute delay, 0.97; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.96–0.98) and 1-month survival (adjusted OR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.92–0.97) when the initial rhythm was a non-shockable rhythm, whereas during a shockable rhythm, delay in EA was not associated with decreased ROSC and 1-month survival.


While assessing the effectiveness of epinephrine for OHCA, we should consider the time-limited effects of epinephrine. Additionally, consideration of early EA based on the pathophysiology is needed.  相似文献   
This report describes a model for identifying sets of teaching abilities considered to be effective for medical school teaching staff, based on roles teachers assume and functions they are expected to perform as instructors. The specification of these teaching abilities was the first step in the development of a comprehensive course on Medical Instruction at the Basic Institute of Medical and Agricultural Biology of the State University of Sao Paulo, Botucatu, Brazil, where the senior author is employed. The work was based on the assumption that medical school teachers are expected to assume a variety of teaching roles and that identification and specification of the abilities that define their roles can result in more effective and efficient teaching.  相似文献   
A questionnaire survey of career choices was carried out among 112 medical graduates, after one year's internship (group I), during their National Youth Corps programme in Kaduna, Lagos, Cross River and Oyo states of Nigeria, and 365 final-year medical undergraduates (group 2) in the colleges of medicine in the corresponding states. A total of 13% in group I and 40% in group 2 were undecided as regards their first choice. Obstetrics and gynaecology was the most popular first choice in both groups. General practice ranked fifth among group I, but displaced surgery to rank second among group 2. The differences were statistically significant. A total of 41% of group I and 46% of group 2 preferred to work in a teaching hospital, reflecting the high preference for surgical specialties. Twenty-six per cent and 33.7% of respondents in groups 1 and 2 respectively wished to own their own practice or work in the private sector. General practice is a new specialty and its growth is supported by a national postgraduate training programme. A shift towards general practice is seen compared with previous studies of career preference among Nigerian medical graduates and students. This may be due to a changing balance of supply and demand in the medical work-force, or a better assessment of the nation's health problems and manpower needs.  相似文献   
Many epidemiological studies have shown the magnitude and seriousness of mental disorders in developing countries. However, mental health care remains unsatisfactory owing to lack of skilled manpower and many other social and medical priorities. General practitioners and other health personnel can significantly help in extending mental health care provided they receive adequate training during their medical curriculum. With this aim, the Department of Psychiatry at Addis Ababa University runs a 6-week full-time course for undergraduate medical students. Its chief objectives, teaching methods, achievements and shortcomings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
The community-based course presented is a longitudinal course running through four semesters in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan. Students combine their regular work in primary health care centres with attachments to a number of families in Wad Medani town. They continue to visit these families regularly throughout their entire medical course with the aim of studying them and helping them with some of their medical and psychosocial problems.  相似文献   
A comparison of 121 mature-age and 270 normal-age entrants who graduated from the University of Queensland Medical School between 1972 and 1987 shows that mature-age entrants are some 7 years older, are more likely to come from public (state) schools and less likely to have parents in professional/technical occupations. Otherwise, the two groups were similar in terms of gender, marital status, number of children, ethnic background and current practice location. The educational background of mature-age entrants prior to admission includes 44.6% with degrees in health-science areas and 31.4% with degrees in non-health areas. Reasons for delayed entry of mature-age entrants include late consideration of medicine as a career (34.7%), financial problems (31.4%), dissatisfaction with previous career (30.6%), poor academic results (19.8%), or a combination of the above factors. Motivations to study medicine include family influences (more so in normal-age entrants), altruistic reasons (more so in mature-age entrants) and a variety of personal/social factors such as intellectual satisfaction, prestige and financial security (similar for both groups) and parental expectations (more so in normal-age entrants). Mature-age entrants experienced greater stress throughout the medical course, especially with regard to financial difficulties, loneliness/isolation from the students and family problems (a greater proportion were married with children). While whole-course grades were similar in both groups, normal-age entrants tended to win more undergraduate honours/prizes and postgraduate diplomas/degrees, including specialist qualifications. Practice settings were similar in terms of group private practice, hospital/clinic practice or medical administration, but there was a greater proportion of mature-age entrants in solo private practice, and a smaller proportion in teaching/research. If given the time over, some two-thirds of both groups would choose medicine as a career. Reasons for job satisfaction include helping patients, intellectual stimulation and financial rewards. Reasons for dissatisfaction include pressure of work, red-tape/paperwork, 'doctor-bashing', long working hours, emotional strain, financial pressure, unfulfilled career expectations and irritation with trivial medical complaints.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of consistency in student ratings of teacher effectiveness during the first year of medical school. Student ratings of teaching effectiveness represent a commonly used source of information that enters into the academic decision-making process. In medical school, student evaluations often represent a major source of information that is used in promotion and tenure decisions. It is essential that the precision of such ratings be ascertained so that decision-makers will know how much confidence to place in this source of information on teaching effectiveness. In this study, each member of a first-year medical school class was randomly assigned a two-digit identification number at the beginning of the spring semester, 1986. As the semester progressed students were asked to evaluate each full-time teacher in three major courses. Multiple instructors were utilized in each course (n = 10). Each teacher was evaluated immediately after lectures during the first (T1) and second (T2) halves of the course. Students evaluated the teacher a third time (T3) as part of the end-of-semester overall course evaluation. The teachers were evaluated on a short eight-item Likert-type scale that identified several key indicators of effective teaching. Students attached their anonymous identification numbers to individual ratings so that their responses could be matched in the analysis. The results indicate that medical students are only moderately consistent in the extent to which they evaluate teachers. This inconsistency varied by course and by instructors within courses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
五所医院特需医疗服务状况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对上海医科大学附属华山医院、协和医院、北京同仁医院、中山医科大学附属第一医院、浙江医科大学附属第二医院开展的特需医疗服务情况的调查,论述了五所医院的具体做法,在对调查结果进行分析的基础上,就特需医疗服务的管理提出了建议。  相似文献   
文章针对目前医学生“网络成瘾症”的现状进行了分析,并指出了产生的原因和解决问题的办法,以求达到标本兼治。最后提出三点预防医学生“网络成瘾症”的对策:一是高校及其附属医院要为医学生营造宽松愉快的学习、生活环境;二是呼吁家长关注医学生身心发展的特殊规律,建立良好的家庭环境;三是建立和完善与网络社会相应的法律法规,规范医学生的网上行为。  相似文献   
本文作者比较了不同时期的纸质病案的使用率,讨论了旧病案的缺点,如难于保存,占用空间及实用价值不大.作者提出了改进保存病案的办法.  相似文献   
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