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Despite numerous studies of approach- and avoidant mindsets, relatively little research has addressed the impact of such motivational orientations on performance and emotion in a real-time, multi-task setting. A laboratory simulation is reported that examines the influence of an induced approach-centered, an avoidance-centered, and a “neutral” motivational mindset upon multiple aspects of task performance, self-regulatory cognition, and affect. Undergraduate females randomly assigned to one of three mindset conditions performed a simulated automobile drive across one practice and two experimental trials. Dependent measures included divided attention, behavioral indicators of driving “cautiousness” in relatively safe straight roadway sections as well as during more risk-filled driving, multiple aspects of self-regulatory thinking (including self-monitoring, intended effort, and self-administered consequences), and positive and negative affect. Results revealed that the avoidant mindset produced poorer executive attention (i.e., fewer correctly detected divided attention events), more “cautious” driving behavior and reduced performance variability (i.e., greater control) when driving on presumably safe, straight roadway sections, lower self-reports of intended effort, and greater negative affect relative to the approach mindset. Results are intepreted within a self-regulation-centered motivational framework. Implications of the multi-task simulation for the study of normal and disordered adjustment are considered.  相似文献   
Back pain among nurses is a common problem. Prior studies of this problem have been based on cross-sectional or retrospective data. This 18-month prospective study involving nurses newly graduated from nursing school investigated personal, worksite, and training factors associated with future risk of back pain. Each nurse underwent a preliminary interview and periodic follow-ups to identify those with back injuries. Contingency tables and logistic regression analyses demonstrated that prior significant back pain episodes (evidenced by previous job changes because of back pain, frequent medication use, etc.) were associated with increased future risk. Training at nursing school or on the job did not have a protective effect. This pilot study therefore suggests factors useful in placement and counseling of new nurses and indicates the need for further implementation of mechanical lift assist device use. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Semiconductor manufacturing: an introduction to processes and hazards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies suggest that semiconductor workers have an increased incidence of work-related illness. Semiconductor manufacturing is a chemically intensive industry involving many potentially hazardous operations. As this industry moves into new geographic areas, health care professionals will be asked to evaluate medical or workplace conditions associated with unfamiliar and complex production processes. This paper provides an overview of semiconductor manufacturing processes for these health practitioners. Each step of device fabrication is detailed with its attendant chemical and physical hazards. Broader concepts of industrial control technology, clean room ventilation, and ergonomics are explained. The hazards are tabulated to allow rapid assessment of the risks inherent to each processing step. References have been chosen to guide the reader to more indepth information.  相似文献   
To make a preliminary assessment of whether upper limb soft tissue disorders might be associated with activities at work, we have conducted a case-control study of subjects attending orthopedic clinics in three cities. All subjects between the ages of 16 and 65 years, in whom defined soft tissue conditions of the upper limb were diagnosed by the participating orthopedic surgeons, were invited to take part. Controls were subjects attending the same clinics within the same age range whose clinical diagnosis did not include disease of the upper limb, cervical or thoracic spine. Information concerning repetitive movements of the upper limbs at work was elicited by questionnaire. Five hundred eighty cases and 996 controls were studied, representing 96% and 93%, respectively, of those invited to participate. The diagnoses of the cases included soft tissue conditions affecting the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, thumb, hand, and fingers. The diagnoses of the controls included traumatic, degenerative, and inflammatory conditions, mostly of the legs and lower back. Women predominated among the cases (70%) and men among the controls (56%). Of 221 female cases with injury to the wrist and forearm, 32 were cleaner/domestics (14.5%) compared to 35 of 439 controls (8%), a difference statistically significant at the 2 1/2% level. Other jobs significantly overrepresented (5% level) among female cases with injuries at various anatomical sites included hairdressers, secretary/temps, assembly line workers, and machine operators (type unspecified). Among male cases, electricians were significantly overrepresented (5% level). Jobs for which there was a suggestion (p < 0.1) of overrepresentation among cases included butchers and teacher/ lecturers (both males only) and the combined job groups (chosen a priori for analysis) of keyboard operators, machine operators, and music teachers (all three jobs, females only).  相似文献   
目的;探讨新型常规潜艇长航60昼夜对艇员视力听力,心肺功能、体能耐力和心理工效等的影响。方法:通过临床体检,特殊检查观察长航艇员生理和心理方面的变化。结果:长航艇员视力和听力下降,心率加快,心脏搏出量减少,用力肺活量及最大通气量减少,体能耐力和工作能力下降。结论:潜艇长航对艇员视力听力,心肺功能,体能耐力,工作能力和心理工效均有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
Background:The rubber processing workers experience various types of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to awkward postures, repetitive movements, and manual loads etc. Research on MSDs and ergonomic interventions in this area is limited. Therefore, the present systematic review aims to (i) identify various operations done by rubber processing workers and their associated MSDs, (ii) explore the ergonomic intervention and post-intervention study and its impact among the workers, (iii) identify the research gaps in MSDs and ergonomic interventions through bibliometric analysis.Methods:Comprehensive electronic searches were conducted in Web of Science, ScienceDirect and PubMed for the search term “Ergonomics” or “Musculoskeletal disorder” and “Rubber” for the article published before 2020. Eleven papers were identified for the review of MSDs and ergonomic interventions; data were extracted to summarize sample size, data collection methods, analyzing tools, various operations, MSDs, and ergonomic interventions.Results:The reviewed article is classified according to various operations such as rubber tapping, latex collection, rubber sheeting and sheet pressing. The review reveals that most of the workers experience lower back pain, which involved a traditional way of operating. Every author is trying to recommend some interventions, but post-intervention studies are limited.Conclusions:Due to the limited post-intervention study, there is a scope of ergonomic interventions in every operation. So, the implementation of a proper ergonomic tool with adequate awareness improves the MSDs among the rubber processing workers. The review will help to identify the various intervention gaps in different operations associated with rubber farming.  相似文献   
目的基于人机工程学和生物力学仿真技术,对人体肌肉进行生物学评价,研究摆幅可调型足部康复机器人的康复策略。方法在Any Body中建立人体和摆幅可调型足部康复机器人的人机耦合模型,并对耦合模型进行运动学仿真,将仿真结果与理论计算结果相比,验证耦合模型的可靠性;再利用Any Body中的参数研究机制对验证后的耦合模型进行生物力学仿真,以足部康复机器人的运动速度和摆幅为变量,分析在不同变量组合下的肌肉活动度和肌肉力。结果在康复运动中足部相关肌肉的拉伸性能得到有效训练,不同的运动速度和摆幅对肌肉的影响不同,并得出运动速度和摆幅调节的安全范围。结论实现了不同运动速度和摆幅下肌肉活动度和肌肉力的组合分析,研究结果对足部康复机器人的临床应用和被动康复模式下康复策略的制订具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
背景:当前法医人类学、人体工程学及足迹学研究均发现足部各信息(如足长、足宽等)与身高、体质量呈现出显著相关性,但国内外文献对有关赤足形态特征接触面积与人体身高、体质量的量化研究尚不完善。目的:分析人体赤足形态特征接触面积与身高、体质量之间相关性,创新法医人类学、人体工程学等相关学科理论体系,为利用赤足足迹进行人身个体识别提供参考。方法:采用足迹学传统平面足迹油墨捺印方法进行样本收集,再利用MATLAB数字软件对足迹对象进行图像处理。测试对象为随机抽取身高分布在165-190 cm之间健康的青壮年男性100名,记录其身高、体质量,获取正常行走步态下的赤足形态特征接触面积并进行统计分析。试验的实施符合《赫尔辛基宣言》和中国刑事警察学院对人体研究的相关伦理要求。结果与结论:在健康青壮年男性正常弓类型(排除中断弓和膨胀弓两种弓区类型)条件下:①人体赤足形态特征接触面积与身高、体质量之间均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),其与人体身高之间关系可被应用于法医人类学、人体工程学、足迹学的身高分析;②身高相较于体质量而言,对人体赤足形态特征接触面积的影响更加显著,更具有直接相关性。  相似文献   
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a common cause of pain and sickness absence for ultrasound practitioners. This article aims to provide background information about factors increasing the chance of developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders and potential ways to reduce risk. Factors influencing ultrasound professionals’ likelihood of developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders include poor posture, repetitive movements, transducer pressure and poor grip, stress, workload, limited support or sense of control and other psychosocial factors. The impact of these risk factors on the health and well being of ultrasound practitioners can be reduced by following recommendations published by professional bodies and the Health and Safety Executive. Ultrasound practitioners should remember that optimising the examination should not be at the detriment of their health. Some hints and tips to reduce the chance of developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders are provided.  相似文献   
The importance of human factors is becoming increasingly recognized in the healthcare profession. Lack of situational awareness, poor communication and inadequate leadership compounded by unfamiliar teams in a rapidly deteriorating clinical situation put obstetric patients at particular risk. There is much to be learnt from other high-risk industries including aviation and the military. Increasing awareness and training in human factors and utilization of communication tools (such as SBAR) and prompts (including emergency checklists) can help to promote a safer environment.  相似文献   
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