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Many trainees think about research towards the end of clinical training, but at that stage, it may be too late to get the most from the limited opportunities that remain. Ideally, trainees should consider research early in their career. For some, a career in academic paediatrics may be attractive, in which case following the clinical academic pathway as outlined by the National Institutes of Health Research may be appropriate. For others, research may be part of a wider clinical training. This article discusses a variety of research opportunities available to trainees, and offers advice on a career in academic paediatrics.  相似文献   
This research is designed to investigate the relationship between the 24-h movement guidelines (24-HMG) and self-reported academic achievement (AA) using nationally representative data derived from the 2019 U.S. National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey. A multiple-stage cluster sampling procedure has been adopted to ensure a representative sample (N = 9127 adolescents; mean age = 15.7 years old; male% = 49.8%). Logistic regression has been adopted to obtain the odds ratio (OR) regarding the associations between adherence to 24-HMG and AA while controlling for ethnicity, body mass index, sex and age. The prevalence of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines in isolation and combination varied greatly (physical activity = 23.3%, screen time = 32.5%, sleep = 22.3%, and 24-HMG = 2.8%), while the percentage of highest-class AA was 42.5%. Compared with the situation when none of 24-HMG is met, the achievement of any of the combined guidelines (except for meeting the physical activity guidelines) was significantly associated with higher odds of achieving first-class AA. Meeting the sleep guideline had 1.42 times increased likelihood to achieve highest-class AA as compared with not meeting the sleep guideline. Meeting screen time guidelines and physical activity guidelines, respectively, were 1.32 and 1.13 times more likely to report first-class AA; but meeting the guidelines of physical activity was not significantly related to AA. Meeting the 24-HMG had the highest odds of achieving first-class AA (OR = 2.01, 95%CI: 1.47– 2.73). In both sexes, adolescents who met 24-HMG self-reported better AA (boys OR = 2.05, 95%CI: 1.34–3.15; girls OR = 2.26, 95%CI: 1.36–3.76). Significant relationships were observed in adolescents from 9–10th grade, but not higher grades. Our research findings suggest that optimal movement behaviours can be seen as an important This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. DOI: 10.32604/IJMHP.2021.017660 ARTICLE Tech Science Press Published Online: 26 October 2021 element to better academic achievement among U.S. adolescents. Future studies can adopt our discoveries to promote adolescents’ academic achievement through implementing optimal 24-h movement behaviour patterns.  相似文献   
研究生科学道德和学风建设是学位与研究生教育的重要组成部分。针对近年来科学研究和学术活动中各种违背科学道德和学术规范的行为时有发生,国家教育部对研究生科学道德和学风建设日益重视,因此构建研究生的科学道德和学风教育质量管理体系具有十分重要的意义。实现研究生科学道德和学风教育质量体系的方针和目标需具备三个要素,即教育实践的模式(集主题教育、方法学习、学术实践三位一体)、有效性评价机制和绩效考核机制。此外,尚需建立体系优化机制,以适应各种内外部因素的变化,保持体系的更新和优化。  相似文献   
《经穴解》为明末清初齐鲁针灸医家岳含珍所著,全书学术特色鲜明:从分经辨证、病候辨证、人迎寸口脉辨证三方面了阐述了经络辨证的价值,积极探讨经络与脏腑之间的联系。注重经络辨证与脏腑辨证相结合;从腧穴的主治功能、经脉循行交会与气血盛衰的关系、地理方位等多角度对书中穴名进行解释,可以窥探分析穴位的气血盛衰,提供了认知腧穴的基本思路;以“五脏互藏”理论为指导阐述腧穴主治病证,体现了其从整体辨证论治、注重经络与脏腑关联的学术特点,揭示了脏腑之间的复杂联系。该书论述全面细致,阐释深入简出,为现代针灸临床提供借鉴,促进了齐鲁医学的传承与发展。  相似文献   
癌症是世界的难题,是全球人类的灾难。西医放疗、化疗、手术被誉为抗肿瘤的“三板斧”,是治疗癌症的传统方法。何乃举主任中医师遍访全国中医界名家及民间老中医,加之长期的临床实践,形成从伤寒六经辨治癌症的思路经验,从六经辨证仲景已经把癌症早有定位,按照六经辨证学术研究,脏腑本能之气衰败,三阳经外感入里化内热,内热不除,耗伤三阴,引起三阳内闭,闭则不通,聚焦在脏腑,泛滥成灾,这是肾亏骨空内伤。内伤三阳热耗,形成阴不足,阳有余,阴阳失调,必然使脏腑大病。按六经辨治方法,泄内实热,顺水行舟,给病邪找出路,热去阴自复。开鬼门解表,洁净腑利小便。把握伤寒六经辨治规律,诊治癌症也有十之六七,也能见病之源,病跟经走,方跟病行,经病同行,六经大道找病,切中病源。  相似文献   
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