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目的 了解绥芬河公路口岸附近EHF亚在鼠类中的流行动态。方法 对鼠类进行EHF IgG抗体监测。结果 检测142只、5种鼠类的血样,检出EHF IgG抗体阳性29例,阳性率为20.42%。其中黑线姬鼠的移抗体IgG抗体阳性率较高,为30.95%。结论 EHF宿主是属于多源性动物宿主,而黑线姬鼠是主要贮存宿主和传染源,提示我们要注意防鼠、灭鼠。  相似文献   
用0.5%溴敌隆母液配制的0.005%毒饵,采用7天饱和投饵,取得了100%的灭效;0.025%敌鼠钠盐以同样方法投饵,灭效为93.33%。从而证实,溴敌隆是目前在灭鼠效力、适口性、安全性方面较好的抗凝血灭鼠剂之一。  相似文献   
During intracellular recordings in rodent brainstem slice preparations, dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) pyramidal cells (PCs) exhibit characteristic discharge patterns to depolarizing current injection that depend on the membrane potential from which the responses are evoked. When depolarized from hyperpolarized potentials, PCs can respond with a short-latency action potential followed by a long silent interval (pauser) or a train of action potentials with a long latency (buildup). During the silent intervals in a pauser or a buildup response, the membrane potential slowly depolarizes towards spike threshold, often exhibiting distinct voltage oscillations of 1–2 mV before the first spike. The subthreshold voltage oscillations were investigated using whole cell recordings from DCN PCs in rat pup (P10–14) brainstem slices. The oscillations were unaffected by excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter antagonists, and were not temporally locked to the onset of the depolarization. The oscillations typically became larger as spike threshold was approached, and had a characteristic frequency between 40 and 100 Hz. In the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX, 500 nM), the oscillations were significantly suppressed, and could not be evoked at any voltage below or above spike threshold. The oscillations were not blocked by phenytoin or Cd2+, but they were affected by prior activity in the neuron for approximately 1 s. We conclude that voltage-gated Na+ channels are required to generate membrane oscillations during the buildup phase. We suggest that the subthreshold oscillations play a role in controlling spike timing in PCs when the membrane potential slowly approaches, or hovers near, spike threshold.  相似文献   
The time for reproduction in mammals largely depends on the availability of water and food in their habitat. Therefore, in regions where rains are limited to definite seasons of the year, mammals presumably will restrict their breeding correspondingly. But while mammals living in predictable ecosystems would benefit by timing their season to an ultimate predictable cue, such as photoperiod, in unpredictable ecosystems (e.g., deserts) they will need to use a more proximate signal. We suggest a mechanism by which water shortage (low water content in plants) could act as a proximate cue for ending the reproductive season. The golden spiny mouse (Acomys russatus), a diurnal rodent living in extreme deserts, may face an increased dietary salt content as the summer progresses and the vegetation becomes dry. Under laboratory conditions, increased diet salinity lead to reproductive hiatus in females, notable in imperforated vagina, and a significant decrease in the ovaries, uteri, and body masses. In females treated with vasopressin (VP), a hormone expressed during water stress, the uteri and body masses have decreased significantly, and the ovaries exhibited an increased number of atretic follicles. VP has also led to a significant decrease in relative medullary thickness (RMT) of the kidney. It is thus suggested that VP could act as a modulator linking the reproductive system with water economy in desert rodents, possibly through its act on the energetic pathways.  相似文献   
Age-related changes in the structure and replication of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were investigated in different organs from young adult (9–10 months' old) and senescent (28–29 months' old) BALB/c mice and Fischer 344 rats. Total mtDNA from brain, heart, kidney and liver was isolated by centrifugation in ethidium bromide—CsCl gradient and examined for the occurrence of complex forms and replicative intermediates by electron microscopy. The frequency of catenated mtDNA (interlinked molecules containing two or more circular units) varied from about 2.5% to 5% in adult tissues and showed a small increase in the majority of senescent organs. The frequency of double-sized circular molecules, or circular dimers, was very low in adult tissues, with an average of about 0.04% in mice and 0.1% in rats. The frequency of circular dimers increased with aging to 1.9% in mouse brain and 1.5% in rat kidney, with smaller increases (0.4% and 0.7%) in heart mtDNA from both species; there was no significant increase in the other organs. It is suggested that the increase in the frequency of circular dimer mtDNA reflects an overall deterioration of tissue physiology rather than intrinsic senescent changes in the mitochondria. The frequencies and types of the various replicative forms of mtDNA varied significantly according to tissue but not according to species or donor age. The only exception was a significant increase in the frequency of larger replicative forms in senescent mouse liver, to about 20% compared with 12% in adult liver, suggesting an age-related change in the rate of mtDNA replication and/or turnover in this organ.  相似文献   
Targeted deletion of the heterotrimeric G protein, Galphai2, in mice induces lethal colitis closely resembling ulcerative colitis. In chronic colitis, migration of circulating leukocytes into the intestinal mucosa is partially dependent on alpha4 integrins. In previous studies, short-term administration of anti-alpha4 integrin antibodies has been shown to attenuate intestinal inflammation, and here we elucidate the effect of long-term administration of anti-alpha4 integrin antibodies on colitis in Galphai2(-/- )mice. Long-term blockade of alpha4 integrin significantly increased the severity of colitis in Galphai2(-/-) mice. The inflammation was confined to the colon, associated with increased cancer in situ, destruction of crypt architecture, and increased production of IL-1beta, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. Blockade of alpha4 integrin reduced the recruitment of activated T cells to the small intestine. In strong contrast, there were significantly higher numbers of activated T cells in the colonic lamina propria and epithelium, most probably due to in situ proliferation. Furthermore, treatment with alpha4 integrin antibodies induced decreased levels of total IgA and IgG in sera, whereas total IgM levels were unchanged. These new findings may have implications in the understanding of the progression of chronic intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   
Maintenance of peripheral tolerance and inactivation of autoreactive T cells is based on a delicate balance between pro-inflammatory and protective cytokines that is poorly understood. We have here addressed how the local expression of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha can impair peripheral tolerance and lead to autoreactivity. After transplantation of pancreata that are immunogenic due to beta-cell expression of B7.1 and TNF-alpha, into thymectomized and euthymic syngeneic mice, we found that only euthymic mice rejected the grafts. This result suggests that under normal circumstances autoreactive T cells are functionally inactivated, and initiation of an autoreactive response requires de-novo generation of T cells. By contrast, thymectomized mice expressing TNF-alpha on the endogenous islets rejected the grafts, showing that expression of TNF-alpha prevents functional silencing of the autoreactive T cells. Thus, this study provides a mechanism by which TNF-alpha and possibly chronic inflammatory responses may promote autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, we have investigated whether B7.1 can enhance T cell responses of already activated T cells leading to islet rejection. By transplantation of wild-type and B7.1-expressing islets into overtly diabetic mice we found that only the wild-type islets could restore normoglycemia, suggesting that costimulation by B7.1 is required in the expansion or effector phase of the response.  相似文献   
The ability of an inland and beach race of the old-field mouse to use increasing concentrations of NaCl solutions was compared. Inland mice drank significantly more fluid at all concentrations than did beach mice. These differences became more pronounced as the salt concentration was increased. Food consumption was similar in both races while drinking water or a dilute salt solution, but beach mice ate significantly greater amounts when the concentration of salt was increased above 0.2 M. Weight losses on salt solutions were approximately equal in both races, although beach mice survived longer and tolerated the higher concentrations better. There was no difference in the ability of the races to concentrate urine or excrete Na+. When given a choice of distilled water or two salt solutions, beach mice consumed significantly more water (77%) than salt solutions (23%) whereas inland mice drank approximately equal amounts of water (54%) and salt solutions (46%). When deprived of anything to drink, beach mice almost stopped eating for the first two days while inland mice did not reduce their food consumption as quickly and died sooner. Thus, it appears that adaptive modifications of ingestive behavior are important for survival in habitats where salt accumlates and summer droughts may be a problem.  相似文献   
Summary We determined the affinities of nordimaprit, homodimaprit, clobenpropit and imetit for H3 binding sites (labelled by 3H-N-methylhistamine) in rat brain cortex homogenates and their potencies at presynaptic H3A receptors on noradrenergic nerve endings in mouse brain cortex slices. 3H-N-Methylhistamine bound saturably to rat brain cortex homogenates with a Kd of 0.70 nmol/l and a Bmax of 98 fmol/mg protein. Binding of 3H-N-methylhistamine was displaced monophasically by dimaprit (pKi 6.55), nordimaprit (5.94), homodimaprit (6.44), clobenpropit (9.16), imetit (9.83), R-(–)--methylhistamine (8.87) and histamine (8.20), and biphasically by burimamide (pKi high 7.73, pKi low 5.97). In superfused mouse brain cortex slices preincubated with 3H-noradrenaline, the electrically (0.3 Hz) evoked tritium overflow was inhibited by imetit (pIC35 8.93),R-(–)--methylhistamine (7.87) and histamine (7.03). The effect of histamine was attenuated by nordimaprit, homodimaprit, clobenpropit and N-ethoxycarbonyl-2- ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ); EEDQ (but not nordimaprit, homodimaprit and clobenpropit) attenuated the effect of histamine also in slices pre-exposed to the drug 60–30 min prior to superfusion. The concentration-response curve of histamine was shifted to the right by homodimaprit and clobenpropit; Schild plots yielded straight lines with a slope of unity for both drugs (pA2 5.94 and 9.55, respectively). Nordimaprit depressed the maximum effect of histamine (pD2 5.55) and also slightly increased the concentration of histamine producing the half-maximum effect.In conclusion, nordimaprit and homodimaprit possess similar affinities for H3 binding sites like dimaprit; nordimaprit and homodimaprit as well as clobenpropit and imetit do not differentiate between H3A and H3B binding sites. Nordimaprit is a reversible noncompetitive H3 receptor antagonist, homodimaprit and clobenpropit are reversible competitive H3 receptor antagonists and imetit is an H3 receptor agonist. Correspondence to: E. Schlicker at the above address  相似文献   
Mouse or rat brain cortex slices were preincubated with 3H-noradrenaline and superfused with physiological salt solution containing desipramine. We studied the effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and related drugs on the electrically evoked (50 mA, 2 ms, 0.3 Hz) tritium overflow.PGE2 inhibited the electrically evoked tritium overflow from mouse brain cortex slices; the maximum effect of PGE2 (79010) was attenuated by the 2-adrenoceptor agonist talipexole (to 52010) and enhanced by the 2-adrenoceptor antagonist rauwolscine (to 92%). Rauwolscine was added to the superfusion medium in all subsequent experiments. The effect of PGE2 was readily reversible upon withdrawal from the medium and remained constant upon prolonged exposure of the tissue to the prostanoid. Studies with EP receptor agonists, mimicking the inhibitory effect of PGE2, showed the following potencies (pIC50): sulprostone (8.22); misoprostol (8.00); PGE2 (7.74); PGEZ (7.61); iloprost (5.86). The concentration-response curve of PGE2 was marginally shifted to the right by the EP1 receptor antagonist AH 6809 (6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid; apparent pA2 3.97) and by the TP receptor antagonist vapiprost (4.50). AH 6809, by itself, did not affect the evoked overflow whereas vapiprost increased it. PGD2 inhibited the evoked overflow at high concentrations (pIC50 4.90); this effect was not altered by the DP receptor antagonist BW A868C (3-benzyl-5-(6-carboxyhexyl)-1-(2-cyclohexyl-2hydroxyethylamino)hydantoin), which, by itself, did not affect the evoked overflow. Indometacin slightly increased the evoked overflow and tended to increase the inhibitory effect of PGE2. PGE2 inhibited the electrically evoked tritium overflow also in rat brain cortex slices. The maximum effect (obtained in the presence of rauwolscine) was 61%; the pIC30 value was 7.67.The present study suggests that PGE2 inhibits noradrenaline release from mouse brain cortex via EP3 receptors and that its maximum effect is more marked in the mouse than in the rat. The inhibitory effect of PGD2 (in the mouse brain) does not involve DP receptors and may also be related to EP3 receptors. The EP3 receptors interact with a2-adrenoceptors and may be activated by endogenous prostanoids.  相似文献   
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