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农村公共卫生投融资机制存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,农村公共卫生投融资规模不能适应农村居民的卫生服务需要,投融资结构不合理,致使投融资效果不佳,不利于农村卫生事业的发展。为此,需要从四个方面改革农村公共卫生投融资机制:一是要建立健全国家财政投资保障制度,发挥财政在农村公共卫生投资中的主体作用;二是要改革运行模式,拓宽融资渠道;三是要改善投资结构,优化资源配置;四是要创新管理体制,提高农村公共卫生服务能力。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the origins of today's crisis in the hospital sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Present trends in availability of hospital services are extrapolated to the future in order to provide a low-end estimate of the need for expansion of first referral level hospitals. This will not be possible without giving due priority to this sector, a commitment to considerable investments and reorientation of resources from tertiary to first referral level hospitals. It is to be feared that if this is not done, the backlog will increase, and, given the time lag before investments translate into operational services, there will be a major shortage of hospital services in sub-Saharan Africa within a decade.  相似文献   
ObjectivesUnderstanding the level of investment needed for the 2021-2030 decade is important as the global community faces the next strategic period for vaccines and immunization programs. To assist with this goal, we estimated the aggregate costs of immunization programs for ten vaccines in 94 low- and middle-income countries from 2011 to 2030.MethodWe calculated vaccine, immunization delivery and stockpile costs for 94 low- and middle-income countries leveraging the latest available data sources. We conducted scenario analyses to vary assumptions about the relationship between delivery cost and coverage as well as vaccine prices for fully self-financing countries.ResultsThe total aggregate cost of immunization programs in 94 countries for 10 vaccines from 2011 to 2030 is $70.8 billion (confidence interval: $56.6-$93.3) under the base case scenario and $84.1 billion ($72.8-$102.7) under an incremental delivery cost scenario, with an increasing trend over two decades. The relative proportion of vaccine and delivery costs for pneumococcal conjugate, human papillomavirus, and rotavirus vaccines increase as more countries introduce these vaccines. Nine countries in accelerated transition phase bear the highest burden of the costs in the next decade, and uncertainty with vaccine prices for the 17 fully self-financing countries could lead to total costs that are 1.3-13.1 times higher than the base case scenario.ConclusionResource mobilization efforts at the global and country levels will be needed to reach the level of investment needed for the coming decade. Global-level initiatives and targeted strategies for transitioning countries will help ensure the sustainability of immunization programs.  相似文献   
Objective: Children with chronic health conditions face special issues in their interactions with managed care. These children often require additional and more varied services than do other children. Managed care plans increasingly include these children, especially with the growth of Medicaid managed care. This article examines the special issues facing children with chronic conditions and develops strategies for monitoring their care in managed care settings. Methods: The project staff conducted an extensive review of the research and policy literature related to managed care and the special needs of families with children with chronic conditions. The project also reviewed current and proposed plans of federal, state, and private groups for monitoring and, working with parents and other outside groups, identified key issues to consider in developing monitoring plans. Results: The relative rarity of many childhood conditions and the complex interactions among child, family, and community over time make assessment of their care difficult. We describe these child and family characteristics, outline essential features and domains for monitoring systems, and describe population-based and plan-based monitoring systems to assess managed care for these children and their families. Conclusions: Monitoring for children with chronic conditions in managed care arrangements will require public health agencies and health providers to define populations systematically, assess across a variety of conditions, and monitor several domains central to the health of these families.  相似文献   
关于改善我国卫生服务公平性的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
卫生服务公平性问题是我国深化卫生改革中关注的焦点问题之一.该文从卫生服务公平性的概念及衡量出发,探讨目前我国卫生服务公平性低下的现状及其主要原因,并提出了相应的对策与建议.  相似文献   
新型农村合作医疗制度"新"在何处?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前在我国试点的新型农村合作医疗制度与过去合作医疗相比 ,在政策支持力度、筹资机制、覆盖面与统筹面、管理体制、监督机制等方面都具有创新之处 ;新型合作医疗应汲取过去合作医疗垮台的各种教训 ,通过科学有效的管理 ,在农村建立起健康保障制度。  相似文献   
城市农民工参加医疗保险及筹资意愿调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解当前农民工参加医疗保险及筹资意愿。方法采用问卷调查方式,对杭州市930位外来农民工进行了问卷调查,并对有关用人单位开展访谈。结果50.8%农民工愿意参加健康储蓄,大多数农民工希望保障范围扩大,他们愿意为医疗保险筹资的水平为每月10 ̄30元左右。结论根据农民工的参保意愿及实际筹资能力制定切实可行的医保政策。  相似文献   
农村公共卫生投融资机制研究样本抽取的区域分类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁德斌 《现代预防医学》2006,33(12):2236-2239
目的:构建农村公共卫生投融资机制抽样研究的区域分类指标体系,并计算分类标志值.方法:本文在广泛收集我省农村公共卫生投融资方面的资料数据的基础上,运用专家咨询法确立符合本研究领域特征的指标体系和指标权重,并运用极差法对实际数据进行无量纲化处理,采用加权平均法计算出我省14个地州市的区域分类标志值.结果:我省14个地(州、市)的分类标志值虽然极差较大(反映发展不平衡),但主要分布于(40,70)这一区间内,其中,大于60的有5个地(州、市),小于50的有5个,在50-60之间的有4个,我们依此将其分为三个类别的区域.结论:经过专家咨询所筛选的9个指标所计算的标志值能够较好地反映一个地区的农村公共卫生投融资的现状,可以作为本研究抽样的依据.  相似文献   
This paper draws on two reviews commissioned by the UK Department for International Development in 2006-2007 that explore progress in linking HIV prevention and maternity services in sub-Saharan Africa. Although pilot and demonstration projects have been successful, progress in scaling up PMTCT has been slow, reaching just 11% of pregnant HIV positive women in much of Africa, less than half the percentage of coverage achieved by antiretroviral treatment programmes for adults in need. Despite ongoing efforts to promote comprehensive approaches, significant policy, financing and institutional barriers, and weak co-ordination and leadership, continue to hamper progress. Maternal health services face human and financial resource shortages which affect their capacity to integrate HIV prevention. Both HIV and maternal health programmes often receive targeted financial and technical assistance that does not take the other into account. However, proposals in 2007 from a number of countries to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria incorporate sexual and reproductive health programming that will have an impact on HIV, including certain maternity services. Moreover, Botswana, Kenya and Rwanda have shown that progress can be made where national commitment and increased resources are enabling maternal and newborn care to address HIV.  相似文献   
Evidence gathered from 1997 to 2006 indicates progress in reducing maternal mortality in Nepal, but public health services are still constrained by resource and staff shortages, especially in rural areas. The five-year Support to the Safe Motherhood Programme builds on the experience of the Nepal Safer Motherhood Project (1997-2004). It is working with the Government of Nepal to build capacity to institute a minimum package of essential maternity services, linking evidence-based policy development with health system strengthening. It has supported long-term planning, working towards skilled attendance at every birth, safe blood supplies, staff training, building management capacity, improving monitoring systems and use of process indicators, promoting dialogue between women and providers on quality of care, and increasing equity and access at district level. An incentives scheme finances transport costs to a health facility for all pregnant women and incentives to health workers attending deliveries, with free services and subsidies to facilities in the poorest 25 districts. Despite bureaucracy, frequent transfer of key government staff and political instability, there has been progress in policy development, and public health sector expenditure has increased. For the future, a human resources strategy with career paths that encourage skilled staff to stay in the government service is key.  相似文献   
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