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本文对鄂西自治州一市二县三所医院近八年来(1980年元月~1987年12月)成人USD住院患者1592例的构成比作了回顾性调查分析.结果表明:USD患者占同期住院总人数的3.90%,其常见病种依次为尿路结石,尿路感染,慢性肾炎.急性肾炎、肾结核,慢性肾衰和肾病综合征;上尿路结石病人数有逐年上升趋势,且右侧显著高于左侧(P<0.001);慢性肾衰的病人数每隔1~2年有突然增高现象,1987年比1980年增加了四倍;急性肾炎和肾结核占有较大比例,肾结核为慢性肾衰病因的第三位.这些均为本组USD的临床流行病学特点.作者对各常见病种的特点进行了讨论.  相似文献   
雌激素干预影响腹腔脂肪积聚的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的研究雌激素干预对雌性C57BL/6J小鼠腹腔脂肪代谢的影响.方法采用卵巢切除法造成雌激素缺乏模型,以及在动情周期正常和围绝经期的小鼠中,给以雌激素干预,观察腹腔脂肪重量的变化.3 mon 龄小鼠随机分为正常组,卵巢切除组,给雌激素 15 d 组和给雌激素 60 d 组,每组10只.小鼠摘除卵巢后饲养至 7 mon 龄处死.5和 10 mon 龄小鼠分为正常组,动情周期正常+雌激素 60 d组,围绝经期组和围绝经期+雌激素 60 d 组,每组10只,分别饲养至7和 12 mon 龄处死,检测腹腔脂肪重量.各组小鼠于处死前15和 60 d 分别皮下埋植控释雌激素(17β-雌二醇)药丸(0.18 mg/丸).结果卵巢切除组腹腔脂肪重量明显增加(P<0.05);给雌激素 15 d 组腹腔脂肪重量减轻(P<0.05);给雌激素 60 d 组腹腔脂肪重量有明显减轻,与正常组比较无显著性差别(P>0.05).动情周期正常+雌激素组和围绝经期+雌激素组的小鼠,其腹腔脂肪重量的变化无差别.结论卵巢切除明显影响小鼠的脂肪代谢导致腹腔脂肪积聚,而雌激素干预,特别是长期应用,可以明显减少小鼠的腹腔脂肪积聚.外源性雌激素干预在动情周期正常和围绝经期对小鼠腹腔脂肪没有明显的影响.  相似文献   
目的以小鼠趋化因子巨噬细胞炎症蛋白1α(MIP-1α)的重组腺病毒载体(AdmMIP-1α)体外感染小鼠Lewis肺癌细胞株(LLC),观察其体内抗肿瘤活性,探讨其成为肺癌疫苗的可能性。方法AdmMIP-1α体外感染LLC细胞,通过绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的表达检测感染率。连续14 d隔天进行细胞计数,观察细胞的体外生长曲线。取3×106修饰后的LLC细胞接种于C57BL/6小鼠,4周后在MIP-1α瘤苗组未荷瘤小鼠原接种部位的对侧再接种1×106野生型LLC或小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株(EL4)细胞。观察肿瘤体积。结果AdmMIP-1α能有效感染靶细胞LLC细胞,感染后LLC细胞的体外生长无明显改变。修饰后LLC细胞的体内成瘤性下降;4周后再接种LLC细胞,肿瘤生长速度明显减慢;而再接种的EL4细胞呈渐进性生长,与对照组无明显差异。结论表达MIP-1α基因的LLC细胞的体内成瘤性下降,并且能激发特异性免疫保护反应,有可能成为有效的肺癌疫苗。  相似文献   
成都市区超重与肥胖人群现状调查——7288例分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解生活方式变化对超重与肥胖的相关因素及现状 .方法 采用整群抽样 ,对成都市区有代表性人群 72 88例进行社会经济状况 ,体重指数 (BMI=体重kg/身高m2 ) ,血压及某些危险因素综合调查 .结果 本组BMI平均 2 2 4 4(男 2 2 86 ,女 2 1 95) ,正常BMI( 18 5~ 2 3 9)占人群 57 96 % ,BMI≥ 2 4及BMI≥ 2 8(超重及肥胖者 )达 30 56 %和 5 96 % ,男性 30岁后女性 4 0岁后即接近峰值 ,70岁以后稍降低 ,危险因素水平 (血压 ,血糖 ,TC ,TG等 )及心血管病事件均随BMT增加 ,BMI与多种危险因素明显相关 .结论 近年来BMI明显增加 ,而BMI与多种危险因素密切相关 ,应采取切实有效措施防治人群体重进一步增长  相似文献   
42例心脏三联症均经手术证实,除摄有平片外,26例行右心导管检查,23例行右室造影。本文根据临床X线资料分析,将本症分为两型,紫绀型25例为右向左分流,右室收缩压平均21.9kPa,肺动脉瓣口直径平均0.46cm。非紫绀型17例为左向右分流,右室收缩压平均12.5kPa,肺动脉瓣口直径平均0.96cm。本症X线表现为肺血减少(69%),SI值小(均值0.229),肺动脉段凸出(86%),左肺动脉/右下肺动脉比值大(55%),左肺门影大于右肺门影(48%),心影增大(67%)。两型X线表现大都相似,其主要区别是紫绀型肺血减少及SI值小,均比非紫绀型显著(P<0.01)。作者对平片鉴别诊断进行了讨论;右室造影对本症诊断有重要价值,且测定瓣口直径较准确。  相似文献   
目的:探讨儿童过敏性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis, AR)的发病及特异性免疫治疗(specific immunotherapy, SIT)的治疗机制。方法采用流式细胞术检测56例 AR 患者 SIT 治疗前、治疗1年后外周血中 CD4+CD25+CD127lo/-Treg表达水平:采用ELISA 法检测血清中IL-10、TGF-β1,并与30例健康儿童进行对比。结果56例AR患儿 SIT 治疗前外周血中 CD4+CD25+CD127lo/-Treg 占 CD4+ T 细胞的百分比为(5.36&#177;1.31)%,显著低于对照组(10.23&#177;2.26)%,P&lt;0.05,但SIT治疗1年后其数值为(9.37&#177;2.15)%,与对照组无明显差异。 AR患儿治疗前血清中IL-10值为(3.68&#177;1.21)pg/ml,显著低于对照组的(12.37&#177;2.18)pg/ml,P&lt;0.05;TGF-β1表达水平与对照组比较差异无统计学意义。 SIT 治疗1年后血清中IL-10水平亦与对照组差异不明显(P&lt;0.05);而TGF-β1表达水平分别为(20.16&#177;4.45)pg/ml及(9.27&#177;2.38)pg/ml,其差异有统计学意义(P&lt;0.05)。结论儿童AR患者外周血中CD4+Treg表达水平低,且存在功能缺陷,导致体内诱导免疫耐受机能不足,SIT治疗可以明显调节免疫免疫细胞的功能。  相似文献   
Giardia isolated from mice and rats have been identified as Giardia duodenalis by morphological criteria. No differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of 28 enzymes were detected between the mouse and rat isolates or between these isolates and human and cat isolates. Infections with both rodent isolates have been studied in several strains of inbred rats. No significant differences were detected between the rat strains, with the mouse isolate producing a self-limiting infection and the rat isolate a chronic infection. After the primary infection was eradicated with metronidazole, all strains of rats were resistant to reinfection with the homologous isolate. Both isolates produced chronic infections in hypothymic nude rats. BALB/c mice were found to be relatively resistant to primary infection with either isolate but C3H mice became infected chronically with the mouse isolate and experienced a prolonged infection with the rat isolate. These findings resemble those observed with infections with G. muris in the same strains of mice (Roberts-Thomson & Mitchell 1978). It is suggested that infections with G. duodenalis in rats may offer a model for giardiasis that is based on organisms related closely to G. lamblia. Comparative studies using the two rodent isolates may lead to a better understanding of how the parasite establishes as a chronic infection and which antigens induce protective immune responses.  相似文献   
目的了解东莞地区2004~2007年脑卒中流行病学发病趋势及住院直接经济负担。方法监测东莞地区2004至2007年脑卒中的发病情况、住院相关经济指标及影响因素。结果东莞地区脑卒中的平均发病密度为142.5/10万人年,4年来脑卒中的标准化发病率有逐年升高趋势,平均每年增长7.9%。脑卒中患者平均住院日16.6d,平均住院费用为11715.5元,脑卒中亚型(P〈0.001)、平均住院时间(P〈0.001)和预后(P〈0.001)是影响平均住院费用的主要因素。结论东莞市脑卒中发病率有逐年上升的趋势,缩短住院时间可能是减轻住院经济负担的合理途径。  相似文献   
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guidelines has recently released the new cholesterol treatment guideline. This update was based on a systematic review of the evidence and replaces the previous guidelines from 2002 that were widely accepted and implemented in clinical practice. The new cholesterol treatment guideline emphasizes matching the intensity of statin treatment to the level of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk and replaces the old paradigm of pursuing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol targets. The new guideline also emphasizes the primacy of the evidence base for statin therapy for ASCVD risk reduction and lists several patient groups that will not benefit from statin treatment despite their high cardiovascular risk, such as those with heart failure (New York Heart Association class II-IV) and patients undergoing hemodialysis. The guideline has been received with mixed reviews and significant controversy. Because of the evidence-based nature of the guideline, there is room for several questions and uncertainties on when and how to use lipid-lowering therapy in clinical practice. The goal of the Mayo Clinic Task Force in the assessment, interpretation, and expansion of the ACC/AHA cholesterol treatment guideline is to address gaps in information and some of the controversial aspects of the newly released cholesterol management guideline using additional sources of evidence and expert opinion as needed to guide clinicians on key aspects of ASCVD risk reduction.  相似文献   
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