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目的观察重组人表皮生长因子凝胶联合CO2点阵激光治疗烧伤及创伤后增生性瘢痕的临床效果。 方法选择2020年12月至2021年10月安徽医科大学第一附属医院烧伤与创面修复外科收治的20例增生性瘢痕患者,按照随机数字表法将患者分为联合治疗组及单纯激光治疗组,每组10例。术前均对2组患者术区进行拍照存像、消毒、擦干,局部均匀涂抹5%复方利多卡因乳膏后以无菌薄膜封闭保护60 min,擦去乳膏后再次消毒术区。术中使用CO2点阵激光治疗仪对患者瘢痕部位进行扫描,根据患者增生性瘢痕厚度选定合适的机器参数,维持机器频率300 Hz及密度5%,在20~30 J调整能量参数的大小,时间间隔1 s,保证点阵矩形完全覆盖增生瘢痕,允许2次激光形成的热损伤矩阵之间存在25%面积的重叠。术后即刻冷敷创面60 min,冷敷结束至术后1周,单纯激光治疗组不外用任何药物,联合治疗组术区加用重组人表皮生长因子凝胶外用,3次/d。术后3 d治疗部位不碰水,若出现感染情况,可以加用抗生素软膏,点状损伤创面外痂皮未掉落完全时禁止擦洗创面,禁止直接剥除痂皮,禁止术区涂抹化妆品等,避免接受阳光直射。于第1次激光治疗后2个月进行第2次激光治疗,以2次CO2点阵激光治疗为1个疗程,1个疗程治疗后间隔2个月待术区稳定后行疗效判断,计算2组患者治疗的总有效率;根据温哥华瘢痕量表(VSS)与患者与观察者瘢痕评估量表(POSAS)对患者治疗前、第1次激光治疗后2个月、第2次激光治疗后2个月瘢痕的各项指标进行评分。数据比较采用重复测量方差分析和χ2检验。 结果(1)治疗1个疗程后2个月,单纯激光治疗组与联合治疗组患者治疗的总有效率分别为80%(8/10)、90%(9/10),2组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.40,P=0.49)。(2)对2组VSS评分的各项指标进行比较,其中疼痛、瘙痒、柔软度及厚度评分的组内及组间各时相点比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗前、第1次激光治疗后2个月及第2次激光治疗后2个月,单纯激光治疗组VSS评分中色泽评分分别为(1.9±0.7)、(1.9±0.1)、(1.8±1.0)分,联合治疗组分别为(2.9±0.7)、(2.8±0.6)、(1.9±0.7)分,2组在不同时相点组内比较,差异有统计学意义(F= 26.143,P<0.05);2组组间不同时相点比较,差异有统计学意义(F=6.753,P=0.018)。治疗前、第1次激光治疗后2个月及第2次激光治疗后2个月,单纯激光治疗组VSS评分中血管分布评分分别为(1.8±1.0)、(1.7±0.7)、(1.5±1.0)分,联合治疗组分别为(2.6±0.5)、(2.5±0.5)、(1.7±0.8)分,2组在不同时相点组内比较,差异有统计学意义(F=17.603,P<0.05),2组组间不同时相点比较,差异无统计学意义(F= 2.538,P=0.129)。(3)对2组POSAS评分的各项指标进行比较,其中厚度、粗糙度、柔软度和表面积评分的组内及组间各时相点比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗前、第1次激光治疗后2个月及第2次激光治疗后2个月,单纯激光治疗组POSAS评分中色泽评分分别为(4.9±2.6)、(4.1±0.8)、(3.5±2.0)分,联合治疗组分别为(7.6±1.1)、(6.8±1.4)、(5.4±1.8)分,2组在不同时相点组内比较,差异有统计学意义(F= 26.509,P<0.05),2组组间不同时相点比较,差异有统计学意义(F= 8.973,P=0.008)。治疗前、第1次激光治疗后2个月及第2次激光治疗后2个月,单纯激光治疗组POSAS评分中血管分布评分分别为(4.4±2.1)、(3.9±0.9)、(3.5±1.6)分,联合治疗组分别为(6.3±1.1)、(5.7±2.0)、(4.5±1.6)分,2组在不同时相点组内比较,差异有统计学意义(F= 20.118,P<0.05),2组组间不同时相点比较,差异有统计学意义(F= 5.744,P=0.028)。 结论重组人表皮生长因子凝胶联合CO2点阵激光及单独使用CO2点阵激光治疗增生性瘢痕均效果明确,但联合使用重组人表皮生长因子凝胶能有效促进创面愈合、改善瘢痕组织血管分布和减少局部色素沉着。  相似文献   
目的 通过对广西不同地区福寿螺的COⅠ基因进行分析,以了解广西福寿螺种群的遗传多态性。方法 从南宁市横县、桂林市全州县和荔浦县、贺州市富川县、百色市田林县和崇左市凭祥县共计6个县区采集福寿螺样本,提取DNA并进行COⅠ基因的PCR扩增及测序。运用MAGE 7.0将本研究获得的单倍型与GenBank中的福寿螺单倍型使用邻接法构建系统进化树,并计算个体间的遗传距离,分析其遗传多样性。结果 COⅠ基因长度为493 bp,从11个样本鉴定出2种单倍型:单倍型1(Haplotype 1)和单倍型2(Haplotype 2)。其中9个样本为Haplotype 1,分别来源于南宁市横县(2个)、贺州市富川县(1个)、桂林市荔浦县(1个)、百色市田林县(2个)、崇左市凭祥县(3个),该单倍型与小管福寿螺遗传距离最近,为0.047;2个样本为Haplotype 2,分别源自为南宁市横县和桂林市全州,与孤岛福寿螺遗传距离最近,为0.062。根据上述条件所构建的进化树形成了7个分支,分别为P. canaliculata、P. camena、P. insularum、P. paludosa、P. diffusa、P. haustrum、和外群Pilaconica。Haplotype 1与来自美国夏威夷 (GenBank登录号 EU 523129)的P. canaliculata组成一个分支,Haplotype 2与来自巴西(GenBank登录号EF514942)的P. insularum组成一个分支,且置信值均在98%以上。结论 初步判断广西地区存在小管福寿螺与孤岛福寿螺两种类型的福寿螺,其种群内没有发现遗传分化。  相似文献   
Exercise intolerance is the cardinal symptom of heart failure (HF) and is of crucial relevance, because it is associated with a poor quality of life and increased mortality. While impaired cardiac reserve is considered to be central in HF, reduced exercise and functional capacity are the result of key patient characteristics and multisystem dysfunction, including aging, impaired pulmonary reserve, as well as peripheral and respiratory skeletal muscle dysfunction. We herein review the different modalities to quantify exercise intolerance, the pathophysiology of HF, and comorbid conditions as they lead to reductions in exercise and functional capacity, highlighting the fact that distinct causes may coexist and variably contribute to exercise intolerance in patients with HF.  相似文献   
目的观察CO2点阵激光联合伊可尔治疗难治性掌跖疣的临床疗效及安全性。方法:选取掌跖部多发,经其他疗法治疗后复发的难治性掌跖疣患者58例,患者平均分为两组,对照组29例先选择激光功率0.5-2W将皮损磨削薄直至焦痂或点状出血,之后采用CO2点阵模式10-20mJ/cm2治疗,每周治疗一次,连续治疗4周。观察组29例观察组:CO2点阵激光治疗仪器及治疗方法与对照组相同。激光治疗完毕,使用伊可尔药水棉片湿敷患处2小时,激光治疗后连续湿敷伊可尔棉片5天,停药2天至下一次激光治疗后继续湿敷,连续治疗4周。2组均随访观察6个月。结果:58例患者均完成治疗,治疗4周后,观察组总有效率93.10%,病损清除率为77.82%,均高于对照组的72.41%、60.81%,组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。6个月后,观察组复发率10.34%,对照组复发率37.93%,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组不良反应差异无统计学差异。结论:CO2点阵激光联合伊可尔治疗难治性掌跖疣疗效优于单用CO2点阵激光。联用伊可尔降低了难治性掌跖疣的复发率,并且操作简便,安全性高。  相似文献   
ObjectiveClinical specialty societies recommend long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) as first-line contraception for adolescent women. We evaluated whether a combined educational and process improvement intervention enhanced LARC placement in primary care within an integrated health care system.MethodsThe intervention included journal clubs, live continuing education, point-of-care guidelines, and new patient materials. We conducted a retrospective cohort study across 3 time periods: baseline (January 2013?September 2015), early implementation (October 2015–March 2016), and full implementation (April 2016–June 2017). The primary outcome was the proportion of LARCs placed by primary care clinicians among women aged 13 to 18 years compared with gynecology clinicians.ResultsKaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado cared for approximately 20,000 women aged 13 to 18 years in each calendar quarter between 2013 and 2017. Overall, LARC placement increased from 7.0 per 1000 members per quarter at baseline to 13.0 per 1000 during the full intervention. Primary care clinicians placed 6.2% of all LARCs in 2013, increasing to 32.1% by 2017 (P < .001), including 45.5% of contraceptive implants. Clinicians who attended educational sessions were more likely to adopt LARCs than those who did not (17.9% vs 6.4% respectively, P = .009). Neither overall LARC placement rates (relative risk, 1.9; 95% confidence interval, 0.7?5.6) nor contraceptive implant rates (relative risk, 3.0; 95% confidence interval, 0.9?9.8) increased significantly in clinicians who attended educational activities.ConclusionsThis multimodal intervention was associated with increased LARC placement for adolescent women in primary care. The combination of education and process improvement is a promising strategy to promote clinician behavior change.  相似文献   
介绍了提高垃圾焚烧厂热效率的最新工艺技术,阐述了组合式高效垃圾发电工艺(WTE-GT)和再热循环工艺及案例,指出了对我国垃圾焚烧行业发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study is a single-center, retrospective analysis of postmenopausal women presenting with dyspareunia and vulvar pain, aiming to evaluate relative effectiveness of vestibular CO2 laser therapy as a treatment. Three monthly sessions of laser were performed to each patient and thereafter a three-months follow-up was stablished. A total number of 72 patients undergoing vestibular laser treatment were recruited from patient files in the period between 2016 and 2018. Among these, 39 women also received a concomitant treatment with ospemifene (60?mg/day) during the study period. There was a statistically significant reduction of all the symptoms in both groups up to the three month follow-up. Regarding dryness and dyspareunia, the relief tent to be more prominent in the ospemifene?+?laser group at all follow-ups and remained statistically significant at three-month follow-up. Specifically, vestibular dryness was significantly lower in the ospemifene?+?laser group compared with the laser treatment group (?87% vs???34%, respectively), and the vestibular health score started declining faster in the ospemifene?+?laser group. Although, additional research is needed to understand the mechanism of action, our data shows that a combination regimen of laser and ospemifene may improve clinical effectiveness for long-term treatment of symptoms associated with the under-recognized genitourinary syndrome of menopause.  相似文献   
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