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目的:评价guselkumab治疗银屑病关节炎的疗效及安全性。方法:检索Pubmed、Embase、Cochrane Library、维普期刊数据库、万方数据库及中国知网数据库与guselkumab治疗银屑病关节炎的随机对照试验(RCT),检索时间均为建库起至2020年4月。文献质量根据Cochrane系统评价进行评估。两位评论员独立选择文献并收集数据。文献用Revman 5.3软件进行meta分析。结果:纳入符合标准的文献共3篇,共涉及896例银屑病关节炎患者,试验组475例,对照组421例。meta分析结果示皮下注射guselkumab与安慰剂比较,在第24周时能显著提高达到ACR 20,ACR 50,ACR 70和PASI 75,PASI 90患者的例数;HAQ-D1较基线提高0.35的患者例数也高于安慰剂组;Guselkumab与安慰剂比较,总的不良事件的发生率方面差异无统计学意义。结论:Guselkumab是改善银屑病关节炎安全、有效的选择。  相似文献   
Aim To investigate the effects of daidzein(DD) on the proliferation and apoptosis of non-small cell lung cancer cells,with a focus on the possible role of the p53 signaling pathway in this regard. Methods CCK-8 method and flow cytometry were used to detect the effects of soy isoflavone crude extract and DD on the viability and apoptosis of HELF and H1299 cells. Gene microarray was used to detect the changes in gene expression after treatment of H1299 cells with DD. GSEA and differential analysis were used to screen the major pathways and key genes. RT-qPCR and Western blot were performed to verify the differences in mRNA and protein expression of key genes(p53 and CASP9) in the major pathways. After p53 inhibitor Pifithrin-α inhibited the expression of p53,the effect of DD on p53 mRNA and protein expression levels was examined,and the proliferative effect on H1299 cells was observed. Results Soy isoflavone crude extract and DD promoted proliferation and inhibited apoptosis of normal lung cells and inhibited proliferation and promoted apoptosis of lung cancer cells. p53 signaling pathway was significantly enriched in the DD-treated group(NES=1.78,P=0.000),and the expressions of p53 and CASP9 genes were found to be significantly up-regulated in the treated group. Compared with the control group,mRNA expression of CASP9 and p53 significantly increased in both HELF and H1299 cells treated with DD(P<0.05),and p53 protein expression also increased in HELF cells(P<0.05). After inhibition of p53 expression,DD significantly increased the mRNA expression of p53 in H1299 and HELF cells(P<0.05) and also markedly increased the expression of p53 protein in H1299 cells(P<0.05),and it was observed that DD inhibited the proliferation of lung cancer cells. Conclusions DD inhibits the proliferation and promotes the apoptosis of lung cancer H1299 cells,and the mechanism mainly involves the p53 signaling pathway. © 2023 Publication Centre of Anhui Medical University. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
介绍了远程医疗会诊车的性能特点、使用方法、功能及应用范围并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
患者,女,31岁。双侧眼睑红肿9天,发热8天,全身皮肤红斑6天。患者发病前1天有第三剂新型冠状病毒疫苗接种史。皮肤科查体:面部红肿,双眼结膜明显充血,眼周、口周糜烂,上覆厚层血痂,口腔黏膜散在分布糜烂面,躯干、双上肢散在分布水肿性红斑,部分红斑中央可见水疱,疱壁紧张,尼氏征(-),左上臂可见约7 cm×5 cm大鲜红色糜烂面,外阴黏膜红肿、糜烂,少量渗出。结合临床表现诊断为Stevens-Johnson综合征。给予甲泼尼龙、环孢素等治疗,皮疹逐渐减轻。  相似文献   
目的 构建肺腺癌(LUAD)预后相关坏死性凋亡基因标志物并对其进行评估。方法 KEGG数据库筛选坏死性凋亡相关基因(NRGs);TCGA和GEO数据库中分别下载LUAD样本和正常样本的RNA测序及其相应临床数据,并以TCGA数据集作为训练队列,以GEO数据集作为验证队列,对筛选的NRGs进行差异和功能富集分析;单因素Cox及Lasso Cox回归分析构建NRGs的LUAD预后标志物;采用Kaplan-Meier生存分析、timeROC分析、多因素Cox回归分析和临床列线图评估该预后标志物;以GEO数据集(GSE31210)外部验证该预后标志物。结果 筛选获得159个NRGs;在训练队列中鉴定出26个差异表达的NRGs(DENRGs);富集分析发现DENRGs主要参与坏死性凋亡和NOD样受体等信号通路;构建由6个NRGs(PLA2G4F、IL33、TLR4、RNF103.CHMP3、ALOX15、IL1A)组成的预后标志物;生存分析显示高风险组总体生存率(OS)明显低于低风险组(log-rank P<0.001);该预后标志物预测1年、3年和5年OS的AUC分别为0.672、0.631和0.624,且与LUAD患者OS显著相关(HR:2.30,95%CI:1.30~4.00,P<0.01);建立的列线图能较好地预测LUAD患者的生存;验证队列的分析结果与训练队列一致。结论 成功构建一种新的NRGs预后标志物,其可用于预测LUAD患者的预后,且该预后标志物的预测能力良好。  相似文献   
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