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A diary method using household measures was employed to obtain dietary records in a large national prospective survey and a computer program, DIDO (Diet In Data Out), was designed for direct entry of the diaries. The accuracy of this computerized coding system was examined alongside that of the manual coding used for a similar diary in a previous wave, 7 years earlier, of the same survey. Accuracy was assessed by analysis of the errors in the coded and checked records by stringent re-checking of nominal 2% random subsamples of the diet diaries coded by each method. The mean time to code and check each of the 2086 7-day records in the whole survey using DIDO was 58 minutes (SD 30) compared with reported results of 1–4 hours for manual methods. The mean error rate of computerized coding and checking with DIDO was 2.3% (SD 2.1; range 0–8.9) per diary in the subsample. Correcting these mistakes made insignificant changes to the calculated mean energy and nutrient intakes for the subsample. The percentage of individuals changing to an adjacent third of nutrient distribution after correcting unambiguous errors ranged from none (for alcohol) to 11% (for carbohydrate and calcium intake). The mean error rate on a similar subsample of diaries from the earlier survey which had been coded manually was significantly higher at 5.9% (SD 4.1; range 0–17) per diary. Emphasis is laid on the importance, in coding, of dealing with ambiguities in the subjects' records, since this can affect the accuracy and the precision of the nutrient results obtained. We conclude that the DIDO coding method has the advantages of greater accuracy, speed, consistency and efficient data handling, and affords greater data accessibility for checking, compared with manual systems.  相似文献   
Official records show that the rates of mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in Tasmania have been the highest of all the Australian states for most of the past decade. This study assesses the accuracy of the official Tasmanian mortality data for IHD in 1987 and 1988 for males aged 25 to 74 years using routinely available clinical and pathological data supplemented by information from the attending doctor. Our findings show that a death officially coded to ICD 9 rubrics 410–414 (IHD) in Tasmania has 94% sensitivity and a positive predictive value of 90% for fatal definite acute myocardial infarction or possible coronary death as defined by the WHO. Comparison of our results with those of two earlier studies undertaken in Australian mainland centres indicates that differences in the official statistics for coronary mortality between Tasmania and the mainland states reflect true differences in the risk of coronary death. While the results from three Australian studies suggest that the routine system of death certification is reasonably accurate, careful monitoring of death certification and coding practices need to be undertaken regularly in all states of Australia if secular changes in regional patterns of coronary mortality are to be regarded as credible. (Aust NZ J Med 1992; 22: 114–118.)  相似文献   
A feedforward network is used to recognize short, digitized, isolated utterances. A high, multispeaker recognition rate is achieved with a small vocabulary with a single training utterance. This approach makes use of the pattern recognition property of the network architecture to classify different temporal patterns in the multidimensional feature space. The network recognizes the utterances without the need of segmentation, phoneme identification, or time alignment. We train the network with four words spoken by one single speaker. The network is then able to recognize 20 tokens spoken by 5 other speakers. We repeat the above training and testing procedure using a different speaker's utterances for training each time. The overall accuracy is 97.5%. We compare this approach to the traditional dynamic programming (DP) approach, and find that DP with slope constraints of 0 and 1 achieve 98.5% and 85% accuracies respectively. Finally we validate out statistics by training and testing the network of a four-word subset of the Texas Instruments (Tl) isolated word database. The accuracy with this vocabulary exceeds 96%. By doubling the size of the training set, the accuracy is raised to 98%. Using a suitable threshold, we are able to raise the accuracy of one network from 87% to 98.5%. Thresholding applied to all networks would then raise the overall accuracy to well over 99%.

This technique is especially promising because of the low overhead and computational requirements, which make it suitable for a low cost, portable, command recognition type of application.  相似文献   

16通道人工耳蜗植入装置的原理和研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人工耳蜗植入是利用电听觉原理恢复聋人听觉的一种有效方法,作者依据耳蜗在电刺激条件下的听觉生理学原理和心理声学参量,提出汉语主意编码方案的设想,研制出16通道耳蜗植入电极系统和语言处理装置,并进行初步动物实验研究。  相似文献   
Summary An investigation was made into the sensitivity of cells in the macaque superior temporal sulcus (STS) to the sight of different perspective views of the head. This allowed assessment of (a) whether coding was viewer-centred (view specific) or object-centred (view invariant) and (b) whether viewer-centred cells were preferentially tuned to characteristic views of the head. The majority of cells (110) were found to be viewer-centred and exhibited unimodal tuning to one view. 5 cells displayed object-centred coding responding equally to all views of the head. A further 5 cells showed mixed properties, responding to all views of the head but also discriminating between views. 6 out of 56 viewer and object-centred cells exhibited selectivity for face identity or species. Tuning to view varied in sharpness. For most (54/73) cells the angle of perspective rotation reducing response to half maximal was 45–70° but for 19/73 it was >90°. More cells were optimally tuned to characteristic views of the head (the full face or profile) than to other views. Some cells were, however, found tuned to intermediate views throughout the full 360 degree range. This coding of many distinct head views may have a role in the analysis of social signals based on the interpretation of the direction of other individuals' attention.  相似文献   
Synchronization of neuronal activity has been proposed as a binding mechanism for integration of image properties into one coherent percept. In the present study, we investigated the contextual modulation of synchronization to random dot patterns. Coherent motion of random dots evoked well synchronized responses in area 17 of anaesthetized cats when the stimulus was presented in the compound receptive field of recorded sites. Gradually changing the directional coherence of random dots in the surround while maintaining fully coherent motion of the stimulus in the receptive field significantly suppressed synchronization of neuronal activity for some stimulus conditions. However, usually one or two peaks of increased synchronization were found in the surround coherence tuning curves with low (8–12%) and/or moderate (25–50%) coherence in the surround. At the population level, synchronization was significantly depressed with incoherent motion in the receptive field and when both the surround and the receptive field were jointly stimulated with 0% coherence. The intriguing finding was the discovery of two distinct groups of cells with opposite synchronization changes dependent on the presence or absence of significant synchronization in their spontaneous activity. The latter group of neurons showed peaks of increased synchronization with lower surround coherence, thus probably being more sensitive to the direction of the surround motion. Overall, our findings support the notion that binding of stimulus properties can be achieved by synchronized activity of cortical cells. However, our findings go further than the original hypothesis of feature binding by synchrony to show that synchronization of cortical activity may be directly related to the decision making processes, which in turn are related to the threshold of perception of coherent motion.  相似文献   
Previous findings have demonstrated the existence of a visual peripersonal space centered on the hand in humans and its modulatory effects on tactile perception. A strong modulatory effect of vision on touch perception was found when a visual stimulus was presented near the hand. In contrast, when the visual stimulus was presented far from the hand, only a weak modulatory effect was found. The aim of the present study was to verify whether such cross-modal links between touch and vision in the peripersonal space centered on the hand could be mediated by proprioceptive signals specifying the current hand positions or if they directly reflect an interaction between two sensory modalities, i.e., vision and touch. To this aim, cross-modal effects were studied in two different experiments: one in which patients could see their hands and one in which vision of their hands was prevented. The results showed strong modulatory effects of vision on touch perception when the visual stimulus was presented near the seen hand and only mild effects when the vision of the hand was prevented. These findings are explained by referring to the activity of bimodal neurons in premotor and parietal cortex of macaque, which have tactile receptive fields on the hand, and corresponding visual receptive fields in the space immediately adjacent to the tactile fields. One important feature of these bimodal neurons is that their responsiveness to visual stimuli delivered near the body part is reduced or even extinguished when the view of the body part is prevented. This implies that, at least for the hand, the vision of the hand is crucial for determining the spatial mapping between vision and touch that takes place in the peripersonal space. In contrast, the proprioceptive signals specifying the current hand position in space do not seem to be relevant in determining the cross-modal interaction between vision and touch.  相似文献   
Two deafferented patients and several control subjects participated in a series of experiments to investigate how accurate single-joint movements are programed, spatially calibrated, and updated in the absence of proprioceptive information. The deafferented patients suffered from a permanent and severe loss of large sensory myelinated fibers below the neck. Subjects performed, with and without vision, sequences of forearm supinations and pronations with two temporal delays between each movement (0 s and 8 s). Overall, the lack of proprioception did not yield any significant decrease in movement accuracy when vision was available. Without vision, the absence of proprioceptive afferents yielded (1) significantly larger spatial errors, (2) amplitude errors similar to those of control subjects, and (3) a significant drift when an 8-s delay was introduced between two successive movements. Subjects also performed, without vision, a 20 supination followed by a 20 pronation that brought back the wrist to the starting position. On some trials, the supination was blocked unexpectedly by way of a magnetic brake. When the supination was blocked, subjects were already on the second target and no pronation was required when the brake was released. The defferented patients, unaware of the procedure, always produced a 20 pronation. These data confirm that deafferented patients were not coding a final position. It rather suggests that they coded an amplitude and translated the spatial distance between the two targets in a corresponding force pulse. Overall, the results highlight the powerful and key role of proprioceptive afferents for calibrating the spatial motor frame of reference.  相似文献   
 The ventral premotor cortex (PMv) of the macaque monkey contains neurons that respond both to visual and to tactile stimuli. For almost all of these “bimodal” cells, the visual receptive field is anchored to the tactile receptive field on the head or the arms, and remains stationary when the eyes fixate different locations. This study compared the responses of bimodal PMv neurons to a visual stimulus when the monkey was required to fixate a spot of light and when no fixation was required. Even when the monkey was not fixating and the eyes were moving, the visual receptive fields remained in the same location, near the associated tactile receptive field. For many of the neurons, the response to the visual stimulus was significantly larger when the monkey was not performing the fixation task. In control tests, the presence or absence of the fixation spot itself had little or no effect on the response to the visual stimulus. These results show that even when the monkey’s eye position is continuously changing, the neurons in PMv have visual receptive fields that are stable and fixed to the relevant body part. The reduction in response during fixation may reflect a shift of attention from the visual stimulus to the demands of the fixation task. Received: 8 April 1997 / Accepted: 16 July 1997  相似文献   
Summary Odor quality may be represented as a topographic code of responses of receptor cells throughout the olfactory epithelium, with this code conveyed to the central nervous system by a topographic projection from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb. There is good evidence for topographic differences in odor-induced receptor cell activity in the tiger salamander but there is no evidence for a topographic epithelium-to-bulb projection in this species. In the present study 3H-leucine autoradiography was used to trace the projections of olfactory receptor neurons in the tiger salamander. Thirteen animals received small injections of tritiated leucine into different regions of the dorsal or the ventral olfactory epithelium, or into the ventrolateral, vomeronasal organ. The results show that the anterior-to-posterior axes in the dorsal and ventral epithelia are represented along the ventral-to-dorsal axis in the rostral end of the olfactory bulb. The vomeronasal organ projects to the caudal end of the bulb. We conclude that the central projection of the olfactory epithelium in the tiger salamander is topographically organised only along the antero-posterior axis and not the medio-lateral axis. Thus epithelial receptor cell activity along the antero-posterior axis would be represented in the glomerular layer of the bulb by activity along its ventro-dorsal axis.  相似文献   
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