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针对海洋药物的发展现状及存在问题,从课程体系建立、教学手段的改革入手,探索应用型海洋药物人才的培养模式,提出了一系列具体措施,为全面制订海洋药物专业方向教学计划提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Climate change in the last century was associated with spectacular growth of many wild Pacific salmon stocks in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, apparently through bottom-up forcing linking meteorology to ocean physics, water temperature, and plankton production. One species in particular, pink salmon, became so numerous by the 1990s that they began to dominate other species of salmon for prey resources and to exert top-down control in the open ocean ecosystem. Information from long-term monitoring of seabirds in the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea reveals that the sphere of influence of pink salmon is much larger than previously known. Seabirds, pink salmon, other species of salmon, and by extension other higher-order predators, are tightly linked ecologically and must be included in international management and conservation policies for sustaining all species that compete for common, finite resource pools. These data further emphasize that the unique 2-y cycle in abundance of pink salmon drives interannual shifts between two alternate states of a complex marine ecosystem.Predator control of community structure and ecosystem function became a tenet of intertidal and nearshore marine ecology following early studies of Paine and others (13), yet with few exceptions (4, 5), until more recent times the idea has been less well appreciated for open oceans. Growing attention now is being paid to the overexploitation of pelagic species, particularly those at higher trophic levels currently and in the past, and effects on ocean ecosystems of the loss, or development, of top-down forcing (612).The prevailing view has long held that most biological change in ocean ecosystems, apart from human exploitation, is driven from the bottom up (1316). One striking example that has been linked to bottom-up processes driven by climate change is the burgeoning abundance of wild Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), and in particular pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea (SNPO/BS). Underpinning the notion initially were studies that found (i) strong coherence between decadal patterns in the Aleutian Low pressure system, which exerts a large influence over climate in the North Pacific Ocean, and patterns in salmon production across a broad region of the SNPO/BS (17, 18); (ii) decadal patterns in primary production that could be explained by the effect of the Aleutian Low pressure system on basin scale wind fields (19); and (iii) decadal patterns in zooplankton, squid, and pelagic fish production that also were correlated with meteorological forcing over the North Pacific Ocean and consistent with patterns in primary production (20). Thus, the general explanation for waxing and waning abundances of salmon over the record in the 20th century was that physical forcing by shifts in the strength and position of the Aleutian Low altered winds, ocean temperatures, and primary and secondary production to the benefit or detriment of salmon. A decadal scale oscillation in the Aleutian Low, now often referred to as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (21), has been linked to numerous physical and biological variability in the SNPO/BS in addition to salmon abundance (2123).It was subsequently shown that salmon population responses and their relation to the PDO were out of phase between Alaska and the northwest coast of North America during much of the 20th century (24); that warm anomalies in coastal temperatures were associated with increased survival of salmon in Alaska; and that regional-scale variability in ocean temperature was a better predictor of salmon survival than large, basin-scale variability characterized by the PDO (25). A recent analysis from around the rim of the North Pacific Ocean found regional covariance in abundance of pink salmon, chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) associated with the Aleutian Low, and with smaller scale spatially coherent, but regionally distinct, patterns in climate (26).Water temperature can be important to the early growth and survival of pink salmon fry directly by its effect on physiology and indirectly by its effect on the timing and development of zooplankton prey stocks in nursery areas, which commonly is advanced and greater in warmer years than in cooler years. In cooler springs, fry grow more slowly and a greater number die both from lack of food and from an increased susceptibility to predators (27, 28). For example, a conceptual model for Prince William Sound, Alaska, holds that, in years of abundant spring zooplankton, fry grow faster and remain longer in the shelter of inshore nurseries where they are protected from walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), two chief predators that remain offshore feeding primarily on swarms of large calanoid copepods and other macrozooplankton. In cooler years of lower zooplankton biomass inshore, fry grow more slowly, move offshore earlier, and suffer higher predation by pollock and herring due to spatial overlap, smaller size, and less alternative prey for those two predators (28).Although the relationship between climate and pink salmon survival is likely complex, fluctuations in abundance appear to be modulated in large measure directly and indirectly by the thermal environment in which a stock lives. Such a fundamentally bottom-up explanation is bolstered by observations of high growth and survival rates of pink salmon during the period of warmer ocean temperatures and population increase (29, 30), and at this time provides a more parsimonious explanation for population dynamics than would explanations invoking strictly top-down control across such a broad region. Now, however, several lines of evidence indicate that pink salmon themselves are having a large top-down influence on other salmon species, other upper trophic level pelagic species, plankton standing stocks, and by inference, the functioning of the open-ocean ecosystem in the SNPO/BS.  相似文献   
Dissolution of marine sediment is a key source of dissolved iron (Fe) that regulates the ocean carbon cycle. Currently, our prevailing understanding, encapsulated in ocean models, focuses on low-oxygen reductive supply mechanisms and neglects the emerging evidence from iron isotopes in seawater and sediment porewaters for additional nonreductive dissolution processes. Here, we combine measurements of Fe colloids and dissolved δ56Fe in shallow porewaters spanning the full depth of the South Atlantic Ocean to demonstrate that it is lithogenic colloid production that fuels sedimentary iron supply away from low-oxygen systems. Iron colloids are ubiquitous in these oxic ocean sediment porewaters and account for the lithogenic isotope signature of dissolved Fe (δ56Fe = +0.07 ± 0.07‰) within and between ocean basins. Isotope model experiments demonstrate that only lithogenic weathering in both oxic and nitrogenous zones, rather than precipitation or ligand complexation of reduced Fe species, can account for the production of these porewater Fe colloids. The broader covariance between colloidal Fe and organic carbon (OC) abundance suggests that sorption of OC may control the nanoscale stability of Fe minerals by inhibiting the loss of Fe(oxyhydr)oxides to more crystalline minerals in the sediment. Oxic ocean sediments can therefore generate a large exchangeable reservoir of organo-mineral Fe colloids at the sediment water interface (a “rusty source”) that dominates the benthic supply of dissolved Fe to the ocean interior, alongside reductive supply pathways from shallower continental margins.

Sediments undergo early diagenetic transformations that are understood to provide an important source of dissolved iron (dFe) to the ocean that is used to fuel primary production and secondary food webs, fix nitrogen, and support the air–sea transfer of carbon dioxide (1, 2). Nevertheless, fundamental questions remain concerning the magnitude of dFe released from ocean sediments and the mechanisms through which this supply may be moderated. Such uncertainty is most acute in oxic and deep-water regions, which bear the fewest observations, but represent the largest area of the ocean sediment–water interface (3). Here, comparatively small sedimentary releases of dFe have the cumulative potential to enhance the dFe inventory of the deep ocean and—in so far as it connects with surface water—relieve iron deficiency for phytoplankton. Porewaters in these deep-water regions maintain a persistently oxic and/or nitrogenous state adjacent to bottom waters that is largely unexamined for its role in the marine iron cycle. These gaps in knowledge hinder our ability to make more accurate simulations of the carbon cycle in ocean biogeochemical models (4).Two principle processes are thought to be driving Fe dissolution from sediments that underpin the magnitude and variability of dFe inputs to the ocean. The first is a reductive-dissolution (RD) process, which demonstrably occurs during early diagenetic oxidation of organic carbon (OC) and produces high abundances of reduced, soluble, and isotopically light Fe in ferruginous porewaters, generally beneath the Fe-oxidizing fronts of nitrous oxides and oxygen (57). The second is a nonreductive-dissolution (NRD) process to account for the comparatively unfractionated or heavy isotope compositions of dFe attributed to sedimentary inputs in some oxygenated regions of the open ocean (8) and in the oxic zones of marine sediment porewaters (9), but the mechanisms governing so-called NRD in oxic sediments are unclear.RD of Fe is coupled to OC oxidation and is widely observed in shallow porewater in sediments with high-oxygen consumption rates, under productive shelf seas, near zones of upwelling, and overlain by oxygen-depleted seawater (10). Low seawater oxygen content serves to enhance the efflux of reduced and soluble Fe (sFe, filtered <0.02 µm) from ferruginous porewaters and enables sFe(II) to propagate further in the water column (1114). Subsequently, without sufficient chelation by organic ligands sFe(II) will be lost to oxidative precipitation (7, 15, 16), scavenging (12), and sedimentation in deeper water (16, 17). Sedimentary RD provides a key component of the ocean’s dFe inventory that is most pronounced in the upper ocean (1, 10, 11, 13). It is also the only mechanism by which most ocean biogeochemical models simulate the sedimentary release of dFe (4), since model parameterizations rely on empirical relationships between dFe fluxes, OC oxidation rates, bottom water oxygen contents, and/or water depth (1, 11, 18, 19).NRD is a term previously used to describe a sedimentary source of isotopically heavy dFe to the water column (8) and has since been used to describe the presence of lithogenic isotope compositions observed in oxidizing zones from some deep ocean sediment porewaters (9). Similar observations have become commonplace in the ocean interior (2023), such that nonreductive sedimentary processes appear to be important for the ocean’s dFe inventory. However, the detection of lithogenic dFe isotope signatures in porewaters (6, 9), within western North Atlantic benthic nepheloid layers, and in the water column far from sediment sources have been difficult to explain (24). The role played by this additional source of dFe is not yet included in global ocean models.Based on the very low solubility of silicate minerals and Fe(III) oxides in circumneutral pH and oxygenated seawater, NRD ought to be incapable of sustaining a benthic flux of dFe to the ocean without significant chelation by organic ligands (25). Because of a strong isotope fractionation effect, however, ligand complexation of Fe would produce a much heavier Fe isotope signal in the ocean (26), which is at odds with the isotopic evidence for NRD (2023). To reconcile these differences between NRD theories and dFe isotope observations, we need to consider any physicochemical partitioning within the dFe pool. The abundance and isotope composition of dFe (<0.2 µm) may reflect variable contributions of mineral or organo-mineral Fe colloids (cFe, 0.02 to 0.2 µm) in addition to any ligand-bound Fe and sFe(II/III) species (<0.02 µm) in the ocean (23, 27). Such components of the dFe pool are often unaccounted for and have been neglected in previous studies reporting the occurrence of sedimentary NRD in the water column. However, sizable concentrations of cFe (101 µmoles ⋅ L−1) have been observed in oxic-nitrogenous porewaters from deep ocean turbidites of the Southern Ocean, where dFe isotope compositions also matched the solid phase inputs from ocean island basalt. Whether these colloids were formed in situ through organic complexation and/or as secondary minerals from either reductive or nonreductive processes was unresolved. A comparison to fresh tephra layers in the Caribbean Sea showed that ocean island basalt weathering and production of nanoscale ferrihydrite or Fe-bearing smectite clays were thermodynamically plausible explanations for cFe in the Southern Ocean porewaters (28). Recently, Klar et al. (7) looked for Fe colloids in porewaters from a shallow shelf sediment, but found few if any, and that the porewaters were dominated by light dFe isotope signatures and sFe(II) attributable to RD by bacteria. Previous studies have not resolved where or why cFe occurs in sediment porewaters of the continental shelf–slope–basin transition or the extent to which they may influence the inventory and isotope composition of dFe input to the ocean (20, 22). These lessons need to be learned by examining the soluble and colloidal partitioning of dFe in porewaters and comparing them to dFe isotope signatures from a wider range of sedimentary carbon and oxygen regimes in the ocean environment.Without appropriate simulation of this dFe source, ocean biogeochemical models will fail to represent spatial patterns in dFe flux from the seafloor, the response of these fluxes to changing ocean environments, and their consequences for ocean biogeochemistry. Confounding this issue is the omitted role of advective transport mechanisms, internal waves, and benthic boundary layers that will facilitate exchanges between oxic sediments and the ocean interior (3, 29, 30). To make progress on this important issue, we require new understanding on the mechanisms by which Fe dissolves and is supplied to the ocean by oxic sediments.Herein, we present findings from surface sediment cores from sites that span the depth and breadth of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The UK-led GEOTRACES expedition, GA10W, recovered porewaters in 2011 from the Uruguayan continental shelf and slope, Argentine abyssal floor, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge (SI Appendix, Table S1). We report porewater dFe isotope compositions and further evidence of the physicochemical partitioning of dFe between soluble and colloidal size fractions (where cFe = dFe−sFe) at selected locations and depths where porewater inventories of Fe were sufficient to permit these determinations. We apply principles of isotope fractionation and mass balance across the dissolved and soluble size classes to test hypothetical controls on the dFe pool in these porewaters. Our study reveals that oxidizing zones of marine sediments are important regions of nonreductive cFe production derived from lithogenic material, which ultimately determine the dFe inventory and isotope composition supplied to the deep ocean.  相似文献   
Increasing global concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are predicted to decrease ocean pH, with potentially severe impacts on marine food webs, but empirical data documenting ocean pH over time are limited. In a high-resolution dataset spanning 8 years, pH at a north-temperate coastal site declined with increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and varied substantially in response to biological processes and physical conditions that fluctuate over multiple time scales. Applying a method to link environmental change to species dynamics via multispecies Markov chain models reveals strong links between in situ benthic species dynamics and variation in ocean pH, with calcareous species generally performing more poorly than noncalcareous species in years with low pH. The models project the long-term consequences of these dynamic changes, which predict substantial shifts in the species dominating the habitat as a consequence of both direct effects of reduced calcification and indirect effects arising from the web of species interactions. Our results indicate that pH decline is proceeding at a more rapid rate than previously predicted in some areas, and that this decline has ecological consequences for near shore benthic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Methyl mercury (MeHg) is a neurotoxicant that with sufficient exposure can seriously impair the central nervous system and cause mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and neuromotor dysfunction. The level of exposure needed to adversely affect the nervous system is unknown. Human exposure to low levels of MeHg is common from consumption of fish. We examined the relationship between MeHg exposure and development of articulatory-phonologic speech skills in children whose mothers consumed a diet high in fish during pregnancy to determine whether any adverse associations could be detected. A total of 544 children from the Republic of Seychelles were given a speech assessment when they were 66 months of age. Exposure level was determined by measuring MeHg in maternal hair growing during pregnancy. No adverse associations between articulatory- phonologic speech skills and prenatal MeHg exposure were detected. The findings of this investigation are compatible with previous developmental assessments of Seychellois children that have indicated no adverse effects of prenatal MeHg exposure from fish consumption.  相似文献   
Ocean sequestration of CO2 is proposed as a possible measure to mitigate climate changes caused by increasing atmospheric concentrations of the gas, but its impact on the marine ecosystem is unknown. We investigated the acute lethal effect of CO2 during the early developmental stages of four marine teleosts: red sea bream (Pagrus major), Japanese whiting (Sillago japonica), Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), and eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis). The percentages of larvae that hatched and survived were not affected by exposure to water with a PCO2 of 1.0 kPa (= 7.5 mmHg) within 24 h. Median lethal PCO2 values for a 360-min exposure were 1.4 kPa (cleavage), 5.1 kPa (embryo), 7.3 kPa (preflexion), 4.2 kPa (flexion), 4.6 kPa (postflexion), and 2.5 kPa (juvenile) for red sea bream; 2.4 kPa (cleavage), 4.9 kPa (embryo), 5.9 kPa (preflexion), 6.1 kPa (flexion), 4.1 kPa (postflexion), and 2.7 kPa (juvenile) for Japanese whiting; 2.8 kPa (cleavage) and > 7.0 kPa (young) for Japanese flounder; and 11.8 kPa (cleavage) for eastern little tuna. Red sea bream and Japanese whiting of all ontogenetic stages had similar susceptibilities to CO2: the most susceptible stages were cleavage and juvenile, whereas the most tolerant stages were preflexion and flexion.  相似文献   
目的了解入境国际航行船舶携带输入性蠓类的情况。方法在锚地入境国际航行船舶的生活区内采集蠓类,进行计数和分类鉴定。结果2007年1月24日在自澳大利亚经印度至秦皇岛的一艘入境船舶上采获35只输入性蠓类,经鉴定隶属于5个属,其中发现阿蠓属一新种,斑腹阿蠓(Alluaudomyia maculiabdominis sp.nov.)。结论再次证明入境国际航行船舶可携带多种输入性蠓类的事实。  相似文献   
Macroscopic particles (>500 μm), including marine snow, large migrating zooplankton, and their fast-sinking fecal pellets, represent primary vehicles of organic carbon flux from the surface to the deep sea. In contrast, freely suspended microscopic particles such as bacteria and protists do not sink, and they contribute the largest portion of metabolism in the upper ocean. In bathy- and abyssopelagic layers of the ocean (2,000–6,000 m), however, microscopic particles may not dominate oxygen consumption. In a section across the tropical Atlantic, we show that macroscopic particle peaks occurred frequently in the deep sea, whereas microscopic particles were barely detectable. In 10 of 17 deep-sea profiles (>2,000 m depth), macroscopic particle abundances were more strongly cross-correlated with oxygen deficits than microscopic particles, suggesting that biomass bound to large particles dominates overall deep-sea metabolism.  相似文献   
近年来由于结核杆菌多重耐药菌株及人体免疫缺陷病毒双重感染的出现,使结核病的发病率和死亡率呈上升趋势,开发新的抗结核药物具有重要的社会意义和经济意义。海洋由于其独特的环境,造就了种类繁多、结构新颖多样的生物活性物质,为抗结核病的药物开发提供了广泛的前景。本综述以近年报道的抗结核分枝杆菌活性物质,包括肽类化合物,生物碱类化合物,萜类化合物等为例。简要介绍海洋活性物质的研究近况。  相似文献   
The rapid increase in the science and implementation of marine protected areas (MPAs) around the world in the past 15 years is now being followed by similar increases in the science and application of marine ecosystem-based management (EBM). Despite important overlaps and some common goals, these two approaches have remained either separated in the literature and in conservation and management efforts or treated as if they are one and the same. In the cases when connections are acknowledged, there is often little assessment of if or how well MPAs can achieve specific EBM goals. Here we start by critically evaluating commonalities and differences between MPAs and EBM. Next, we use global analyses to show where and how much no-take marine reserves can be expected to contribute to EBM goals, specifically by reducing the cumulative impacts of stressors on ocean ecosystems. These analyses revealed large stretches of coastal oceans where reserves can play a major role in reducing cumulative impacts and thus improving overall ocean condition, at the same time highlighting the limitations of marine reserves as a single tool to achieve comprehensive EBM. Ultimately, better synergies between these two burgeoning approaches provide opportunities to greatly benefit ocean health.  相似文献   
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