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平山病的临床神经电生理学特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨平山病的临床神经电生理学特点及其可能的发病机制。方法:对45例平山病患者进行神经传导速度、F波以及针极肌电图检测。结果:神经传导速度测定总异常率为24.4%(44/180),主要表现为运动神经DML延长以及CMAP波幅减低,感觉神经传导速度均正常。F波平均最小潜伏期为(26.64±3.10)ms,平均出现率为(58.77±35.53)%,总异常率为75.6%(34/45)。针极肌电图检测中57.7%表现为神经源性损害,主要异常为出现自发电位,MUPs时限延长、波幅增宽、多相波增多,募集相异常。前臂肌肉的异常率为患侧伸指总肌(100%)≥健侧伸指总肌(100%)>患侧拇短展肌(97.8%)>患侧小指展肌(97.7%)>健侧拇短展肌(82.6%)>患侧肱二头肌(75.0%)。双侧三角肌、健侧肱二头肌、下肢胫骨前肌、胸锁乳突肌肌电图正常。结论:根据平山病临床神经电生理学表现推测平山病可能为颈段脊髓病变。  相似文献   
目的研究脊髓亚急性联合变性(SCD)的临床、电生理及MRI特点,评价电生理及MRI在该病诊断中的价值。方法回顾性收集56例临床确诊SCD患者的临床资料,其中52例行血清维生素B12及叶酸水平测定,31例行血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平测定,56例均行针极肌电图、胫神经体感诱发电位(SEP)检查,其中29例行视觉诱发电位(VEP)及22例听觉诱发电位(BAEP)检查,51例根据临床定位行MRI检查。结果 52例中35例血清维生素B12水平、14例叶酸水平低于正常范围;31例中12例血清Hcy水平高于正常范围。56例肌电图检查结果均正常;56例中运动神经传导异常51根(45例),感觉神经传导异常90根(56例),胫神经SEP异常83侧(56例);29例中VEP结果异常22侧(12例),BAEP结果异常9侧(7例)。51例中23例可见脊髓不同范围长T2信号,8例可见单纯后索长T2信号,8例可见后索合并侧索长T2信号。结论诊断SCD应综合临床表现及实验室检查结果,神经电生理及MRI检查对判断SCD病变部位及评价治疗前后病情变化具有一定价值。  相似文献   
为观察急性失血400ml后成人脑底动脉血流动力学及大脑神经电生理的变化,检测了失血前后的脑底主要动脉血流速度(VP)、脑电各频带功率强度和脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)主要波的潜伏期。结果:①100例失血后左右大脑中动脉的VP分别为99.84cm/s和99.04cm/s;椎体动脉分别为46.78cm/s和46.35cm/s;基底动脉为54.39cm/s。②90例失血后脑电α波(x)43.6μV2,β波(x)20.2μV2,θ波(x)17.0μV2,δ波(x)17.6μV2。③90例失血后BAEP的潜伏期Ⅰ波(x)1.78ms,Ⅲ波(x)3.9ms,Ⅴ波(x)5.8ms。所有结果与自身失血前比较均无显著差异(P>0.05)。提示急性失血400ml将不影响脑底动脉血流动力学,仍可维持大脑正常神经电生理功能。  相似文献   
失眠症是常见的睡眠障碍之一,患者常伴有严重的主观认知功能障碍,但客观认知功能测试显示他们并不存在明显的认知功能损害。神经影像、神经生物化学和神经电生理学等方面的研究提示,失眠症患者可能存在潜在的认知功能损害的客观证据。本文对失眠症患者的认知功能损害特点进行阐述,并介绍在神经影像、神经生物化学和神经电生理学等方面潜在的认知功能损害的证据,分析其可能的原因。  相似文献   
目的:调查河南省中华医学会临床神经电生理专科学会的现状及存在问题。探讨解决存在问题的措施。方法:采用分层抽样与整体抽样对84个医疗单位242人进行信访调查,并对资料完整的225人(92.97%)进行分析。结果:男60人,女165人。年龄平均32.8岁。本科学历15.6%,无学历6.6%。高级职称9.3%,无职称5.4%。已专业培训49.3%,未专业培训50.7%。结论:我省临床神经电生理专业发展迅速,但技术人员新,学历、职称偏低,且49.3%的人员未经正规专业培训,人才出现断层,发展后劲不足。因此,采取技术人员许可证制度——执证上岗,有计划的培养高素质的技术人员是当务之急。  相似文献   
抑郁症神经生化和神经电生理学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
抑郁症的发病机制复杂,神经生化学理论是迄今最为“肯定”、并被临床药理“充分利用”的,用以阐述抑郁症发病的神经生物学机制,抑郁症的发生不但与去甲肾上腺素(NE)、5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平相关;也可能与多巴胺(DA)、乙酰胆碱(Ach)、神经肽、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能系统等多种神经递质及受体的功能紊乱有关,还与内分泌系统和神经营养因子系统等方面的异常有关。同时,抑郁症的发生还可能与神经认知功能的缺损及神经电生理学的改变有关。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To analyze international research trends in hepatic encephalopathy and examine the role of neuroelectrophysiology and neuroimaging in diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy. DATA RETRIEVAL: We performed a bibliometric analysis of studies on hepatic encephalopathy published during 2002-2011 retrieved from Web of Science. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion criteria: (1) peer-reviewed published articles on hepatic encephalopathy; (2) original article, review, meeting abstract, proceedings paper, book chapter, editorial material, news items, and (3) published during 2002-2011. Exclusion criteria: (1) articles that required manual searching or telephone access; (2) documents that were not published in the public domain; and (3) corrected papers from the total number of articles. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: (1) Annual publication output; (2) type of publication; (3) publication by research field; (4) publication by journal; (5) publication by author; (6) publication by institution; (7) publication by country; (8) publication by institution in China; (9) most-cited papers. RESULTS: A total of 3 233 papers regarding hepatic encephalopathy were retrieved during 2002-2011. The number of papers gradually increased over the 10-year study period and was highest in 2010. Most papers appeared in journals with a focus on gastroenterology and hepatology. Among the included journals, Hepatology published the greatest number of papers regarding hepatic encephalopathy, and the published studies were highly cited. Thus, Hepatology appears to represent a key journal publishing papers on hepatic encephalopathy. Regarding distribution by country for publications on hepatic encephalopathy indexed in Web of Science during 2002-2011, the United States published highest number of papers, with China ranked ninth. As per distribution by institute for publications, the University of Montreal in Canada published the highest number of papers (n=111). Among the Chinese institutes, Zhejiang University in China was the most prolific institute with 15 papers. CONCLUSION: The present bibliometric analysis on hepatic encephalopathy provides an overview of research progress, as well as identifying the most active institutes and experts in this research field during 2002-2011. Research into hepatic encephalopathy has revealed changes in neural injury and regeneration in hepatic encephalopathy. Neuroelectrophysiological and neuroimaging examinations are important for determining clinical classifications and disease severity of hepatic encephalopathy, providing a foundation for further research.  相似文献   
目的 通过分析总结脊髓亚急性联合变性(SCD)患者的临床特点,提高临床医师对SCD的正确认识和及时诊治。方法 回顾性分析103例于我院确诊的SCD患者的一般病例资料、神经功能缺损情况及相关辅助检查结果。结果 103例患者均有神经功能缺损,46.6%(48/103)患者血红蛋白降低,57.3%(59/103)患者平均红细胞体积降低,60.2%(62/103)患者平均红细胞血红蛋白量降低,55.9%(52/93)患者血清B12降低,46.1%(42/91)患者叶酸水平降低,80.6%(25/31)患者同型半胱氨酸升高,27.0%(10/37)患者脑脊液蛋白升高;神经电生理结果显示73.4%(58/79)患者神经传导检查异常,93.3%(56/60)患者体感诱发电位异常;磁共振成像显示49.4%(41/83)患者发现病灶,病灶多位于胸段、颈段及大脑白质区。结论 SCD临床表现及辅助检查多样化,存在较高的误诊率和漏诊率,综合判定尤为重要。  相似文献   
【目的】 研究健康新生儿失匹配负波的各指标及分布规律,为指导临床诊断治疗提供客观证据。 【方法】 使用听觉oddball范式对随机选择的56名产后2~3 d内健康新生儿进行声刺激,标准刺激和偏离刺激分别为1 000 Hz和2 000 Hz的纯音,二者概率比为4∶1。 【结果】 56 名足月新生儿有35名出现失匹配负波,主要分布在额区,潜伏期在F3、F4、Fz点分别为(234±50)、(248±51)、(239±45) ms。左右半球(150~450) ms时间窗平均振幅未见显著性差异。 【结论】 健康新生儿可诱发出失匹配负波。  相似文献   
Background  Hirayama disease is a juvenile muscular atrophy of the distal upper extremities and affects mainly young males. The present study aimed to investigate the neuroelectrophysiological characteristics of Hirayama disease.
Methods  We retrospectively analyzed the neural conduction velocity (NCV) parameters and needle-electrode electromyograms (EMG) of 14 patients with Hirayama disease. According to the clinical features of the patients, NCV was performed on affected upper-limb including median nerves and ulnar nerves, while EMG was selectively performed on upper and lower extremities, sternocleidomast and thoracic paraspinal muscles.
Results  The median nerves of all affected upper limbs of patients with Hirayama disease had normal conduction velocities and compound motor action potentials (CMAPs). The ulnar nerves of all affected upper limbs also had normal conduction velocities. Of the 16 measured ulnar nerves of the affected upper limbs, eight had normal CMAPS, while the other eight showed CMAPs below the normal value by >20%. All patients had neurogenic injury on the affected side in muscles innervated by anterior horn cells at the lower cervical region (C7–8, T1). Four patients had unilateral upper-limb muscle neurogenic injury on the affected side. Seven patients had bilateral upper-limb muscle neurogenic injury, while only two patients experienced bilateral upper-limb muscle atrophy / weakness. The other three patients showed extensive neurogenic injury (unilateral upper-limb muscle atrophy/weakness in one patient, bilateral symptoms in the other two patients).

Conclusions  Electromyographic examination showed that the majority of Hirayama disease patients exhibited characteristic segmental injury in the anterior horn of the lower cervical region, while a few patients exhibited extensive neurogenic injury. These data suggest that the actual influence of Hirayama disease may be more extensive than indicated by the clinical presentations.

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