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危立飞  于慧  王新陆 《天津中医药》2019,36(12):1145-1148
文章总结了前期有关血浊理论的成果,提出血浊理论是应现代疾病谱系变化而提出的新的"中医理论",用血浊理论指导中医临床可以纳入检验医学等更多的现代诊疗手段,扩展中医四诊范畴,配合"援药理论",初步形成了适应现代临床的"理法方药"系统,为指导治未病提供了良好的时代落脚点,为中医现代化提供了良好的理论典范和启示。  相似文献   
饮片是中医临床用药的主体,随着中医用药现代化,中药配方颗粒逐步发展并初具规模。虽有中药注射剂、口服液等的加工形式,但只占中药市场的少部分,并以内服为主。而脂溶性成分口服时,溶出受限,吸收相对较少,且具有刺激胃肠道的副作用,造成患者耐受性低。虽有水提、醇提等加工制成的外用制剂,但多为粗制剂,且剂量随意,在一定程度上造成了脂溶性成分的浪费。而中药的脂溶性成分大多具有较好的生物活性,如五味子乙素、丹参酮、绿原酸甲酯等,但却没有合适的药用形式。若想"药"尽其用,就必须对中药的脂溶性成分进行系统研究,在提取、分离和收集工艺均相当成熟的基础上,研发以脂溶性成分为主的,药理药效确切的,又利于其吸收的药用形式。中药精油具有抗衰老、抗痴呆、抗氧化等多种活性,已广泛应用于临床、药妆、保健品等领域。但单方精油作用有限,配伍既可增强药效、降低毒性,也可扩大精油应用范围。因此,可将中药配方精油作为中药入药新形式,并以外用为主、内服为辅,以弥补中药外用多为粗制剂、剂量随意的不足和内服吸收少、刺激胃肠道的劣势,满足临床用药需求,更快、更准、更好、更强地发挥脂溶性成分的药效。  相似文献   
系统生物学的系统论与整体论的观点,与中医的整体观念、辨证论治的基本特点不谋而合,系统生物学的研究与发展为中医现代化开辟了新的方向。系统生物学的研究理念为中医研究的现代化提供了新的思路和启示,使传统中医与现代科技研究接轨、走向国际赋予了新的可能。中医将会绽放出新的活力,更好地服务人类的健康事业。  相似文献   
中药现代化一直是中医药界多年来关注的焦点。由于中药多成分、多靶点的作用特点,以还原论为指导的中药物质基础及机理研究一直是中药现代化研究的主导思想。中医系统论的提出,为中药现代化研究提供了新的思路和方法。本文以中医系统论思想为指导,结合“西药中药化”和“化学中药”研究观点,再认识中药现代化研究之路。  相似文献   
该文简要分析并论述了方剂学研究现状及所面对的重大科技问题,提出推进方剂学现代研究的新策略及技术方法。为探索揭示方剂功效物质组与机体生物调控网络间复杂的网状交互作用,提议开展"网络方剂学"研究,并概述了其研究框架及发展方向。  相似文献   
系统中医学研究始于20世纪末叶,成形于21世纪初。系统中医学的创立和发展具有坚实的客观基础,这就是人的复杂性。人作为开放复杂巨系统,以人为服务对象的医学研究应当遵循这一复杂巨系统的特性和规律。中医学从宏观层面朴素地认识到了这一复杂巨系统的功能变化特点、疾病演变规律,形成了现代系统论的原始雏形。而现代系统论和系统科学则为研究、推动中医系统论的发展提供了科学基础。祝世讷教授是系统中医学的主要开拓者,至今已在该领域出版个人专著9部,发表论文150余篇。从三个方面回顾了系统中医学的发展:①系统中医学研究的起步和过程;②主要的研究成果;③钱学森院士对这一领域研究所给予的鼓励和支持。  相似文献   
疾病预防控制中心现代化建设是顺应时代发展的需要。地处经济发达地区的苏州工业园区疾病防治中心积极探索疾控机构现代化建设.着力推进管理现代化、技术现代化和设施现代化。疾控中心在进行现代化建设的过程中,应把握三点:管理现代化关键在于理念创新;技术现代化关键在于人才培养;设施现代化关键在于经费投入。  相似文献   
In Guadalcanal, regular contact with European traders beginning in the early 1800s initiated a profound shift in the nature of settlement, a reconfiguration in the pattern of life and a reorientation of economic practices away from the bush and towards the coast. The Vaturanga have come to use directional markers to explain the changes they have experienced as a result of pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial processes. These include east and west, but are more pronounced in the usage of tasi (towards the sea) and longa (towards the bush). These directions have come to represent change not only in space but in understanding time. The main issues relevant to this are land claims, rights, exchange patterns and notions of identity. The Vaturanga assert ideas about space in order to resist and alter dominant hegemonic constructions made about them by others.  相似文献   
蒙药研究基础比较薄弱,特别是药效物质基础、药理作用机制、配伍理论等方面的研究目前仍处在起步阶段。其次,人才队伍建设滞后,尚未形成一支联合攻关与科技创新能力较强的蒙药新制剂研发团队。此外,国家和自治区在蒙药研发方面的经费投入仍相对不足,政策支持力度也不够有效。目前,蒙药剂型改革与制剂现代化研究工作面临一定的发展机遇。具体表现在,国家和自治区政府对此项工作高度重视,先后出台振兴发展蒙医药产业的一系列政策措施,研发经费投入也在逐年增加。此外,近年来自治区的一些高校先后建立了专门从事蒙医药新制剂研究的重点实验室,部分蒙药生产企业也组建了蒙药制剂研究开发中心等机构,由此为今后蒙药剂型改革与制剂现代化研究奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   
Recent uprisings in the Arab world and a full‐scale war in Syria are widely viewed as popular demand for political voice against repressive regimes. However, growing economic inequalities and serious economic dysfunction played a role as trigger for conflict than is commonly accepted. Tunisia, Egypt and Syria all implemented policies of liberalization over the past two decades, leading to the worsening of living standards for the majority. The various forms of liberalization played a significant role in embedding social division and discontent whose outcomes affected other countries of the region with the onset of market reforms in nascent welfare states. Egypt, for example, was viewed by the World Bank as an economic ‘best performer’, despite regular riots over food prices, job losses and land expropriation for tourism. Tunisia was praised by donors just prior to the uprising (in 2010), for ‘weathering well’ the global economic downturn through ‘sound macroeconomic management’. In Syria, the market economy made its mark over the 90s, but macroeconomic adjustment policies were implemented in a bilateral agreement with the European Union and approved by the International Monetary Fund in 2003. The economic stabilization programme that followed had limited concern for social impacts such as jobs losses, price rises and national debt, which ultimately caused immense hardship for the population at large, acting as a trigger for the initial uprising in 2011, prior to its transformation into a fully blown conflict. This article focuses on reforms implemented in the health sector and sets these in the context of the current political economy of Syria. It suggests that a protective approach to public health services during and in the aftermath of conflict may increase the possibilities of reconstruction and reconciliation between warring sides. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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