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复方通络中药改善肥胖患者血管内皮细胞功能障碍研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察复方通络中药对单纯性肥胖患者血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍的干预效应,探讨其作用机制。方法应用高分辨血管超声检查选择血管内皮依赖性舒张功能障碍[以血流介导的肱动脉扩张率(FMD)表示]肥胖患者(65例),随机分为通络中药治疗组和对照组。治疗组32例,对照组33例。治疗组给予辛香疏络2号胶囊,3g/次,每日3次;对照组给予淀粉胶囊,3g/次,每日3次。共用药12周,分别测定用药前后FMD、肱动脉内径(D0),同时检测辛香疏络2号治疗前后患者血清总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)的变化。结果治疗后治疗组FMD较对照组明显增加(P〈0.01),TC、TG较治疗前及对照组明显下降(P〈0.01)。结论复方通络中药辛香疏络2号胶囊可明显改善肥胖患者血管内皮障碍,调节血脂可能是其改善血管内皮功能机制之一。  相似文献   
In the first experiment, 48 subjects carried out a visual spatial attention task. Stimuli were presented at the vertical meridian, either above or below a fixation dot, and the subjects were instructed to attend to one of these stimulus positions and ignore the other position. In three different conditions, the distances between stimulus positions and fixation were 0.5°, 0.9°, and 1.3°. Subjects searched for the presence of prememorized target letters at the attended location: memory load was one or four items in different conditions. The P1/N1 enhancement typically found on the horizontal dimension was not observed on the vertical dimension. Instead, a positive shift of the attended compared with the unattended stimuli was found, which was most prominent at anterior electrodes. This positivity showed effects of the distance manipulation. The N2b-P3a effect of attention and the effect of memory load (search negativity) normally present in this kind of selective search task were also found. Reaction times were faster when attention was directed above fixation than when it was directed below fixation. The event-related potential data suggested that this difference could be attributed to a more efficient neglecting of irrelevant stimuli presented below fixation. In Experiment 2, we examined whether the absence of the P1/N1 enhancement as the result of spatial attention in Experiment 1 could be attributed to (a) the presentation of stimuli along the vertical meridian instead of along the horizontal meridian, (b) the use of midline electrodes instead of lateralized electrodes, and (c) the relatively small spatial separation between the relevant and irrelevant stimuli. Twelve subjects searched for the presence of a single target letter at an attended position in three different conditions. In two of the conditions the letters were presented to the left or right of fixation. The distance between fixation and the stimulus positions was 1.3° in one of these conditions and 3° in the other condition. In the third condition, the stimuli were presented at 3° above or below fixation. In all three conditions effects similar to those in Experiment 1 were observed. In addition, in all three conditions an enhancement of the P1 and N1 components was found at two lateral occipitotemporal electrodes.  相似文献   
本研究取材于人的皮肤,电镜常规方法处理。发现人皮肤内有两种类型的神经肥大细胞联接。提示可能分别为传出性和传入性的,或暂称为A型和B型联接,分别报告于上篇和本篇中。 B型联接的构造特点是,脱开薛旺鞘样长带包被的轴突来到肥大细胞近旁,突进细胞体中。轴突终末的一部分被胞质唇封盖起来,终末周围的轴膜与细胞质膜形成联接的双层膜。无肥大细胞表面皱褶参与其形成,无线粒体和显明的囊泡存在终末之内,无薛旺细胞包被轴突终末。薛旺细胞伴同A型联接出现,可与肥大细胞紧密接触。胞质内有狭缝系统和粗面内质网片断,能拖出长尾,估计将过渡为鞘膜。薛旺细胞不是间织细胞,这里的间织细胞应是成纤维细胞。  相似文献   
中医经络学说与现代经络研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述经络学说的形成和发展过程,回顾现代经络研究的概况。认为经络研究必须 发重视十二经脉的特殊循行路线及其在人体机能调节中的作用这一核心问题,加强对经功能整体性的研究。  相似文献   
目的 观察采用“脊柱九针疗法”治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效。方法与结果 选择 4 0例经 CT检查确诊为腰椎间盘突出症 ,并有典型临床症状的患者作为研究对象 ,选用突出椎间盘的相应椎体及上下两个节段椎体棘突下和“夹脊穴”为主进针点 ,针刺治疗腰椎间盘突出症 ,总有效率为 10 0 %。结论 “脊柱九针疗法”较常规针刺取穴方法具有针对性强 ,针感强 ,疗效明显之特点 ,且取穴简便 ,操作简单安全。  相似文献   
中药结合中医经络诊断仪诊治神经性头痛157例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨中医经络诊断仪与中医学的辨证施治相结合治疗神经性头痛。方法 用中医经络诊断仪对157例神经性头痛患者进行检测,区分虚实,然后结合中医辨证分型进行中药治疗,1个疗程后再用中医经络诊断仪复查,比较两次检查结果,再结合临床观察疗效。结果 实证平均总有效率达88.5%,虚证平均总有效率达90.8%。结论 中医经络诊断仪为中医学的辨证施治提供了一种量化的手段。  相似文献   
本文以月经相关经脉的声传导的变化为观察指标,通过经络输声疗法对82例原发性痛经治疗效果的观察,以验证经络输声疗法对经络的调整作用。将82例原发性痛经随机分为3组,分别用3个频率治疗,进行对比分析。临床结果表明:经3个月经周期的治疗,痛经症状积分明显下降;月经血色、血量、血块趋于正常;总有效率为96.43%;对虚实证均有效,但其输声频率的选择有差异。说明经络输声疗法对经络有疏通、调节作用。实验结果表明:经络输声能改变原发性痛经相关经脉的声传导状态,治疗后经络导声恢复正常,证实了经络输声对经络的调整作用。从客观上显示了有关经络的病理及愈复变化。此项研究国内外尚无报道。  相似文献   
Windstrokeisoneofthecommonly-en-counteredandfrequentlyoccurringdiseases,withhighincidenceofmortalityanddisability.Since1992,theauthorhastreated5ocasesofwindstrokeusingacupunctureatthe13pointsalongDumeridian,anempiricalrecipeoriginat-edbytheseniorintheacupuncturecircles,DrWangLeting.Andthetherapeuticeffectwascomparedwiththatinthecontrolgroup.Itisreportedasfollows.CLIN1CALDATATheobservationwasmadeon5oin-patientsinthedepartmentofacupunctureinourhospitalfrom()ctober,1992toFebruary,1995.They…  相似文献   
At present, most physicians hold that Miu Ci is "left and right cross collateral prick-ing",but it does not conform to the original meaning of "Suwen·Miucilunpian"(Plain Questions ·Trea-tise on Miu Ci). Miucilanpian holds that Miu Ci is the extension and perfection of Ju Ci (contralateral me-ridian needling), which mainly pricks the collateral but is not limited to the collateral, as it also pricks the acupuncture point. As for the "left and right cross" point selection, it is one step in the procedure of the treatment in the process of contralateral collateral needling instead of being a principle.  相似文献   
本文介绍He-Ne激光沿经络自动照射仪的结构、特点,分析了激光与组织相互作用的物理效应和生物效应,提出了该仪器在针灸临床中的应用。  相似文献   
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