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对于眼底图像 ,由于不在正视点取像造成的几何畸变和由于荧光素从血管壁渗漏等造成的灰度畸变 ,几乎是不可避免的。为临床诊断提供丰富信息的需要出发 ,进行多幅眼底图像的拼接是必要的。本文为此提出了几个新的处理方法 ,如基于大窗口的滤波灰度校正方法、基于透视投影原理的几何校正方法与基于小波子空间上的拼接算法 ,均具有效果好和耗时少的优点。  相似文献   
目的在医院合并中,大量病案安全运转、归档是一项非常重要的工作。我院在医院合并前对病案搬运及整合归档过程中的人力、物力和步骤做了详尽的计划。制定三家医院病案整合归档方案。在新库房选址、整合前的病案准备、大量病案整理、搬运,归档、上架及整合后信息利用的每一个环节进行细化布置和层层落实,使医院合并后,病案归档工作有序进行。保护了病案的完整性和连续性,使病案在新的医院运营中发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   
Role of the frontal lobes in the propagation of mesial temporal lobe seizures.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3  
J P Lieb  R M Dasheiff  J Engel 《Epilepsia》1991,32(6):822-837
The depth ictal electroencephalographic (EEG) propagation sequence accompanying 78 complex partial seizures of mesial temporal origin was reviewed in 24 patients (15 from the University of Pittsburgh Epilepsy Center and 9 from UCLA). All patients were monitored with bilateral mesial frontal and mesial temporal depth electrodes and later received anterior temporal lobectomy. Ictal EEG records were categorized according to sequence of spread from the temporal focus to the other regions. Although propagation patterns varied both within and between patients, certain features were notable: (a) It was very common for seizure activity to spread initially to the ipsilateral frontal lobe (observed in 22 of 24 patients). (b) The most common mode of spread (15 of 24 patients) was initiating temporal lobe----ipsilateral frontal lobe----contralateral frontal lobe----contralateral temporal lobe. (c) Occasionally, seizure discharges invaded the frontal lobes but failed to invade the contralateral temporal lobe (2 of 24 patients). (d) Seizure activity occasionally invaded the contralateral temporal lobe prior to invading the frontal lobes (2 of 24 patients). Other notable features included (i) a clear tendency for mesial temporal seizure discharges initially to invade orbitofrontal (as opposed to anterior cingulate) cortex and (ii) the emergence of a period of clear asymmetry in the frontal lobes during which high-amplitude, rapid discharges were present on the side ipsilateral to the initiating temporal lobe. These results suggest that the prefrontal region, especially the orbitofrontal cortex, is strongly influenced by mesial temporal ictal activity. This region appears to be frequently involved in the propagation of seizures initiated in the mesial temporal lobe and may play a role in the interhemispheric propagation of mesial temporal seizures.  相似文献   
表面法向量计算是虚拟内窥镜系统中的一个重要问题,通常采用距离梯度法和密度梯度法计算。作对这两种方法的优缺点作了讨论,针对它们彼此具有互补的特点,提出将距离梯度图像和密度梯度图像相融合的方法,并分别设计了代数融合和几何融合两种方法。实验结果显示,融合后的图像质量有了明显改善,而且几何融合法优于代数融合法。  相似文献   
医学学科课程体系与PBL课程体系的融合探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等医药教育的改革,以问题为中心的课程体系(PBL)逐渐得到广泛尝试.如何正确处理PBL课程体系与传统的学科课程体系之间的关系?文章认为从培养目标和国情实际出发,比较好的策略是将两类课程体系有机融合,借助于PBL学科课程体系的教学思想,继承、发扬和完善传统的医学学科课程体系,这是一条比较理想的、并适合我国当前的医学教育的培养模式.  相似文献   
以中山大学附属第一医院为例,从开拓院区、对口支援、社会捐助、降低费用等四个方面,探讨医院在发展中体现大型公立医院社会公益性的实践,以及取得的成果。得出大型公立医院应通过以点带面,提升区域医疗水平,积极改革求变,整合区域医疗资源,为患者提供优质安全低价医疗服务,从而实现医院社会价值的结论 。  相似文献   
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