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The term synovial sarcoma was first proposed for the histologically well defined entity by Knox in 1936. The name was proposed due to the fact that at least the cases reported in the early part showed some resemblance of the tumour to normal synovial tissue histologically. Thereafter, tumours have been diagnosed from areas without synovial tissue. The diagnosis of monophasic tumours can be difficult and immunostains appear to be a good diagnostic tool in those cases. The occurrence in the mandible is extremely rare. This is a case of synovial sarcoma arising in the condyle involving most of the ramus. The tumour was diagnosed as synovial sarcoma with predominant spindle cell component by correlation of histopathology with immunostains (cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, actin and desmin). The patient has been treated with surgery and radiotherapy.  相似文献   
目的:探讨高分子材料和种植体同期植入缺损区进行同步骨缺损修复和牙列缺损修复的可行性。方法:以4只杂种狗为研究对象,制备下颌骨长约2.5cm的缺损的动物模型(保留下颌骨下缘),将骨水泥(聚甲基丙烯酸酯)植入骨缺损,同时将牙种植体植入骨水泥中并调整长轴方向,立即关闭术创。至术后3个月摄X线片,然后处死动物,局部巨检以了解骨水泥同骨组织的结合情况,并制备骨组织切片进行苏木精一伊红染色和甲苯胺蓝染色,以了解植入材料周边骨的生长情况及其对植入材料的反应。结果:术后3个月X线检查见骨缺损区充满骨水泥,骨水泥周边的骨小梁清晰,未见骨吸收或炎症表现,形成良好的骨-骨水泥界面,种植体则依赖其表面的螺纹结构与骨水泥间紧密的机械性嵌合而牢固的成为一体,植入的骨水泥块与周边天然骨结合紧密,无松动现象。植入材料周边局部脱钙骨的苏木精-伊红染色和甲苯胺蓝染色见骨结构正常,同时骨-骨水泥界有新骨形成。结论:骨水泥作为颌骨修复替代材料同期植入种植体是可行的。  相似文献   
^60Co消毒与高温高压消毒胚胎骨的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在12只健康家兔下颌骨体部的两侧各造成0.7cm×0.5cm×0.3cm的骨缺损区,分别置入^60Co消毒的胚胎骨和高温高压消毒的胚胎骨,发现高温高压消毒可以替代^60Co消毒胚胎骨进行移植,为临床提供了一种新的用作同种异体移植胚胎骨的消毒方法。  相似文献   
目的探讨下颌骨侧位摄影分别采用一倾斜角度为α的垫板及未采用时,X线中心线倾斜角度各为β、γ之间的关系,为更简捷地拍好下颌骨提供理论参数和实践依据。方法立足于教科书,运用X线摄影原则与数学几何原理进行推理演绎。结果二者之间存在着可替换的关系,即γ=α+β,可以大胆地去除垫板进行直接拍摄。结论不用垫板,只需通过增大X线中心线倾斜角度的方法,同样也能拍摄出一张好照片,且可操作性强,简便易行,实际使用价值更大。  相似文献   
根据下頜光弹的等倾线图,描绘出主应力迹线规迹。在下颌侧位X线照片和去除唇侧及颊侧密质骨板的标本上,观察骨密质和松质的配布,以及骨小梁的排列和方向,试行探讨骨小梁方向与主应力迹线的关系。用光弹法求得的主应力迹线有两个系列:S_1系在下颌体近水平方向,在下颌支近垂直方向分布;S_2系力线与S_1系诸力线呈正交。在标本和X线照片上,主应力迹线规迹不同程度地在骨小梁的排列上有所反映。  相似文献   
Mandibular pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: Three unusual cases of pseudocarcinomatous (pseudoepitheliomatous) hyperplasia (PH) affecting chronic osteomyelitic mandibular sequestra are reported to highlight the differences with the various squamous neoplasms which occur in that site. METHODS AND RESULTS: In two patients carrying a mandibular graft following the excision of an ameloblastoma, mucosal ulcers resulted in chronic osteomyelitis. In a third patient, an apical dental infection was associated with fistulated osteomyelitis. Histology of the three sequestra showed an intraosseous squamous proliferation. It was characterized by a peripheral involvement of medullary spaces, the more mature epithelial layer covering the bone trabeculae without intervening stroma, and the basal type epithelial layer surrounding a central fibrovascular core. There were no histological or cytological signs of malignancy. CONCLUSION: PH shows an inverted pattern when compared with the centro-medullary tumoural islands seen in the various oral or odontogenic squamous neoplasms which occur in the jaws. The lack of signs of malignancy distinguish PH from common squamous cell carcinomas. A short clinical course is an important feature in the distinction of PH from the well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas which may develop in fistulated chronic osteomyelitis.  相似文献   
Summary Anterior displacement of the mandible (ADM) was performed in 34 patients undergoing surgery for malformations or atheromatous lesions of the distal segment of the extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA). This procedure greatly facilitates surgical access to the upper cervical region and has several advantages over mandibulotomy-mandibulectomy, namely: A shorter operating time, sparing of the inferior alveolar nerve and of the mandibular branch of cranial nerve VII, with no need for post-operative immobilization of the mandible. ADM permits the correction of ICA lesions extending as far as the first cervical vertebra. For lesions extending into the carotid canal ADM needs to be supplemented by various other procedures via the base of the skull.  相似文献   
成人下凳骨第三磨牙阻生关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观测成人下颌骨第三磨牙的阻生关系。方法 根据吴氏《人类骨骼测量方法》中规定的年龄估计及性别鉴定的标准,观测成人颌骨的形态结构。结果 302个下颌骨标本的观察结果为,男女混合阻生率为10.60%,女性阻生率高于男性,肉眼见无第三磨牙萌出者106例,经X线拍片验证,5例有埋没牙存在,故实际第三睡缺如率为33.44%。从测量数据可见阻生组(无第三磨牙组)的第二磨牙后间隙、下颌斜长、下颌体长及髁突间宽均较正常组小。结论 无第三磨牙可能是人类进化过程中,下颌骨与牙齿均衡退化的结果,而阻生是人类进化从有第三磨牙向第三磨牙演化的过渡阶段。  相似文献   
Summary Classical methods of anatomical study and experimentation have reached an endpoint with respect to the advancement of our knowledge of certain aspects of bone, i.e. its mechanical properties, investigation of the constraints acting on bone and the organization of bone allowing resistance to such mechanical stress. Indeed, current knowledge is rather limited regarding bone as a material. Furthermore, bone from the cadaver cannot be considered a reliable source of study material since its physicochemical composition and mechanical properties are highly different from those of living bone. The types of experimentation used to date, although allowing to study the phenomena occuring on the surface of the bone, do not allow to evaluate those that occur within the bone without modification of its mechanical features. Finally, the number and complexity of the parameters to be taken into account in this respect largely supersede the possibilities of classical study techniques.Accordingly, new types of methodology are required to evaluate the many parameters involved, to perform the corresponding computations and resolve the great number of unknown variables. Such methodology must allow experimentation to be performed without modifying the object of study and to determine the phenomena occuring within the bone itself, i.e. the mandible.A method of computer assisted simulation of a physicomathematical model was used to analyse the structural properties of the mandible. This method was based on that used for the computation and elaboration of large metal structures (offshore drilling platforms), structures submitted to special stress (resistance to force 7 earthquake of the new extension to the radioactive waste disposal factory at the Hague) or aeronautical structures composed of composite material.
Approche physico-mathématique structurale de la mandibule
Résumé L'étude des propriétés mécaniques de l'os, celle des contraintes qu'il subit, la manière dont il est organisé pour résister à ces contraintes s'avèrent déboucher sur une impasse si l'on se contente des méthodes classiques d'études et d'expérimentations.En effet, nous n'avons actuellement qu'une connaissance très limitée de l'os en qualité de matériau. Le matériau d'expérimentation, l'os de cadavre ne peut être considéré comme fiable, sa constitution physico-chimique et ses propriétés étant par trop différentes de celles de l'os vivant. Le type même des expérimentations utilisées, s'il permet bien d'étudier ce qui se passe à la surface de l'os ne permet pas de prendre en compte ce qui se passe à l'intérieur de celui-ci sans en modifier les caractéristiques mécaniques. Enfin, le nombre et la complexité des paramètres à prendre en compte dépassent largment les possibilités des techniques classiques. C'est pourquoi, il est nécessaire de faire appel à des méthodologies nouvelles capables de prendre en compte un nombre très élevé de paramètres, de les calculer et de résoudre un nombre très important d'inconnues. Ces méthodologies doivent permettre l'expérimentation sans modifier l'objet de l'expérience et de calculer ce qui se passe à l'intérieur même de la mandibule.Cette méthode de simulation sur modèle physico-mathématique par informatique utilisée pour le calcul et l'élaboration des grandes structures métalliques (plate-forme off shore), celui de structures placées dans des conditions de contraintes particulières (prise en compte des tremblements de terre de magnitude 7 pour l'extension de l'usine de La Hague) ou bien celui des structures aéronautiques à matériaux composites a été ici appliquée à l'étude structurale de la mandibule.
目的:总结应用髂嵴游离骨组织修复下颌骨缺损的经验.方法:回顾21例应用游离髂嵴骨组织即时修复下颌骨缺损,对手术方法、术中、术后处理等进行总结分析.结果:用髂嵴游离骨组织修复下颌骨术后并发症少,手术成功率高(87.5%),能进行即刻种植体植入.结论:对不能开展显微外科的医院,下颌骨缺损患者用游离髂嵴骨组织修复仍可作为首选方法.  相似文献   
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