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本草学是东方医药学的重要标志。在生境中辨识药用植物是本草学的重点,本草著作在对药用植物进行描述的同时,基于知识传授的实际需要,会配以药图帮助学者掌握该药材的特点以方便识别。药图在发展过程中逐渐从本草著作的附属成为独立的册页,其科学和艺术价值也日益凸显,然而其重要性并没有被太多研究者重视,尤其将药图研究的视野从传统医药扩展至文化史、艺术史、美学和文化资源学等领域的研究成果更是鲜有。本文从本草学和本草图谱的演变发展历史为线索,以云南地域本草的杠鼎之作《滇南本草》各时期版本中代表性药图作为研究对象,对比《本草纲目》等几种代表性本草著作中的药图,结合文化和艺术史相关知识,初步梳理《滇南本草》各历史时期药图的特点,分析其演变原因和具体社会条件,尝试从历史角度理解和归纳这些不同时期和版本药图的发展变化呈现的特点并揭示我们今天研究和利用中国传统药图这一重要文化资源的意义和价值。  相似文献   
刘蕤  陈紫雯  华桂丰  王立强  萨翼  刘昶 《中草药》2020,51(18):4829-4836
目的建立保健食品原料评价体系(Functional Food Crude Materials Evaluation System,FUFMES),为保健食品原料目录排名提供科学依据与技术保障。方法首先,利用文献调研和多轮专家访谈方法筛选FUFMES的指标并确定其层级关系;第二,使用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)计算指标权重,具体方法是依据专家打分构建判断矩阵,利用R语言进行一致性检验与最大特征根检验,得出各级指标权重;第三,使用极值法计算原料的单个指标值;第四,利用线性加权综合法得到每种原料的评价指数并据此进行排名;最后,将获得的分析结果与专家评价结果进行比较。结果 FUFMES包括6个一级指标、39个二级指标、11个三级指标。利用FUFMES对9种保健食品原料进行评价,获得的评价指数依次是:西洋参(0.49)、人参(0.48)、银杏叶(0.21)、灵芝孢子粉(0.08)、鱼油(0.06)、螺旋藻(0.03)、辅酶Q10(0.02)、褪黑素(0.01)、大蒜油(-0.03)。基于该评价指数的排名结果与专家评价结果显示了较高一致性。结论构建了科学、完整的FUFMES,FUFMES将成为保健食品原料目录评价与排名的有力工具,为推进保健食品原料备案制提供科学依据与技术保障。  相似文献   
参麦注射液是由红参、麦冬制得的中药注射剂,具有益气固脱、养阴生津、生脉的功效,临床上用于治疗气阴两虚型之休克、冠心病、病毒性心肌炎、慢性肺心病、粒细胞减少症。主要围绕与产品质量紧密相关的生产工艺、药材质量、辅料3个方面进行总结,为优化该产品的生产工艺、提高产品质量提供参考。  相似文献   
目的回顾性分析100例上海地区新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称"新冠肺炎")患者中西医结合治疗后的临床疗效及肝损伤情况。方法收集2020年1月22日至2020年2月10日上海市公共卫生临床中心收治的100例新冠肺炎患者的出入院临床资料及治疗方案信息,观察舌象、脉象、中医证候及肝损伤情况、临床结局与转归,比较临床症状、炎症及免疫相关指标的变化情况。结果①本研究中新冠肺炎患者的中医证型主要以热毒闭肺型、湿毒郁肺型、肺脾气虚型三型为主;实证明显偏多,虚证主要为肺脾气虚,气阴两虚偏少。②入院时无任何症状者有43例(占43.0%);服用中药汤剂以后,52例有症状患者的发热、咳嗽、咳痰、纳差、腹泻等主要症状均有不同程度改善。③中药汤剂治疗前与治疗1周后比较,患者的血清白细胞计数(WBC)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)、C反应蛋白(CRP)等炎症指标及CD4~+等免疫指标差异有统计学意义,均得到明显改善(P0.05)。④中药汤剂治疗前,共有16例患者已存在轻度肝损伤;将服中药治疗前及治疗1周后的肝功能指标进行比较,发现治疗后其中有2例患者的肝功能恢复正常,其余14例仍存在肝损伤、但均为轻度,且治疗前后肝功能各项指标差异无统计学意义(P0.05);其余84例患者在中药汤剂治疗前及治疗1周后肝功能各项指标均在正常范围内。⑤本研究中,共有81例(81.0%)患者病愈出院,19例(19.0%)患者仍在治疗中,病死率为0%。出院患者的平均住院时间为(16.0±5.8)d。5例重型患者中有3例病愈出院,剩余2例病情转轻,未向危重型发展,危重症转化率为0%。⑥81例出院患者中,仅有5例(6.2%)患者胸部CT提示肺炎感染病灶完全吸收,剩余76例(93.8%)患者胸部CT仍提示存在不同程度的异常病变。结论中西医结合治疗,特别是辨证应用中药汤剂治疗可明显减轻新冠肺炎患者的发热、咳嗽、纳差、腹泻等主要临床症状,改善体内炎症反应及免疫失调,降低病死率及危重症转化率,且不会造成药物性肝损伤。  相似文献   
张如新  郑杰  黄玉琴 《新中医》2020,52(4):164-166
目的:观察在常规治疗与护理基础上加用中药雾化吸入治疗甲状腺癌术后声音嘶哑的效果。方法:纳入120例气阴两虚型甲状腺癌术后声音嘶哑患者,应用随机数字表法分为2组各60例,2组均采用常规治疗与护理措施干预,观察组加用中药雾化吸入治疗,2组疗程均为1个月。治疗前后评价2组患者的声音嘶哑情况评分,评价患者在观察期的用药依从性,出院前评价护理满意度,并比较2组的治疗效果。结果:治疗1个月后,观察组临床疗效优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者的用药依从性情况较好,绝大多数患者能够按时按量用药,不受症状波动的影响,2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组护理满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在常规治疗与护理基础上加用中药雾化吸入干预甲状腺癌术后声音嘶哑,可有效改善声音嘶哑、提高疗效,提高患者的用药依从性和对护理措施的满意度。  相似文献   
杨自然  牛雅祺  王坤 《新中医》2020,52(6):203-205
目的:探讨中药调剂管理过程中,中药配方颗粒与中药饮片的应用效果差异。方法:对医院开具的中药处方情况以及23名工作人员和200例患者的调查结果进行分析,探讨中药调剂管理过程中,中药配方颗粒与中药饮片的应用效果差异。结果:使用中药配方颗粒的发药出错率和调配出错率均少于使用中药饮片的方式(P<0.05)。在对23名药房工作人员的调查结果中显示,工作人员对于中药配方颗粒的每项态度均优于中药饮片(P<0.05)。在对200名患者的调查结果中显示,患者对于中药配方颗粒的每项态度均优于中药饮片(P<0.05)。结论:在中药调剂的管理过程中,中药配方颗粒的管理方式具有较多的优势,得到患者与医务工作者双方的认可。  相似文献   
胃癌是世界上最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。随着科学技术的发展和人类对健康的需求,国内外对胃癌的研究越来越深入。目前,在胃癌综合治疗中,中医药所发挥的作用越来越大,可明显提高患者的生活质量,并延长生存期。中医药的抗癌机制研究日益受到重视,尤其是诱导癌细胞凋亡的相关作用机制。通过对单味中药及中药复方诱导胃癌细胞凋亡的总结,从而为中医药治疗胃癌的基础机制及临床应用提供指导,促进中医药在临床中治疗胃癌的发展。  相似文献   
对药品实行注册管理制度是确保公众健康的全球通用的监管措施。中药作为承载中医药理论与用药实践的主要载体,对中药产品的注册管理又具有其特殊性。2017年正式实施的《中医药法》提出了建立符合中医药特点管理制度的发展方针,研究制定配套文件或修订现行规章以适应衔接其立法精神是当前重要的现实问题之一。欧盟在植物药监管领域取得了良好成效,本文旨在系统分析欧盟对其注册管理的法规体系,深入剖析其监管特点和对中国中药注册管理的启示,以期为当前《中医药法》背景下中药监管制度的改革提供参考。  相似文献   
《Dental materials》2019,35(12):1805-1812
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to investigate the three-body wear of different additively manufactured temporary materials, one temporary PMMA material for CAD/CAM milling and one resin-based composite for direct restorations as a control group by using an ACTA machine.MethodsSpecimens (n = 8) of the 3D printing materials 3Delta temp, NextDent C&B, Freeprint temp were additively manufactured by DLP 3D printer. Postprocessing was carried out according to the manufacturer's specifications. Telio CAD were cut out of blocks, Tetric EvoCeram was applied directly and light cured. Three-body wear was simulated with an ACTA machine. Data were statistically analysed (ANOVA, post hoc test: Tukey, p < 0.05). The worn surfaces of the specimens were examined with a FE-SEM.ResultsThe average mean wear was 50 ± 15 μm for Tetric EvoCeram < 62 ± 4 μm for 3Delta temp < 236 ± 31 μm for Telio CAD < 255 ± 13 μm for NextDent C&B < 257 ± 24 μm for Freeprint temp. After 200,000 cycles, the wear and wear rates for Tetric EvoCeram and 3Delta temp were significantly lower than those for the other materials. SEM revealed that 3Delta temp has a higher filler proportion than the other 3D printing materials but less than Tetric EvoCeram.SignificanceThe filler content influences the wear behaviour of additively manufactured materials as well as dental restorative composite materials. While most 3D printing materials have a low inorganic filler load, which qualifies the materials for temporary use only, one 3D printing material has an optimized composition that would qualify the material for longer clinical service time if wear is considered as the outcome variable.  相似文献   
Mud nests built by swallows (Hirundinidae) and phoebes (Sayornis) are stable granular piles attached to cliffs, walls, or ceilings. Although these birds have been observed to mix saliva with incohesive mud granules, how such biopolymer solutions provide the nest with sufficient strength to support the weight of the residents as well as its own remains elusive. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of strong granular cohesion by the viscoelastic paste of bird saliva through a combination of theoretical analysis and experimental measurements in both natural and artificial nests. Our mathematical model considering the mechanics of mud nest construction allows us to explain the biological observation that all mud-nesting bird species should be lightweight.

Bird nests come in a variety of forms made from diverse building materials (1, 2). Each type of bird nest is subjected to mechanical constraints imposed by material characteristics. To overcome these constraints, birds have devised brilliant architectural technologies, which provide inspiration for a novel materials processing scheme and help us to better understand animal behavior.For instance, some birds including storks (Cicioniidae) and eagles (Accipitidae) build nests by piling up hard filamentary materials such as twigs, harnessing their friction as the cohesion mechanism (3). Weaverbirds (Ploceidae) weave soft filamentary materials such as grass and fine leaves into a woven nest tied to a tree branch. Some bird species use their own saliva in nest building, which Darwin considered an example of natural selection (4). An extreme case is the Edible-nest Swiftlets, which build their nest purely of self-secreted saliva so that it can be attached to cliff walls and cave ceilings where the above twig piles and tied leaves are not allowed (5).Swallows (Hirundinidae), phoebes (Sayornis), and other mud nesters have developed a unique building material, a mixture of mud and their own saliva, in contrast to those made of purely collected or self-secreted materials (6) (Fig. 1). During construction, mud nesters repeatedly pile a beakful of wet mud on the nest, and liquid bridges are formed in the nest due to evaporation. While building a nest usually takes several weeks, a transition from wet to dry structures can occur within a few hours. Hence, the capillary forces of liquid bridges temporarily provide cohesion such as those in sandcastles. However, unlike sandcastles, dehydrated saliva comes into play for permanent cohesion after complete evaporation (SI Appendix, Supplementary Note 1).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.A nest of the barn swallow (H. rustica). (A) Photograph of a barn swallow nest, taken from under the ceiling of a house in Suwon-si, Gyunggi-do, South Korea (37°16′13.5″N 126°59′01.0″E). (B) SEM image of the nest surface. (C) Chemical composition analysis of the surface shown in B by EDS. The red area indicates a region containing mostly carbon atoms, which may originate from bird saliva. The green area indicates a region containing mostly the silicon atoms of clay particles.Mud itself cannot confer sufficient cohesion and adhesion in mud nests. The ability of mud nests to bear tensile loads originates from the gluing agent in the bird''s saliva, which permeates into granules as a liquid and binds them as a solid after solvent evaporation (68) (SI Appendix, Supplementary Note 2). The gluing agent is called mucin, a family of large glycoproteins that are ubiquitous in animal organs and form a mucus gel with versatile functionality (9). Fig. 1B shows the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a barn swallow’s mud nest consisting of platelet clay particles and larger grains. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mapping image of Fig. 1C clearly shows regions corresponding to organic material which is presumed to be from bird’s saliva.Of particular interest and worth biophysical investigation are the tensile strength of the mud nest with hardened saliva, design principles associated with the saliva-originated strength, and the resulting effects on the evolution of these mud-nesting birds. Principles behind cohesion in granular materials, such as wet sands (10), cemented powder aggregates (11), construction materials (12), and pharmaceutical tablets (13), have been studied to date, exploring the stress transmission, elasticity, and failure (1418), and the formation of solidified bridges (1921). However, little attention has been paid to the cohesion effects of self-secreted polymer materials upon evaporation and the biologically constructed granular architecture like birds’ mud nests. Here we devised experimental techniques to measure the strength of the relatively small and fragile nest specimens in order to mechanically characterize birds’ mud nests. We elucidate how solutes from bird saliva generate solid bridges that give rise to macroscopic tensile strength, which has long awaited physicochemical explanation since its first observation (4). To characterize the design principle of bird''s mud nests, we investigated natural and three-dimensional (3D)-printed artificial nests with various tools for visualization and mechanical testing. Along with the experimental studies, we theoretically investigated the effects of biopolymer concentration on nest strength. This combination of theory and experiment suggests that there is a size limit for mud-nesting birds, which is supported by biological data.  相似文献   
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