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光源对天然牙与两种不同金属基底烤瓷冠颜色的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究光源改变后,天然牙与两种金属烤瓷全冠的颜色变化及它们之间是否存在同色异谱现象.方法:采用PR-650分光光度仪对A2色天然牙和A2色金合金、金沉积烤瓷全冠在参照体D65光源与A光源、CWF光源下的颜色参数L、a、b(国际发光照明委员会1976 L*a*b*系统)进行测量,比较其光谱反射曲线,同时通过计算特殊同色异谱指数来分析它们的同色异谱效应.结果:A2色天然牙和两种金属烤瓷全冠的L、a、b值随着光源的改变而改变,二者的变化趋势不完全一致,其差异有统计学意义;天然牙和金合金、金沉积烤瓷全冠之间的光谱反射曲线形状有较大区别,不同金属烤瓷全冠之间的光谱反射曲线形状也有一些区别,但是每条曲线都有五个以上的交叉点,在特定光源下可以达到同色,具有同色异谱效应;A2色天然牙与金合金、金沉积金属烤瓷全冠之间间色异谱指数在A光源下为2.03和2.46.在CWF光源下2.84和2.89.结论:光源对天然牙和金合金、金沉积烤瓷全冠的颜色有较大影响,A2色天然牙与两种金属烤瓷全冠之间存在较明显的同色异谱效应.  相似文献   
舌象信息客观化研究中光源选择初探   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
建立稳定性强。显色性好。接近传统舌象观察所需自然光线的光源条件,为舌象信息客观化研究奠定坚实基础。分析传统舌象观察的光线条件和人造光源照明的特点。并由13名中医师对20例舌象在这两种条件下进行观察对比。结果:标准光源D50的色温接近传统舌象观察的光线环境,且显色性好。在自然光线条件和标准光源D50照明两种条件下。13名中医师对20例舌象进行观察。两者结果的一致率在90%以上。提示标准光源的D50可以作为舌象信息客观化研究中舌象采集的照明光源。  相似文献   
目的 比较标准照明体A、B、C、E和D65光源对正常舌尖舌色色度学参数的影响,为中医舌诊中舌色测量的标准化研究提供实验基础.方法 选取在校本科生正常人群35例作为研究对象,将光源修正为等能白光(标准照明体E光源),应用可见反射光谱法采集舌尖舌色数据,获得380~780 nm的光谱曲线,根据标准照明体A、B、C和D65光谱分布特征计算在各照明体条件下的可见反射光谱曲线;进行CIE XYZ颜色匹配三刺激值的计算,获得各标准照明体条件下正常舌尖舌色的CIE 1964色品坐标、主波长值与RGB分值,并进行比较分析.结果 在标准照明体A、B、C、E和D65光源照明下,舌尖舌色的可见反射光谱曲线、CIE 1964色品坐标、RGB分值均存在显著性的差异,但以各标准照明体特性为参照的主波长值存在一致性.结论 应用可见反射光谱法对色诊资料采集可提供一种标准的测色方法.不同的标准照明体光源条件可使色诊资料采集出现偏差,采用统一的标准照明体光源进行色诊研究可以减少这方面的误差,同时对色诊的数码成像资料进行色彩校正时,要以照明体的特性为基本参照进行数据分析.  相似文献   
目的对A2色的天然牙和不同品牌的A2色成品树脂牙在不同光源下的颜色参数进行测量,分析其颜色变化,比较其光谱反射曲线,并分析天然牙和成品树脂牙的同色异谱效应。方法采用PR-650型光谱扫描色度仪测量A2色的天然牙和3种品牌的A2色成品树脂牙在D65光源、A光源、CWF光源和紫外光下的颜色参数L*、a*、b*值和XYZ三刺激值,比较其光谱反射曲线,通过计算特殊同色异谱指数来分析天然牙和成品树脂牙的同色异谱效应。结果A2色的天然牙和成品树脂牙的L*、a*、b*值随着光源的改变而改变,二者的变化趋势不完全一致。天然牙和成品树脂牙之间、不同品牌的成品树脂牙之间的光谱反射曲线形状有较大区别,但是每条曲线都有3个以上的交叉点和重合处,在特定光源下可以达到颜色匹配,具有同色异谱效应。A2色的天然牙与成品树脂牙之间有较明显的同色异谱效应,天然牙与3种品牌成品树脂牙之间的特殊同色异谱指数在A光源下为3.48、2.52和3.36,在CWF光源下为1.21、1.90和2.79,在紫外光下为1.59、2.07和4.07。不同品牌的A2色成品树脂牙之间的特殊同色异谱指数在A光源下为1.08、0.10和1.01,在CWF光下为1.46、2.23和0.94,在紫外光下为2.55、2.69和4.64。结论光源对天然牙和成品树脂牙的颜色有较大影响,A2色的天然牙与成品树脂牙之间存在较明显的同色异谱效应。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a Xenon halogen with a light-emitting diode (LED) laryngoscope light handle in a difficult airway scenario, as well as in an inhalation injury airway scenario that combines a difficult airway and a limited view.


We recruited forty-two anesthetists into a randomized crossover trial. Each performed tracheal intubation (TI) with a Xenon halogen and a LED light handle in the two manikin scenarios. The primary endpoint was the “time to intubate”. Other endpoints were the “time to vocal cords”, the “time to ventilate”, the rate of successful intubation, the number of intubation attempts, the Cormack-Lehane score, the number of optimization maneuvers, the number of audible dental click sounds indicating dental damage and subjective impressions.


In the difficult airway scenario, no significant differences in the recorded intubation times were observed. In the inhalation injury airway scenario, the intubation times were significantly shorter using the LED light handle. Regarding the subjective values, the LED illuminant enabled a significant better view and illumination of the oropharyngeal space and the vocal cords, in both manikin scenarios.


The LED laryngoscope light handle did not affect the recorded intubation times in the simulated difficult airway scenario, but provided significant advantages in the inhalation injury airway scenario that combines a difficult airway with a limited view caused by a sooted pharynx. We therefore hypothesize, that the LED illuminant might be beneficial in the airway management of burn patients with severe inhalation injury.  相似文献   
石路   《中国医学工程》2011,(12):12-14
目的本文目的是研究不同环境温度下光源照度和色温对人体心血管功能的调控作用。方法 8名健康男姓大学生作为自愿者参加本研究,受试者在人工气候室内暴露于不同的环境温度和人工照明条件下测定心率,血压,心输出量,计算心搏量,记录皮肤血流量。结果在环境低温条件下高照度引起心率增加,在高温条件下高照度导致心输出量的增多和收缩压的升高,在18℃下高色温引起舒张压和皮肤血流量的增多。结论在不同环境温度下,光源照明人体心血管功能有一定的调控作用,提示:在不同的冷、热环境下应选择适合的光源照明,对人的心血管功能处于相对平衡是有好处的。  相似文献   
The physical inputs to our visual system are dictated by the interplay between lights and surfaces; thus, for surface color to be stably perceived, the influence of the illuminant must be discounted. To reveal our strategy to infer the illuminant color, we conducted three psychophysical experiments designed to test our optimal color hypothesis that we internalize the physical color gamut under various illuminants and apply the prior to estimate the illuminant color. In each experiment, we presented 61 hexagons arranged without spatial gaps, where the surrounding 60 hexagons were set to have a specific shape in their color distribution. We asked participants to adjust the color of a center test field so that it appeared to be a full-white surface placed under a test illuminant. Results and computational modeling suggested that, although our proposed model is limited in accounting for estimation of illuminant intensity by human observers, it agrees fairly well with the estimates of illuminant chromaticity in most tested conditions. The accuracy of estimation generally outperformed other tested conventional color constancy models. These results support the hypothesis that our visual system can utilize the geometry of scene color distribution to achieve color constancy.  相似文献   
目的:为了满足医护人员在医疗工作中进行局部照明的实际需要,自行设计了一种医用头灯,并使其能够在临床中得到普及和广泛应用。方法:采用国际上公认的新型固态冷光源—LED(半导体发光二极管),结合医院临床特点设计并试制一款便携式LED医用头灯。结论:通过临床试用普遍认为,该头灯可以减少医护人员在肉眼操作时造成的一些误操作,降低医护人员的视觉疲劳,提高工作效率,还可以为医院节省购置成本。  相似文献   
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