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Breast core biopsies are a standard component of the triple approach that includes clinical examination, imaging and tissue sampling. Conventional cores, diagnostic vacuum assisted biopsy and vacuum assisted excisions are established methods for sampling and managing breast lesions. It is important to be aware of the potential pitfalls in the technical handling and interpretation of the limited core biopsy samples. Here, we present a clinically oriented, well illustrated overview of the common diagnostic pitfalls based on the author's diagnostic and second opinion practice, emphasize the value of clinicopathological correlation and provide histological tips and clues with useful immunohistochemistry to aid the reporting pathologists in their daily interpretation of breast core biopsies.  相似文献   
我国奶牛养殖规模不断扩大,奶业产值比重逐步提高,给奶牛疫病防治带来巨大压力。奶牛乳房炎及细菌性肺炎等呼吸系统疾病和细菌性肠炎等消化系统疾病最为常见,抗菌药物的使用成为主要防治手段。但抗菌药物的不当使用易使细菌产生耐药性,增加临床治疗的成本和难度,危害我国奶牛产业发展。本文对截至2021年7月我国和美国、英国、日本、欧盟批准用于奶牛的抗菌药物产品进行整理、统计与分析,包括抗菌药物的分类、剂型以及适应证等,旨在为我国奶牛用抗菌药物管理、合理用药和新兽药开发提供参考。  相似文献   
Although lactation mastitis (LM) has been extensively researched, the incidence rate of LM remains a salient clinical problem. To reduce this incidence rate and achieve a better prognosis, early and specific quantitative indicators are particularly important. It has been found that milk electrolyte concentrations (chloride, potassium, and sodium) and electrical conductivity (EC) significantly change in the early stages of LM in an animal model. Several studies have evaluated EC for the detection of subclinical mastitis in cows. EC, chloride, and sodium content of milk were more accurate for predicting infection status than were other variables. In the early stages of LM, lactic sodium, chloride, and EC increase, but potassium decreases. However, these indicators have not been reported in the diagnosis of LM in humans. This review summarizes the pathogenesis and the mechanism of LM in terms of milk electrolyte concentration and EC, and aim to provide new ideas for the detection of sub-clinical mastitis in humans.  相似文献   
鲁秀蕾  戴萌萌  陈华德 《新中医》2020,52(6):117-120
目的:探讨针灸治疗急性乳腺炎的选穴规律。方法:检索1999年1月-2019年3月中国知网、维普全文期刊数据库、万方数据库中针灸治疗急性乳腺炎的临床报道和临床研究,分析总结针灸治疗该病的取穴规律。结果:共纳入文献53篇,常用穴位53个,总共频次282次,最常用的5个穴位是肩井、膻中、乳根、期门、足三里;涉及经脉12条,除手少阴心经和手少阳三焦经外均有涉及,其中足阳明胃经、足少阳胆经、任脉出现频次最多。特定穴以交会穴、募穴、八会穴使用频次较高。穴位分布主要集中在胸腹部、腰背部及四肢。结论:针灸治疗急性乳腺炎以胸腹部局部取穴及四肢循经取穴、选用特定穴为主,经络选取主要为胃经、胆经、任脉。  相似文献   
目的观察中药离子导入联合中药外敷治疗对小儿大叶性肺炎的临床疗效。方法将60例大叶性肺炎患儿随机分为对照组和治疗组,每组30例,2组均予以西医抗炎对症支持治疗,合并细菌感染者,选用第3代头孢霉素静滴(具体药物及剂量根据血象情况和药敏试验结果而定);合并肺炎支原体感染者,阿奇霉素(希舒美)静滴10 mg/(kg·d),1次/d,连续静滴3 d,停药4 d,再静滴3 d。以及中药外敷治疗,药物由大黄、芒硝、炒芥子、炒桃仁组成。治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上加用中药离子导入治疗,中药离子导入仪由北京华医新技术研究所生产,药饼药物组成为石膏、杏仁、麻黄、甘草、儿茶等。以上2组均以7 d为1个疗程,治疗1个疗程后观察临床疗效,并以啰音消失时间进行临床疗效评价。结果治疗组总有效率96.67%,对照组总有效率80%,2组比较差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);治疗组啰音消失时间(5.17±1.60)d短于对照组啰音消失时间(7.57±1.22)d,2组比较差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论中药离子导入联合中药外敷达到疏通经络,清热宣肺,止咳平喘之功。  相似文献   
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