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武侠小说的历史评价问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古典侠义小说虽然存在着封建主义的思想糟粕 ,但其惩恶扬善、除暴安良的思想宗旨、积极浪漫的创作方法、文白相间的语言运用仍值得充分肯定。民国时期的武侠小说虽然削弱了封建意识 ,也不乏抵御外侮、振兴中华的作品 ,但因其武侠世界是一个远离现实人生的“江湖世界” ,它与当时中华民族灾难深重的现实生活格格不入 ,另其分宗立派的江湖恩怨描写、打打杀杀的暴力渲染、不堪入目的色情描写、陈陈相因的表现手法 ,无疑是一股文学逆流。当代港台新武侠小说则更是表现出明显的低俗化倾向  相似文献   
美国间谍小说的起源可以追溯到詹姆斯·库珀的《间谍》 ,但发展缓慢。其原因在于美国人崇尚明斗的西部硬汉精神 ,而美国政府历来对间谍工作也未予重视 ,直到20世纪30年代美国的间谍小说还不很成熟 ,40年代才出现了较有影响的间谍小说女作家海伦·麦克英纳斯。至70年代却大有后来居上之势 ,并在题材上形成业余间谍、硬派间谍和反间谍三足鼎立的格局  相似文献   
Educational policy and children's science fiction literature provide two distinct visions of the future for children and corresponding representations of the future of childhood. By refracting the literary and the political through a sociological critique, this article scrutinizes how such texts construct ideas about childhood and thus motivate an impetus for social and economic change, especially in the context of children's digital media use and the reform of children's services. In particular, I focus on the way literary studies scholars represent childhood in their readings of science fiction texts, and on the political construction of childhood in policy texts such as reports to the public and in high-profile media campaigns including teacher recruitment advertisements displayed in the UK between 2006 and 2008. The analysis suggests there are intertextual associations as well as disassociations in the discourses of childhood found in sci-fi and educational policy.  相似文献   
Intergenerational relationships and the media influence young persons' attitudes about aging. The authors analyzed 20 contemporary adolescent novels with intergenerational relationships using Allport's (1954) contact theory to assess whether the relationships demonstrated conditions that foster positive attitudinal change toward outgroups. When tenets were met, characters strengthened relationships, demonstrated resilience, and gained insight and respect for the other generation as they cooperated to resolve crises. Adolescent characters' attitudes toward elders often started out negative but tended to improve over the course of the stories. With these findings, educators, librarians, and parents can realistically inform older children's ideas about aging and elders.  相似文献   
Abstract: A state in which the phenomena of the surrounding world are transformed into a set of symbols that transmit indefinite meanings is thought to provide the circumstances under which delusions arise. The surrounding world is interpreted as a written text, and when the schizophrenic reads this and attempts to construct a coherent fictional account of it, a process of delusion formation takes place, and this process corresponds symptomatologically to a delusional system. If delusions are considered in comparison with fictions, in particular fantastic fictions, areas are found in the paranoid patient's mental processes where contingency is left out, and for that reason it is not possible for the delusional account to be satisfactorily completed.  相似文献   
家族小说在新时期,无论是侧重于展现人的文化存在一路还是着重抒写人的非理性存在状态的另一路,都否弃了代言式抒写姿态和方式,其重心不在于力求真实再现历史生活之真貌,而在于展示特殊历史文化氛围和其中生活的人之生存状态和生命形式。历史成为发挥想象力和虚构才能的载体,不再承担认知和教化功能,从而使小说家获得多元视点和自由的个人叙事立场。  相似文献   
金庸先生说 :“中国近代新文学的小说 ,其实是和中国的文学传统相当脱节的 ,很难说是中国小说 ,无论是巴金、茅盾或鲁迅所写的 ,其实都是用中文写的外国小说。”又说 :“武侠小说才是中国形式的小说……继承了中国小说的传统。”金庸先生这段高论如果成立 ,巴金、茅盾、鲁迅都要被赶出中国文学史 ,“中国近代新文学的小说” ,都将变成外国小说 ,一部中国新文学史也就变成一部武侠小说史了。金庸先生的失误一是混淆了借鉴和创造的关系 ,二是狭隘地看待中国文学传统 ,三是不敢正视武侠小说的穷途末路  相似文献   
Academic discourse proscribes a particular way of writing that may leave the reader informed but uninspired. There are three intentions for this paper: to create a counter‐discourse for academic writing, to illustrate autoethnograpy as a compelling approach to nursing inquiry, and to demonstrate how autoethnography is well suited to research the experience of people who identify as transgender or transsexual. The setting is a doctoral nursing seminar where the student is introducing autoethnography to fellow students. All characters are fictionalized compositions. The writing is in the style of creative non‐fiction and illustrates the use of evocative prose and poetry.  相似文献   
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