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目的研究0~2.50 MPa氦氧暴露对潜水员空间记忆广度、二维和三维心理旋转的影响。方法采用模拟棋盘的方法对潜水员的空间记忆进行评价,并进一步通过二维与三维心理旋转测验的方法评价其空间认知能力。结果 0~2.50 MPa高气压环境会直接损害潜水员的空间认知能力,主要表现为降低潜水员空间记忆能力,二维和三维心理旋转正确率下降。结论潜水员空间认知能力受损可能与高气压对大脑整体的抑制有关,并非对某个中枢的选择性损害。  相似文献   
Summary Cartesian divers were used to evaluate the effects in vitro of some hypoglycaemic Sulphonylureas on the oxygen consumption of isolated pancreatic islets. The islet specimens were obtained from obese-hyper-glycaemic mice, and consisted of over 90% B-cells. When incubated with Krebs-Ringer phosphate medium, the islet cells displayed an increased rate of respiration upon addition to the incubation medium of either tolbutamide (D860; 0.1 mg/ml) or glibenclamide (HB 419; 0.1 .g/ ml). The respiratory rate increased with the concentration of HB 419 in the range 0.001–0.1 g/ml, but did not exceed 120% of the respiration in pure phosphate medium. Whereas the physiological excretion product of D 860 did not affect the respiratory rate, the corresponding derivative of HB 419 was still effective in stimulating the oxygen uptake of the islets. When islets were incubated with glucose at a high concentration (3 mg/ml), the oxygen uptake was inhibited by addition of D 860, or its metabolite, or HB 419. The last drug slightly increased the respiration of islets incubated with glucose at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, and a marked stimulation was noted at a still lower glucose concentration, 0.5 mg/ml. Attempts to evaluate the effect of mannoheptulose on the respiratory response of the islets to hypoglycaemic Sulphonylureas produced inconclusive results. It is suggested that Sulphonylureas effect an increased rate of endogenous substrate oxidation in the B-cells of the pancreatic islets.This work was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (B68-12X-109-04) and the U.S.Public Health Service (Grant AM-05759-06). The skilful technical assistance of Miss Gunilla Lekselius and Miss Ing-Britt Brolen is greatfully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Brains from 12 amateur and 13 professional divers, all but one of whom died accidentally, were examined neuropathologically. Grossly distended, empty vessels (presumably caused by gas bubbles) were found in the brains of 15 out of 22 divers who died from diving accidents. Perivascular lacuna formation was found in cerebral and/or cerebellar white matter in three amateurs and in five professionals. In addition to lacuna formation, hyalinization of vessel walls was present in the brains of three amateurs and five professionals. Necrotic foci in grey matter occurred in seven cases and perivascular vacuolation of white matter occurred in seven cases. The vascular changes probably arose from intravascular gas bubble formation. In one professional diver, there was also unilateral necrosis of the head of the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   
Résumé: Létude des principes actifs des différents ginsengs, aux vertus thérapeutiques connues, tant recherchées, nous ramène à létude du sol, aux moyens de culture, au climat, mais aussi à la forme des racines. De certaines régions de la Chine, son pays dorigine, en passant par la Sibérie, le Canada puis la France autant de noms que dappellations, autant de racines découvertes au fil du temps, qui rendent difficiles la différenciation entre les vrais ou faux ginsengs. Tous ces éléments donnent à la plante ses principes actifs qui viennent en aide au terrain de lindividu dont Claude Bernard rappelait: «Le microbe nest rien, cest le terrain qui est tout.» Cette approche est le seul moyen de revenir à cette médecine globale quest la phytothérapie.* Communication présentée lors de la 12e Journée universitaire de lAMPP, septembre 2003: Ginseng et autres plantes adaptogènes.  相似文献   
中国优秀跳水运动员大脑机能监控研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :把握跳水运动员在大赛前训练时的神经机能情况与训练水平。方法 :利用脑电图和脑地形图技术对中国跳水运动员进行训练监控。结果 :2次对 11名主力队员进行脑功能检测 ,表象竞赛时自选动作的大脑唤醒水平值 (43 79± 2 96 )略高于规定动作 (42 37± 2 2 6 ) ,自选动作能量比值 (1 74 9± 0 373)亦略高于规定动作 (1 6 32± 0 36 4) ,其中 ,女运动员第 2次检测时自选动作的大脑唤醒水平值明显高于规定动作。结论 :(1)脑功能检测结果表明 ,女运动员神经机能状态略优于男队员 ,而男运动员中有 2名已处于紧张状态。 (2 )与其他项目 ,如乒乓球、短道速滑等相比 ,优秀跳水运动员大脑唤醒水平 (兴奋性 )值相同 ,但能量比值较低 ,可能是跳水项目的特点。  相似文献   
目的了解执行模拟大深度饱和潜水前后潜水员的营养状况,为潜水员的合理营养供给提供参考依据。方法模拟试验在500m饱和潜水系统内进行,约19 d。检测参加模拟大深度饱和潜水试验前及出舱后1周潜水员的体质指数(BMI)和血清生化指标,并以GJB 4126-2000《军人营养状况生化评价》及体格检查标准综合评价"。结果潜水员的体质量、体质指数(BMI)在出舱后1 d分别为(69.5±8.4)kg、(23.1±2.1),在出舱后7 d分别为(69.5±8.8)kg、23.1±2.2,均明显低于进舱前的(72.2±9.0)kg、24.0±2.1,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。潜水员的血尿酸水平在出舱后1 d、7 d分别为(384.3±4.5)μmol/L和(288.1±32.5)μmol/L,皆明显低于进舱前的水平〔(482.8±75.2)μmol/L〕,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。其他血液指标如血红蛋白、总蛋白、白蛋白、肌酐、尿素氮、甘油三酯、总胆固醇的水平在试验前后均无明显变化。结论潜水员的血尿酸水平在参加模拟大深度饱和潜水试验前偏高;同时体质量和体质指数在试验后又明显下降,因此其营养状况尚需采取某些措施加以改善。  相似文献   
潜水员心理症状与心理社会因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解潜水员心理症状和心理社会因素的关系,为做好潜水员的心理保健工作提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,以症状自评量表(SCL-90)、生活事件量表(LES)和应对方式问卷(CSQ)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)作为测评工具,对296名潜水员的心理症状进行了调查。结果负性生活事件刺激量、总生活事件刺激量、不成熟应对方式(自责、幻想、退避)、PSQI与SCL-90总分及绝大多数因子分均呈显著正相关(P0.05);成熟应对方式(解决问题、求助)、社会支持与SCL-90总分及绝大多数因子分均呈显著负相关(P0.05)。PSQI、成熟应对方式对SCL-90总分的回归效应显著(R2=57.8,P0.01)。结论应对方式、睡眠状态是影响心理健康的重要因素,同时能够预测潜水员的心理健康水平。  相似文献   
目的了解潜水员睡眠质量和心理社会因素的关系,为改善潜水员睡眠质量、提高战斗力提供参考。方法采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、生活事件量表(LES)和应对方式问卷(CSQ)对296名潜水员进行了调查。结果 PSQI分与SCL总分、负性事件刺激量、自责应对因子呈正相关,与解决问题应对因子的得分呈负相关。回归分析结果显示,SCL总分及躯体化、强迫、抑郁、敌对、偏执、其他回归效应显著,其他心理社会因素回归效应均不显著。结论潜水员的睡眠障碍与其本身的情绪稳定性,承受的负性生活事件量和应对方式高度相关,其心理健康水平能够预测潜水员的睡眠质量。  相似文献   
Abstract – Professional commercial divers working with electrical cutting and welding sometimes experience a metallic taste phenomenon. An enquéte study among divers showed no influence of different equipment on the occurrence of such metallic taste, but it seems to occur less frequently in low salinity water, It has been suggested that this metallic taste phenomenon is due to increased corrosion rate of dental restorations, especially of amalgam. Experimental results recording the potential of amalgam specimens placed in the oral cavity of divers during welding, showed influence on the potential, and thus probably on the corrosion rate, during welding only when the diver came into direct contact with the water, e.g. through leakage in the suit.  相似文献   
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