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1. Plasma potassium and chloride concentrations were raised and plasma renin activity, aldosterone, bicarbonate and arterial pH were reduced in two brothers with the syndrome of hypertension and hyperkalaemia with normal glomerular filtration rate (Gordon's syndrome), on unrestricted or moderately restricted sodium diets. 2. These abnormalities were corrected in both patients within 10 days of severe sodium restriction. 3. Pressor sensitivity to cold and angiotensin II decreased on low sodium diet, associated with a fall in blood pressure. 4. Increasing distal tubular sodium delivery by infusion of normal saline increased fractional excretion of potassium when aldosterone had been stimulated by severely restricted sodium diet, but not when aldosterone levels were low on unrestricted sodium diet. 5. These findings are consistent with excessive sodium reabsorption as the primary renal lesion in Gordon's syndrome, leading to volume expansion and suppression of renin and aldosterone. Severe dietary sodium restriction leading to volume contraction, by stimulating renin and aldosterone and promoting kaliuresis, corrects the abnormalities.  相似文献   
Eleven healthy free-living adults (six women, five men) weighed and recorded all food and drink consumed and collected all urine for two non-consecutive 7-day periods whilst eating their usual diet (Period 1) and attempting to reduce salt intake (Period 2). Bread (including pitta bread) provided on average a quarter of total Na intake of subjects in Period 1 so that wholemeal bread made without added salt was made available in Period 2. All subjects achieved substantial reductions (mean 65%) in Na intake in Period 2 with no change in K intake so that the Na:K molar ratio fell from 1.3 to 0.5. Urinary Na output closely followed intakes and there was a large increase (mean 11.2 μg/d) in aldosterone excretion with a non-significant increase in K output. Simple linear relationships which allow prediction of Na and K intake from the more easily measured urinary output were derived.  相似文献   
Volume expansion in the presence of elevated aldosterone availabilityis a hallmark of normal pregnancy. Intravascular volume depletioncharacterizes severe pregnancy-associated disease conditionssuch as intra-uterine growth retardation, chronic hypertensionor pre-eclampsia [1]. Two hypotheses have been forwarded toexplain volume depletion in pregnancy: the first hypothesischarges inappropriate sensing of vascular ‘overfilling’,resulting in an increased transendothelial loss of fluid tothe extravascular compartment. In contrast, the second hypothesisfocuses on vascular ‘underfilling’ due to inappropriatelylow aldosterone levels. The second hypothesis is based on theassumption that a compensatory increase in the circulating fluidvolume is required in normal pregnancy to support fetal substratedelivery. According to the second concept, maternal blood pressureincreases due to counter-regulatory mechanisms when placentalblood supply is reduced [2]. In support of the ‘underfilling’hypothesis are observations that a  相似文献   
目的探讨颅咽管瘤术后水钠代谢紊乱的原因和最佳处理方式。方法对102例经胼胝体切开穹窿间入路切除巨大颅咽管瘤的病人,记录术后尿量、血电解质、抗利尿激素(ADH)、醛固酮(ALD)、皮质醇水平,比较术后激素水平变化与水、钠代谢紊乱的关系。结果本组均出现水、钠代谢紊乱,术后2周完全恢复52例,4周基本恢复33例,6周恢复12例,需长时间人工调整电解质水平5例。术后ADH、ALD和皮质醇的不足是导致术后水钠代谢紊乱的主要原因。结论颅咽管瘤切除术后水、钠代谢紊乱与手术损伤下丘脑有关,紊乱类型与ADH、ALD和醛固酮的缺乏情况有关;及时给予相应激素及对症治疗,可获满意疗效。  相似文献   
本文采用直接放射免疫测定法,固定条件,按标准程序测得30名正常成人全唾液及血浆中的醛固酮(Aldosterone,Aldo)浓度。均值唾液为6.6±1.9nmol/L,血浆为32.5±8.0nmol/L,两者呈平行关系(r=0.4,P<0.05,=11.29+0.79X),浓度比平均为20.2%。结果进一步证实唾液作为临床测定Aldo标本的有效性与实用性,有助于对一些全身及口腔疾病进行诊断及估计预后,并可据以评价皮质类固醇治疗效果及用药的合理性。  相似文献   
Summary The effects of oral dilevalol (an R, R-isomer of labetalol), a new -adrenoceptor blocker with 2-receptor stimulating and -recepter blocking properties on blood pressure, renal function, plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone have been studied in 15 patients with mild-to-moderate essential hypertension treated with it for 6 weeks.Two patients with apparent treatment failure and one patient who developed muscle pain and cramps, and had an elevated creatine phosphokinase level, were excluded from the study.Dilevalol monotherapy 100 mg once daily for 6 weeks significantly lowered both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to placebo. Total renal vascular resistance was significantly reduced, and RBF and GFR remained unchanged. Dilevalol significantly decreased PRA.The results suggest that prolonged daily treatment with dilevalol preserves renal function and produces a concomitant hypotensive action in patients with mild-to-moderate essential hypertension. The ancillary pharmacological properties of dilevalol rather than PRA suppression may be relevant to its renal effects.  相似文献   
Summary The renal and hormonal effects of the 1-adrenoceptor blocker bunazosin were examined in 6 patients with essential hypertension. Oral bunazosin for 4 to 12 weeks significantly decreased mean blood pressure by 10%, increased effective renal blood flow and creatinine clearance by 34% and 37%, respectively, the plasma norepinephrine concentration was elevated by 60%, and the plasma atrial natriuretic peptide level was lowered by 22%. The plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were unchanged. Thus, a moderate reduction in blood pressure was produced by bunazosin treatment while maintaining renal perfusion.  相似文献   
Summary Aldosterone increases the basolateral conductance in target epithelia. The basolateral membrane of tight epithelia contains two different types of K+ conductances (GK), a resting and a volume-activated GK. We have studied the early effects (at 4 hours) of 500 nmol/l aldosterone on the basolateral membrane Gk of A6 cells (a Xenopus laevis kidney cell line), after the permeabilization of the apical membrane with amphotericin B. In the presence of a 97 to 3 mmol/l apical to basolateral K+ gradient, the resting, inward rectifying GK was similar in control and aldosterone treated cells. In contrast, aldosterone induced a 2-fold increase of the volume-activated quinidine sensitive GK.  相似文献   
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