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【摘要】 目的 对足头向穿刺路径进行模拟测量并评价在膈肌下方肝肿瘤热消融治疗中的临床应用价值。方法 重建患者上腹部CT图像,选取有代表性的3个矢状面和1个冠状面作为标准层面,在各层面建立膈下标准病灶模型,并采用足头向穿刺路径进行模拟穿刺。测量各平面上膈肌高度、穿刺路径长度及间距。采用可到达性评价模拟穿刺时穿刺针分布于标准病灶中的最理想的位置情况。结果 纳入86例患者行测量研究,多数患者矢状2、3面的膈肌高度低于2cm,仅分别对平面内1511%的病灶e和813%的病灶f进行了测量。标准病灶a、b、c、d、b’的完全到达比例分别为5243%、6097%、3837%、5294%、6353%,中位路径长度分别为1039cm、1337cm(背侧,腹侧1266cm)、1315cm、888cm、1126cm,中位穿刺路径间距分别为21cm、209cm(背侧,214cm腹侧)、206cm、211cm、2145cm。结论 采用足头向穿刺路径进行穿刺,标准病灶a、b、d、b’有较高的完全到达比例,穿刺宽容度较高,有进一步在临床中应用的价值。标准病灶c的完全到达率不高。标准病灶e、f需要采用该路径穿刺的比例不高。  相似文献   
周婷婷  张艺  樊展  胡晔  武彩花 《陕西中医》2020,(11):1665-1668
目的:探讨补脾益肾方联合温针灸治疗对重症肌无力(MG)疗效及对免疫功能的影响。方法:随机分配84例MG病例为西药组和针药组,每组各42例,西药组给予常规西药治疗,即泼尼松片中剂量冲击,小剂量隔日维持治疗,针药组基于以上用药基础给予补脾益肾方联合温针灸治疗,治疗3个月后,统计两组治疗前后的中医证候积分,评估两组中医证候疗效,对比治疗前后的颈部血管流速、T淋巴细胞亚群水平和血清可溶性白细胞介素6受体水平。结果:治疗后,两组中医证候积分显著降低,针药组的变化幅度大于西药组(P<0.05); 针药组的中医证候总有效率低于西药组(P<0.05); 治疗后,两组颈内动脉(ICA)、颈总动脉(CCA)、颈外动脉(ECA)显著提高(P<0.05),两组T淋巴细胞中CD3+、CD4+亚群所占比和CD8+、CD4+比值显著降低(P<0.05),两组血清slL-6R水平均显著降低(P<0.05),以上指标针药组变化幅度大于西药组(P<0.05)。结论:补脾益肾方联合温针灸治疗能缓解MG患者的中医证候症状,提高疗效,促进其颈部血管循环,纠正患者自身机体免疫功能紊乱。  相似文献   
咳嗽病因病机复杂多变,宣降失司、肺气上逆是发病的关键。外感咳嗽,辛温与宣降并用,驱邪理肺,宣畅气机,则咳止;内伤致咳,温补肺脾肾三脏,通调水道,排除多余水液,使痰无由生,又可调畅气机,从而减少咳嗽;感染后咳嗽为本虚标实,宜重温阳润肺,则余邪自散,咳嗽得止;素体阳虚者,当温补脾肾,使邪气无由生,咳嗽无由发。因此,对于临床常见症状咳嗽的治疗,应重视温法的应用,然切记以正确辨证为前提,不可一味温补。  相似文献   
老年高血压病以肾气亏虚为主要病机,具有特殊的发病基础、临床症状、传变规律和预后。以"治未病"思想为指导,在老年高血压病发生、发展、预后的各个阶段进行提前干预,有利于扶助正气,增强抗病能力,延缓病情进展。具体而言,未病之时,应通过调整生活方式、服用中药保养和培补肾气,做到未病先防。已病之时,既病防变,阴阳俱虚者,治以补益肾气,方选肾气丸加减;肾阴虚者,治以滋阴补肾,方选左归丸合天麻钩藤饮加减;肾阳虚者,治以温补肾阳,方选右归丸加减。疾病初愈之时,继续以中药补肾虚、调气血,同时避免六淫邪气与情志内伤对机体的损害,以防疾病复发。  相似文献   
目的本文介绍了治疗反复发作的慢性肾脏病蛋白尿的经验。方法蛋白尿是加重肾损害的独立危险因素,是精微物质外泄的表现,是治疗的重点和难点。作者认为阳气不足,感受风邪,是形成蛋白尿的原因,提出了疏风温阳法。首先阐释了疏风温阳法治疗蛋白尿和水肿的病因病机,以及疏风温阳法在具体应用中,如何应用疏风、温阳药物的用药经验,并举病案进一步说明临床应用此方法治疗的诊疗过程和治疗效果。结果总结了治疗蛋白尿的临证经验。结论疏风温阳法治疗慢性肾脏病蛋白尿疗效确切,为慢性肾脏病蛋白尿的治疗提供方法。  相似文献   
目的评价蒙医温针治疗赫依偏盛型失眠症的近期疗效及安全性。方法将80例赫依偏盛型失眠症患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各40例。治疗组给予蒙医温针治疗,对照组采用Streitberger针进行安慰剂针刺。观察2组治疗前后失眠严重程度指数(ISI)量表评分及睡眠脑电图的变化情况。结果治疗组治疗前后ISI评分有显著性差异(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后睡眠总时间延长、睡眠潜伏期缩短、睡眠效率相应提高,且睡眠结构有所变化,即N1期睡眠比例减少,REM睡眠比例增多(均P<0.05)。组间比较,除N2期睡眠及N3+N4期睡眠时间无差异,其余睡眠参数差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论蒙医温针可改善赫依偏盛型失眠患者的睡眠质量,调节失眠症患者睡眠结构及睡眠进程,且安全性高。  相似文献   
王雪霞 《河南中医》2020,40(3):455-458
目的:观察温针灸阳陵泉穴治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床疗效。方法:将2015年1月至2019年1月本院收治的膝关节骨性关节炎患者120例,根据随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组60例。对照组给予等速肌力训练治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上加用温针灸阳陵泉穴治疗。观察两组患者膝关节屈曲度、伸直度,白细胞介素(interleukin,IL)-6及IL-18水平,VAS评分及膝关节症状和功能评分。结果:观察组治疗后屈曲度及伸直度均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后IL-6及IL-18水平均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后VAS评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后症状和功能评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组有效率95.0%,对照组有效率83.3%,观察组有效率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:温针灸阳陵泉穴治疗膝关节骨性关节炎,可有效改善患者膝关节活动度,降低炎症因子,减轻疼痛,提高临床疗效。  相似文献   
《Foot and Ankle Surgery》2022,28(5):650-656
BackgroundSyndesmosis measurments and indices have been controversial and showed interindividual variability. The purpose of this study was to analyze, by conventional axial computed tomography images and a simulated load device, the uninjured tibiofibular syndesmosis under axial force and forced foot positions.MethodsA total of 15 healthy patients (30 ankles) were studied using adjustable simulated load device (ASLD). This device allowed to perform bilateral ankle CT scans in two forced foot and ankle positions (30° of plantar flexion, 15° of inversion, 20° of internal rotation and 15° of dorsal flexion, 15° of eversion, 30° of external rotation). Axial load was applied simultaneously in a controlled manner (70% body weight). Measurements on the axial image of computed tomography were: syndesmotic area (SA), fibular rotation (FR), position of the fibula in the sagittal plane (FPS), depth of the incisura (ID) and direct anterior difference (ADD), direct middle difference (MDD) and direct posterior difference (PDD).ResultsIn patients without injury to the tibiofibular syndesmosis, the application of axial load and forced foot and ankle positions showed statistically significant differences on the distal tibiofibular measurements between the stressed and the relaxed position, it also showed interindividual variability : SA (median = 4.12 [IQR = 2.42, 6.63]) (p < 0.001), ADD (0.67 [0.14, 0.67]) (p < 0.001), MDD(0.45, [0.05, 0.9]) (p < 0.001), PDD (0.73 [?0.05, 0.73]) (p < 0.002). However, it did not detect statistically significant differences when the tibiofibular differences between the stressed and the relaxed position in one ankle were compared with the contralateral side: SA (?0.14, SD = 4.33 [95% CI = ?2.53, 2.26]), ADD (?0.42, 1.08 [?1.02, 0.18]), MDD (0.29, 0.54 [?0.01, 0.59]), PDD (?0.1, 1.42 [?0.89, 0.68]). Interobserver reliability showed an Intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.990 [95% CI = 0.972, 0.997].ConclusionsWide interindividual variability was observed in all syndesmotic measurements, but no statistically significant differences were found when comparing one ankle to the contralateral side. Measuring syndesmosis alignment parameters, may only be of value, if those are compared to the contralateral ankle.  相似文献   
Background and purposeAutomated synthetic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides qualitative, weighted image contrasts as well as quantitative information from one scan and is well-suited for various applications such as analysis of white matter disorders. However, the synthesized contrasts have been poorly evaluated in pediatric applications. The purpose of this study was to compare the image quality of synthetic T2 to conventional turbo spin-echo (TSE) T2 in pediatric brain MRI.Materials and methodsThis was a mono-center prospective study. Synthetic and conventional MRI acquisitions at 1.5 Tesla were performed for each patient during the same session using a prototype accelerated T2 mapping sequence package (TAsynthetic = 3:07 min, TAconventional = 2:33 min). Image sets were blindly and randomly analyzed by pediatric neuroradiologists. Global image quality, morphologic legibility of standard structures and artifacts were assessed using a 4-point Likert scale. Inter-observer kappa agreements were calculated. The capability of the synthesized contrasts and conventional TSE T2 to discern normal and pathologic cases was evaluated.ResultsSixty patients were included. The overall diagnostic quality of the synthesized contrasts was non-inferior to conventional imaging scale (P = 0.06). There was no significant difference in the legibility of normal and pathological anatomic structures of synthetized and conventional TSE T2 (all P > 0.05) as well as for artifacts except for phase encoding (P = 0.008). Inter-observer agreement was good to almost perfect (kappa between 0.66 and 1).ConclusionsT2 synthesized contrasts, which also provides quantitative T2 information that could be useful, could be suggested as an equivalent technique in pediatric neuro-imaging, compared to conventional TSE T2.  相似文献   
卵巢癌属于妇科恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率逐年上升趋势,属中医的"癥瘕"范畴。秉承《素问》"阳化气,阴成形"之旨来探讨卵巢癌的病机及治疗,认为"阳化气"不足,"阴成形"太过为卵巢癌发病的一个重要原因,并由此提出温补阳气的卵巢癌治疗原则,指出该原则应贯穿整个卵巢癌治疗的始终。  相似文献   
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