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目的 研究医学手术实验用小型猪体外循环下心脏手术的麻醉管理及麻醉效果.方法 实验用小型猪34例,分为CPB下停跳组手术组(停跳组,18例)及CPB下并行手术组(并行组,16例),行自体心包片三尖瓣置换术.记录实验中麻醉药物及血管活性药用量,基础麻醉、麻醉维持及麻醉苏醒时间,术后3天、一周存活状况等,并评价基础麻醉及全麻效果.结果 34例均在全麻下顺利完成手术,各期血流动力学平稳,仅停跳组一例术后3天内死亡,存活率97.1%,麻醉效果良好.结论 合理的麻醉药物与血管活性药物的联合应用,仔细的临床观察与正确而迅速的处理是小型猪体外循环下心脏手术麻醉的关键.  相似文献   
目的 探讨两种小型猪作为代谢综合征模型动物的可行性。方法 选择巴马小型猪和西藏小型猪,测量体重、体尺以及与代谢综合征有关指标-血脂、血糖、自由基水平,在不同种和性别之间进行比较分析。结果 与西藏小型猪比较,巴马小型猪体重大,体长度短,颈围大,腹围大,肥胖指数高,而且差异在雌性巴马小型猪中更加显著。TC、HDL-C、LDL-C、TC水平在雌性小型猪高于雄性小型猪。GLU水平在巴马小型猪高于西藏小型猪,并与雌性西藏小型猪的差异显著,而FRA和HbAlc水平在西藏小型猪高于巴马小型猪,Insulin水平在雌性巴马小型猪和雄性西藏小型猪中分别高于雄性巴马小型猪和雌性西藏小型猪。MDA水平在雌性巴马小型猪中显著高于雄性巴马小型猪和西藏小型猪,SOD和GSH-Px水平在巴马小型猪中高于西藏小型猪。结论 通过体重、体尺、血脂、血糖和自由基水平等正常生理指标的分析,巴马小型猪倾向于肥胖;两种小型猪血脂雌性高于雄性;巴马小型猪空腹血糖高于西藏小型猪,但巴马小型猪的血糖控制能力优于西藏小型猪;巴马小型猪抗氧化能力优于西藏小型猪。总之,在代谢综合征相关研究中根据具体需求进行选择不同种、不同性别的小型猪并以具体造模实践来加以验证。  相似文献   
广西巴马小型猪作为国内小型猪主要品种之一,具有遗传性稳定、多产、体重较小、体表多覆白毛等特征,组织器官及生化指标与人类相似,已越来越广泛地应用于医学研究领域:猪的心脏解剖与生理特点与人类高度相似,已被广泛应用于心血管系统研究中,在我国,巴马小型猪被用来构建心肌缺血、卵圆孔未闭等心血管疾病模型;猪具有杂食性及与人相似的脂质代谢,可用于研究内分泌疾病,巴马小型猪已用于糖尿病动物模型建立及其遗传易感性、并发症的防治研究等;巴马小型猪的消化系统与人类相似,利用此特点已建立阻塞性慢性胰腺炎、结肠穿孔、胆肠吻合等消化系统疾病模型;巴马小型猪除头、尾外,体表覆以白毛,这一特点使其成为研究皮肤创伤、烧伤修复等的理想动物;小型猪的牙齿解剖结构与人类相似,口裂大,可作为口腔医学研究中的理想动物,巴马小型猪已用来建立牙髓坏死模型及对上颌扩弓方式的研究;类似人的解剖、生理、病理使其成为较为适合的异种移植供体。在中医药研究方面,已用巴马小型猪分别建立了肝脏、脾脏、股动、静脉出血及头颈恶性肿瘤放疗后的腮腺损伤动物模型以研究中药制剂的疗效及机制。  相似文献   
The dermal absorption of niclosamide, a drug shown to prevent Schistosomiasis by blocking the dermal penetration of cercariae, has been examined in Sinclair minipigs and rats. Radioactivity in the urine and feces collected daily for 7 days after application of 14C-niclosamide accounted for less than 2 per cent and 10 per cent of the labelled compound applied to pig and rat skin, respectively. Approximately 20 per cent of the radioactivity from the dose solution was recovered on the skin excised from the area of application in both minipigs and rats. No radioactivity was detected in organs removed from the pig 7 days after application of radiolabelled drug while less than 6 per cent of the dose could be accounted for in the rat organs/carcass. Radioactivity in swine blood, removed 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and at 24 h intervals after dosing, was at or below three times background in all of the samples. Total recovery of the applied radioactivity was 78 per cent in pigs and 57 per cent in rats. These studies indicate that niclosamide is very poorly absorbed after dermal application. The results are consistent with earlier comparative studies showing that dermal penetration of xenobiotics in rats is generally higher than in swine.  相似文献   
Background: The effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the biomechanical properties of the oesophagus subjected to sclerotherapy was studied in Goettingen minipigs by means of impedance planimetry.

Methods: Seventeen animals underwent three sessions of weekly endoscopic sclerotherapy. During these 3 weeks and for the subsequent 2 weeks they were treated with either EGF or placebo. After another 3 weeks an impedance planimetric study was done. Ten healthy non-sclerosed pigs were studied as controls. Impedance planimetry was performed by stepwise pressure-induced balloon inflation for analysis of oesophageal cross-sectional area 5 and 10 cm above the gastro-oesophageal junction (GEJ).

Results: Systemic treatment with EGF (total daily dose of 30 μg/kg/day, administered sub-cutaneously) for 3 to 7 days per week combined with a weekly paravenous injection of 20–40 μg/kg attenuated the oesophageal damage caused by sclerotherapy, implying less pronounced narrowing 5 cm above and less dilation 10cm above the GEJ.

Conclusion: These observations suggest a potential therapeutic role for EGF in attenuating sclerotherapy-induced oesophageal injury.  相似文献   
目的 探讨A型肉毒毒素对小型猪扩张肌皮瓣的组织学影响.方法 小型猪7只,在左、右两侧腰肋部对称区域分别作面积为10 cm×6 cm的文身区,将A型肉毒毒素96 U随机注射于一侧文身区皮肌层,每点注射4 U(0.1 ml),注射间距2 cm(肉毒毒素组),另一侧注射等量生理盐水,作为对照.3 d后于两侧腰肋部对称部位分别植入200 ml扩张器1枚.完成扩张后,在两组扩张肌皮瓣对应部位取材进行HE及Masson染色,观察扩张肌皮瓣组织结构变化,对比两侧扩张肌皮瓣的厚度及组织学改变.结果 肉毒毒素组肌层、包膜层、真皮层平均厚度分别为(275.74±28.93)μm、(468.03±34.28)μm、(1990.79±102.10)μm,生理盐水组分别为(409.13±44.63)μm、(626.55±44.05)μm、(2508.44±70.71)μm,肉毒毒素组各指标明显低于生理盐水组,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).Masson染色显示肉毒毒素组扩张器包膜胶原平均灰度为185.38±9.56,明显高于生理盐水组的120.77±10.31,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).光镜下HE染色显示肉毒毒素组肌肉明显萎缩,肌纤维横截面面积减少,生理盐水组皮肌肌纤维大致正常;电镜下见肉毒毒素组肌细胞明暗带模糊,Z线弯曲,生理盐水组皮肌肌细胞明暗带排列整齐,Z线清晰.结论 使用A型肉毒毒素辅助肌皮瓣扩张,可使肌肉萎缩,肌皮瓣变薄,包膜中胶原纤维含量减少.
Objective To investigate the histologic effect of botulinum toxin type A (Botox A )injection on myocutaneous flap expansion in minipigs model. Methods Seven minipigs were included in this study. Two symmetric tatoo area, 10 cm× 6 cm in size, were seclected on the bilateral flank of the pigs. The Botox A was injected into one tatoo area randomly, 4 U every point, 2 cm apart, with a total dose of 96 U. The same dose of sterile normal saline (0.9%) was injected in the same fashion on the opposite side as control. 3 days after injection , two 200 ml expanders were inserted beneath the cutaneous muscle at the tatto area. After complete expansion of 200 ml, the specimens were drawn from both groups symmetrically and were stained by means of HE and Masson. The histologic changes of myocutaneous flap were compared. Thickness of each layer in myocutaneous flap was measured in histological section. Results The thickness of cutaneous muscle, capsule, dermis were ( 275.74 ± 28.93 ) μm、 (468.03 ± 34.28 )μm 、(1990.79 ± 102.10) μm in Botox group, and (409.13 ± 44.63) μm、(626.55 ±44.05) μm、( 2508.44 ± 70.71 ) μm in saline group, respectively, show a significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01 ). The Masson stained slice showed that collagen average gray of capsule in Botox group was 185.38 ±9.56, which was significantly higher than that in the saline group( 120.77 ± 10.31, P <0.01 ).Light microscope ( HE stained sections ) showed that muscle in Botox group was significantly atrophy and cross-section of muscle fiber decreased. The muscle fiber in saline group was generally normal. It was observed through transmission electron microscope that the light and dark band of muscle cell became fuzzy and the Z line bending in Botox group. The light and dark band in saline group arranged neatly, the Z line was clear. Conclusions Application of Botox A in myocutaneous flap expansion can make the muscle atrophy and reduce the content of collagen in capsule layer, makeing the myocutaneous flap thinner which is suitable for reconstruction in face and neck.  相似文献   
实验用五指山小型猪选育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的培育符合生物医学研究需要、标准化程度高的实验用五指山小型猪。方法常规遗传育种技术与现代遗传育种技术相结合,对现有五指山小型猪资源进一步选育和实验动物标准化研究,以建立遗传多样性丰富的封闭群和基因纯合度高的近交系。结果利用我国特有的五指山小型猪资源及其已有的保种选育成果,在保持其体小特性的前提下,在封闭群引种群遗传多样性丰富,近交选育群引种群基因纯合度高的基础上,形成实验用封闭群和两个近交选育群。结论形成的封闭群和近交选育群保持了体型矮小的特性,标准化程度提高,生理、生化、遗传等生物学特性稳定,生产繁殖性能较高,具有广泛的环境适应性,是理想的实验动物资源,可满足多种研究领域的需要,有着重要的应用价值和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
目的 用高脂高糖饲养的贵州小香猪观察脂蛋白脂酶活化剂NO 1886调节糖、脂代谢的作用。方法 采用高脂高蔗糖饲料喂养贵州小香猪 ,并用NO 1886进行治疗 ,观察其体重、血糖、胰岛素、血浆肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF α)、游离脂肪酸 (FFA)、脂肪细胞形态的变化。结果 与正常对照组相比 ,高脂高蔗糖喂养使小香猪脂肪细胞体积变大 ,血浆TNF α和FFA以及空腹血糖水平均增高 (P <0 .0 5~P<0 .0 1) ,而且引起胰岛素抵抗。在高脂高蔗糖饲料中添加了 1%NO 1886后 ,与高脂高蔗糖组相比 ,脂肪细胞增大被抑制 ,血浆TNF α、FFA和空腹血糖的浓度均显著降低 (均P <0 .0 5 ) ,血浆葡萄糖清除率以及胰岛素分泌急性相都有了明显改善。结论 NO 1886可能通过抑制脂肪蓄积、降低血浆TNF α和FFA的浓度而改善高脂高蔗糖饲料引起的小型猪的糖代谢紊乱。  相似文献   
Serous atrophy of the fatty tissue of bone marrow is occasionally seen in minipigs. It is not associated with compound toxicity, as it has been observed in both dosing and healthy control groups in toxicity studies, but the etiology and pathogenesis are unknown. However, a nutritional factor is suspected, since minipigs are generally diet restricted. In order to investigate this, newly weaned minipigs were fed different amounts of feed for nine months, after which the bone marrow was evaluated. Serous atrophy was observed in diet-restricted male minipigs fed on a diet based on the nutrient requirements of production pigs, but not in males fed on a diet specially designed for minipigs, at similarly restricted levels. No serous atrophy was observed in females. It was concluded that nutrient requirements of production pigs are not necessarily suitable for minipigs, as a diet based on these nutrient requirements caused total depletion of perirenal fat depots, as well as serous atrophy of the fatty tissue of bone marrow in male Göttingen minipigs at a restricted feeding level.  相似文献   
目的比较丙泊酚静脉麻醉与异氟醚吸入麻醉在巴马小型猪实验中的麻醉效果。方法巴马小型猪10头,平均分成2组,分别进行丙泊酚静脉麻醉和异氟醚吸入麻醉,并于术前、术中及术后对其进行麻醉监测。结果两组实验猪的数量、体重、手术时间和麻醉时间无显著性差异(P>0.05);异氟醚组恢复自主呼吸的时间短于丙泊酚组(P<0.05);与基础值相比,各组实验猪在麻醉后HR值均明显升高(P>0.01),MAP值降低明显(P>0.01);但各组间及组内SPO2和PH值差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论丙泊酚静脉麻醉应根据手术过程中实验动物的反应情况适当调整丙泊酚泵入量;而异氟醚吸入麻醉的麻醉过程平稳,麻醉效果好,术后苏醒快,适合情况复杂且时间较长的手术。  相似文献   
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