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谭琼芳  林洁 《河南中医》2021,(2):222-224
多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)患者的卵泡发育异常与"阳化气,阴成形"功能失衡密切相关。在PCOS患者的月经周期变化中,"阳化气"与"阴成形"的功能失调常见两种阴阳失衡表现。其一是"阴成形"不足,"阳化气"相对过盛;其二是"阴成形"太过,"阳化气"乏力。林洁教授将PCOS患者从胖、瘦两种体型辨证施治,瘦型PCOS患者的发病之本为"阳化气"太过,其标为"阴成形"不足,多辨为心肝火旺证,采用以丹栀逍遥散为基础方化裁的多囊Ⅰ号方治疗;胖型PCOS患者发病之本为"阳化气"乏力,其标为"阴成形"太过,采用以导痰汤为基础化裁的多囊Ⅱ号方治疗。另外,属患者养成健康的饮食习惯和良好的生活习惯,选择适合的运动方式,病情严重者进行必要的心理疏导。  相似文献   
目的 收集并整理林慧娟教授多年诊治心系疾病临床处方资料,对林教授辨证诊治心系疾病的常用中药配伍规律进行深入分析与研究,总结其在治疗心系疾病方面的临床经验,为挖掘和继承名老中医学术经验提供借鉴与参考。方法 收集林慧娟教授于2011年1月-2019年6月在山东中医药大学附属医院门诊系统中的处方数据,筛选后保留10942个处方数据。采用频数分析、点式互信息、关联规则等数据挖掘分析方法对林教授临床处方数据资料进行药物配伍分析。总结林慧娟教授在诊治心系疾病的用药规律。结果 林教授在诊治心系疾病中,以高血压病、冠心病及心律失常患者较多,发现林教授共使用中药397味,并对中药频次进行排序,获得17对主要配伍药对,与林教授临床诊治心系疾病的经验高度吻合。结论 点式互信息、关联规则等数据挖掘分析方法可分析林慧娟教授治疗心系疾病得学术经验,为名中医传承研究提供服务。  相似文献   
毓麟珠与温土毓麟汤分别出自《景岳全书》和《傅青主女科》,虽名称相近易混,但不尽相同。病机上二者同中有异,毓麟珠以脾肾立论,温土毓麟汤病机拓展到心、肾、脾、胃;理法上亦有交集,毓麟珠阴中求阳、脾肾双补,治疗多种原因导致的不孕症,而温土毓麟汤重温补命门兼补脾气,对不孕症孕前、孕期及胎萎不长的用法均有记载,两方用法均不拘泥于特定病种;从影响上看,"毓麟"二方体现了从明代至清代中医妇科学发展从"脾肾"到"心肝脾肾"的发展历程,并与现代中医妇科学的发展一脉相承。  相似文献   
Increasing evidence demonstrates that Lin28B plays critical roles in numerous biological processes including cell proliferation and stemness maintenance. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying Lin28B nuclear translocation remain poorly understood. Here, we found for the first time that KRAS promoted Lin28B nuclear translocation through PKCβ, which directly bound to and phosphorylated Lin28B at S243. Firstly, we observed that Lin28B was upregulated in pancreatic cancer, contributing to cellular migration and proliferation. Furthermore, nuclear Lin28B upregulated TET3 messenger RNA and protein levels by blocking the production of mature let‐7i. Subsequently, increased TET3 expression could also promote the expression of Lin28B, thereby forming a Lin28B/let‐7i/TET3 feedback loop. Our results suggest that the KRAS/Lin28B axis drives the let‐7i/TET3 pathway to maintain the stemness of pancreatic cancer cells. These findings illuminate the distinct mechanism of Lin28B nuclear translocation and its important roles in KRAS‐driven pancreatic cancer, and have important implications for development of novel therapeutic strategies for this cancer.


cell counting kit‐8
cancer stem cells
mutant type
nuclear localization signal
pancreatic cancer
pancreatic cancer stem cells
protein kinase C
[目的]探讨林胜友主任中医师运用麻杏石甘汤治疗放射性肺损伤疾病的临证经验。[方法]通过临床跟诊及患者反馈,收集相关资料,从放射性肺损伤的研究背景、治则治法、分证论治、用药特点等方面来论述相关学术经验及临床体会,并分析验案一例。[结果]林胜友主任中医师治疗放射性肺损伤以清法贯穿全程,兼以补、通二法,治要扶正祛邪,以平为期。临床上放射性肺损伤患者初起热毒炽盛,法当清肺泻火,方选麻杏石甘汤,日久不愈伤津耗气治酌选益气养阴、补肺健脾之法,久病及肾当阴阳兼顾则,平补肾脏,又各期均可夹痰夹瘀,临床当活血养血,通络利痰。[结论]运用麻杏石甘汤治疗放射性肺损伤疾病疗效确切,对于中医临床工作有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
介绍陈霖主任治疗慢性胃炎的临床经验。陈主任认为慢性胃炎属本虚标实,脾胃气虚、气机郁滞、胃失和降为最基本的病机,治疗上以枳术麦芽汤为基础方再结合辨证论治,处方用药崇尚寒热并用,主张在发作期遵循“甚者独行”的治疗原则,在缓解期遵循“间者并行”的治疗原则,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   


With the continuous improvement of liver transplantation technology, the survival rate of liver transplantation has been improved, but recurrent or de novo malignancy remains one of the major factors affecting the long-term survival of liver transplant recipients.

Case Report

A 45-year-old Chinese man had a plastic biliary stent placed on account of biliary anastomotic stenosis after 3 years of piggyback liver transplantation. He came to our hospital because of recurrent fever and jaundice for 2 weeks, and his carcinoembryonic antigen-199 had increased. The patient's duodenal papillary was cauliflower-like at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography to replace the biliary stent. He was initially suspected of having duodenal papillary carcinoma after liver transplantation. However, the pathology from endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsy showed inflammation. While awaiting the result of biopsy, his CA-199 decreased significantly after anti-infection and symptomatic treatment. The patient was diagnosed with biliary anastomotic stenosis and duodenal papillitis. He was discharged uneventfully; to date, there is no evidence of malignant tumor.


We report this case to provide helpful information to clinicians about the management of the duodenal papilla cauliflower-like neoplasm after liver transplantation, which should be considered as inflammatory first. Perhaps our view can avoid the risk of bringing an excessive medical treatment and unnecessary economic burden to patients and their families.  相似文献   


Stent graft (SG)-induced new entry (SINE) and retrograde type A dissection (RTAD) are serious device-related complications occurring after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for Stanford type B aortic dissection (TBAD) and may lead to endograft-related complications including retrograde dissection and death. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence and risk factors for the development of RTAD and SINE after TEVAR for TBAD and to identify the complications associated with this.


From April 2005 to October 2013, there were 997 patients who underwent TEVAR for TBAD; 852 were followed up (0-6 years; mean, 2.6 years), and 59 SINEs developed in 53 patients. The oversizing ratio and incidence of RTAD and SINE were compared between proximal bare stent (PBS) and non-PBS groups and RTAD and SINE and non-RTAD and non-SINE groups. The baseline characteristics and SG configurational factors potentially affecting both RTAD and distal SINE were analyzed.


There was no significant difference between PBS and non-PBS groups in the incidence of RTAD. A greater oversizing ratio was related to a higher distal SINE rate. SINE was seen more frequently in smokers and in patients with hypertension, Marfan syndrome, and TEVAR in the chronic phase and less frequently in complicated dissection cases. Device-related factors for SINE were SG with a connecting bar and SG length <165 mm. The SG length <165 mm increased the overall proximal and distal SINE incidence in multivariate analysis.


The presence of a PBS is not associated with a higher RTAD rate, whereas the use of an SG with a connecting bar and length <165 mm increases the risk of RTAD and SINE after TEVAR.  相似文献   
汪艳华  朱旭  周美玲 《护理研究》2011,25(9):776-777
[目的]对比观察德莫林和金因肽用于肛周皮肤损伤的效果。[方法]将62例因大便失禁致肛周皮肤损伤的老年病人按随机分组的方法分为对照组和观察组,每组31例。两组病人大便后均用湿纸巾擦拭,氧气吹干,对照组给予喷金因肽,观察组给予喷德莫林。[结果]对照组有效率为58.1%,观察组有效率为93.5%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]德莫林在肛周皮肤破溃中的应用效果优于金因肽。  相似文献   
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