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目的 基于文本挖掘技术和生物医学数据库对新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)相关文献进行数据挖掘分析,探究COVID-19及其主要症状发热、咳嗽、呼吸障碍相关基因靶点,筛选潜在有效的化学药和中药。方法 使用GenCLiP 3网站获取COVID-19和其主要症状咳嗽、发热、呼吸障碍共4个关键词的共有靶点,在METASCAPE数据库中对其进行基因本体(GO)和通路富集分析,再利用String数据库和Cytoscape软件构建共有靶点的蛋白质相互作用网络,筛选获得核心基因,运用DGIdb数据库、SymMap数据库针对核心基因进行中西医治疗药物预测。结果 获得COVID-19及其主要症状共有基因靶点28个,其中有IL2、IL1B、CCL2等核心基因16个,使用DGIdb数据库筛选获得与16个关键靶点相互作用的化学药包括沙利度胺、来氟米特、环孢素等28种,中药包括虎杖、黄芪、芦荟等70味。结论 COVID-19及其主要症状的病理机制可能和CD4、KNG1、VEGFA等28个共有基因相关,可能通过介导TNF、IL-17等信号通路参与COVID-19病理过程。潜在有效药物可能通过作用相关靶点通路起到治疗COVID-19的作用。  相似文献   
【目的】 探讨医学期刊编辑处理生物医学研究伦理问题的方式,为推动确立医学期刊伦理审查规范提供参考。【方法】 通过问卷星向国内医学期刊编辑发放调查问卷,对审稿时和论文出版后处理医学伦理相关问题的方式展开调研。【结果】 共回收问卷230份。调查显示:在审稿阶段,在保护患者隐私方面,英文期刊、中英双语期刊的编辑更注重要求作者提供授权同意相关证明材料;中、英文期刊以及中英双语期刊的编辑对涉及人体试验伦理问题的处理方式都比较规范。但是,对于研究是否获得患者知情同意、动物实验研究是否经过伦理委员会审查、回顾性研究是否需要伦理审查、涉及人的研究是否在临床试验注册中心注册等问题,编辑还需要进一步重视。在论文出版后,编辑发现的医学伦理问题主要是“涉及人的研究未说明是否经过伦理委员会审查”。对论文出版后发现的没有保护患者隐私和没有在临床试验注册中心注册的问题,大部分期刊缺乏相关处理方案。【结论】 编辑应加强对论文知情同意、动物实验伦理、回顾性研究伦理的审查,并审查涉及人的研究是否在临床试验注册中心注册,以推动我国医学期刊的高质量发展。  相似文献   
《Enfermería clínica》2022,32(3):171-183
IntroductionAgeing is a period of physical and psychological changes. Inactivity is one of the biggest problems among the older adult population increasing the risk of sarcopenia and chronic diseases. Physical activity is an effective intervention to improve health outcomes. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of technology, with health technology tools (ICT) appearing as an intervention to increase physical activity and improve associated health problems.ObjectiveIn this review, we evaluated the effectiveness of health technology to increase physical activity and to improve cardiovascular parameters in older adults.MethodologyStudies with a great variety of health technology tools to increase physical activity levels, and that evaluated the effect of that increase on cardiovascular parameters were included by searching the main databases.ResultsEleven studies reporting the use of a variety of ICT tools were included in this review. Despite these differences, the effectiveness of health technology tool interventions has been demonstrated in increasing physical activity and reducing cardiovascular parameters.DiscussionThe lack of adherence of older adults to health technology would be a disadvantage, but it has been shown that younger older adults are more familiar with health technology tools and the number using them is increasing.ConclusionHealth technology tools show effectiveness in increasing physical activity in older adults and improving cardiovascular parameters.  相似文献   
目的 基于临床信息系统分析总结真实世界的数据,采用数据挖掘的方法探讨中医药治疗糖尿病肾病的用药规律。方法 收集2018年1月-2020年12月上海中医药大学附属曙光医院宝山分院健康信息系统确诊的糖尿病肾病的门诊或住院患者的诊疗信息,建立Excel数据库,采用Excel 2010软件统计高频药物的四气、五味、归经及功效;使用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件中的Apriori算法分析关联规则,采用web节点建构药对关联网状图;运用SPSS 25统计软件进行因子分析。结果 本研究最终纳入477例接受中药饮片治疗的DKD患者,在1203条方剂信息中,涉及中药462种;使用频数排名前5位的中药分别是黄芪、黄精、石斛、山茱萸、麦冬;使用频数前5类的中药类别分别是补气药、补阴药、清热燥湿药、活血调经药、息风止痉药;在30味高频药物中,苦、甘、辛药味最为常见;药性寒、温数量接近;归脾经、肝经、肺经、肾经居多;关联规则提示,药物组合中置信度最高的组合为地龙-当归-僵蚕,因子分析共得到5个有效因子,累积贡献率为47.33%。结论 中医药治疗DKD在补益气血阴阳的同时,兼顾对瘀血、湿邪和痰饮的治疗,结合证型,可考虑使用黄芪、黄精、石斛、山茱萸、麦冬、金蝉花等药物的使用,清热燥湿药物如黄连、黄芩、黄柏可适当加入,为使邪有去处,大黄、车前子或可增添疗效。  相似文献   
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)的蓬勃兴起为现代社会带来了前所未有的机遇,中医药是中华民族传承千年的文化瑰宝。随着人工智能技术不断在中医药领域的科技创新中崭露头角,二者的融合不断加深,人工智能在中医药领域的发展前景、争议挑战也引发了诸多思考。本文将从人工智能在中医药领域的应用入手,对人工智能辅助中医诊断、智能决策与数据挖掘、健康管理及中草药现代化研究等方面,就近年来国内外研究进展进行总结与分析,以期为AI视域下实现中医药现代化、智能化赋能。  相似文献   
目的 通过对含海马方剂构成信息进行数据挖掘和知识发现,构建关联网络,分析海马的历代应用情况,挖掘海马用药配伍经验,发现海马潜在功效和主治病症,为海马的临床应用和开发提供依据。方法 以《中医方剂大辞典》《中国药典》《中华医典》等多部著作为方源,收集含有海马的相关方剂,并进行频数分析、关联规则挖掘和关联网络的构建。结果 共筛选有文献记载的含海马方剂154首。从剂型看,大多为散剂,从方剂分布年代来看,海马的应用虽然有很长历史,但是古代应用并不广泛,现代应用较多。通过对配伍药物进行分析发现,与海马配伍频率较高的是“鹿茸”、“熟地黄”、“肉苁蓉”等补益药物。从功效主治方面看,大多数方剂具有“补肾”、“温阳”、“益精”等传统功效外,还具有健脑等功效;主治病症中,除“阳痿”、“癥瘕”、“疔疮”等《中国药典》所记载的疾病之外,还可治疗“虚劳”、“健忘”、“瘿病”、“不寐”、“痹证”、“小便淋沥或不通”等。对其进行关联关系分析发现,海马配伍补肾温阳的效果较为明显,多用于治疗阳痿,且腰痛、虚劳、遗精、健忘、不育等疾病的治疗与补肾关系密切;在治疗癥瘕时,多与醋、樗鸡、干漆、硇砂、斑蝥、水蛭、没药、当归配伍。结论 该研究不仅发现了含海马方剂的常用剂型、分布年代和药物配伍规律,发现了历代医家应用海马的临床经验,还探索了海马的潜在应用价值。海马作为一味海洋中药,具有温、补、托、消等特性,除常用于治疗阳痿外,还可用于治疗腰痛、健忘、瘿病、不寐、痹证等病症,这些研究结果可为拓展海马的临床应用提供理论基础及依据。  相似文献   
Low-income food pantry clients are unable to adhere to the diet and physical activity recommendations of the American Diabetes Association. The aim of the study is to test the feasibility of using a mobile phone app to improve diabetes medication adherence. Clients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes were enrolled in a mobile phone app featuring 70 days of text message reminders and incentives. The app and the 4-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale evaluated medication adherence. Clinically significant medication adherence of 93% was achieved with use of the app. Phone app use is feasible among urban low-income clients to improve medication adherence.  相似文献   
Background: Advances in social technologies offer new tools for large scale data collection and analysis of peer influence and social networks on substance use attitudes and behaviors. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if text message content can predict alcohol and marijuana use attitudes and behaviors. Methods: Text messages from 91 males ages 18–25 were monitored over a period of 6 months and examined for content related to alcohol and marijuana. Self-report data indicating alcohol and marijuana use attitudes and behaviors were used to determine relationships between text message content, social network structure, and substance use attitudes and behaviors. Results: In total, 23,173 text messages were analyzed with 166 text messages including alcohol related terms and 195 text messages including drug related terms. Individuals who sent text messages related to alcohol use were more likely to have problem alcohol use and positive attitudes toward alcohol use, and individuals who sent text messages related to marijuana use reported higher frequency of marijuana use and more positive attitudes toward marijuana use. Individuals with multiple daily marijuana use were in positions that had less control over network structure. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that monitoring text message content and social network structure among emerging adult males can potentially predict alcohol and marijuana use attitudes and behaviors. Text message content analysis is a novel technique increasing our understanding of the role of peer influence and social network on substance use attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   
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