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高细胞因子血症和氧化应激是导致急性胰腺炎(AP)早期病程中免疫应答不足的重要因素。本研究目的是评估血清白介素18(IL-18)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)、硒浓度与AP严重程度之间的关系,研究这些参数与公认提示AP严重程度的指标之间的关系。在61例轻、重度AP患者和15名健康志愿者中进行前瞻性的临床分析。所有轻度或重度AP患者的血清IL-18浓度都显著高于对照组。重度AP患者,血中IL-18的浓度最高,显著超过轻度AP患者在第1、2、3、5、10天的水平。重度AP患者血清GPx浓度明显低于轻度患者和正常对照组。重度AP患者血中硒浓度明显较低…  相似文献   
作者对精液检查的细胞化学方法进行了探讨。细胞化学给精细胞检查提供了判断其化学成分及功能性的可能性,能更精细地确定精子缺陷程度。本文通过对30名年龄在20~50岁的健康男子正常射精的细胞化学检查,较全面地描述了正常精子各发育阶段琥珀酸脱氢酶、过氧化酶、酸性磷酸酶以及糖元和核糖核酸的分布状况,有助于对男性不育的诊断。  相似文献   
夏爱雪,秋爱露。冬占有了世界,那是多么美富的世界啊!然它很烦闷,因为它看不见一朵花。到不可忍耐的时候,冬把它的所有让给了0散文诗4I227.9F08353F;F083_53高长虹;1怀念叶子花盛; 甘肃临潭县石门梁家坡学校,1 花开花落,我飞翔的双翼如凋零的花瓣,轻轻地被风送回地面。潮起潮  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative movement disorder that results from progressive loss of midbrain dopamine neurons, which consequently leads to hyperactivity of subthalamic neurons.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Exposure to hostile stressors causes a series of coor- dinated responses in the body, such as alterations of neu- roendocrine secretion, immune reaction and behavioral manifestation to maintain homeostasis stability and sur-vival of the organisms. Stressors are divided into two main categories: physical, or systemic, and psychological, or emotional / processive. Each stressor might activate a spe- cific central pathway to induce a special neuroendocrine response, even cause stre…  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Early exposure to ovarian hormones is considered to increase breast cancer incidence. The age at which the ovaries become functional is thus important. METHODS: We explored the evolution of age at first menstruation and at onset of regular cycling in 86 031 women participating in the E3N-EPIC cohort study, part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer. RESULTS: We observed an increase in mean age at menarche among women born between 1925 and 1930, followed by a steady decrease in the youngest birth cohorts. In contrast, age at onset of regular cycling increased gradually from 1925 onwards. There was thus a steady increase in the interval between age at menarche and at onset of regular cycling, mainly due to an increase in the percentage of women in whom regular cycling started at least 5 years after menarche (from 9.0% among women born in 1925-1929 to 20.8% in those born in 1945-1950). The increase in the interval between menarche and onset of regular cycling was even greater among women with a late menarche. CONCLUSIONS: This increase might be due to a change in dietary intake and/or physical exercise aimed at achieving the slim silhouette desired by the younger generations.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION  From integrallevel and celllevel,the research of organism and diseasediagnosishave already entered molecular level.Molecular biology is the science to researchstructure and function of organism macromolecule.Based on differentgene code se-…  相似文献   
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