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Naloxone, an opioid peptide antagonist, has been reported to facilitate voiding in neurologic bladder disorders, but its effects on the neural micturition reflex arc are poorly understood. We studied the effect of naloxone in 34 male adult cats, spinalized at C5-C6 level 7 to 119 days previously. Each cat served as its own control. The following tests were performed: Urethral pressure profiles, cystosphincterograms with the urethro-vesical junction opened and closed and mechanograms of the detrusor, and the circular and longitudinal urethral muscles. The study included (1) the effects of anesthesia of the bladder and pelvic nerve, as well as that of the urethral and pudendal nerves; (2) the action of naloxone; and (3) the action of oxymorphone. Our results demonstrated that naloxone (1) increased somatic (osteotendinous and nociceptive) reflexes and aggravated spasticity; (2) increased vegetative micturitional and sexual reflexes, in particular the urethra-urethral contraction reflex, aggravating the spasmodic contractions of the external sphincter; and (3) increased the frequency and intensity of the mass reflex. In consequence, we suggest that naloxone is contraindicated in cases of spinal cord lesions with detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia syndrome.  相似文献   
This is a preliminary investigation into a recently defined urological disorder occurring in a subgroup of women with urethral syndrome suggestive of pelvic floor muscular (PFM) dysfunction. Symptoms include straining to void, urgency, frequency, hesitation, incontinence and/or retention, and subpubic pain. Finding neither bladder nor urological abnormalities, urologists may consider these women emotionally unstable without organic cause for their symptoms. However, their distress may be a consequence rather than a cause of their voiding problems. Sixteen female urological patients were matched with 16 asymptomatic controls to investigate PFM functioning, psychological status, and symptomatology. Results showed heterogeneity of symptomatology and little elevation of depression or anxiety when comparing patients with controls. Hypotheses of muscular abnormality were confirmed. Patients evidenced poor control over tensing and relaxing PFM, elevations of PFM activity under various conditions, and chronic pain as a prominent symptom. Treatment approaches specifically designed to address PFM dysfunction are discussed.  相似文献   
The combined effect of isopropamide 5 mg plus trifluoperazine 1 mg (a combined anticholinergic and alpha-adrenergic antagonist) (Smith, Kline and French Canada Ltd, Ontario, Canada), antibiotics, and bladder drill was retrospectively assessed on 100 consecutive women, aged 16 to 47 years, presenting with the signs and symptoms of the urethral syndrome. Assessment included history, physical examination, routine bacterial and chlamydial cultures (cervical, urethral, vaginal, and urine), cystourethroscopy, and urodynamics. Urodynamic diagnoses included detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (n=84), detrusor instability (n =8), external urethral sphincter spasticity (n=4), and sensory urgency (n=1). Three patients with positive urine cultures were excluded. Urethrotrigonitis was visualized at cystourethroscopy in all patients. Only one case of chlamydial urethritis-cervicitis was identified by culture: 82% of patients had a history of prior antibiotic therapy for lower urinary tract symptoms and 21% were being treated with antibiotics at the time of their initial assessment.Following 1 month of treatment, 44 (45%) patients were cured of all symptoms, 49 (51%) were improved, 3 (3%) were unchanged and 1 (1%) was worse. Significant changes in uroflowmetry included a reduction in postvoid residual urine volume from 49 ± 28 ml to 14 ±21 ml (P=0.029) in the unstable bladder group and a conversion from intermittent to continuous uroflow patterns in the detrusor sphincter dyssynergia group (P <0.005, 2) and overall (P <0.005, 2). A statistically significant number of patients (P <0.025, 2) converted from increased to normal tracings on repeat perianal electromyography, suggesting that the pathophysiology of the urethral syndrome is urethral spasticity related to urethral inflammation rather than actual infection.We conclude that detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, bladder instability, and urethral sphincter spasticity are the common urodynamic findings in the urethral syndrome. A combination of anticholinergic and alpha blocking agent, antibiotics, and a bladder drill markedly improved (96%) symptoms in women with the urethral syndrome.  相似文献   
原发性膀胱颈梗阻(primary bladder neck obstruction,PBNO)/原发性膀胱颈协同失调(primary bladder neck dyssynergia,PBND)是一组病因不明的膀胱颈梗阻综合征,临床表现为排尿期症状(排尿费力、尿踌躇、尿流变细、排空不全等)、储尿期症状(尿频、尿急、尿失禁、夜尿等)或两者同时存在。影像尿动力检查(video-urodynamic study,VUDS)是诊断PBNO/PBND的金标准,PBNO/PBND特征为高压低流的排尿模式,在影像透视下可见膀胱颈未开放或开放不全。轻症患者可采取观察、药物治疗及间歇清洁自家导尿等措施进行保守治疗,保守治疗无效的患者应行经尿道膀胱颈电切术。为进一步了解PBNO/PBND及其进展,本文就相关研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
BTXA治疗脊髓损伤后神经原性膀胱的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
目的:观察尿道括约肌内注射A型肉毒毒素BTXA对脊髓损伤后神经原性膀胱逼尿肌-尿道括约肌不协同的疗效。比较两种注射途径的优劣。方法:选择存在逼尿肌-括约肌不协同的17例脊髓损伤患者进行尿道外括约肌BTXA注射,分为经尿道(TU)注射组和经会阴(TP)注射组,TU组采用膀胱镜定位4点注射法,TP组采用肛门指检定位1点尿道周围注射法,每病例注射100U。结果:两组治疗前后排尿障碍情况均有显著性改善,注射后3天-2周开始出现漏尿次数及间断导尿次数减少,残余尿量减少,每次排尿量增加;治疗后1个月的统计结果显示,间断导尿次数、残余尿量减少,每次排尿量增加(P〈0.05),注射后1个月尿动力学检查提示第一次无抑制性收缩时膀胱容量及最大膀胱容量增加(P〈0.05),最大尿道压降低(P〈0.05);注射后3个月上述指标虽有所回升,但并未回到注射前;两种注射途径在排尿日记及尿动力学参数的变化上差异无显著性意义。结论:尿道外括约肌的BTXA注射治疗可明显改善脊髓损伤后神经原性膀胱的逼尿肌-括约肌不协同,改善排尿功能,降低残余尿量及漏尿的发生,减少尿路感染及自主神经反射的发生:经会阴注射和经膀胱镜注射对神经原性膀胱的疗效无明显差异。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Biofeedback is reported to be as effective for slow transit constipation as for pelvic floor dyssynergia and no more effective than education. We aimed to test the hypothesis that biofeedback benefits only patients with pelvic floor dyssynergia, describe the physiologic mechanism of treatment, and identify predictors of success. METHODS: Fifty-two patients (49 women; average age, 35 years), all with delayed whole gut transit, included 34 with pelvic floor dyssynergia, 12 with slow transit only, and 6 who met only 1 of 2 criteria for pelvic floor dyssynergia. All received 5 weekly biofeedback sessions directed at increasing rectal pressure and relaxing pelvic floor muscles during straining plus practice defecating a balloon. Patients were retested by questionnaire; symptom diary; balloon defecation; transit study at 1, 6, 12, and 24 months; and anorectal manometry at 1 and 6 months. RESULTS: At 6 months, greater improvements were seen in pelvic floor dyssynergia compared with slow transit only; 71% versus 8% reported satisfaction ( P = .001), and 76% versus 8% reported >/=3 bowel movements per week ( P < .001). Improvements were maintained at 24 months of follow-up. Biofeedback eliminated dyssynergia in 91% and enabled 85% to defecate the balloon. Satisfaction was correlated with improved ability to defecate the balloon (rho = .73; P < .001), reductions in dyssynergia (rho = .69; P < .001), and increased rectal pressure during straining (rho = .36; P < .01). Success was predicted by pelvic floor dyssynergia, milder constipation, and less frequent abdominal pain at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Biofeedback is an effective treatment for pelvic floor dyssynergia but not slow transit constipation.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare tolterodine with oxybutynin and placebo in people with neuragenie detrusor overactivity.

Design: Prospective, randomized, double-blind, crossover trial plus open-label comparative stage.

Participants: Ten participants with neuragenie detrusor overactivity due to spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis who usedintermittent catheterization.

Methods: Bladder capacity on cystometrogram, a 10-day record of catheterization volumes, number of incontinent episodes perday, and perceived dry mouth using a visual analog scale (VAS) were measured for the following: (a) a blinded comparison:tolterodine, 2 mg twice daily, vs placebo, twice daily; and (b) an unblinded comparison: oxybutynin vs tolterodine, each atself-selected doses (SSDs).

Results: Tolterodine, 2 mg twice daily, was superior to placebo in enhancing catheterization volumes (P<0.0005) and reducingincontinence (P<0.001 ), but was comparable with placebo in cystometric bladder capacity. Efficacy of tolterodine SSD wascomparable with oxybutynin SSD with regard to catheterization volumes, degree of incontinence, and cystometric bladder capacity.The side effect profile (dry mouth) was comparable between tolterodine, 2 mg twice daily, and placebo, but differed significantlywhen comparing tolterodine SSD with oxybutynin SSD (P<0.05).

Conclusion: T olterodine, when used at SSDs, is comparable with oxybutynin at SSDs in enhancing bladder volume and improvingcontinence, but with less dry mouth. T olterodine at the recommended dosage of 2 mg twice daily improves incontinence and bladdervolumes compared with placebo, and without significant dry mouth. Larger doses of tolterodine may be needed to achieve best effectin this population, but further studies are required.  相似文献   


After surgery for Hirschsprung's disease (HD) the majority of patients have satisfactory clinical outcomes. Nevertheless, a substantial number of patients remain who suffer from severe persistent constipation. Current consensus attributes these complaints to the hallmarks of HD. In non-HD patients a cause for severe constipation is dyssynergic defecation.


Retrospectively, we reviewed the medical records of ten postoperative HD patients with severe persistent constipation who had undergone extensive anorectal function tests to diagnose the reason for the constipation. We analyzed the results of these tests.


During the last three years, ten postoperative HD patients with severe persistent constipation were given extensive anorectal function tests. All ten patients were diagnosed with dyssynergic defecation. The ages at the time of diagnosis ranged from 7 to 19 years with a median age of 12 years. Signs of an enlarged rectum were seen in all ten patients, with a maximum measured value of 845 mL.


Patients with HD may also suffer from dyssynergic defecation. It is important to consider this possibility when dealing with severe persistent constipation in postoperative HD patients. Viable options for treating dyssynergic defecation are available that could prevent irreversible long-term complications.  相似文献   
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