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<正>如果你处于心脏外科手术、心脏病发作或其他心脏病事件的恢复阶段,越早开始心脏康复,效果越好。心脏康复包括定制的运动和生活方式培训课程,有诸多已经证实的益处,如预防未来心脏问题的发生,改善生活质量等等。在一项共1241名患者参与心脏康复的研究中,手术或心脏相关事件后15天之内开始康复的患者比事件发生后超过30天才开始的患者效  相似文献   
65例法乐氏四联症的外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
65例法乐氏四联症的外科治疗邓勇志王子林唐进李家成周世民我院1980年1月~1994年8月共施行法乐氏四联症(TOF)根治术65例,占同期先天性心脏病心内直视手术的6.2%。现就手术时机的选择、手术方式及术后处理要点进行讨论。1临床资料1.1一般资料...  相似文献   
介绍治疗心房纤颤的改良式迷路手术。通过对1例风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄兼关闭不全、三尖瓣关闭不全、左房内血栓形成、心房纤颤10a的患者行二尖瓣替换术、左房内血栓清除术和改良式迷路手术,介绍其手术方法。患者术后即刻恢复了窦性心律,效果良好,痊愈出院。认为该手术是目前对心房纤颤的治疗、恢复心房收缩功能、房室收缩顺序性及窦性心律的有效方法。  相似文献   
针对心脏疾病的不同治疗方案,为防范护理工作的失误、规范护理工作流程,设计并推广了一单多用的《介入/手术交接记录单》。通过临床工作的实践,不仅提高了工作质量及工作效率,同时还避免了工作不熟练或工作经验少的年轻护士因术前准备工作不完善而造成的工作失误。  相似文献   
Objective Reduction ascending aortoplasty is an alternative procdure to the replacement of the ascending aorts in case of ascending aorta dilation. However,its applicabikity is still under debate.This retrospective study was designed to evaluuate the midterm follow-up of unsupported ascending reduction aortoplasty for of the ascending aorta in petients with aortic valve dis- ease.Methods From October ,1996 to April,2007, a total of 54 patients with aortic valve disease and dilatation of the ascending aorta underwent unsupported reduction aortoplasty in combination with aortic valve replacement at our institution The diameter of the ascending aorta was measyred before and early after sugery and then later between 13 and 96 menths [mean (23 ±16)months] posto- perativeiy using echocardiography.Results Two patients were dead with thean overall perioperative mortality rate was of 3.7%. The reduction aortoplasty decreased the diameter of the aorta from (45.77±6.02) mm p~eope~afive]y to (34.67 ~4.81) mm early after surgery (P<0.01). During follow-up, the diameter d aorta increased from (34.67±4.81) mm early after surgery to (37.65± 6.35) mm after a mean follow-up of (23±16) months (P<0.01), including the diameters are greater than > 45 mm within 5 pa- tients. Aortic stenosis and an early postoperative diameter greater than 40 mm m'e independent risk factors for redilatation. Conchusion Because of the unsatisfied midterm follow-up redilation of unsupported reduction aortoplasty for dilation of the ascending aorta with aortic valve disease, this group of patients needs continued intimate fallow-up or even reoperation. The patients of stenosis is the surtable indication for RAA, and it is necessary to reduce the diameter of aorta to be lees than 40 mm to prevent redilation.  相似文献   
新疆医科大学第一附属医院心脏中心成立于2003年。以冠心病科、高血压科、起搏电生理科、普心内科、心律失常组、中心监护室(CCU)为主体,结合了心脏外科、心功能科、心血管实验室及干部心血管病房等多个科室组成,是具有现代诊疗模式和国内一流诊疗设备的中心。  相似文献   
巨大心脏患者换瓣手术治疗吴春齐李金声李金启刘亚湘心脏瓣膜病巨大心脏者,大多累及多个瓣膜,心肺功能严重减退,术后并发症多,死亡率高。1983年以来,我科共为43例巨大心脏瓣膜病患者进行了换瓣手术,现报告如下。1临床资料本组共43例,男性18例,女性25...  相似文献   
患儿 ,男 ,5岁 ,自幼易感冒 ,紫绀 ,活动后加剧 ,喜蹲踞。查体 :口唇发绀 ,杵状指 (趾 ) ,胸骨右缘 2~ 4肋间闻及 4 / 级收缩期杂音伴震颤 ,P2 减弱 ,Sa O2 77%。胸片示肺血少 ,右位心。超声心动图示心脏在右侧胸腔 ,且心房、心室与正常呈镜像位置 ,右室肥厚 ,室间隔缺损 15 m m,主动脉骑跨 4 5 % ,右室流出道狭窄 ,肺动脉瓣环内径 13m m,腹部 B超示左位肝 ,右位脾、胃。心电图 : 导联 P波和 T波倒置 ,QRS波主波向上 ,a VR导联主波向下 ,a VL 导联主波向上 ,胸导联中 V3、V2 、V3R、 V4 R、V5RR波递增。呈不典型右位心图形。  …  相似文献   
大剂量抑肽酶在减少心脏体外循环手术后失血显示出最佳效果,然而其在冠状动脉搭桥术后的高凝状态,有引起移植血管闭塞的可能性。本文的研究目的是在心包腔内倒入抑肽酶,观察术后失血量的变化。方法为A组(20例)病人在关胸前倒入100万kIU抑肽酶,B组(20例)病人为对照组。结果A组术后失血量明显低于B组(420±156ml比730±214ml,P〈0.01),A组输血量明显少于B组(680±196ml比1  相似文献   
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