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目的 调查研究从老挝引种的食蟹猴BV、SRV、SIV和STLV-1四项病毒抗体阳性、可疑的比例,并对SPF种群建立过程中四项病毒的动态变化进行了监测,进而比较普通种群和SPF种群幼猴病毒抗体的阳性率。 方法 采用专用试剂盒对四项病毒进行连续监测并进行比较分析。 结果 引种的1998只食蟹猴,BV抗体阳性比例高达52.35%,可疑比例为8.31%,抗体阴性的比例仅为39.34%;SRV和STLV-1抗体阳性率分别为7.45%和8.56%;未检测出SIV抗体阳性或可疑的食蟹猴。经过筛选后组建的SPF种群,2010年监测的BV、SRV和STLV-1三项病毒抗体阳性率分别为5.24%、1.01%和0.4%,经过连续5年的不断筛选和淘汰,截至2014年年底三种病毒抗体阳性率分别下降至0.82%、0.27%和0.27%,未监测出SIV抗体阳性或可疑的食蟹猴。普通群繁殖幼猴B病毒抗体阳性的比例为9.71%,可疑率为1.85%;而SPF繁殖种群B病毒抗体阳性率仅为0.22%。 结论 连续监测病毒抗体并不断淘汰抗体阳性和可疑的动物对组建SPF食蟹猴种群具有重要的生产意义。  相似文献   
目的:探讨阿达木单抗类似药SMMU-16重复皮下注射对食蟹猴的安全性。方法30只健康食蟹猴按体重随机分为溶媒对照组,阳性对照组,SMMU-16低、中、高剂量组,其中SMMU-16低、中、高剂量组分别给予SMMU-1610、33、200 mg/kg,每组6只,雌雄各半。阳性对照组给予33.0 mg/kg 阿达木单抗,溶媒对照组给予SM-MU-16空白溶液。给药体积均为4.0 ml/kg(分4个点注射)。每周1次皮下注射给药,共给药4周,恢复期4周,期间进行各项毒理学指标检测。结果与自身给药前(d0)相比,给药期间中剂量组、高剂量组及阳性对照组的红细胞计数、Hb定量、红细胞压积(HCT)降低(P均<0.05),中、高剂量组网织红细胞比例升高(P<0.05)。骨髓检查发现SM-MU-16中、高剂量组及阳性对照组食蟹猴骨髓红细胞系轻度增生。组织病理学检查发现d28时阳性对照组和高剂量组各3只、中剂量组2只动物出现胸腺萎缩和脾脏萎缩。上述变化在恢复期结束时可逐渐恢复。各组动物肝脏和肾脏未见明显病理改变。其余指标包括一般症状、呼吸、体温、瞳孔、尿液、心电图、免疫和生化指标等未见明显与供试品相关的异常变化和量效、时效关系。结论 SMMU-16主要毒性靶器官为免疫系统(胸腺和脾脏)和血液系统,毒性作用具有一定的可逆性。此毒性作用考虑与SMMU-16免疫抑制药理作用的延伸和放大有关。SMMU-16皮下注射对食蟹猴的无毒性剂量为10 mg/kg。 SMMU-16与等剂量阳性对照药在本实验条件下出现的毒性反应基本类似。  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown positive effects of long-term resveratrol (RSV) supplementation in preventing pancreatic beta cell dysfunction, arterial stiffening and metabolic decline induced by high-fat/high-sugar (HFS) diet in nonhuman primates. Here, the analysis was extended to examine whether RSV may reduce dietary stress toxicity in the cerebral cortex of the same cohort of treated animals. Middle-aged male rhesus monkeys were fed for 2 years with HFS alone or combined with RSV, after which whole-genome microarray analysis of cerebral cortex tissue was carried out along with ELISA, immunofluorescence, and biochemical analyses to examine markers of vascular health and inflammation in the cerebral cortices. A number of genes and pathways that were differentially modulated in these dietary interventions indicated an exacerbation of neuroinflammation (e.g., oxidative stress markers, apoptosis, NF-κB activation) in HFS-fed animals and protection by RSV treatment. The decreased expression of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, dysregulation in endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and reduced capillary density induced by HFS stress were rescued by RSV supplementation. Our results suggest that long-term RSV treatment confers neuroprotection against cerebral vascular dysfunction during nutrient stress.  相似文献   
目的通过电子芯片植入与识别技术和计算机管理系统对接,建立每只实验猴的数据档案,其中包括遗传谱系、生理数据、实验记录。方法通过建立实验猴的电子通道,以非接触方式通过计算机管理,应用射频识别信号系统,实现实验猴身份快速自动识别、自动捕捉、数据读写、电子档案信息管理、数据远程传输的目的,减少人为因素对实验猴的干扰和引起的应激反应。结果该系统的建立极大的减少了实验和饲养实验猴过程中捕捉猴的困难,身份识别困难,减少了对工作人员和实验猴的伤害,减轻了工作量,减低了人为因素对实验结果的干扰和动物应激反应对实验数据的影响。电子档案具有终身有效,随猴携带,全球唯一序列号,不可复制,不可仿制,标签唯一性。结论实验猴身份自动识别、自动捕捉、电子芯片数据信息管理系统的研制成功,为实验动物个体电子档案建立和群体数据库的管理提供了一种高速、有效、科学、可靠的计算机管理手段,改变通道模式即可应用于大型凶猛动物或不适合人接触捕捉动物的识别和管理,具有广泛的应用前景,目前在国内外尚无同类系统。  相似文献   
目的 观察人工饲养条件下实验恒河猴肠道病理改变,探讨实验猴肠道疾病分布规律和病理改变特点,丰富实验猴自发病变基本研究资料.方法 对1998 ~2008年云南地区饲养的自然死亡的155只恒河猴(年龄2~20岁)的肠道进行病理检查,按年龄分为幼年组、成年组、老年组,并对观察结果进行统计学分析.结果 155例恒河猴中58例检出肠道病变,有慢性肠炎、急性肠炎、黏膜充血水肿、出血、糜烂、溃疡、穿孔、寄生虫共8种主要病变,出现率最高的为急性肠炎(20.00%).实验猴不同年龄组肠道病变类型分布基本相同,肠道病变率随年龄增长而增高,不同年龄组间统计学分析差异无显著性.结论 人工饲养条件下死亡实验猴肠道病变检出率较高,急性肠炎是实验猴的主要致死原因之一,实验猴肠道病理改变随年龄增长而病变加重.对实验猴饲养和研究时,应重视肠道病变因素,尤其是急性肠炎.死亡实验猴肠道病变研究对实验猴的质量控制和相关动物实验有重要指导价值.  相似文献   
目的本研究旨在观察不同结构重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子(rhG-CSF)吉粒芬和GW003对急性放射病猴的治疗作用。方法 18只成年恒河猴用60Coγ射线全身双侧一次均匀照射3.0 Gy,实验分为照射对照、吉粒芬(rhG-CSF)和GW003治疗共3组,每组6只动物。吉粒芬治疗组动物于照射后0~13 d给予吉粒芬5μg/kg,每天一次皮下注射。GW003治疗组动物分别于照射后0和7d共两次给予GW003150μg/kg皮下注射。观察照射后动物一般体征、外周血细胞计数、骨髓细胞集落形成能力,照射后60d胸骨、脾脏、淋巴结等造血免疫组织的组织病理学改变。结果与照射对照组相比,GW003150μg/kg 1次/周连续两周给药方案可以明显升高照射动物外周血白细胞、中性粒细胞数最低值,促进骨髓造血功能恢复,缩短对症治疗中抗生素和止血药应用时间,减少输血次数,从而简化综合对症治疗措施。吉粒芬治疗组上述指标较照射对照组有明显改善,但外周血细胞和中性粒细胞数最低持续时间明显长于GW003治疗组(P〈0.05)。结论 GW003150μg/kg对3.0 Gy 60Coγ射线照射恒河猴有明显的治疗作用,该给药方案比吉粒芬5μg/kg每天一次连续14 d皮下注射给药方案更具优势。  相似文献   
目的探讨微波辐射对猕猴重要脏器电生理功能的影响。方法雄性猕猴15只,根据平均功率密度的不同,随机分为假辐射组,2、5、7和11 mW/cm2微波辐射组,采用Biopac公司生产的MP-150多导生理记录及分析系统,分别于辐射前及辐射后即刻、1 d、3 d、7 d、14 d和30 d,对猕猴心电图(ECG)、脑电图(EEG)、肌电图(EMG)及体温等指标进行检测。结果 7和11 mW/cm2组EEG见δ频段相对功率谱分别于辐射后7 d和14 d内显著升高,而β频段相对功率谱均于辐射后3 d内明显下降,14 d见升高,30 d见部分恢复。2 mW/cm2和5 mW/cm2组δ频段与β频段相对功率谱辐射后未见明显变化。11 mW/cm2组心率于辐射后即刻明显减慢、心电图R波和T波波幅均于辐射后1 d内显著降低,且心律不齐,30 d时基本恢复。辐射后即刻至30 d,各实验组猕猴的体温及肌电均无明显改变。结论 7和11 mW/cm2微波辐射可引起猕猴脑电生理功能损伤,且与辐射剂量呈正相关;11 mW/cm2微波辐射可引起猕猴心脏电生理功能损伤;2~11 mW/cm2微波辐射对猕猴体温及肌电均无明显影响。  相似文献   
The locomotor area has recently emerged as a target for deep brain stimulation to lessen gait disturbances in advanced parkinsonian patients. An important step in choosing this target is to define anatomical limits of its 2 components, the pedunculopontine nucleus and the cuneiform nucleus, their connections with the basal ganglia, and their output descending pathway. Based on the hypothesis that pedunculopontine nucleus controls locomotion whereas cuneiform nucleus controls axial posture, we analyzed whether both nuclei receive inputs from the internal pallidum and substantia nigra using anterograde and retrograde tract tracing in monkeys. We also examined whether these nuclei convey descending projections to the reticulospinal pathway. Pallidal terminals were densely distributed and restricted to the pedunculopontine nucleus, whereas nigral terminals were diffusely observed in the whole extent of both the pedunculopontine nucleus and the cuneiform nucleus. Moreover, nigral terminals formed symmetric synapses with pedunculopontine nucleus and cuneiform nucleus dendrites. Retrograde tracing experiments confirmed these results because labeled cell bodies were observed in both the internal pallidum and substantia nigra after pedunculopontine nucleus injection, but only in the substantia nigra after cuneiform nucleus injection. Furthermore, anterograde tracing experiments revealed that the pedunculopontine nucleus and cuneiform nucleus project to large portions of the pontomedullary reticular formation. This is the first anatomical evidence that the internal pallidum and the substantia nigra control different parts of the brain stem and can modulate the descending reticulospinal pathway in primates. These findings support the functional hypothesis that the nigro‐cuneiform nucleus pathway could control axial posture whereas the pallido‐pedunculopontine nucleus pathway could modulate locomotion. © 2011 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
Summary Reduced insulin action on skeletal muscle glycogen synthase activity and reduced whole-body insulin-mediated glucose disposal rates in insulin-resistant subjects may be associated with an alteration in muscle glucose transport (or phosphorylation) or with a defect distal to glucose 6-phosphate. To examine this issue we determined the glucose 6-phosphate concentration and glycogen synthase activity in muscle samples obtained under basal and euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp conditions in 27 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). They ranged from metabolically normal (n =11) to insulin-resistant (n =8) to overtly diabetic (non-insulin-dependent) (n =8). The glucose 6-phosphate measured under insulin-stimulated conditions was inversely correlated to insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase independent activity (r = –0.54, p<0.005), the change in glycogen synthase independent activity (insulin-stimulated minus basal) (r = –0.58, p<0.002) and to whole-body insulin-mediated glucose disposal rate (r = –0.60, p<0.002). The insulin-resistant and diabetic monkeys had significantly higher insulin-stimulated glucose 6-phosphate concentrations (0.57±0.11 and 0.62±0.11 nmol/mg dry weight, respectively) compared to the normal monkeys (0.29±0.05 nmol/mg dry weight) (p's <0.05). We conclude that under euglycaemic/hyperinsulinaemic conditions, a defect distal to glucose 6-phosphate is a major contributor to reduced whole-body insulin-mediated glucose disposal rates and to reduced insulin action on glycogen synthase in insulin-resistant and diabetic monkeys. [Diabetologia (1994) 37: 127–133] Received: 28 May 1993 and in revised form: 13 August 1993  相似文献   
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