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OBJECTIVE To investigate the therapeutic potential of amphiregulin antisense RNA delivered by adenoviral vector in a human breast cancer model.METHODS Human amphiregulin cDNA was subcloned in the opposite orientation to the cytomegaloviral promoter and inserted into an E1/E3-deleted type 5 adenoviral vector to obtain an AdA4 construct which expresses amphiregulin antisense mRNA. Both in vitro and in vivo antiproliferative effects of the antisense RNA were studied by infecting transformed human breast epithelial NS2T2A1 cells and tumors.RESULTS Amphiregulin protein expression was inhibited dramatically in the NS2T2A1 cells after infection with AdA4. The in vitro cell growth was inhibited significantly at day 4 post-AdA4 infection compared with control empty virus AdC1 at a MOl of 200 and 400 pfu/cell to 69.3% and 49.8%, respectively (P<0.02, P<0.005). After 3 intra-tumoral injections of 109 pfu AdA4, tumor volumes were reduced to 40.6% of that of the control group at day 35 (P<0.005).CONCLUSION The transfer of amphiregulin RNA antisense by adenoviral vector is effective for amphiregulin targeting strategy, leading to an inhibition of in vitro cell proliferation and in vivo tumor growth in this breast cancer model.  相似文献   
在女性生殖功能实现的复杂过程中,双调蛋白(amphiregulin,Areg)参与调控颗粒细胞的黄素化、卵母细胞减数分裂的恢复及调控卵子成熟、卵丘复合体的扩张及排卵,而且其表达水平与卵子的发育潜能密切相关。Areg与子宫内膜的容受性密切相关,可能参与到胚胎的着床过程中。Areg诱导合体滋养层细胞分泌大量绒毛膜促性腺激素(h CG),参与孕早期妊娠的维持。  相似文献   
PurposeThis study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects and underlying mechanisms of locally delivered regulatory T cells (Tregs) on acute corneal wound healing after alkali burn.MethodsAfter corneal alkali burn, the mice were injected subconjunctivally with regulatory T cells (Tregs) isolated from syngeneic mice. The wound healing process was monitored by clinical manifestation, flow cytometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). As amphiregulin (Areg) was significantly upregulated, its reparative function in injured corneas was suggested. The hypothesis was further verified via loss- and gain-of-function experiments by administrating the antibody of Areg (anti-Areg) and recombinant Areg (rmAreg).ResultsSubconjunctivally injected Tregs rapidly migrated to injured corneas. The mice treated with Tregs showed prominently reduced corneal opacity, alleviated edema, and faster re-epithelialization compared with the control group. Mechanistically, Treg treatment led to suppressed infiltration of inflammatory cells, along with improved proliferation and inhibited apoptosis of corneal epithelial cells. Tregs expressed upregulated functional markers, including Areg. Expectantly, the levels of Areg in corneas were dramatically higher in the Treg injection group, in line with better corneal restoration. Additional experiments showed that the administration of anti-Areg blunted the reparative effect of Tregs, while exogenous Areg enhanced it. Treg-treated corneas also exhibited less neovascularization and fibrosis at a later reconstruction stage of corneal repair.ConclusionsThe findings showed that the subconjunctival injection of Tregs effectively promoted corneal wound healing by inhibiting excessive inflammation and enhancing epithelial regeneration, with an indispensable reparative role of Areg. Subsequent complications of corneal vascularization and fibrosis were therefore reduced.  相似文献   
A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinases (ADAMs) are the principal enzymes for shedding receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) ectodomains and ligands from the cell surface. Multiple layers of activity regulation, feedback, and catalytic promiscuity impede our understanding of context-dependent ADAM “sheddase” function and our ability to predictably target that function in disease. This study uses combined measurement and computational modeling to examine how various growth factor environments influence sheddase activity and cell migration in the invasive disease of endometriosis. We find that ADAM-10 and -17 dynamically integrate numerous signaling pathways to direct cell motility. Data-driven modeling reveals that induced cell migration is a quantitative function of positive feedback through EGF ligand release and negative feedback through RTK shedding. Although sheddase inhibition prevents autocrine ligand shedding and resultant EGF receptor transactivation, it also leads to an accumulation of phosphorylated receptors (HER2, HER4, and MET) on the cell surface, which subsequently enhances Jnk/p38 signaling. Jnk/p38 inhibition reduces cell migration by blocking sheddase activity while additionally preventing the compensatory signaling from accumulated RTKs. In contrast, Mek inhibition reduces ADAM-10 and -17 activities but fails to inhibit compensatory signaling from accumulated RTKs, which actually enhances cell motility in some contexts. Thus, here we present a sheddase-based mechanism of rapidly acquired resistance to Mek inhibition through reduced RTK shedding that can be overcome with rationally directed combination inhibitor treatment. We investigate the clinical relevance of these findings using targeted proteomics of peritoneal fluid from endometriosis patients and find growth-factor–driven ADAM-10 activity and MET shedding are jointly dysregulated with disease.A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinases (ADAMs), especially ADAM-10 and -17, are the principal mediators of proteolytic ectodomain shedding on the cell surface (1). ADAMs and the closely related matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) work together as “sheddases” to cleave hundreds of diverse transmembrane substrates including growth factor ligands, receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), adhesion molecules, and even proteases themselves from the cell surface. Unfortunately, little is known regarding how such a broad palette of proteolytic activity integrates to modulate behaviors such as cellular motility. Furthermore, extensive cross-talk and complexity among signaling networks, proteases, and their substrates make understanding sheddase regulation on a component-by-component basis challenging (2). Therapeutics have targeted sheddases and their substrates for the treatment of invasive diseases such as cancer, yet many of these inhibitors have failed in clinical trials (3). Therefore, a need exists for understanding how the balance of sheddase-mediated degradation integrates multiple layers of signaling networks to coordinately influence cell behavior in various disease contexts.Here we study how sheddase activity contributes to cell migration in the invasive disease of endometriosis, defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue residing outside the uterus. Up to 10% of adult females and 40% of infertile women have the disease, which also exhibits comorbidity with several cancers (4, 5). Endometriosis currently has no cure: hormonal therapies merely manage the disease with significant side effects, and surgery provides only temporary relief for many, with recurrence rates as great as 40% within 5 y postoperation (6). Like cancer, endometriosis is associated with aberrant cell invasion into ectopic organ sites, and endometriotic tissues often exhibit dysregulated molecular pathways commonly perturbed in other invasive diseases. Mitogenic and inflammatory phospho-signaling [for example, phosphorylated extracellular-signal-related kinase 1/2 (p-Erk1/2), phosphorylated protein kinase B (p-Akt), and phosphorylated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p-p38)], RTKs (including epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR), and metalloproteinases have all been clinically associated with endometriosis (7, 8), and consequently represent attractive therapeutic strategies (911).Many challenges in developing targeted therapeutics stem from network-level complexities such as compensatory feedback, and recent work has demonstrated how critical such mechanisms are to achieving therapeutic success, especially in cancer (12, 13). Computational models of systems-level biochemical networks have shown promise as tools to understand how multiple enzymatic reactions integrate to impact overall biological behavior, often with the goal of aiding the design of personalized or combination therapies (14, 15). Considering its complex role in disease, sheddase regulation represents an ideal application of such network-level approaches. In this work, we apply the “cue–signal–response” (CSR) paradigm (14, 15) (Fig. 1A) to examine how disease-implicated growth-factor cues interact with experimentally monitored phospho-protein and protease networks (collectively referred to as signals), ultimately to influence cellular migration response. Computational modeling elucidates quantitative and predictive relationships among multiple layers of experimental data and offers testable hypotheses of context-dependent behavior and signaling feedback. We find ADAM-10 and -17 to be critical regulators of motility that are dynamically controlled through several signaling pathways, thereby affecting cell behavior through both positive feedback from EGF ligand release and negative feedback from Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (HGFR; MET), Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2), and HER4 RTK shedding. We find kinase inhibition generally reduces ADAM-10 and -17 activities, reduces subsequent RTK shedding, and consequently allows the accumulated RTKs to enhance downstream c-Jun N-terminal kinase (Jnk) and p38 signaling. Thus, here we demonstrate an ADAM-10 and -17–based mechanism of rapidly acquired resistance to kinase inhibition through reduced RTK shedding that can be overcome with combination therapy. Targeted proteomic analysis of clinical samples from endometriosis patients indeed confirms growth-factor–driven ADAM-10 activity and consequent MET shedding are dysregulated with disease. Overall, our results have wide implications for designing combination therapies and identifying context-dependent personalized therapeutic strategies for both kinase and protease inhibitors.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.CSR study design. (A) CSR overview: we stimulate endometriotic cells with a panel of growth factor cues; record multiple downstream signals comprising measurements of phospho-signaling, sheddase regulation, and sheddase substrate regulation; and use computational modeling to map these observations onto cell migration responses. (B) Overview of signals and responses included in the CSR dataset. All receptors shown were directly measured and/or stimulated. (C) Experimental timeline of CSR study. Dark colored lines denote measurement time points. At lower left, cell migration is depicted as single-cell tracks, where initial cell positions were centered for visualization.  相似文献   
双调蛋白(amphiregulin)是表皮生长因子受体的配体。它的合成受多种内源性刺激和外源性刺激的影响。双调蛋白在多种组织器官中表达,参与了一系列生理过程,包括乳腺发育、胚胎着床、骨质形成、轴突生长、角化细胞增殖、女性生殖系统发育、肺、肾和前列腺的分支形态发生、精子发生、神经元和骨组织的发育和免疫功能的维持等。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Amphiregulin (AMP) is a heparin-binding glycoprotein that is structurally and functionally related to epidermal growth factor. Its effects are mediated by the tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R), and specific nuclear targeting sequences. AMP induces cell proliferation after androgen stimulation of human prostate cancer cell lines. An autocrine proliferative loop involving AMP, androgen, and EGF-R may, therefore, play a role in prostatic carcinogenesis. The purpose of this study was to compare the expression of AMP in benign prostatic epithelium, high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), and adenocarcinoma. METHODS: We performed an immunohistochemical study of select sections from 93 radical prostatectomies performed at the Mayo Clinic between 1987 and 1991. All patients were previously untreated and found to have pathologic stage T2N0M0 adenocarcinoma after routine handling of surgical specimens. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibody directed against AMP was applied to tissue sections using the streptavidin-biotin method. For each case, the percentage of immunoreactive cells in benign epithelium, PIN, and adenocarcinoma was estimated in 10% increments. Intensity on a scale from 0 (negative) to 3 (strongly immunoreactive) and pattern of expression (nuclear versus cytoplasmic) also were recorded. RESULTS: AMP immunoreactivity was present in benign prostatic epithelium, PIN, and prostatic adenocarcinoma in all cases. The mean percentage of AMP-immunoreactive cells was 53.8% in benign epithelium, 65.9% in PIN, and 74.3% in cancer. Intensity was moderate in all cases. The pattern of expression was usually nuclear in benign epithelium (secretory and basal cells), and usually cytoplasmic or nuclear and cytoplasmic in PIN and adenocarcinoma. There were rare scattered immunoreactive cells in the stroma, ejaculatory duct epithelium, and urethral urothelium. Endothelial cells were invariably unstained. CONCLUSIONS: AMP expression in prostate increases progressively from benign epithelium to PIN and cancer. Increased expression of AMP may contribute to the development of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Predominantly nuclear staining was observed in benign epithelium, whereas cytoplasmic or nuclear and cytoplasmic staining was observed in PIN and adenocarcinoma. The differences in nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of immunoreactivity may reflect the presence of two pathways of activation, and hence varying biological functions of AMP.  相似文献   
Amphiregulin (AR) is a heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-related peptide that seems to play an important role in mammary epithelial cell growth regulation. We have investigated the regulation of AR-gene expression and -protein secretion by EGF in normal breast epithelial cells (HMECs), as well as in the tumoral breast epithelial cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB231. EGF induced a dose-dependent increase of AR mRNA level in both normal and tumoral cells. Thus, 10(-8)M EGF stimulated AR expression in HMECs to 140-300% of control. A similar EGF concentration increased AR mRNA level to 550% and 980% of control in MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 cells, respectively. This was accompanied by an accumulation of AR into conditioned culture media. However, HMECs secreted in response to EGF, 5-10 fold more AR than tumour cells. Furthermore, the potential participation of AR in the regulation of the plasminogen activator (PA)/plasmin system was investigated. Whereas HMEC-proliferation was stimulated by AR, the levels of secreted urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAi-1) remained unaffected. Conversely, AR failed to regulate the proliferation of tumoral cell lines but induced an accumulation of uPA and PAi-1 into culture media. This was accompanied by an increase of the number of tumoral cells that invaded matrigel in vitro. Moreover, the presence of a neutralizing anti-uPA receptor antibody reversed the increased invasiveness of MDA-MB231 cells induced by AR. These data reveal differential behaviour of normal versus tumoral breast epithelial cells in regard to the action of AR and demonstrate that, in a number of cases, AR might play a significant role in tumour progression through the regulation of the PA/plasmin system.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is a key event during tissue regeneration, but the intimate mechanisms controlling this process are still largely unclear. Therefore, the cellular and molecular interplay along normal tissue regeneration should be carefully unveiled. To this matter, we investigated by xMAP assay the dynamics of some angiogenic factors known to be involved in tissue repair, such as follistatin (FST), Placental Growth Factor‐2 (PLGF‐2), epidermal growth factor (EGF), betacellulin (BTC), and amphiregulin (AREG) using an animal model that mimics acute muscle contusion injuries. In situ immunofluorescence was used for the evaluation and tissue distribution of their cellular sources. Tissue levels of explored factors increased significantly during degeneration and inflammatory stage of regeneration, peaking first week postinjury. However, except for PLGF‐2 and EGF, their levels remained significantly elevated after the inflammatory process started to fade. Serum levels were significantly increased only after 24 h for AREG and EGF. Though, for all factors except FST, the levels in injured samples did not correlate with serum or contralateral tissue levels, excluding the systemic influence. We found significant correlations between the levels of EGF and AREG, BTC, FST and FST and AREG in injured samples. Interstitial cells expressing these factors were highlighted by in situ immunolabeling and their number correlated with measured levels dynamics. Our study provides evidence of a dynamic level variation along the regeneration process and a potential interplay between selected angiogenic factors. They are synthesized, at least partially, by cell populations residing in skeletal muscle interstitium during regeneration after acute muscle trauma. Anat Rec, 298:1864–1879, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common causes of cancer-related death. Different signaling pathways are de-regulated in this pathogenesis, among them the epidermal growth factor receptor one (EGFR/Erb1). Here we show that blockage of this pathway by the tyrphostin 4-(3-chloroanilino)-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline (AG1478) in different liver tumor cell lines promotes both inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of cell death, which are coincident with arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. AG1478 up-regulates the expression of the pro-apoptotic member of the BCL-2 family BIM and down-regulates the expression of the anti-apoptotic BCL-XL and MCL1. Furthermore, it also decreases the levels of the caspase inhibitors HIAP2 and XIAP. The treatment of HCC cells with AG1478 enhanced the apoptosis induced by other pro-apoptotic stimuli, such as the physiological cytokine, TGF-β, highly expressed in liver tumors, or the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. The effects observed by AG1478 were broader than the ones seen by silencing of the EGFR with siRNA, which indicates that this drug might act on other targets different from the EGFR. In this same line of evidence, AG1478 retained some cytotoxic effects in cells where EGFR has been targeted knock-down with shRNA. Interestingly, AG1478 preferentially acts on liver tumor cells, being untransformed cells much less responsive to its cytotoxic effects. In conclusion, AG1478 could be a potential therapeutic drug to be used in HCC.  相似文献   
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