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背景 妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)的发病率居高不下,且在全球普遍流行,在中国GDM发生率高达14.8%,妊娠期高血糖严重威胁母婴健康。目的 探讨GDM孕妇采用基于正念的补充替代疗法的干预效果。方法2021年3—12月采用便利抽样法选取在长沙市中心医院门诊进行产前检查的64例GDM孕妇,采用随机数字表法分为试验组(n=31)和对照组(n=33)。对照组采取常规心理护理、饮食宣教、运动指导,试验组在常规心理护理基础上采用8周基于正念的补充替代疗法。收集患者基线资料,比较两组孕妇干预前后血糖水平及炎性因子、丝氨酸蛋白抑制剂(vaspin)水平,随访新生儿结局指标(出生体质量、随机血糖)。结果 干预后试验组孕妇空腹血糖、餐后1 h血糖、餐后2h血糖、白介素6、白介素8、肿瘤坏死因子α、vaspin水平低于对照组(P<0.05);干预后试验组空腹血糖、餐后1h血糖、餐后2 h血糖、白介素6、白介素8、肿瘤坏死因子α、vaspin低于干预前(P<0.05);试验组GDM孕妇分娩时体质量、分娩时体质指数、妊娠期增重、分娩前糖化血红蛋白,新生儿出生体质量均低于对照组(P<0.05),试验组...  相似文献   
背景 预防和干预大学生的拖延行为具有重要现实意义。已有研究表明,正念、自我控制、不安全依恋和拖延两两相关,但目前关于不安全依恋对拖延的作用机制仍不清楚,且缺乏二者间作用路径的研究。目的 探讨大学生不安全依恋对拖延的影响以及正念与自我控制的作用路径,以期为大学生拖延问题的干预提供参考。方法 于2023年2月—4月,采用整群随机抽样的方法,选取广东省4所高校的514名在校大学生为研究对象。采用非理性拖延量表(IPS)、成人依恋量表(AAS)、正念注意觉知量表(MAAS)和简式自我控制量表(BSCS)进行调查。使用Pearson相关分析考查各量表评分的相关性,使用Bootstrap法进行中介效应检验。结果 大学生AAS评分与IPS评分呈正相关(r=0.382,P<0.01),与MAAS和BSCS评分均呈负相关(r=-0.242、-0.353,P均<0.01);IPS评分与MAAS和BSCS评分均呈负相关(r=-0.314、-0.682,P均<0.01);MAAS评分与BSCS评分呈正相关(r=0.439,P<0.01)。不安全依恋正向预测拖延(β=0.377,P<0.01),自我控制是不安全依恋与拖延之间的作用路径,间接效应值为0.163(95% CI:0.105~0.223),占总效应的43.24%,且正念与自我控制可能是不安全依恋与拖延之间的链式作用路径,间接效应值为0.056(95% CI:0.028~0.089),占总效应的14.85%。结论 不安全依恋可以直接影响大学生拖延,也可以通过自我控制的独立作用路径及正念与自我控制的链式作用路径影响大学生拖延。  相似文献   
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a program that has been shown to be beneficial for clinical and non-clinical populations. While much attention has been paid to participants' outcomes, little work has been published concerning processes underlying improvements. Herein, women who had finished medical treatment for breast cancer completed questionnaires pre- and post-MBSR and were interviewed using focus group methodology such that quantitative and qualitative data were combined to explore potential mechanisms underlying changes. It was found that the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale was a useful process measure to assess changes in mindfulness and that the Coping with Health Injuries and Problems questionnaire was useful in documenting changes in palliative (self-care) coping over the course of the 8 week program. Moreover, the Sense of Coherence questionnaire suggested that the women viewed life as more meaningful and manageable following MSBR. Our findings fit with Shapiro et al.'s theory that, over time, participants in an MBSR program "reperceive" what they encounter in their daily experiences.  相似文献   
目的 探讨大学生主动或被动拖延与正念的相关关系及自我效能感在其中的中介作用。 方法 使用拖延评估量表、主动拖延量表、正念注意觉知量表和一般自我效能感量表对454名大学生进行问卷调查。 结果 被动拖延与一般自我效能感(r=-0.34, P<0.01)、正念水平(r=-0.40, P<0.01)分别呈低度中度负相关,主动拖延与一般自我效能感(r=0.39, P<0.01)、正念水平(r=0.31, P<0.01)分别呈中度低度正相关,正念水平与一般自我效能感呈低度正相关(r=0.23, P<0.01)。一般自我效能感在正念与被动拖延或主动拖延间都起部分中介作用,效应量分别为18.60%、26.82%。 结论 正念水平越高,大学生被动拖延发生的可能性越低,但采取主动拖延策略的可能性更大;正念与自我效能感可负向预测大学生被动拖延,可正向预测大学生主动拖延。这增进了对大学生两种拖延行为的理解,并为未来相应地制定干预策略提供重要的依据。  相似文献   
ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to examine how different levels of yoga involvement are related to different parameters of mental health and illness.Design and settingA total sample of 455 participants (410 females) were investigated by means of an internet survey. 362 yoga practitioners (327 females) rated their degree of yoga involvement on the Yoga Immersion Scale. A control group was comprised of 93 gymnastics practitioners (83 females).Main outcome measuresAll participants completed the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being, the Freiburger Mindfulness Inventory and the Brief Symptom Inventory for psychiatric symptoms.ResultsHighly involved yoga practitioners exhibited a significantly increased amount of mindfulness and religious/spiritual well-being (both p < 0.01) and lower psychiatric symptoms such as depression (p < 0.01) compared to those who were only marginally/moderately yoga-involved or who were in the gymnastics control group.ConclusionsIn accordance with the literature, yoga practice might have its biggest impact on mental health when it is part of a practitioner’s worldview. Further research focusing on the impact of yoga involvement in clinical groups is encouraged.  相似文献   
Dispositional mindfulness is a construct described as the propensity to be aware of one's actions in everyday life. Although high dispositional mindfulness has been demonstrated to be beneficial for improved mental and physical health, little is known about ways to improve dispositional mindfulness for individuals not practicing meditation or mindful exercises. The study aimed at investigating (1) whether dispositional mindfulness can also be trained by regular aerobic exercise and (2) whether changes in dispositional mindfulness are associated with changes in mental and physical health. 149 healthy men were randomly allocated to one of two 12-week interventions (aerobic exercise or relaxation training) or a waitlist control condition. Dispositional mindfulness and mental and physical health were assessed before and after the intervention by self-report questionnaires. Over the course of the intervention, increases in dispositional mindfulness occurred in the aerobic exercise group but not in the relaxation or waitlist control conditions (p = .018). Increases in dispositional mindfulness were moderately correlated with improvements in mental health. For the first time, this study shows that dispositional mindfulness can be increased through regular aerobic exercise. Future research is needed to identify how the mindfulness-enhancing potential of aerobic exercise can be used most effectively.  相似文献   
The emotion-based domains of impulsivity, positive and negative urgency, are facets that have garnered attention due to their associations with substance use, and mindfulness based strategies have shown promise in reducing substance use in adults. The aim of the current study was to examine relations among urgency, mindfulness, and substance use in adolescence. Cross-sectional data were collected from students (N = 1,051) at a large, private high school in the Pacific Northwest. Both positive and negative urgency were uniquely associated with greater likelihood of lifetime and current alcohol use; only positive urgency predicted lifetime marijuana use. Mindfulness was associated with a lower likelihood of lifetime alcohol or marijuana use. Interactions between urgency and mindfulness were not supported. Our findings highlight the need to explore relations among baseline mindfulness, skills based mindfulness, and personality in adolescent alcohol and other drug use.  相似文献   
Exposure to traumatic events often results in severe distress which may elicit self-medication behaviors. Yet, some individuals exposed to trauma do not develop post-traumatic stress symptoms and comorbid addictive impulses. In the wake of traumatic events, psychological processes like thought suppression and mindfulness may modulate post-traumatic stress and craving for substances. We examined the differential roles of mindfulness and suppression in comorbid post-traumatic stress and craving among a sample of 125 persons with extensive trauma histories and psychiatric symptoms in residential treatment for substance dependence. Results indicated that thought suppression, rather than extent of trauma history, significantly predicted post-traumatic stress symptom severity while dispositional mindfulness significantly predicted both post-traumatic stress symptoms and craving. In multiple regression models, mindfulness and thought suppression combined explained nearly half of the variance in post-traumatic stress symptoms and one-quarter of the variance in substance craving. Moreover, multivariate path analysis indicated that prior traumatic experience was associated with greater thought suppression, which in turn was correlated with increased post-traumatic stress symptoms and drug craving, whereas dispositional mindfulness was associated with decreased suppression, post-traumatic stress, and craving. The maladaptive strategy of thought suppression appears to be linked with adverse psychological consequences of traumatic life events. In contrast, dispositional mindfulness appears to be a protective factor that buffers individuals from experiencing more severe post-traumatic stress symptoms and craving.  相似文献   
目的 采用基于图论的复杂网络分析观察短期正念减压训练对大脑功能网络小世界属性的影响。方法 采用自身前后对照设计,纳入16名健康志愿者,对其进行8周正念减压训练,采集训练前后静息态fMRI数据,并对其进行正念五因素量表与积极情绪和消极情绪量表评定。计算复杂网络小世界属性参数,并比较正念减压训练前后的差异。结果 8周正念减压训练后,稀疏度阈值为1%~16%时,受试者全脑局部效率(Eloc)、标准化聚类系数(γ)、小世界值(σ)均下降(P均<0.05)。稀疏度阈值为20%时,双侧扣带回中部、双侧杏仁体、右侧壳核、左侧丘脑的节点全局效率(Ei_glob)升高,左侧背外侧额上回、右侧额上回眶部、双侧缘上回Ei_glob降低(P均<0.05);左侧海马、左侧尾状核、右侧丘脑的节点局部效率(Ei_loc)升高,右侧扣带回后部、顶下缘角回Ei_loc降低(P均<0.05)。Ei_glob与正念能力呈负相关的脑区包括右侧额上回眶部、右侧缘上回,呈正相关的脑区有右侧杏仁体、右侧壳核;双侧杏仁体的Ei_glob与消极情绪得分呈正相关,左侧丘脑的Ei_glob与积极情绪得分呈正相关,右侧顶下缘角回的Ei_loc与观察因子、积极情绪得分呈负相关。结论 短期正念减压训练能引起大脑功能网络小世界属性改变,主要涉及皮质-基底核环路,部分脑区节点效率可反映训练后正念能力及情绪状态。  相似文献   
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