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目的探讨社区干预治疗对促进脑梗死患者功能恢复的效果。方法以自愿的方式选择通州区经委社区卫生服务站和八里桥社区卫生服务站所管辖社区内38例脑梗死恢复期患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,对治疗组患者进行为期1年的社区干预治疗,比较治疗组与对照组患者功能恢复情况(日常生活活动能力)。结果通过1年的早期社区干预治疗,治疗组较对照组患者功能恢复效果明显提高(P<0.01)。结论早期社区干预治疗对脑梗死患者功能恢复有促进作用。  相似文献   
The orbitofrontal cortex of the monkey can be subdivided into a caudal agranular sector, a transitional dysgranular sector, and an anterior granular sector. The neural input into these sectors was investigated with the help of large horseradish peroxidase injections that covered the different sectors of orbitofrontal cortex. The distribution of retrograde labeling showed that the majority of the cortical projections to orbitofrontal cortex arises from a restricted set of telencephalic sources, which include prefrontal cortex, lateral, and inferomedial temporal cortex, the temporal pole, cingulate gyrus, insula, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and claustrum. The posterior portion of the orbitofrontal cortex receives additional input from the piriform cortex and the anterolateral portion from gustatory, somatosensory, and premotor areas. Thalamic projections to the orbitofrontal cortex arise from midline and intralaminar nuclei, from the anteromedial nucleus, the medial dorsal nucleus, and the pulvinar nucleus. Orbitofrontal cortex also receives projections from the hypothalamus, nucleus basalis, ventral tegmental area, the raphe nuclei, the nucleus locus coeruleus, and scattered neurons of the pontomesencephalic tegmentum. The non-isocortical (agranular-dysgranular) sectors of orbitofrontal cortex receive more intense projections from the non-isocortical sectors of paralimbic areas, the hippocampus, amygdala, and midline thalamic nuclei, whereas the isocortical (granular) sector receives more intense projections from the dorsolateral prefrontal area, the granular insula, granular temporopolar cortex, posterolateral temporal cortex, and from the medial dorsal and pulvinar thalamic nuclei. Retrograde labeling within cingulate, entorhinal, and hippocampal cortices was most pronounced when the injection site extended medially into the dysgranular paraolfactory cortex of the gyrus rectus, an area that can be conceptualized as an orbitofrontal extension of the cingulate complex. These observations demonstrate that the orbitofrontal cortex has cytoarchitectonically organized projections and that it provides a convergence zone for afferents from heteromodal association and limbic areas. The diverse connections of orbitofrontal cortex are in keeping with the participation of this region in visceral, gustatory, and olfactory functions and with its importance in memory, motivation, and epileptogenesis.  相似文献   
理顺功能关系、理清业务流程是构建社区卫生服务信息系统的前提和基础,功能建模是理顺功能关系的一个重要手段。在研究现有的各种功能分析方法的基础上,本文以IDEF0模型方法为基础,提出了社区卫生服务信息系统功能建模方法。通过建立功能、数据和约束之间的内在联系,为系统的功能设计和数据分析提供了基础。  相似文献   
Significant advances in understanding of P2X purinoceptor pharmacology have been made in the last few years. The limitations of nucleotide agonists as drug tools have now been amply demonstrated. Fortunately, inhibitors of the degrading ecto-ATPase enzymes are becoming available and it has become apparent that the complete removal of all divalent cations can be used experimentally in some systems to prevent nucleotide breakdown. Despite these issues, convincing evidence for P2X receptor heterogeneity, from data with agonists, has recently been reported.A number of new antagonists at P2X purinoceptors have also recently been described which to some degree appear to be more specific and useful than earlier antagonists like suramin. It is now apparent that suramin is a poor antagonist of ATP in many tissues because it potently inhibits ATPase activity at similar concentrations to those at which it blocks the P2X purinoceptor.Advances in the use of radiolabelled nucleotides as radioligands for binding studies has allowed the demonstration of P2X purinoceptors in a variety of tissues throughout the body including the brain. These studies have also provided evidence for receptor heterogeneity. Excitingly, two P2X purinoceptor genes have been cloned but operational studies suggest that more than two types exist. The cloning studies have also demonstrated a unique structure for the P2X purinoceptor which differentiates it from all other ligand-gated ion channel receptors. Further studies on P2X purinoceptor operation and structure are needed to help resolve controversies alluded to regarding the characterization and classification of nucleotide receptors. Hopefully such studies will also lead to a better understanding of the physiological and pathological importance of ATP and its activation of P2X purinoceptors. This will require the identification of better drug tools, in particular antagonists which may also provide the basis for novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   
白细胞介素-13功能研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白细胞介素-13主要由活化的Th2(CD4^ )细胞分泌,诱导单核巨噬细胞分化及延长寿命;促进MHC-Ⅱ,CD23表达;抑制炎性和趋化因子产生;诱导B细胞增殖,活化,刺激IgM,IgG的产生和重链的转换;使血管细胞粘附分子-1表达;抑制人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)复制;间接诱导巨噬细胞和NK细胞参与抗肿瘤作用。在变态反应性疾病和哮喘中引起呼吸道高反应性,嗜酸粒细胞性炎症,粘液分泌过多,基膜纤维化等,其受体是与IL-4Rα形成功能复合体而发挥作用。IL-13信号转导途径除了JAK/STAT6以外,尚有IRS-1,Fes,磷酸激酶,BCL-6/SOCS等途径。  相似文献   
葛根对小白鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
从免疫学方面探讨中药葛根的强身健体作用。方法 :用 10 0 %葛根水浸出液定期给小鼠灌胃 ,然后检测小鼠抗体产生能力、淋巴细胞转化率、巨噬细胞吞噬的功能。结果 :用药组小白鼠以上免疫学指标均有显著增强作用 ,与对照组相比有非常显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。未见有副作用。结论 :口服葛根可明显增强机体免疫功能。  相似文献   
ABX MICROS 60-OT型血细胞分析仪的性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价ABXMICROS 60 -OT(以下简称ABX -60 )血细胞分析仪的分析性能 ,推广临床应用。 方法 用EDTA -K2静脉抗凝血标本连续测定和每天随机插入常规标本测定及稀释法分别测定ABX -60的精密度 ,携带污染率和线性性能 ,并与COULTERJT -IR结果进行比较。 结果 ABX -60的批内和批间精密度的变异系数均 <5 ,病人标本测定携带污染率均≤ 0 4% ,对白细胞、红细胞、血红蛋白、血小板测定结果与COULTERJT -IR比较有良好的相关性。 结论 ABX -60是一种较为理想的中档血细胞分析仪 ,适合中心型单位使用。  相似文献   
蛋白质-热能营养不良是儿科常见疾病之一,它与胃肠道形态和功能有密切联系。营养不良可引起胃肠形态异常和功能障碍,而胃肠道形态异常又可引起营养物质吸收障碍,从而进一步造成营养不良。我们认为了解营养不良的胃肠形态和功能有助于儿科医师对本病的治疗。  相似文献   
Worry具有难以控制性和持续性的特点。其机制既有自动的加工过程也包含控制的加工过程。高Worry倾向者对否定性信息具有过度的选择性注意,其结果是限制了问题的解决、增强了Worry的唯以控制感;高Worry倾向者确定问题解决策略的持续时间校长,从而造一步增强了解决问题的动机.长时间的持续思考增强了Worry的难以控制感。  相似文献   
Summary Techniques have been developed for collection of urine in embryonic and newly hatched chickens for the purpose of studying the development of renal function.The reliability of EDTA-51Cr as a substitute for inulin-14C in the determination of GFR was studied. Since inulin and EDTA-51Cr clearances in the hatched chicken averaged 1.61±0.23 (S.E.) ml/min per kg body weight and 1.58±0.27 ml/min per kg body weight, respectively, EDTA-51Cr clearance was considered a suitable measure of GFR.GFR increased significantly in the first few days after hatching. Filtration rate was 0.068±0.008 (S.E.) ml/min per g kidney weight in the embryo and increased to 0.148±0.008 ml/min per g shortly after hatching. By nine days after hatching GFR had risen to 0.290±0.015 ml/min per g, a value comparable to that reported for the adult.Clearances of sodium, potassium, chloride and total osmolyte also increased with age. When these clearances were corrected for changing glomerular filtration rates the embryonic chicks were found to excrete a greater percentage of the filtered load. These results show that adult levels of glomerulo-tubular balance are not attained until after hatching.A preliminary report of this work has already been published [3].  相似文献   
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