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Summary Regional blood flow of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and cardiac output have been determined in male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing from 30–726 g. The cardiac output (ml/min per kg) was highest in rats weighing 80–100 g. In heavier rats the cardiac output decreased proportionally with the body weight. The gradient of blood flow to the different parts of the GI tract develops step by step. In the weaning period the blood flow (ml/min per g tissue) through the stomach was less than that through the distal parts of the GI tract. However, the blood flow through the small intestine, cecum and large intestine was uniform at this age. In rats weighing 80–100 g the blood flow through both the cecum and large intestine was less than that through the small intestine. The gradient in blood flow through the various segments of small intestine developed last.  相似文献   
目的:探讨肾肿瘤肾动脉血流的改变,为其定性诊断提供一项有价值的指标。方法:采用彩色多普勒血流显像仪对32例肾肿瘤患者及30例正常者的肾动脉血流进行检测。结果:恶性肿瘤患者肾动脉收缩期峰值血流速度(υmax)高于良性肿瘤者及正常对照组(P〈0.01);阻力指数(RI)低于良性肿瘤者及正常对照组(P〈0.01)。而良性肿瘤者与正常对照组之间差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05)。结论:肾脏恶性肿瘤患者肾动脉  相似文献   
目的 利用经颅多普勒超声技术,测定老视人群脑血流动力学指标。探讨配戴渐变多焦镜阅读时老视者脑血供的可能变化。方法测定有两年以上渐变多焦镜配戴史的老视者(渐变镜组)阅读前及阅读后1小时的脑血流速度(包括颈内动脉系和椎基底动脉系的收缩峰及舒张峰血流速度),并与无渐变多焦镜配戴史的老视者(非渐变镜组)做对照,比较两组阅读前后的血流速度差值,是否存在差异。从而探讨不同的镜片设计对配戴者阅读时脑血流量的影响。结果 比较两组在阅读前脑血流速度值(包括颈内动脉系和椎基底动脉系的收缩峰及舒张峰血流速度)无统计学意义(P〉0.05);经阅读1小时后,两组的椎基底动脉系阅读前后血流速度差值有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论 非渐变镜配戴者由于阅读时保持了头部过屈的相对固定体位,长时间阅读可导致椎基底动脉系的收缩期血流速度降低。随着年龄的增加。脑自身调节功能下降。将可能造成椎基底动脉供血不足。而对于配戴渐变镜的老视者,由于镜片视近区的存在,改变了阅读体位,去除了造成椎基底动脉血流速度降低的危险因素,从而可在一定程度上改善老视者脑血供。  相似文献   
Summary Angiographic and flow measurement results in 18 cases, who underwent extra-intracranial bypass surgery, are presented. The method was the Mavis® ultrasound technique.Main result:Patients with unilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion and additional contralateral ICA stenosis or occlusion had a permanent cerebral blood flow (CBF) increase as a consequence of the anastomosis.On the contrary, patients without contralateral flow impairment or with good spontaneous extra-intracranial anastomosis did not have a real CBF improvement but only a temporary flow increase on the anastomotic side with comparable flow decrease in the contralateral ICA.The so-called Toronto Bypass Study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of extra-intracranial bypass surgery for stroke prevention but it did not prove its effectiveness in this regard. Intentionally it did not put or answer the question of possible haemodynamic benefit for special subgroups of patients with cerebrovascular occlusive disease. Our results suggest such a haemodynamic benefit, and in consequence an indication for bypass treatment may be given in cases with ICA occlusion and additional contralateral flow impairment and without sufficient spontaneous collateralization. The question of a stroke preventing effect in this special subgroup should be answered by another controlled study. But this will be almost impossible to realize because—as a consequence of the Toronto study—at least in our country almost no further patients are transferred to the neurosurgeon for possible bypass surgery.  相似文献   
We have identified the simplest topology that will permit spontaneous oscillations in a model of microvascular blood flow that includes the plasma skimming effect and the Fahraeus–Lindqvist effect and assumes that the flow can be described by a first-order wave equation in blood hematocrit. Our analysis is based on transforming the governing partial differential equations into delay differential equations and analyzing the associated linear stability problem. In doing so we have discovered three dimensionless parameters, which can be used to predict the occurrence of nonlinear oscillations. Two of these parameters are related to the response of the hydraulic resistances in the branches to perturbations. The other parameter is related to the amount of time necessary for the blood to pass through each of the branches. The simple topology used in this study is much simpler than networks found in vivo. However, we believe our analysis will form the basis for understanding more complex networks.  相似文献   
Large amounts of lead administered to pregnant mice can prevent implantation, cause embryonic death or retarded growth. Placental blood supply measured by injected radioactive microspheres is of the order of 23% of the cardiac output for a litter of eight mice on day 18 of pregnancy. In lead-treated animals, not only placental blood flow per embryo but also that per embryo weight is reduced. On the other hand, uptake of a non metabolizable amino acid, alpha amino isobutyrate is not altered by lead treatment. It is noteworthy that about 40% of this amino acid go to the embryo during pregnancy. In view of the normal substrate uptake at a reduced bloodflow it remains undecided whether an insufficient supply by the placenta or a reduction in hem synthesis described earlier is the factor responsible for the retardation in fetal growth.Publication No. 1390 of the Euratom Biology Division supported by contract No. 140-76-12 ENV.B. of the E.C. Environmental Research Program  相似文献   
Summary 1. There is a high incidence of latent vasospastic changes in the hands of patients with DC regardless of the state of the disease. 2. The high incidence of vasospasm and ulnar nerve lesions in DC suggest, that in some ways these are related to the pathogenesis. 3. Comparing patients with a normal finger plethysmogram with those with a vasospastic vessel-reaction, there is no correlation concerning the ulnar nerve lesions in DC. Therefore we assume that these are independent constitutional factors. — 4. The disturbance in blood flow in the hand in DC is usually asymptomatic and is probably a different phenomenon from that seen in Raynaud's Syndrome.Partly read at the International Hand Surgery Congress, Melbourne, Australia, November 14, 1979  相似文献   
Theobald P  Benjamin M  Nokes L  Pugh N 《Injury》2005,36(11):1267-1272
A region of avascularity mid-way along the length of the Achilles tendon has long been associated with rupture. Whilst it is agreed that this region is the location most common to rupture, the exact vascular distribution appears unclear. Regions of avascularity identified within the tendon have included the origin and insertion, as well as the midsection. This review aims to analyse critically and summarise all previous studies of the vascularisation of the healthy human Achilles tendon, in order to determine the most likely region of avascularity and, thereby establish whether a relationship exists between vascularisation and rupture. Whilst no definitive conclusion was reached, it was concluded that the vascularisation does affect the tensile strength and so rupture vulnerability of the healthy Achilles tendon, although it is unlikely to be either the sole, or most significant, contributor. Other factors, such as thinning and twisting of the tendon at the midsection are mechanical influences that will increase the incidence of rupture by increasing the concentration of stress.  相似文献   
目的:分析肺心病患者采取葶苈大枣泻肺汤合三子养亲汤治疗的可行性,为临床治疗提供参考。方法选取该院在2013年3月—2014年7月收治的肺心病患者76例,依照治疗方法的不同分为治疗组和对照组各38例,治疗组患者采取葶苈大枣泻肺汤合三子养亲汤治疗,对照组患者采取常规西医治疗,比较分析两组患者止呕效果、血液流学变化情况以及不良反应等情况。结果治疗组患者总治疗有效率(86.8%)明显高于对照组(65.8%),<0.05,治疗后患者血气明显改善,<0.05,治疗组患者血气指标改善情况明显优于对照组,<0.05,治疗组患者临床症状改善时间明显短于对照组,<0.05。结论肺心病患者采取葶苈大枣泻肺汤合三子养亲汤能够提高治疗效果,安全高,具有推广使用价值。  相似文献   
应用彩色超声多普勒测定肝炎后肝硬化患者门静脉右支主干血流速度与血流量,以正常人作对照,发现患者血管管径增粗,血流速度减慢,血流量减少,食道静脉曲张程度与管径增粗程度呈正相关,与血流速度呈负相关。丹参能加快患者与正常人门静脉血流速度与增加其血流量,但对患者血流影响更明显。  相似文献   
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