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目的:探讨人类恶性畸胎瘤PA-1细胞株染色体特性及其影响因素。方法:采用G带核型分析、DNA碱基序列分析及Western blot(蛋白印迹分析)等方法对经20余年407-445继代培养的PA-1细胞株染色体核型及p 53 基因状态进行了研究。结果:PA-1细胞株80%以上仍然保持近乎二倍体的核型,30代以后的细胞由于第15号染色体与20号染色体间的相互易位形成了M1及M2标识染色体。RT-PCR产物DNA定向序列分析显示具有野生及突变两个带(p53密码子239突变),Western blot 未检测出突变的p53基因蛋白,而p21蛋白的表达水平比正常成纤维细胞低。结论:人卵巢恶性畸胎瘤PA-1细胞株经20年的继代培养后,一个p53 等位基因发生错义突变,另一个仍然是野生型的。仅一个p53 等位基因发生突变,不足以引起细胞的染色体不稳定性。  相似文献   
Abnormality of chromosome 16 and its phenotypic expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An abnormality of chromosome 16 in which there is extra genetic material present on the short arm (46, XY, 16p+) has been identified. This chromosomal aberration was associated with multiple congenital anomalies, including mid-facial hypoplasia, arthrogryposis, and mental retardation. On the basis of the cytogenetic appearance and the phenotype of the patient, this may represent a partial 16 trisomy. Unlike most abnormalities of chromosome 16, this syndrome was compatible with life.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Tachykarde Herzrhythmusstörungen lassen sich im wesentlichen auf eine Störung der Erregungsbildung — Fokusgenese — oder der Erregungsleitung — begünstigend für eine Kreiserregung —, zurückführen. Antiarrhythmika wirken diesen beiden entscheidenden Störungen entgegen. Auf Grund ihrer Hauptwirkung auf das Aktionspotential isolierter Herzmuskelzellen in therapeutischen Dosen lassen sich die Antiarrhythmika in 4 Gruppen einteilen. Beim Menschen läßt die schwerpunktmäßige Beeinflussung der Erregungsleitung in den verschiedenen Anteilen des Erregungsleitungssystems Anwendungsschwerpunkte begründen und Nebenwirkungen voraussagen. Die Antiarrhythmikawirkung auf die elektrophysiologischen Vorgänge am kranken menschlichen Herzen sind bisher noch unzureichend untersucht, so daß für die klinische Therapie letztlich die Empirie, d.h. die systematische therapeutische Anwendung entscheidet. Für die wichtigsten Antiarrhythmika haben sich so bevorzugte Indikationen ergeben. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen ist in der Klinik aber auch eine pathogenetisch differenzierende Therapie möglich, wenn auf Grund der bekannten spezifischen Wirkung eines Antiarrhythmikums ein Rückschluß auf die Pathogenese möglich wird; so u.a. beim Ansprechen auf Kalziumantagonisten, Typ Verapamil, die offenbar spezifisch auf sogenannte slow response Aktionspotentiale wirken. Vorbestehende TU-Abnormitäten im EKG weisen auf eine inhomogene Repolarisation als prädisponierenden Faktor für ventrikuläre Tachykardien durch Kreiserregung hin. Beim akuten Herzinfarkt kommt es zu wechselnden elektrophysiologischen Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung von Herzrhythmusstörungen, die eine therapeutische Beeinflussung durch ein einziges Antiarrhythmikum unwahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. In der Hospitalphase ist eine ausreichend dosierte prophylaktische Gabe von Lidokain sinnvoll, in der prähospitalen Phase ohne Überwachungsmöglichkeit jedoch von zweifelhaftem Wert. Die prophylaktische Gabe von Betarezeptorenblockern kann in der posthospitalen Nachbehandlungsphase das Risiko des plötzlichen Herztodes um 50% senken. Auch bei anderen Risikopatienten mit ventrikulären Herzrhythmusstörungen ist eine konsequente antiarrhythmische Behandlung notwendig.  相似文献   
We report on a boy with the blepharophimosis sequence and de novo, apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between 3q23 and 4p15.2 [46, XY,t(3;4)(q23;p15.2)de novo]. Possible assignment of this autosomal dominant disorder is discussed. A 3q23 band is a more preferable gene locus of the blepharophi mosis sequence, based on the comparison of clinical manifestations between 4p- and 3q-syndromes.  相似文献   
Summary The 275 Purkyn cells identified by the criteria of the previous paper have been investigated with respect to their role as units integrating the input to the anterior lobe from various limb nerves. The discharges from single Purkyn cells have been studied in lightly anesthetized (pentothal) or in decerebrate unanesthetized cats, there being averaging usually of 128 responses in the form of post-stimulus time histograms and cumulative frequency distributions.Single Purkyn cells exhibited a wide variation in their responses to the diverse inputs from the various afferent nerves. Attention was focussed on excitatory and inhibitory responses evoked by mossy fibers with a short latency, usually 10–15 msec for hindlimb afferents. With most Purkyn cells these responses were predominantly evoked from cutaneous nerves, low threshold fibers being particularly effective. A few Purkyn cells were preponderantly excited by afferent volleys from muscle nerves, but there was a large group with a mixed input from cutaneous and muscle nerves. Graded strengths of stimulation of muscle nerves showed that sometimes group I volleys were prepotent, but other Purkyn cells were selectively excited by group II volleys. Though sometimes the afferent volleys from antagonistic muscles had a reciprocal action on a Purkyn cell, as on a motoneurone, it was more common to find similar actions. Also convergence of inputs from forelimb and hindlirnb nerves, both cutaneous and muscular, was not uncommon, particularly in marginal areas between hindlimb and forelimb zones. A special design feature is the convergence onto a Purkyn cell of mossy fiber and climbing fiber inputs evoked by the same afferent volley. This convergence was of particular interest along the parasagittal strip of hindlimb climbing fiber distribution in lobule V.It was not possible to translate the observations into some map of the cerebellar cortex on which are marked the territorial distributions from the various limb afferent nerves. Rather, there was an ill-defined patchy character, closely adjacent Purkyn cells often receiving very different subsets of the total input from the various limb nerves. The unitary integrations accomplished by the individual Purkyn cells are further integrated when their axons converge onto and inhibit the neurones of the cerebellar nuclei, and this integration by convergence would occur in each successive relay on the output pathways from the cerebellum.It is pointed out that the experimental findings on the integrative action of the individual Purkyn cells provide basic information for attempts to construct models simulating cerebellar performance and control.Post-Doctoral Fellow NINDS (1F2NB40, 545101 NSRB).Post-Doctoral Fellow UHF Grant No. FTF-3-UB-70.  相似文献   
Routinely processed tissues from a series of benign and malignant thyroid lesions were immunohistochemically investigated with antibodies against p53 and mdm-2. p53 was immunolocalized in <10% of nuclei in 2/80 nodular goiters, 2/60 follicular adenomas, 26/68 follicular carcinomas, 7/40 papillary carcinomas, 3/10 “insular” carcinomas, and 10/31 anaplastic carcinomas. More than 10% positively stained nuclei were found in 2 widely invasive follicular, 2 insular, and 15 anaplastic carcinomas. All p53-positive cases showed a concomitant immunohistochemical mdm-2 expression; an immunohistochemical colocalization on serial section was demonstrated in 12 anaplastic carcinomas. Screening by polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of these 12 cases revealed no relevant mutations in the coding regions of exons 2–11 of the p53 gene. Additionally, 1 follicular adenoma, 6 follicular carcinomas (4 minimally and 2 widely invasive), 1 papillary, and 2 poorly differentiated insular carcinomas were mdm-2 positive without immunohistochemically detectable p53 expression. These results provide evidence that wild-type p53 expression in thyroid carcinomas may be associated with mdm-2 induced formation of stable complexes. However, the role of p53 mutations and p53 protein inactivation owing to other factors (e.g., mdm-2) in the progression of thyroid carcinomas is still poorly understood.  相似文献   
The Charcot-Mane-Tooth disease type 1A (CMTlA) phenotype is most often associated with a 1.5 megabase (mb), tandem duplication of chromosome 17 band p12 (17˜12). The prevailing hypothesis is that the demyelinating neuropathy results from a dosage effect of the peripheral myelin protein gene PMP22 which is included within this duplication. We present a patient with clinical and electrophysiological features ofCMTlA in whom an extra PMP22 gene resulted from a rare unbalanced translocation of 17p to the X chromosome. This finding further supports the hypothesis of gene dosage as the basis for CMTlA. More-over, this case highlights the importance of fluorescence in siiu hybridization (FISH) as an alternative molecular technique in the diagnosis of CMTlA.  相似文献   
Summary Hemoglobin (Hb) M-Saskatoon, a variant of methemoglobin, is characterized by mild hemolysis. It is caused by the substitution of a histidine by a tyrosine at the 63rd amino acid residue of the -globin chain. Amplification and sequence analysis of genomic -globin DNA from an Indonesian boy diagnosed as having the more severe disease thalasemia demonstrated the presence of a C to T transition at nucleotide 473 in one of the two -blogin genes resulting in a histidine to tyrosine substitution at 63rd residue. This amino acid change matched with that reported in Hb M-Saskatoon. This nucleotide change abolished a recognition site for the restriction endonucleaseNlaIII.NalIII digestion of the corresponding -globin DNA amplified from the patient's parents indicated that the mutation was inherited through from his mother. This result shows that the world-wide distribution of Hb M-Saskatoon extends to Indonesia, where it was not previously identified. Possible causes of the unusually severe symptoms observed in the case are discussed.  相似文献   
Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, has been considered to be associated with a high risk for lung carcinoma. To investigate this well-known but still equivocal relationship, we reviewed the clinical features of UIP autopsy cases with or without lung carcinoma (n = 32 and 38, respectively), and compared the morphology and cell kinetics of metaplastic epithelia in the honeycombed areas (n = 11, each group). Thirty-two of 70 UIP autopsy cases showed lung carcinomas. Clinically, UIP with lung carcinoma showed a male predominance (P = 0.001), a higher rate of smoking history (P = 0.001) and a later onset of UIP (P = 0.02), compared with UIP without lung carcinoma. Most of the carcinomas were peripheral in origin (90%), and 65% were topographically associated with honeycombed areas or the border between honeycombing and non-fibrotic areas. Quantitative assessment of the metaplastic epithelia in the honeycombed areas revealed that squamous metaplasia, but not cuboidal cell metaplasia or bronchial cell metaplasia, occurred more frequently in UIP with lung carcinoma than in UIP without lung carcinoma (P = 0.02). There were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to the labeling indexes of Ki-67 and p53 in the metaplastic epithelia, including squamous metaplasia. The degree of atypical squamous metaplasia was not different between the two groups. The quantitative predominance of squamous metaplasia in the honeycombed areas may not be a precursor for lung carcinoma, but might reflect a constitutional susceptibility of UIP patients to develop a lung carcinoma.  相似文献   
Potocki–Lupski syndrome is a condition mainly characterized by infantile hypotonia, developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), and congenital anomalies, caused by duplications of the 17p11.2 region, encompassing RAI1 gene. Its clinical presentation is extremely variable, especially for what concerns the cognitive level and the behavioral phenotype. Such aspects, as well as the dysmorphic/malformative ones, have been covered by previous studies; otherwise neurological features have never been systematically described. In order to delineate the neurological phenotype of Potocki–Lupski Syndrome, we collect an 8‐patients cohort. Developmental milestones are delayed and a mild to moderate cognitive impairment is present in all patients, variably associated with features of autism spectrum disorder, behavioral disturb, and sleep disturb. Hypotonia appears a less frequent finding than what previously reported, while motor clumsiness/coordination impairment is frequent. EGG registration demonstrated a common pattern with excess of diffuse rhythmic activity in sleep phases or while the patient is falling asleep. Brain MRI did not reveal common anomalies, although unspecific white matter changes may be present. We discuss such findings and compare them to literature data, offering an overview on the neurological and cognitive‐behavioral presentation of the syndrome.  相似文献   
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