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A workshop on National Plans of Action for Nutrition:Constraints,Key Elements for Sucess,and Futrue Plans was convened and organized by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific in collaboration with the Institute for Medical Research Malasysia and Co-Sponsored with FAO and UNICEF from 25-29 October 1999,It was attended by representatives of 25 coutries in the region and resource persons,representatives form WHO and other international agencies,The objectives of the workshop were to review the progress of countries in developing,implementing and monitoring national plans of action for nutrition(NPANs) in the Western Pacific Region and to identify constraints and key elements of success in these efforts.Most of the countries have NPANs,either approved and implemented or awaiting official endorsement.The Plan formulation is usually multisectoral,involving several government ministries.non-governmental organizations,and international agencies,Ofter official adoption or endorsement of the Plan comes from the head of state and cabinet or the minister of health,one to six years from the stat of its formulation,The NPAn has stiumlated support for the development and implementation of nutrition projects and activities,with comparatively greater involvement of and more support from government ministries,NU agencies and non-governmental a gencies compared to local communities,bilateral and private sectors and research and academic institutions.Monitoring and evaluation are importand components of NPANs.They are,however,not given high priority and often not bulit into the plan.The role of an intersectoral coordinating body is considered crucial to a coutry‘s nutrition program.Most countries have an intersectoral structure or coordinating body to ensure the proper impleentation,monitoring and evaluation of their NPANs.The workshop identified the constraints and key elements of success in each of the four stages of the NPAN process:development,operationalization,implementation,and monitoring and evaluation,Constraints to the NPAN process relate to the political and socioeconomic environmant,resource scarcity,control and management processes,and factors related to sustainability.The group‘s review of NPAN identified successful NPANs as those based on recent adequate and good quality information on the nutritional situation of the country,and on the selection of strategies,priorities and interventions that are relevant to the country and backed up by adequate resources,Continued high leve political commitment,a multisectoral approach,and adequate participation of local communities are other key elements for success.The participants agreed on future actions and support needed from various sources for the further development ,implementation.monitoring and evaluation of their NPANs.The recommendations for future actions were categorized into actions pertaining to countries with working NPAN,actions for countries without working NPAN and actions relevant to all countries.There was also a set of suggested actions at the regional level,such as holding of regular regional NPAN evaluation meetings inclusion of NPAN on the agenda of regional fora by the regional organizations,and strengthening of regional nutrition networks.  相似文献   
《医学研究生学报》是由南京军区联勤部卫生部主管、南京军区南京总医院主办,以刊登医学研究生论文为特色的学术期刊,月刊,国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊);被世界卫生组织西太平洋地区医学索引、美国化学文摘(CA)、波兰哥白尼医学索引(IC)等国际知名数据库收录;2010年的影响因子为1.296(据2011年中国科学技术信息研究所发布的统计信息)和1.591(据2011年版万方数据中国期刊引证研究报告的统计结果)。2011年,被评为"第2届中国精品科技  相似文献   
《广州中医药大学学报》(ISSN 1007-3213/CN 44-1425/R)是一份国内外公开发行的中医药学术类刊物,为中文核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)、中国期刊方阵双效期刊。本刊被包括中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库、美国《化学文摘》(CA)、世界卫生组织西太平洋地区医学索引  相似文献   
为了促进卫生信息的全球共享与利用,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)于2005年启动了全球卫生图书馆(Global Health Library,GHL)项目,拟建立基于互联网的卫生虚拟图书馆,旨在便捷地向全世界提供卫生相关信息。GHL的一项重要内容是建立全球医学索引(Global Index Medicus,GIM),提供全世界的医学文献题录及文摘。  相似文献   
《中国内镜杂志》(月刊)(ISSN1007-1989/CN43-1256/R)创刊于1995年,国内外公开发行,大16开,112页。邮发代号42-142。2009年进入《中国科学引文数据库》(Chinese Scienceciration Database,简称CSCD;也是中国科技论文统计源期刊、世界卫生组织西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)期刊、中国科技核心期刊及湖南省十佳期刊、北大核心期刊、中南大学知名刊物,同时被俄罗斯《化文摘》(CA)、美国《化文摘》社等国外数据库收录。  相似文献   
介绍了WHO关于精神保健报告,特别提出了西太平洋地区的精神保健战略计划,并阐述了日本的相关对策。  相似文献   
淋巴丝虫病为东南亚、西太平洋及南太平洋的重要公共卫生问题。此为慢性病,丝虫之成虫寄生于淋巴管或淋巴结,长达10-18年之久,致淋巴循环受阻塞而形成象皮病。根据微丝蚴在人体末梢血液之出现时间,分为日间和夜间之周期型与亚周期型。媒介多达40余种。防治方法主要赖药物治疗,世界卫生组织预期以现有的药物可于2020年消灭全球之淋巴丝虫病。本将班氏丝虫、马未丝虫及旁汶丝虫发现之经过,微丝蚴定期性,病媒蚊种及防治原则,作了相当完整的综述。笔曾在中所提及的多数国家实地防治丝虫病。  相似文献   
日本血吸虫病(schitosomiasis japonica,以下简称血吸虫病)是山于日本血吸虫寄生在人或脊椎动物门脉-肠系脉静脉系统.所引起的一种人兽共患寄生虫病。主要分布在中国、日本、菲律宾及印度尼西亚等西太平洋地区的一些国家。其中。日本已于1997年正式向WHO申请。宣布其成为血吸虫病非流行区。至2004年。在我国有血吸虫病流行的12个省、市、区中.亦已有广东、上海、广西、福建及浙江5个省、市、区宣布达到了消灭血吸虫病的标准。但是,我国仍有84.3万血吸虫病人,54万头血吸虫病牛;存在传播媒介—钉螺的总面积多达38.5亿m^2;且每年都有新病例发生。  相似文献   
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