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Leisure research to date has generally overlooked planning and organizing of leisure time and activities between parents and adolescents. This investigation examined how a sample of Canadian adolescents and their parents jointly constructed and acted on goals related to adolescents' leisure time during the move from elementary to high school. Using the Qualitative Action-Project Method, data were collected over an 8–10 month period from 26 parent–adolescent dyads located in two urban sites, through video-taped conversations about leisure time, video recall interviews, and telephone monitoring interviews. Analysis of the data revealed that the joint projects of the 26 dyads could be grouped into three clusters: a) governance transfer or attempts to shift, from parent to adolescent, responsibility over academic demands, organizing leisure time, and safety with peers, b) balancing extra-curricular activities with family life, academics, and social activities, and c) relationship adjustment or maintenance.  相似文献   
Oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) is an acute surgical specialty, and members of the surgical team may be exposed to challenging incidents. We have evaluated the experiences of members of OMFS teams and their experiences of aggressive and abusive behaviour. Education and training in the resolution of such conflicts should be offered to all members of the team to allow a safe and secure working environment.  相似文献   
目的:了解卫生外交领域中文文献的研究态势,为该领域研究提供参考.方法:采用文献计量学方法,采用Note Express软件描述分析CNKI、万方、VIP中所收录卫生外交中文文献的年份、期刊、研究内容、作者职业和地域分布,运用布拉德福定律分析是否形成核心期刊群.结果:研究显示,1965至2013年6月卫生外交的中文文献共计573篇,刊载于239种期刊;卫生领域研究者发表的文献比国际关系领域早38年;从事相关研究的科研单位和大专院校师生发文量相对较多;所查文献主要分布于中国的30个省份和其他5个国家.结论:进入21世纪后国内研究对卫生外交领域的关注增加,但尚无核心期刊群,国际关系领域开展卫生外交研究有待提高.  相似文献   
随着中国在国际舞台上的重要性不断提高,培养具有全球化视野的公共卫生人才成为关键问题。全球化视野包括对全球政治、经济、社会发展的深入理解,对全球卫生问题的历史、现状与发展趋势的掌握,对公共卫生全球治理与公共卫生专业本身关系的理解和感悟,在多元文化环境中对多元价值的理解、适应和自我发展,以及通过外交谈判手段获得问题解决方案的能力和向全球卫生治理提供中国案例的能力。培养这些能力,既需要打造理论与实践相结合的师资队伍,选择适宜人才进行后备队伍培养和教育,也需要提供多种多样的实践与培训,如到国外留学、到国际组织或者跨国机构任职、参与中国政府对外援助项目等。  相似文献   
浙江省东阳市人民医院实行董事会领导下的院长负责制,经过17年的改革实践,医院在组织管理和医院建设方面取得了长足进步。本文将对东阳市人民医院的新型组织结构和管理创新方面进行全面介绍和深入分析,以期达到推广经验的效果。  相似文献   
BackgroundDrugs policy is made in a politically charged atmosphere. This is often not seen to be conducive to the ideals of evidence-based policymaking. In the UK over recent years the efficacy of the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) has been one of the most widely discussed and debated areas of UK drug policy. Since inception, the MDA 1971 has remained relatively stable with very few drugs moving up or down the scale and until recently, and with very few exceptions, there has been little public debate on the nature of the system. This changed in the run up to the cannabis reclassification in 2004 from class B to class C, through the reverse of this decision in 2009 and the fallout between the Government of the time and leading members of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.MethodsBased on wide-ranging survey of the literature and secondary analysis of various official publications and academic commentaries, this paper considers what the cannabis episode can tell us about the current state of UK drug policy governance.ResultsPrevious research on drug policy governance has suggested that policy goals should be clearly articulated so as to avoid confusion over what constitutes evidence, decision-makers should be ‘evidence-imbued’ and there should be widespread consultation with, and transparency of, stakeholder engagement. The interpretation here is that recent changes to cannabis legislation reveal that these aspects of good governance were called into question although there were fleeting moments of good practice.ConclusionThe use of evidence in drug policy formulation continues to be bedevilled by political stalemate and reluctance to countenance radical reform. Where evidence does play a role it tends to be at the margins. There are, however, potential lessons to be learned from other policy areas but this requires a more pragmatic attitude on behalf of decision-makers.  相似文献   
区域医疗信息化已经成为当前医疗信息化领域热点之一。本文运用IT治理理论,构建区域医疗信息共享与协同服务平台IT治理组织结构,并从战略匹配、价值传递、资源管理、风险管理和绩效评估五个方面,提出携手建立让各利益群体参与规划与决策的IT治理结构;IT应用及IT投资的重点必须以实现医院的使命为旨归;重视过程监控,恰当管理IT资源;注重风险评估与管理,提高风险管理决策的效率和效果;建立全面合理的IT绩效测评与审核机制的管理机制,从而实现区域医疗信息共享与协同服务平台战略目标。  相似文献   
当前我国农村医疗卫生服务的核心问题是农村医疗卫生资源如何得到更加有效利用,其本质上是一个治理问题。基于对历史和现实的考察,在既有的"政府—市场"二分框架之外,村社是可供考虑的第三种视角。在村社共同体内部,基于传统的乡土熟人社会资本和基层组织的体制性资源之上建立起来的人们之间的信任、网络与合作能力,将能够增加农民的组织化程度,降低国家卫生资源及市场与分散小农之间的对接成本。村社力量将能更好地发挥政府和市场作用,从而更加有助于解决农村医疗卫生资源的有效利用问题。  相似文献   
三明医改是我国医改领域的典型案例之一,其改革经验已经进入推广阶段,明确三明医改模式中的普适方面具有必要性.本文以元治理理论审视三明医改,认为在我国卫生领域利益主体多元且复杂、政府部门间缺少协商的背景下,由党委、政府担任元治理主体,坚持政府治理机制在宏观决策层面发挥主导作用,并在政府内部建立起跨部门治理机制,是三明改革得...  相似文献   
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