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结核性胸腔积液三种不同治疗方式近期疗效观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨结核性渗出性胸腔积液治疗方式.方法 123例中等量以上积液的结核性胸膜炎病人作为研究对象.患者按入院先后顺序随机分为3组.A组42例,胸腔置管引流并胸腔内注射微卡(母牛分枝杆菌菌苗);B组45例,单纯置管引流;C组36例,常规胸腔穿刺抽液每周1~2次.3组患者的化疗方案均为2HRZE(S)/4HR.C组口服强的松30 mg/d.治疗1个月检查.结果 1个月A组胸液控制率95.3%,显效36例(85.7%),有效4例(9.6%),无效2例(4.7%),6个月总有效率100%;B组胸液控制率91.1%,显效36例(80%),有效5例(11.1%),无效4例(8.9%),6个月总有效率100%;C组胸液控制率66.6%,显效3例(8.3%),有效21例(58.3%),无效12例(33.3%),6个月总有效率83.3%.结论 深静脉导管引流胸腔积液,注药与不注药无显著性差异,但明显优于常规胸穿抽液.  相似文献   
目的:研究沙利度胺联合CHOP方案治疗86例非特异性外周T细胞淋巴瘤的临床效果.方法:从2015年5月~2016年5月于我院接受临床治疗的非特异性外周T细胞淋巴瘤患者中随机抽选86例,将其平均分成观察组与对照组,分别给予沙利度胺联合CHOP方案治疗以及单独CHOP方案治疗.对比两组治疗前后的VEGF、Arg-1、iNOS水平以及总有效率.结果:与治疗前相比,两组VEGF、Arg-1、iNOS水平均有明显下降;与对照组相比,观察组VEGF、Arg-1、iNOS水平下降程度明显较大;观察组总有效率(88.37%),明显高于对照组(62.79%);观察组不良反应发生率为2.33%,明显高于对照组的18.60%,P<0.05.结论:给予非特异性外周T细胞淋巴瘤患者沙利度胺联合CHOP方案进行临床治疗,能有效改善机体各项生化指标,且有利于提升其治疗有效性.  相似文献   
目的探讨血糖异常患者血浆纤溶酶原激活物抑制物(PAI-1)活性与糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)的关系及意义。方法收集血糖异常患者106例,其中糖尿病前期36例,糖尿病患者70例,另设正常对照组25例,检测血浆PAI-1活性及HbA1c水平。结果血糖异常患者PAI-1活性明显升高,糖化血红蛋白水平与PAI-1活性升高密切相关。结论血糖异常患者HbA1c水平与血浆PAI-1活性呈正相关。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: To make a better preparation for orthodontic tooth, we investigate the changes in the localization of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and maxillary tuberosity, analyze the development of the maxilla, and detect the bone mass of the maxilla and development timing. However, the use of Auto-CAD software has not been reported to localize the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and maxillary tuberosity. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the localization and growth of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and maxillary tuberosity in 300 children aged 4-14 years from the Han ethic group in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. METHODS: Totally 300 children, 4-14 years of age, admitted at the Stomatological Hospital of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, were enrolled. According to Hellman’s dental developmental staging, these children were divided into five groups: groups IIA, IIC, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC. Auto-CAD software was used to analyze the panoramic radiographs of the maxilla and mandible. The tracing of each radiograph was digitized by translating the reference points onto an X-Y coordinate system. The straight line that passed the point where the nasal septum intersected with the hard palate (point O) and the point where the medial wall of maxillary sinus intersected with the hard palate (point PA) was designated as the X axis. The straight line that was vertical to the X axis and passed through the point O at a right angle was designated as the Y axis. The X and Y coordinate values of reference point were calculated. And then O point was set as (0, 0), and the point where the posterior wall of maxillary tuberosity intersected with the hard palate (PP) was set as (PPX, PPY). Collected data were analyzed statistically to understand the changes in the localization of PA and PP at different stages of dental development. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The change of point PA had on significant differences between the five groups (α > 0.05). Point PP grew obviously in a horizontal rearward and vertical downward manner from stage IIA to IIIA; this point only presented a horizontal rearward growth from stage IIIA to IIIB and only a vertical downward growth from stage IIIB to IIIC. This period was the time of the second molar eruption, indicating that the second molar eruption is helpful to the vertical growth of the maxilla.    相似文献   
Objective To investigate the long-term anticoagulation starus and relation of INR and complica-tion,best anticoagulation range and clinical significance in patients after mechanical heart valve replacement. Meth-ods The data of blood clotting test series(containing PT,PT% ,PTR,INR,Fbg,APTT) for patients after 6 months of mechanical heart valve replacement were collected, then the cases were divided into 4 groups according to their INR levels( group Ⅰ : INR < 1.5; group Ⅱ : INR 1.5 ~ 2.0 ; group Ⅲ : INR 2.1 ~ 2.5 ; group Ⅳ : INR > 2.5 ). Results Group Ⅰ contained 28 person-times, with their dosage of warfarin for (3.61 ± 1.44 ) mg, INR 1.38 ± 0. 12, core-bral embolism occurred for 4 person-times,with a inception rate of 14%. Group Ⅱ contained 92 person-times,with their dosage of warfarin for (3.5±1.37)mg,INR 1.65±0. 14,hemorrhinia occurred for 2 person-times,with a in-ception rate of 2%. Group Ⅲ contained 80 person-times, with their dosage of warfarin for (3.18±1.63 )mg, INR 2.23±0.19 ,bematuria occurred for 2 person-times, bemorrhinia occurred for 2 person-times, with a total inception rate of 5% ; Group Ⅳ contained 16 person-times, with their dosage of warfarin for ( 2.32 ± 1. 23 ) mg, INR 2.80± 0.19, hemorrhinia occurred for 2 person-times and hemoptysis occurred for 1 person-times, with a total inception rate of 18.7%. The person-times in group Ⅱ and Ⅲ accounted for 79.6% and the complication rate was the lowest when INR was between 1.5-2.5. Conclusions INR levels between 1.5-2.5 is the most secure, which is the best antico-agu]ation range in our region. Since the anticoagulation strength dynamically changes, the long-term anticoagulation status in patients after mechanical heart valve replacement should be deeply concerned.  相似文献   
机械瓣膜置换术后远期抗凝状态观察及临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解机械心脏瓣膜置换术后远期国际标准化比值(INR)与并发症的关系,最佳抗凝强度范围及临床意义.方法 对行机械心脏瓣膜置换术后出院6个月以上的患者在门诊检查凝血三项(PT、PT%、PTR、INR、Fbg、APTY)216例次.按照INR结果不同分为4组.Ⅰ组:INR<1.5;Ⅱ组:INR 1.5~2.0;Ⅲ组:INR 2.1~2.5;Ⅳ组:INR>2.5.结果 Ⅰ组28例次,华法林服用量(3.61±1.44)mg,INR(1.38±0.12),出现脑栓塞4例次,并发症发生率14%;Ⅱ组92例次,华法林服用量(3.50±1.37)mg,INR(1.65±0.14),出现鼻出血2例次,并发症发生率2%;Ⅲ组80例次,华法林服用量(3.18±1.63)mg,INR(2.23±0.19),出现血尿2例次,鼻出血2例次,并发症发生率5%;Ⅳ组16例次,华法林服用量(2.32±1.23)mg,INR(2.80±0.19),出现鼻出血2例次、咯血1例次,并发症发生率18.7%.Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的并发症占总数的79.6%,INR在1.5~2.5之间并发症最低.结论 INR在1.5~2.5之间是安全可靠的,是本地区最佳抗凝强度范围.机械心脏瓣膜置换术后抗凝强度是动态的,术后远期更应高度关注抗凝状态.  相似文献   
多功能下肢治疗架的研制及应用武警山东总队医院外二科王洪亮,冯承泉,毕复海,王永亮(济南250101)关键词下肢治疗架我院于1987年7月研制了一种多功能下肢治疗架,并应用于临床,效果良好,现介绍如下。1结构和功能该架由股托、胫托、支撑杆、动力传动装置...  相似文献   
目的探讨以上颌窦形态改变为基础的颧骨颧弓复合体骨折新分类方法。方法对收集 2011年 5月至 2015年 12月期间在青岛大学附属医院黄岛院区口腔颌面外科住院治疗的 86例颧骨颧弓复合体骨折的临床资料和三维 CT中上颌窦形态改变进行研究,提出颧骨颧弓复合体骨折分类的新方法。根据颧骨颧弓复合体骨折中上颌窦形态改变情况将其分为 3类 7型,具体为: A类骨折为上颌窦形态无改变,其中, A1:骨折未波及上颌窦, A2:骨折波及窦壁但无移位; B类为上颌窦前壁和后外侧壁骨折并移位的病例,其中 B1:远中骨折片向后内移位; B2:远中骨折片向前内移位; B3:远中骨折片向前外移位, B4:远中骨折片向后外移位; C类骨折为上颌窦各壁均断裂,移位复杂的骨折。结果 A类骨折共 11侧,其中, A1:6侧, A2:5侧, B类共 77侧,其中 B1:18侧; B2:33侧; B3:16侧, B4:10侧; C类骨折 13侧。结论颧骨颧弓复合体骨折新分类是以上颌窦形态改变为基础的分类方法,对颧骨颧弓复合体骨折的临床诊断和手术治疗具有指导意义。  相似文献   
目的探讨LINC00671在胰腺癌组织表达及与患者临床病理特征和预后的关系。方法选取2020年1月至2022年3月我院收治的97例胰腺癌组织和癌旁组织作为研究对象, 采用转录组测序分析差异表达长非编码RNA(lncRNA), 选取LINC00671, 采用荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(PCR)分析差异表达LINC00671水平;比较不同临床特征患者lncRNA ATB表达水平。以LINC00671平均相对表达水平作为阈值, 将患者分为低表达和高表达组。采用Kaplan-Meier法分析LINC00671水平与患者术后3年无复发生存率的关系。结果转录组学结果发现上调lncRNA有143个, 下调lncRNA有59个。其中LINC00671下调最为显著, 因此本研究选择LINC00671作为研究对象。癌旁组织中LINC00671表达水平(1.68±0.22)明显高于胰腺癌组织中LINC00671表达水平(0.90±0.23), 差异有统计学意义(t=24.060, P<0.05)。中高分化程度患者LINC00671表达水平(1.08±0.16)明显高于低分化患者(0.74±0.14), 差...  相似文献   
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